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anybody have any recommendations for getting a fitness for work medical certificate?

the only stipulation is that the results are quick, I think I am also required to do a urine sample.

PM me if the TOS will not allow you to post a business address.


Guest IT Manager

Laws of Physics aside, any hospital can give it to you, likewise most doctors have the forms in their top left drawer.

No urine samples unless things changed in the last 2 months.

The certificate must be submitted within 1 month, or you have to do another.

Don't got the big "foreign oriented" hospitals, they charge an arm and a leg. Just go to your local place. Should cost 50 baht.



this is not for work in thailand, its to go to batam island.

and this is on the form they want filled out


Test for cannaboids, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, amphetamines, cocaine, opiates, methadone, alcohol

I presume a urine sample will do the job... just want the results in about 4 hours

they want to mobilise me on thurs morning

can a normal medical centre do this stuff

Guest IT Manager

Needs to go to a hospital with the form in hand, ask for a medical. If you are in Chiangmai, suggest Rajavej, in bangkok, no idea. Screening won't be done in 4 hours for the urine sample, but they may use a blood sample, also good method.

The blood clinic in CM is off Mahidol Road. If it's appropriate to you location wise I can probably get the phone number.



went to bumrungrad this morning... arrived about 9.30 am.. sent to the 9th floor where they do health screening (things like yer aids test n stuff)

got a medical..two arm two legs can see and hear... gave urine gave blood.. was analyzed and the results were available by 1.30 in the afternoon... all up cost was 5375 baht.. the lab stuff was the most expensive at 4500 baht.. but I can get the cash back from the company anyway, so am not worried... but all in all.. excellent


am on the plane tomorrow morn

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