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Charming! Everyone gets old, you know.

I worked at the Post for a long time before I even knew who Trink was, though he is far from being a negligible presence. Book reviews, film reviews, his column...he also proofreads copy when you ask sweetly.

When he comes in he can be at work for 12 or 14 hours. He works hard for the money the Post pays him.

I have rarely if ever spoken to him, but I know he's an institution. He's been writing almost as long as I have been alive and in his day was great. That's enough, I think.


Call it paranoia but could the government be behind this? After all, Trink talks about things that most people would rather not hear concerning the Land of Smiles. It is sad that for a paper that has been around as long as the Post, that they don't know anything about press freedom. Trink may not be liked by all but he does speak out on things that concern us as tourists and expats. Like him or not, he is an institution. I hope he stays if only to give those who don't like him something to complain about.


Said b4, I was an avid reader of his Nite owl column. But somewhere he changed, perhaps when his picture on top was taken off.

Two examples come to my mind.

Once a Japanese explained quite lengthy, why non-Japanese or not so wellcome in Thaniya Road. This guy was friendly, gave some insight stories, mentioned prices which Japanese willingly pay, other would complain. Never mind if he was right or wrong, but he wrote to bridge a 'cultural gap'.

Trinks comments: "What about the comfort woman?"

Last year in August Hans Hollstein passed away. An Ozzie who had stayed for 35 odd years in BKK. I passed on the bad news to friends and included Trink in my sad e-mail. Hans was actually the culprit who send the Burma-shaves to BT to use as he wishes. BT had acknowledged this in his column.

The BKK - Post published obituaries on Hans, personal words from his friends, working at the Post aso. BT came one week later explaining how he was walking years in the past on Sukhumvit road with his wife, carrying a book shelf or something. Hans, he claimed, had stopped his car and said, my car is new, so I cannot help you as the shelf would make scratches. The story, if it happened must have been way and way back. BT's comments a week after the guy died.

No further comments. :o

(Quoted from memory so might not be the exact words, but the contents is correctly reflected)

After all, the man can barely move unaided.

To say the Trink is barely able to walk is naught more than a personal attack that has no reference to the issue at hand. Whether Trink can write anything decent or not is one question. Whether he can walk or not has nothing to do with his ability -- or inability -- to write for a newspaper.

I know who Trink is, but we have never formally met. I do recognize him when I see him. I saw him maybe 2-3 months ago walking along Sukhumvit Road going the opposite direction I was, and by coincidence it was appropraite for me to pause to let him turn across my path to enter The Villa at Sukhumvit Soi 33/1. While I cannot say he looked anywhere near an Olympic champion in any way, I *can* -- and am now doing so -- say he was walking at a reasonable pace one would expect of any ordinary person not doing a power walk, and that he was walking without benefit of any assistance from other people nor of a walking stick, cane, crutches, etc. So, if he now is barely able to walk, that is a new development indeed.

I don't mean to be flaming anyone, only to be saying we need to keep separate strands exactly that: separate. I haven't even mentioned the reportedly high-handed way in which Trink has been dealt by management at the Bangkok Post, something I find objectionable in any case, but especially when discussing an institution -- albeit a controversial one -- of 40-odd years.

And no, Trink and I are not friends. I've sent him a few announcements then complained when he got something wrong (or, from his view, didn't make it clear), and in those instances he has indirectly chastised me in Nite Owl.

IMHO, the Bangkok Post no longer deserves to be called a proper newspaper, since it is moving swiftly to become pablum. Are there individual writers there who continue to do their normal excellent jobs? -- of course there are. The same holds true for their columnists on the Op-Ed page. But it seems clear to me that at the senior editorial level decisions have been taken to make the paper into something that no longer reflects the reality of even just Bangkok, let alone Thailand.

And before someone challenges me to explain what I believe to be the reality of Thailand, I will do so here in the contexts I mean and which apply to the case of Trink and his Nite Owl column. Social ills ranging from the flesh trade to sexual inequality to the now-suppressed -- eliminated? -- drug trade exist, and not to write about them won't change the fact they do exist. Head-in-the-sand approaches have never worked in human history, only either delayed the inevitible, or, worse still, made the ultimate outcome even worse than it conceivably might have been.

In closing, I should, in fairness, say something to those glad to contemplate Trink gone: write the general editor of the paper [[email protected]], the Postbag [[email protected]], and the Realtime editor [[email protected]] offering your support. I wrote them expressing my opposition, but I also believe supporters of the decision should speak up directly to the paper.

Whew! And to think I don't even KNOW Trink! -- other than to know who he is and to recognize him!!!



I've seen this censored column printed on two discussion boards now, but can anyone authenticate it or at least explain how it was obtained? For all we really know, this is a practical joke, which we might have to wait for several weeks to resolve.

