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Hi Pillion,

I would just like to tell you that I am a biker, but after reading your thread I have decided to sell my bike and become a pillion myself. I feel so inspired when I hear your stories about doing tricks such as not holding the hand rail.

I could never believe that that is possible, but of course you did state that it took some serious training.

I was wondering if with some proper guided training and a lot of practice maybe I too could actually ride pillion no handed!

Wow, even the thought make me feel wonderful and free. Is it possible for everyone to obtain this skill? or do you think it is just the lucky few?

I look forward to your coming club and would like to help you if you need it. I know a few shops that sell seats on which we could practice our skills, and criticize each others mistakes. I may even be able to talk them into donating the seats free because it is such a worthy cause.

I look forward to our first training session together with huge anticipation. I so eager to try, that I even feel that I would like to go out now! although I know that without the proper training and advice from experts it would really be stupid, so I will try to hold back and wait till the time is right.

Please organize the club quick as I am almost wetting myself with excitement !

Tough guy.

Hi Toughguy,

Thank you for your post. I'm an delighted that the pillion community here in Chiang Mai has made you think about your current situation regarding your transport around our lovely city. I'm also pleased to hear you're contemplating hanging up your 'riding gloves' as it were.

By all means become a pillion, it's a wonderful experience taking in the sights and the cool breeze as you travel around the city especially now in this exceptionally comfortable winter weather. Although, I regret to say there is a rather big 'but' approaching... As stated on a previous post, the prerequisite for joining the pillion club is that you've never driven or never plan to drive a motorcycle. I would have been extremely pleased to welcome you to the club but as you've already stated your failings to meet the prerequisite you have consequently hammered the proverbial nail in your proverbial coffin.

I'm very sorry to be the harbinger of bad news.

With regret


Wow, I'm so suprised that it is easier to change one's name, nationality & religion than it is to join pillion club !!!!!!!!

Maybe it's best to nominate your children now before they are big enough to reach the handle bars

Frankly I'm shocked to see such an elitist attitude coming from this club. This pickiness was the sort of thing I'd always associated with the real motorbike clubs. Should it really be that difficult to get in? I understand the OP is a highly committed individual but should this be the reason why he stops others from joining? What good is a club if your the only one in it?

There are been many interested replies to this topic, and rightly so. Give them a break. The people need your help not just your pillionistic criticisms!


Hi Guano,

After reading your post yesterday evening and having had the chance to sleep on it, I've decided for the sake of the longevity of the club, I've decided to relax the admission requirements. Please note this by no means reflects the commitment I have to being a pillion.

If the new member has once been a driver but now has decided to hang up their riding gloves I think we can be lenient and admit the prospective member into the club.

Please post your applications on this board or PM me if you wish to join.

Once again, this relaxation of the rules DOES NOT reflect my passion and commitment to both being a pillion and to this club.


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I am so happy that you have decided to relax your rules as I had such great excitement running through me at the thought of joining and I felt such devastation when you informed me that I did not fit the criteria.

I already sold my bike anyway and will never ride again, even if I could not have joined, my mind was already made up. After your speeches about tricks which you can perform (after practice,) I could have never seen myself riding a bike again anyway.

I wait with eager anticipation for the first meeting, but I feel so elated at the thought of being a Pillion now that I'm not sure I can wait.

I know it may not be the safest thing to do without a proper expert supervising, but do you think it would be ok if I purchased my own Honda wave seat and practiced sitting on it stationary at home?

I understand that I should not consider trying to go no handed until I have at least been shown how to do it properly at least a few times and had guided supervision to make sure I am performing the move correctly.

I hope to get news soon that you have indeed organized the first meeting I can already feel an adrenaline rush going through me just thinking about the prospect.

Tough guy.

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I am so happy that you have decided to relax your rules as I had such great excitement running through me at the thought of joining and I felt such devastation when you informed me that I did not fit the criteria.

I already sold my bike anyway and will never ride again, even if I could not have joined, my mind was already made up. After your speeches about tricks which you can perform (after practice,) I could have never seen myself riding a bike again anyway.

