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Those of you posting all the xxxxxx's ARE putting TVF at risk by innuendo. Do you care? Probably not.

I'd like to quote from your insightful signature:

There should be 2 rules about posting on political topics!

1) Have a brain that is not put in idle .....


2) Have a sense of humor!

Some people have neither!

Not so much a signature as a personal introduction.....

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Those of you posting all the xxxxxx's ARE putting TVF at risk by innuendo. Do you care? Probably not.

I'd like to quote from your insightful signature:

There should be 2 rules about posting on political topics!

1) Have a brain that is not put in idle .....


2) Have a sense of humor!

Some people have neither!

Not so much a signature as a personal introduction.....

Hmmm it seems as if I should have used definitely not as opposed to "probably not" :)

But do feel free to make the remarks ad hominem attacks and not speak to the issues :) That press freedom started it's massive downhill slide in 2003 doesn't seem to be denied. That Thaksin at the time was not having to deal with armed insurrection in Bangkok doesn't seem to be denied. That People TV was instructing people in how to fight instead of reporting the news (and thus was participating in armed insurrection) does not seem to be denied.


That Thaksin sued and had his companies withdraw advertising from anyone that dare speak out against him ... etc etc ....

Yes there are LM laws in Thailand. So what? There are restrictions on the press and "freedom of speech" everywhere. I understand that the people that want to bitch and moan about how they think things SHOULD be feel these restrictions to be painful, but most people in Thailand simply do not feel the same way (opinion based upon more than casual observation and open discussions with a large number of Thai people).


Hmmm it seems as if I should have used definitely not as opposed to "probably not" :)

But do feel free to make the remarks ad hominem attacks and not speak to the issues :) That press freedom started it's massive downhill slide in 2003 doesn't seem to be denied. That Thaksin at the time was not having to deal with armed insurrection in Bangkok doesn't seem to be denied. That People TV was instructing people in how to fight instead of reporting the news (and thus was participating in armed insurrection) does not seem to be denied.


That Thaksin sued and had his companies withdraw advertising from anyone that dare speak out against him ... etc etc ....

Yes there are LM laws in Thailand. So what? There are restrictions on the press and "freedom of speech" everywhere. I understand that the people that want to bitch and moan about how they think things SHOULD be feel these restrictions to be painful, but most people in Thailand simply do not feel the same way (opinion based upon more than casual observation and open discussions with a large number of Thai people).

Well when things at the top of Thailand change, which is on the horizon. Your large number of Thai's opinions will more than likely change.

Remember this report is done by outside observers, who judge Thailand's freedoms against other countries, just because the average Thai accepts there lot in life does not make what happens acceptable.


Those of you posting all the xxxxxx's ARE putting TVF at risk by innuendo. Do you care? Probably not.

I'd like to quote from your insightful signature:

There should be 2 rules about posting on political topics!

1) Have a brain that is not put in idle .....


2) Have a sense of humor!

Some people have neither!

Not so much a signature as a personal introduction.....

Hmmm it seems as if I should have used definitely not as opposed to "probably not" :)

But do feel free to make the remarks ad hominem attacks and not speak to the issues :) That press freedom started it's massive downhill slide in 2003 doesn't seem to be denied. That Thaksin at the time was not having to deal with armed insurrection in Bangkok doesn't seem to be denied. That People TV was instructing people in how to fight instead of reporting the news (and thus was participating in armed insurrection) does not seem to be denied.


That Thaksin sued and had his companies withdraw advertising from anyone that dare speak out against him ... etc etc ....

Yes there are LM laws in Thailand. So what? There are restrictions on the press and "freedom of speech" everywhere. I understand that the people that want to bitch and moan about how they think things SHOULD be feel these restrictions to be painful, but most people in Thailand simply do not feel the same way (opinion based upon more than casual observation and open discussions with a large number of Thai people).

I think you'll probably agree with me that those most concerned about putting TV at risk - and therefore those best qualified to make a judgement call on whether or not it is being put at risk - are the owners/moderators of this site who probably have a clearer understanding (one hopes) of the laws you refer to than either you or I.

The posts you refer to have not been deleted. Why not refer them to a moderator and see what they say? Refreshingly, this is an issue we should be able to resolve one way or the other straight away.


I didn't hit "report", but that doesn't mean the potential issue isn't there. Your argument in this case is "If I don't get caught then it must be OK" isn't particularly valid. ... but nicely done avoiding the issues again!


I didn't hit "report", but that doesn't mean the potential issue isn't there. Your argument in this case is "If I don't get caught then it must be OK" isn't particularly valid. ... but nicely done avoiding the issues again!

Sorry for not understanding you. The issue I was addressing was the one about putting TV at risk. It seems that's not a valid issue for you any more. Do let me know which issue you'd like me to address and I'll be happy to oblige you.

By the way, in this case it's 'If I don't get caught it's because I've very definitely NOT done anything wrong'. Again, just ask the TV moderators - or do you want me to do that as well?


But do feel free to make the remarks ad hominem attacks and not speak to the issues :)That press freedom started it's massive downhill slide in 2003 doesn't seem to be denied. That Thaksin at the time was not having to deal with armed insurrection in Bangkok doesn't seem to be denied.

Yes there are LM laws in Thailand. So what? There are restrictions on the press and "freedom of speech" everywhere.

1. 2003: Yes thats correct; and at the same time it's correct that from 2006 onwards (when Thaksin was gone) the freedom of press in Thailand went down even MUCH further under Abhisit.

2. Not true; I'm happy my country belongs to the #1 countries (6) with Freedom of Speech and the UK and US are even on place #19 and #20.

So, your claim is not correct, next to the fact that LM laws are............(not allowed to say.....:( )

Have a look for yourself how good or bad your own country is by looking under the details and WHY:




I didn't hit "report", but that doesn't mean the potential issue isn't there. Your argument in this case is "If I don't get caught then it must be OK" isn't particularly valid. ... but nicely done avoiding the issues again!

avoiding the issues? this Thread is about 2011 >>>>> not <<<<<<2003!

everything you say about 2003 seems accurate, but can we fix NOW?

and you never answered my question??? there was freedom of speech in 2002??? 1992? 1932??? 1602???? WHEN

Before something can 'slide' as you put it, it would have first had to climb the ladder.

BTW the answer is DRUM RoOllllllLllllllLllll > NEVER taDA

example from 1938

Wiki --- Pibulsonggram began to increase the pace of modernisation in Thailand. By manipulating the mass media, Pibulsonggram supported fascism and nationalism. Together with Luang Wichitwathakan, the Minister of Propaganda, he built a leadership cult in 1938 and thereafter. Photographs of Pibulsonggram were to be found everywhere, and those of the abdicated King Prajadhipok were banned. His quotes appeared in newspapers, were plastered on billboards and were repeated over the radio

oh forget amazing Thailand , WOT about AMAZING TVF 'allowing' a very distant cousin of healthy debate,

maybe the mods,, deep down inside, sometimes, wish they could freely say what thinking.

jd i would love to meet you ,,, do frisk for wires, and have conversation, a real free exchange of ideas

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