So...if anyone has more than the rumors and this mysterious column, please bring it forward.



Trink fired? According to L.M. Boyd, nobody gives a hoot

There's a word for it : Trinkomania - hanging onto geriatric and dangerous views despite overwhelming evidence,

So long Bernard / booze and drink / Nana plaza / "Bye Bye Tlink"

Burma Shave 1874

I think the Bangkok post should sue him for money gained under false pretenses

If what several people in positions to know (such as, in some cases, on the staff at the Bangkok Posst) have said to me over the years is true, then the management knew exactly what Trink was up to. At one time (though I doubt this is still the case) it was widely said that audited surveys showed his column to be the single most widely read item in the entire paper. Whether he was *that* dominant, I don't know, but clearly people read him.


At one time (though I doubt this is still the case) it was widely said that audited surveys showed his column to be the single most widely read item in the entire paper.

that surely tells you how bad the rest of the paper is rather than how good trink is.


How fascinating to read such comments are and much has been the interest aroused here at my beloved Corpus Chrisit College, Oxford University, England.

Indeed, upon reviewing at length the eloquence and literary accomplishment of the dear Mr Trink, my esteemed colleagues and I are now firmly of the opinion that the gentleman in question would be a most suitable receipient of one of our cherished honorourary degrees.

Truly, his style and wit are qualities that have done much to shape the fabric of contemporary expat society in the country of Thailand.

Methinks that all too little do his ill-judged detractors recognise how this voice of contention and anachronistic charm stands out amidst the swill of blandness and mediocrity which pervades all too often these days our leisure time reading material.

I'm also reliably informed by my dear friend Dr Anthony Mycroft that there is a word for it: "Trinkbashing" - the act of failing to appreciate one who, while not a true genius, is one nonetheless worthy of slow digestion, contemplation and comment.

And just how many other journalists are there out there today about whom the same may be said?

After all, the man can barely move unaided.

To say the Trink is barely able to walk is naught more than a personal attack that has no reference to the issue at hand.

OK, so I guess he used to get all the movies he "reviewed" sent to him by the distributors. Mind you, the new reviewer seems to have graduated from the school of journalism that teaches that review articles need to have as many complex, run-on sentences as possible.

Call it paranoia but could the government be behind this?  After all, Trink talks about things that most people would rather not hear concerning the Land of Smiles.  It is sad that for a paper that has been around as long as the Post, that they don't know anything about press freedom.  Trink may not be liked by all but he does speak out on things that concern us as tourists and expats.  Like him or not, he is an institution.  I hope he stays if only to give those who don't like him something to complain about.

I very much doubt the government had any hand in this. AFAIK the Post is actually independent although rumours abound among various parties that someone highly placed in the govt tried to buy the paper some years ago. As to press freedom, the editor is - I think - president of the Thai Press Association. However, when it comes to absolute press freedom, I am sure Veera P. would be the first to tell you that in the current political climate, if needs be, the government could feasibly put pressure on certain parties about certain matters. After all, the board of directors is comprised mostly of businessmen with interests in Thailand. I'm pretty sure the decision to axe Trink was based on the fact that his column is/was a waste of money, space, ink and paper rather than anything else.

Speaking of press freedom, presumably all the experts in here have been keeping up to date with the buying up of shares in The Nation Group by a certain family close to the govt. The Nation was also the official APEC newspaper; odd when only a few years ago, the senior mgmt was investigated by the AMLO after the paper was openly critical of policy.

Read into all of that what you will.

OK, so I guess he used to get all the movies he "reviewed" sent to him by the distributors.

What are you on about? Even if they came in VCD form, and he sat in the office and watched them - so what?

For your information, he goes to the cinema like anyone else.


You sound bitter. A lousy journalist? He is considering offers from at least three parties.

I suggest you try a spot of writing yourself. Let me be the judge. I'll tell you whether you are any good.


I think we should just let Trink be, and he will survive and maybe even do a monthly or weekly here or somewhere. Sure not everyone liked his last few years and Trink himself may of not liked it. He is at home with it all and really wish him the best. Long live the lucky guy and many more hoots to the night of the Owl.

Guest IT Manager

Our rabbit shits on the grass. Cages never... more fun to watch the local soi dogs try to get the better of her.

Interesting in the morning when I go to make the tea, that she is sitting at the back door waiting for me to come out, then she comes in and rouses my wifes dog to come out and play... ahhh Thailand.. it isn't illegal to own a rabbit.


Actually I didn't write any of the pre-amble.

The Moog, 'sinister' - never !!

But, I do know for a fact that there are slated to be heavy cutbacks at the Post's Bangkok HQ in 2004.



thats not surprising , its been in dire need of a facelift for aeons , Alan Dawsons precis of the news on the backpage must have lost them a lot of readers.