I wait with eager anticipation for the first meeting, but I feel so elated at the thought of being a Pillion now that I'm not sure I can wait.

I know it may not be the safest thing to do without a proper expert supervising, but do you think it would be ok if I purchased my own Honda wave seat and practiced sitting on it stationary at home?

I understand that I should not consider trying to go no handed until I have at least been shown how to do it properly at least a few times and had guided supervision to make sure I am performing the move correctly.

I hope to get news soon that you have indeed organized the first meeting I can already feel an adrenaline rush going through me just thinking about the prospect.

Tough guy.

Hi Tough Guy,

Thank you for your post.

I'm pleased that you're excited about the pillion club. Relaxing the criteria for entry has not been an easy thing for me to do as I think it could be viewed as a question to my dedication as a pillion.

Regarding acquiring a spare motorcycle seat I would thoroughly recommend practice on a real motorcycle as you get a better understanding on the centre of gravity, resistance of the cushioned seat, also if possible see if you can find a driver kind enough to sit on the bike to simulate riding, most stimulating.

I admire your readiness and dedication to join the pillion community but I must also make a point of you selling your bike. Had you not sold your bike, the club could have made good use of it. Being a pillion I know the importance of one's self, getting lifts from people who don't really want to go where you're going, some people would class this as selfishness, I simply call it self preservation. Even though, to sell your bike without sparing a thought for your fellow pillion riders, I find it a little disappointing. I should think that this time we can forgive and forget but if members continue with this attitude then I can't see the pillion club remaining in the upper echelons of society.

On a lighter and more positive note, myself and another member who wanted to remain anonymous have created the new slogan for the club.

"I'll get a lift with you, sure"

I'm sure you will agree it's both appropriate and a very useful phrase for a pillion. It's polite and at the same time it tells the driver you are getting a lift with them without actually asking them.

Welcome to the club.


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able guy

re ... .I can think of far better (and safer ways) to see the sights of CM than you are suggesting

i think pillion is telling us porkies about all these tricks and stunts and this is him without his plastic chair : )

enjoy .... dave2

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Is there any physical restirctions on being a club member.

If for example one was larger (i think the current medical phrases are morbidly obese or American) would they have to be rostered with a driver of equal weight for balance?

As a driver there is nothing worse than a hard brake with a dead (or soon to be dead) weight on the back.

Also ...for a pillion, I would have thought that possessing legs and at least one hand should be mandatory.

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Is there any physical restirctions on being a club member.

If for example one was larger (i think the current medical phrases are morbidly obese or American) would they have to be rostered with a driver of equal weight for balance?

As a driver there is nothing worse than a hard brake with a dead (or soon to be dead) weight on the back.

Also ...for a pillion, I would have thought that possessing legs and at least one hand should be mandatory.

No, there are no physical restrictions on being a club member. Any age, any gender, any number of limbs, any size. The only requiremnet is of course dedication.

Regarding your question about large pillions and difficulty for drivers, to be honest I don't know the answer as I refuse to drive and quite frankly, I or you shouldn't care if it's difficult for the driver providing they get us from A to B.


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This old pic is of a good mate and his dog, Jodie. Jodie once did the same trick unexpectedly with a police motorcyclist in Oz.


Pillion, I challenge you to sit on the back of my bike and not grab the chicken rail during acceleration. :)

Edited by Blinky Bill
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This old pic is of a good mate and his dog, Jodie. Jodie once did the same trick unexpectedly with a police motorcyclist in Oz.


Pillion, I challenge you to sit on the back of my bike and not grab the chicken rail during acceleration. :)

I'm still shaking from 1997!!

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This old pic is of a good mate and his dog, Jodie. Jodie once did the same trick unexpectedly with a police motorcyclist in Oz.


Pillion, I challenge you to sit on the back of my bike and not grab the chicken rail during acceleration. :)

I could handle a dog being pillion.....but a ranger/wranger driver?

