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The Average Age Of A Thai Visa Member


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I think such a poll was already done once before. Can't remember the results.

Yeah, there are a lot of expats in CM who are elderly. And a lot of those are on Thai Visa.

But thinking logically, that is normal. Usually it is retired people, with money, who can afford to stay year-round.

The next biggest age group I would guess are the 20-30 somethings who are teaching English, etc.

The 30-50 age group probably the fewest, IMO. Expat small business owners married to Thai nationals, missionaries with families, etc.

We always get these threads every year or so from the younger members who like to take a sly dig at the oldsters.

I'll admit, the food court next to Tops in KSK should probably install oxygen tanks and defibrillator units- sometimes looks like a VFW chapter comprised of veterans from the Boer War in there....:rolleyes:

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The ? ..... the average age of the TV'er.....

Are you asking for age




I would think they would all be different, many as the same member


Bingo! Give Gonzo a kewpie doll off the top shelf. :lol:

Then he could give it to his grandkids. :)

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Would I be wrong in thinking you cannot get an average age for a TV member and only a group of different members? :unsure:

I don't know But I do know my age is 68 and my average age is 68. Now if you were to be 70 our average age would be 69.:rolleyes:


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I think such a poll was already done once before. Can't remember the results.

Yeah, there are a lot of expats in CM who are elderly. And a lot of those are on Thai Visa.

But thinking logically, that is normal. Usually it is retired people, with money, who can afford to stay year-round.

The next biggest age group I would guess are the 20-30 somethings who are teaching English, etc.

The 30-50 age group probably the fewest, IMO. Expat small business owners married to Thai nationals, missionaries with families, etc.

We always get these threads every year or so from the younger members who like to take a sly dig at the oldsters.

I'll admit, the food court next to Tops in KSK should probably install oxygen tanks and defibrillator units- sometimes looks like a VFW chapter comprised of veterans from the Boer War in there....:rolleyes:

Thanks a lot. Nice to see a good answer to a good question.

It tickles me when I see some of the posts posted on this site. It sometimes reminds me of a film called ' Grumpy Old Men'. It's all good fun. So for all the golden oldies that use this site. I love you, the world loves you and Thai Visa loves you. Keep the sad, funny, boring, pointless, caring, amusing posts coming.

Not to be taken in offence.

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Slinky1876,

The average age of TV members' human physical bodies is so far past the "use by" date that records of date of manufacture are no longer available.

The average mental age varies too widely to be estimated, but goes as low as mud-pies-in-the-sandbox; and as high as ?

The average emotional age must be split into a "male average" of twelve to sixteen, with the "female average" too varied to statistically analyze, confounded by the fact that the human female is the true natural state of humanity, while the teratormorph male, drenched in the hallucinogen testosterone beginning at age six weeks in utero, its fragile X chromosome one of the biggest junkpiles of relics of parasites' DNA and mutattion errors ever analyzed .... well, why even bother to draw the obvious conclusion ?

best, ~o:37;

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Slinky1876,

The average age of TV members' human physical bodies is so far past the "use by" date that records of date of manufacture are no longer available.

The average mental age varies too widely to be estimated, but goes as low as mud-pies-in-the-sandbox; and as high as ?

The average emotional age must be split into a "male average" of twelve to sixteen, with the "female average" too varied to statistically analyze, confounded by the fact that the human female is the true natural state of humanity, while the teratormorph male, drenched in the hallucinogen testosterone beginning at age six weeks in utero, its fragile X chromosome one of the biggest junkpiles of relics of parasites' DNA and mutattion errors ever analyzed .... well, why even bother to draw the obvious conclusion ?

best, ~o:37;

Thanks for that, orang37.

Glad to see a post in the "old style".

You've been way too lucid of late.

Did you score a batch of that particular soy milk, known as Kickapoo Joy Juice ?

BTW, did you mean teleomorph? A fungus is among us....


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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Slinky1876,

The average age of TV members' human physical bodies is so far past the "use by" date that records of date of manufacture are no longer available.

The average mental age varies too widely to be estimated, but goes as low as mud-pies-in-the-sandbox; and as high as ?

The average emotional age must be split into a "male average" of twelve to sixteen, with the "female average" too varied to statistically analyze, confounded by the fact that the human female is the true natural state of humanity, while the teratormorph male, drenched in the hallucinogen testosterone beginning at age six weeks in utero, its fragile X chromosome one of the biggest junkpiles of relics of parasites' DNA and mutattion errors ever analyzed .... well, why even bother to draw the obvious conclusion ?

best, ~o:37;

Back to your old self. To bad the greene's went by by.:lol:

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Would I be wrong in thinking you cannot get an average age for a TV member and only a group of different members? :unsure:

i can only recall three of my previous lives. based on them, my average age as of today is 57 .

I don't believe in reincarnation and I didn't believe in it in my last life.

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... snip ... BTW, did you mean teleomorph? A fungus is among us

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun McGriffith,

You are "on target:" we played "fast and loose" with the Greek root that comes into English as "teratoma" which refers to a monstrous tumour which may contain fragments of other body parts including eyes, hair, etc. Better usage would have required "teratoma-morphed."

Teratoma vs. Teratomorph

Our bad, we apologize ! :)

best, ~o:37;

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I think such a poll was already done once before. Can't remember the results.

Yeah, there are a lot of expats in CM who are elderly. And a lot of those are on Thai Visa.

But thinking logically, that is normal. Usually it is retired people, with money, who can afford to stay year-round.

The next biggest age group I would guess are the 20-30 somethings who are teaching English, etc.

The 30-50 age group probably the fewest, IMO. Expat small business owners married to Thai nationals, missionaries with families, etc.

We always get these threads every year or so from the younger members who like to take a sly dig at the oldsters.

I'll admit, the food court next to Tops in KSK should probably install oxygen tanks and defibrillator units- sometimes looks like a VFW chapter comprised of veterans from the Boer War in there....:rolleyes:

Guess there will be lots of young chicks hanging around tops then, yummy.....................

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I think such a poll was already done once before. Can't remember the results.

Yeah, there are a lot of expats in CM who are elderly. And a lot of those are on Thai Visa.

But thinking logically, that is normal. Usually it is retired people, with money, who can afford to stay year-round.

The next biggest age group I would guess are the 20-30 somethings who are teaching English, etc.

The 30-50 age group probably the fewest, IMO. Expat small business owners married to Thai nationals, missionaries with families, etc.

We always get these threads every year or so from the younger members who like to take a sly dig at the oldsters.

I'll admit, the food court next to Tops in KSK should probably install oxygen tanks and defibrillator units- sometimes looks like a VFW chapter comprised of veterans from the Boer War in there....:rolleyes:

Don't know about Top in KSK as the prices there are too rich for my blood; but many people we know don't fit into any of the categories you mentioned. They don't post on Thai visa, so this is kinda off topic, but they do read and sometimes discuss a particular thread.

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