Instead of using it for sports news that is


OK, Newbie --

Did I miss something here? The quote you took from me is regarding the lack of applicability of his physical condition (perhaps) and his column.

Although I'm just a stupid American, I *do* have two degrees in the language and have taught in universities on two continents for many years, so I suppose I do know at least *little* bit about the language. [You can seek references at The University of North Texas, Tianjin University, Beijing Normal Univeristy, Lamar University [again, in Texas], The University of Macau, Bangkok University, Kingswoood Language School [in Bangkok], several other Bangkok-based language schools, and the Adult Municipal Education Program in Shunde, China. Plus I jave been an editor and a writer.

So, where are you coming from? If you don't like Trink -- fine; I really don't care for him, either. But if I attack him, I will attack him in his arena. What are YOU doing?

Your username is "Newbie"; does that tell us something?

It's actually kind of hard to know if you are being critical of Trink, his movie-reveiwing replacement, or both of them.

In any case, what does Trink's PHYSICAL condition -- bar an inability to do his job -- have to do with his COLUMN? If you don't like it -- fine; don't read it, and write to the Editors at the newspaper to approve of their decision to cut him out: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; and [email protected]. Heck, write the OTHER paper at THIS address: [email protected] and voice your disapproval.

But please DO give a real reason.

######, and I don't even KNOW Trink, and most certainly have no vested interest in his future. . . .

Actually I didn't write any of the pre-amble.

The Moog, 'sinister' - never !!

But, I do know for a fact that there are slated to be heavy cutbacks at the Post's Bangkok HQ in 2004.



thats not surprising , its been in dire need of a facelift for aeons , Alan Dawsons precis of the news on the backpage must have lost them a lot of readers.

Instead of using it for sports news that is

I have an idea. Do you think they would be interested in someone like me that has poor writing skills that does not need the money and will work cheap. I will even provide

my own visa. Do not let this get out on Ajarn before I retire next year it would be a real let down to me if another sanuker beat me to this one. Could you imagine my movie review. "Quote"

This son of a dog backpacker parked his big head in front of me at the movies this week so I gave up on the review and decided to go out and work on the night owl column. First place I went was Maltese petes down in soi zero and low and behold 5 backpakers sitting there sharing one god darn cigarette putting their money together to come up with enough for a bar fine. Well Folks you would be proud of the ole night owl this week I bar fined everything in sight they put their eyes on to include the DJ ( the little faggot). reports on the snorten good time will come next week. I wrote all of the above. Cheers

OK, Newbie --

Did I miss something here? The quote you took from me is regarding the lack of applicability of his physical condition (perhaps) and his column.

Although I'm just a stupid American, I *do* have two degrees in the language and have taught in universities on two continents for many years, so I suppose I do know at least *little* bit about the language. [You can seek references at The University of North Texas, Tianjin University, Beijing Normal Univeristy, Lamar University [again, in Texas], The University of Macau, Bangkok University, Kingswoood Language School [in Bangkok], several other Bangkok-based language schools, and the Adult Municipal Education Program in Shunde, China. Plus I jave been an editor and a writer.

So, where are you coming from? If you don't like Trink -- fine; I really don't care for him, either. But if I attack him, I will attack him in his arena. What are YOU doing?

Your username is "Newbie"; does that tell us something?

It's actually kind of hard to know if you are being critical of Trink, his movie-reveiwing replacement, or both of them.

In any case, what does Trink's PHYSICAL condition -- bar an inability to do his job -- have to do with his COLUMN? If you don't like it -- fine; don't read it, and write to the Editors at the newspaper to approve of their decision to cut him out: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; and [email protected]. Heck, write the OTHER paper at THIS address: [email protected] and voice your disapproval.

But please DO give a real reason.

######, and I don't even KNOW Trink, and most certainly have no vested interest in his future. . . .

hmm sounds like we have a hypersensitive supercillious contumelious "oldbie" english teacher in our midst

must be hard to switch off sometimes

Call it paranoia but could the government be behind this? After all, Trink talks about things that most people would rather not hear concerning the Land of Smiles. It is sad that for a paper that has been around as long as the Post, that they don't know anything about press freedom. Trink may not be liked by all but he does speak out on things that concern us as tourists and expats. Like him or not, he is an institution. I hope he stays if only to give those who don't like him something to complain about.

Maybe it is the Martians....jeeeeez.... is paranoia catching ? The Post was on the newstands before Thaksin was born.

They are probably just too busy considering Thaksin's latest offer to buy the Post 
Have you noticed the amount of fluff the Nation is posting about Thaksin's son? He's on the front page with his camera every other day!
  I really cannot help but feel a little curious over the deafening silence from the Bangkok Post on this issue. I wonder if they have something to hide? Just a thought! 

What do you expect them to say? Yes...we're giving him the chop, because we don't like his column any more.

What else is there?

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