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What's your view on double or even triple pillion riders. It's quite a common sight around town, so I was thinking that the skill level of the pillion riders would have to be high to perform such tricks. Legs dangling, no where to hold on to, the bum getting a battering from the hand rail as the rider happily speeds across bumps in the road. The skill needed is high. The Thais have master this art, so maybe if your club gets going, you could include a 'Extreme Pillion riders' chapter, for the double and triple pillion riders.

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What's your view on double or even triple pillion riders. It's quite a common sight around town, so I was thinking that the skill level of the pillion riders would have to be high to perform such tricks. Legs dangling, no where to hold on to, the bum getting a battering from the hand rail as the rider happily speeds across bumps in the road. The skill needed is high. The Thais have master this art, so maybe if your club gets going, you could include a 'Extreme Pillion riders' chapter, for the double and triple pillion riders.

Hi again slinky,

Double and triple Pillioning. That that is something that I don't care for. The whole point of being a Pillion is having the whole back half of the seat to one's self. If a driver ever offered for me to double up with another pillion, I would not only refuse but I would be offended that he would put me in a position where my pillion experience would be ruined and where the driver would be deprived of the pleasure of having only me behind him.

I would tell the driver to either tell his current pillion to get off and allow me to mount his motorbike or I would tell him to 'hit the road' quite literally.

Regarding an extreme pillion experience, I've had a few of those in my time. One such time was when I had been driven to Tesco Lotus, I had bought some of my favourite cereal and a big bottle of milk among other things. So we were coming back from Tesco Lotus and my inexperienced driver had to hit the brakes reasonably sharply, in the process I lurched forward squashing my bottle of milk between my own and my driver's body causing the sealing to pop off showering the driver and myself. I very swiftly gave my driver a piece of my mind and I've since fired him from driving me anywhere.

I hope that answers your question Slinky.


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I really can't read this topic without a smirk on my face, sorry pillion.

I have no problem being on the back and I'm quite happy to have a pillion on the back, but I truly believe that unless you ride yourself at times then you can never fully apreciate the bike fully.

Some people may disagree with me on this, up to them.

I do think you should start the club though. It appears there are other like minded people so a social event would be a good thing.

You might even encourage motorcycle taxis to appear in Chiang Mai which is something we seem to be missing up here.

would be interesting to have a ride past and see how many members turn out (obviously not stopping as riders appear to be excluded lol)

I'm slightly disappointed you find this topic amusing. Being a pillion is something I take seriously which is clear to see from the hours I put in practicing on stationary bikes the 'no grab handle' art.

I do believe you're slightly misguided if you believe that being a driver is the be all and end all. Being a pillion, you appreciate the bike a whole lot more, the comfort of the seat, the softness (or hardness) of the rear suspension, and on the occasion when the driver shifts gears too sharply or brakes too hard and my head clunks off his, I let out a little giggle, I've found incidents like these really bring the pillion and their driver closer together on an emotional level.

So as you can see from my points, it's actually the pillion that gets most from the bike, and the best part of it, I don't even pay for fuel! I love free rides.


At no point have I suggested that "being a driver is the be all and end all".

I was merely saying that unless you also ride at some point you can never fully apreciate a bike fully! You would have no feel of the weight of the bike when cornering, no feel of the control of the clutch etc etc. These are things you cannot experience fully as a pillion at all - fact !

I have rode pillion for a number of years before getting bikes of my own and still do at times, I presonally don't prefer to leave all the work to others all the time.

As for sitting no handed on a parked bike? Wow, I've seen poodles riding in the footwell on scooters over here, but I'm sure it helps with your cornering skills :cheesy:

Maybe you ought to find someone with a side car and really take it easy and put your feet up lol.

On a serious note though, if there were enough people who only rode pillion then maybe motorcycle taxis would appear like in BKK etc. This would create more jobs for the local thai people and generate an income provided you were willing to start putting your hand in your pocket ...... although you may still get the free ride if you offered to clean their crutch as well :whistling:

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Although I prefer to do the riding on a bigger bike with a passenger on behind...


I also don't mind being the pillion if the rider is experienced. It gives me something to hang onto.


Very nice pictures Mr. Forbes, very nice, thank you for contributing to our topic on the club.

Now that is a pillion that I'd very much like to come to our club, and I don't mean you Mr. Forbes!

Before your lady friend attends our meeting, I must ask, did she actually drive the bike or was she just posing for the picture? I hope she didn't drive as it's a strictly pillion only club.

Thank you again for expressing interest in the topic and our club.