A man has his limits.

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This old pic is of a good mate and his dog, Jodie. Jodie once did the same trick unexpectedly with a police motorcyclist in Oz.


Pillion, I challenge you to sit on the back of my bike and not grab the chicken rail during acceleration. :)

As I've stated before and I will patiently state again, animals are not allowed in the pillion club due to their advantage in balance having four legs. As to that trick in the picture, let's not be silly here.

On a serious note, the driver in the picture has immediately lost 'drivability' points due to the state of that hair, how can a pillion sit relaxed when he gets that hair flapping in his face, that's quite simply selfish.

"I'll get a lift with you sure"


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This old pic is of a good mate and his dog, Jodie. Jodie once did the same trick unexpectedly with a police motorcyclist in Oz.


Pillion, I challenge you to sit on the back of my bike and not grab the chicken rail during acceleration. :)

As I've stated before and I will patiently state again, animals are not allowed in the pillion club due to their advantage in balance having four legs. As to that trick in the picture, let's not be silly here.

On a serious note, the driver in the picture has immediately lost 'drivability' points due to the state of that hair, how can a pillion sit relaxed when he gets that hair flapping in his face, that's quite simply selfish.

"I'll get a lift with you sure"


Pillion, the pic was back in 1978, my mate lost his hair in about 1990 so the hair in the face is no longer an issue. ;)

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With so many members joining your club Mr.Pillion.....how are you going to get the many many riders who are going to ferry you and your club members around?

Have you thought about starting a "Riders prepared to do whatever their unknown Pillion passengers want" club :unsure:

Every Pillion needs transport..yes?

Anyway I am sure you have this all sorted out :D

Last night I sat on a stool for twenty minutes leaning first to the right and then to the left, amazing....if it was not for watching Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs on video (again) :whistling: I would have fell asleep....so sort of counts me out as if just for fun we prentended to be the seven dwarfs I would be "Sleepy Pillion"

Anyone else care to add which dwarf they would be if they could possibly gain entry into this wonderful club :D

Dopey Pillion..?

Sneezy Pillion(would not want to be his driver)

Doc Pillion.....?

Grumpy Pillion ..,

Bashful Pillion....?

Happy Pillion ( I think Mr.Pillion himself should have this name)

Personally having experienced the non-thilling experience on said stool last night..regretably I will not be able to join this wonderful organisation :(

But good luck

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With so many members joining your club Mr.Pillion.....how are you going to get the many many riders who are going to ferry you and your club members around?

Have you thought about starting a "Riders prepared to do whatever their unknown Pillion passengers want" club :unsure:

Every Pillion needs transport..yes?

Anyway I am sure you have this all sorted out :D

Last night I sat on a stool for twenty minutes leaning first to the right and then to the left, amazing....if it was not for watching Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs on video (again) :whistling: I would have fell asleep....so sort of counts me out as if just for fun we prentended to be the seven dwarfs I would be "Sleepy Pillion"

Anyone else care to add which dwarf they would be if they could possibly gain entry into this wonderful club :D

Dopey Pillion..?

Sneezy Pillion(would not want to be his driver)

Doc Pillion.....?

Grumpy Pillion ..,

Bashful Pillion....?

Happy Pillion ( I think Mr.Pillion himself should have this name)

Personally having experienced the non-thilling experience on said stool last night..regretably I will not be able to join this wonderful organisation :(

But good luck

Hello Thaipauly,

thank you for your post.

I must say I am stricken with elation masked as sorrow in reaction to your news that you won't be joining the club.

Maybe it's best that you continue to watch snow white and the seven dwarfs sitting on a stool at home. You can lean left, you can lean right, forward and backward, but make sure you don't fall off! On second thoughts, you could have a membership as an honorary crash test dummy. You could sit pillion on a dummy saddle, we could push you off and test the effects of falling off the bike as a pillion without a helmet, but if you got injured that would be most........ tragic.

This is a serious pillion club, not a joke for people who don't understand what it is to be a pillion.


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I'm afraid I have to admit something stupid.

With the immense excitement I am feeling at the thought of being in such a "elite" club, I talked a rider last night into taking me around the moat.

I knew what my plan was but I did not tell the rider.

When we came to the N/W corner I plucked up the courage and took my hands off the hand rail and put them on my lap.

I must admit that it felt wonderful for a second, but then I started to feel scared, I started shaking and nearly lost my balance! so I grabbed the hand rail like my "pillioness" depended on it!

I am aware that it was stupid to attempt such a "trick" without the correct training first, it was obviously just me getting carried away with the feeling.

I will try not to do something rash again, but it really is such a temptation.

I take it that it is still ok to try these tricks stationary at home? or is that still a little risky?

Tough guy.

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I'm afraid I have to admit something stupid.

With the immense excitement I am feeling at the thought of being in such a "elite" club, I talked a rider last night into taking me around the moat.

I knew what my plan was but I did not tell the rider.

When we came to the N/W corner I plucked up the courage and took my hands off the hand rail and put them on my lap.

I must admit that it felt wonderful for a second, but then I started to feel scared, I started shaking and nearly lost my balance! so I grabbed the hand rail like my "pillioness" depended on it!

I am aware that it was stupid to attempt such a "trick" without the correct training first, it was obviously just me getting carried away with the feeling.

I will try not to do something rash again, but it really is such a temptation.

I take it that it is still ok to try these tricks stationary at home? or is that still a little risky?

Tough guy.

Chiangmai Tough guy...more like Chiangmai Wuss Guy

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I'm afraid I have to admit something stupid.

With the immense excitement I am feeling at the thought of being in such a "elite" club, I talked a rider last night into taking me around the moat.

I knew what my plan was but I did not tell the rider.

When we came to the N/W corner I plucked up the courage and took my hands off the hand rail and put them on my lap.

I must admit that it felt wonderful for a second, but then I started to feel scared, I started shaking and nearly lost my balance! so I grabbed the hand rail like my "pillioness" depended on it!

I am aware that it was stupid to attempt such a "trick" without the correct training first, it was obviously just me getting carried away with the feeling.

I will try not to do something rash again, but it really is such a temptation.

I take it that it is still ok to try these tricks stationary at home? or is that still a little risky?

Tough guy.

Chiangmai Tough guy...more like Chiangmai Wuss Guy

Foxy, I think you may have not read the entire thread before making this comment as it seems it's purely a thoughtless observation wrapped up in your own personal opinion with little knowledge! However, after reading this comment you may also realise we all do this from time to time.

I'm sure, like myself, there was no malice intended in your comment and was meant in jest. ...... Least we all hope so!!!!

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I'm afraid I have to admit something stupid.

With the immense excitement I am feeling at the thought of being in such a "elite" club, I talked a rider last night into taking me around the moat.

I knew what my plan was but I did not tell the rider.

When we came to the N/W corner I plucked up the courage and took my hands off the hand rail and put them on my lap.

I must admit that it felt wonderful for a second, but then I started to feel scared, I started shaking and nearly lost my balance! so I grabbed the hand rail like my "pillioness" depended on it!

I am aware that it was stupid to attempt such a "trick" without the correct training first, it was obviously just me getting carried away with the feeling.

I will try not to do something rash again, but it really is such a temptation.

I take it that it is still ok to try these tricks stationary at home? or is that still a little risky?

Tough guy.

Chiangmai Tough guy...more like Chiangmai Wuss Guy

Foxy, I think you may have not read the entire thread before making this comment as it seems it's purely a thoughtless observation wrapped up in your own personal opinion with little knowledge! However, after reading this comment you may also realise we all do this from time to time.

I'm sure, like myself, there was no malice intended in your comment and was meant in jest. ...... Least we all hope so!!!!

Of course it was meant in jest.The best thread of the year by far.

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I'm afraid I have to admit something stupid.

With the immense excitement I am feeling at the thought of being in such a "elite" club, I talked a rider last night into taking me around the moat.

I knew what my plan was but I did not tell the rider.

When we came to the N/W corner I plucked up the courage and took my hands off the hand rail and put them on my lap.

I must admit that it felt wonderful for a second, but then I started to feel scared, I started shaking and nearly lost my balance! so I grabbed the hand rail like my "pillioness" depended on it!

I am aware that it was stupid to attempt such a "trick" without the correct training first, it was obviously just me getting carried away with the feeling.

I will try not to do something rash again, but it really is such a temptation.

I take it that it is still ok to try these tricks stationary at home? or is that still a little risky?

Tough guy.

Chiangmai Tough guy...more like Chiangmai Wuss Guy

Foxy, I think you may have not read the entire thread before making this comment as it seems it's purely a thoughtless observation wrapped up in your own personal opinion with little knowledge! However, after reading this comment you may also realise we all do this from time to time.

I'm sure, like myself, there was no malice intended in your comment and was meant in jest. ...... Least we all hope so!!!!

Of course it was meant in jest.The best thread of the year by far.


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Greetings fellow pillioners.

I'm glad to see people are still expressing an interest in our pillion club. And I'm glad to see that there are no hard feelings here also, a perfect and most desirable community for our pillions to practice.

Please remember that no question is a stupid question regarding pillioning, like my old mentor and nicest pillion anyone would have the pleasure to meet, once told me, we practice things to get them wrong so we learn.

I would like to arrange a date for us to meet for our maiden meeting, perhaps around Christmas?

Keep on the back seat....


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Quick question.

Is there going to be any sort of dress-code, I'm thinking especially in the trouser department, you need something that is light, yet sturdy and durable, particularly for beginners.

Surely this would depend on your level of experiance as a pillion? I presume if your a 10th dan pillion you would have knowledge to choose a pilot who does not crash and therefore shorts & T-shirt would be perfectly safe.

You could always play it safe however and go for a proper bike jacket, boots, quality helmet etc as is the suitable attire for being on a motorcycle be it up front or in control from the rear


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Quick question.

Is there going to be any sort of dress-code, I'm thinking especially in the trouser department, you need something that is light, yet sturdy and durable, particularly for beginners.

Surely this would depend on your level of experiance as a pillion? I presume if your a 10th dan pillion you would have knowledge to choose a pilot who does not crash and therefore shorts & T-shirt would be perfectly safe.

You could always play it safe however and go for a proper bike jacket, boots, quality helmet etc as is the suitable attire for being on a motorcycle be it up front or in control from the rear


Well said, but try choosing someone not to crash into you! burp.gif

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Quick question.

Is there going to be any sort of dress-code, I'm thinking especially in the trouser department, you need something that is light, yet sturdy and durable, particularly for beginners.

Surely this would depend on your level of experiance as a pillion? I presume if your a 10th dan pillion you would have knowledge to choose a pilot who does not crash and therefore shorts & T-shirt would be perfectly safe.

You could always play it safe however and go for a proper bike jacket, boots, quality helmet etc as is the suitable attire for being on a motorcycle be it up front or in control from the rear


Well said, but try choosing someone not to crash into you! burp.gif

Good afternoon Pillioners, and what a fine afternoon it is.

Thank you for your questions about the meeting. I don't think enforcing a dress code is necessary. A pillion rides how a pillion wants just as long as it's comfortable, I think if you have to go to the extent of wearing leathers maybe a change of driver is needed!

I have given some thought to some kind of club attire. We all know motorcycle gangs like to wear leather jackets, we could try leather trousers with a (possible) logo and the club motto down the leg. I'm open to any sensible suggestions.

Keep on the back seat....


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I don't think enforcing a dress code is necessary. A pillion rides how a pillion wants just as long as it's comfortable,


we could try leather trousers with a (possible) logo and the club motto down the leg.

You also need a club name, can I suggest,

Pillion Riders In Comfortable Kecks

Or just PRICKs for short..... I have a few ideas for a suitable logo design too.

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