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One of the jobs of a pillion is to keep one's drivers happy.

That sounds rather suggestive. :o

When I keep the driver TOO happy she sometimes wobbles all over the road. :)

Quite likely she will end up tits up if you keep doing that.

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One of the jobs of a pillion is to keep one's drivers happy.

That sounds rather suggestive. :o

When I keep the driver TOO happy she sometimes wobbles all over the road. :)

Quite likely she will end up tits up if you keep doing that.

There was no innuendo intended, I was merely pointing out the need to keep your driver in a good mood if you want them to drive you everywhere. I've had fallouts with drivers before and it's not the most desirable of situations.

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One of the jobs of a pillion is to keep one's drivers happy.

That sounds rather suggestive. :o

When I keep the driver TOO happy she sometimes wobbles all over the road. :)

Quite likely she will end up tits up if you keep doing that.

There was no innuendo intended, I was merely pointing out the need to keep your driver in a good mood if you want them to drive you everywhere. I've had fallouts with drivers before and it's not the most desirable of situations.

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I really can't read this topic without a smirk on my face, sorry pillion.

I have no problem being on the back and I'm quite happy to have a pillion on the back, but I truly believe that unless you ride yourself at times then you can never fully apreciate the bike fully.

Some people may disagree with me on this, up to them.

I do think you should start the club though. It appears there are other like minded people so a social event would be a good thing.

You might even encourage motorcycle taxis to appear in Chiang Mai which is something we seem to be missing up here.

would be interesting to have a ride past and see how many members turn out (obviously not stopping as riders appear to be excluded lol)

I'm slightly disappointed you find this topic amusing. Being a pillion is something I take seriously which is clear to see from the hours I put in practicing on stationary bikes the 'no grab handle' art.

I do believe you're slightly misguided if you believe that being a driver is the be all and end all. Being a pillion, you appreciate the bike a whole lot more, the comfort of the seat, the softness (or hardness) of the rear suspension, and on the occasion when the driver shifts gears too sharply or brakes too hard and my head clunks off his, I let out a little giggle, I've found incidents like these really bring the pillion and their driver closer together on an emotional level.

So as you can see from my points, it's actually the pillion that gets most from the bike, and the best part of it, I don't even pay for fuel! I love free rides.


At no point have I suggested that "being a driver is the be all and end all".

I was merely saying that unless you also ride at some point you can never fully apreciate a bike fully! You would have no feel of the weight of the bike when cornering, no feel of the control of the clutch etc etc. These are things you cannot experience fully as a pillion at all - fact !

I have rode pillion for a number of years before getting bikes of my own and still do at times, I presonally don't prefer to leave all the work to others all the time.

As for sitting no handed on a parked bike? Wow, I've seen poodles riding in the footwell on scooters over here, but I'm sure it helps with your cornering skills :cheesy:

Maybe you ought to find someone with a side car and really take it easy and put your feet up lol.

On a serious note though, if there were enough people who only rode pillion then maybe motorcycle taxis would appear like in BKK etc. This would create more jobs for the local thai people and generate an income provided you were willing to start putting your hand in your pocket ...... although you may still get the free ride if you offered to clean their crutch as well :whistling:

'I was merely saying that unless you also ride at some point you can never fully apreciate a bike fully! You would have no feel of the weight of the bike when cornering, no feel of the control of the clutch etc etc. These are things you cannot experience fully as a pillion at all - fact !'

I understand your point but you must also agree that if you're busy driving, worrying about traffic, throttle, suspension and cornering how can you appreciate the scenery, the comfort of your seat and the lovely fresh air?

'I presonally don't prefer to leave all the work to others all the time.'

Why ever not?

'As for sitting no handed on a parked bike? Wow, I've seen poodles riding in the footwell on scooters over here, but I'm sure it helps with your cornering skills :cheesy:

Maybe you ought to find someone with a side car and really take it easy and put your feet up lol.'

Well as you're are aware (I hope) poodles have four legs which gives greater balance, so I'd actually suggest that poodles have an unfair advantage and therefore should not be seen as real pillions. And a side car?? Why would I want that much of an easy ride, there is no balancing involved, no skills to be learned, it would be very unfulfilling indeed.

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Dear Pillion.

Having previously read your remarks regarding double pillion, I'm sure that you find this way to excessive.


I would be most impressed though if you could organise a pillion club drive by like that. Maybe there should be a stunt wing to your chapter.

Hi Throatwobbler,

Well that is most certainly extreme pillioning! You wouldn't see me carrying out such a stunt, firstly and most importantly there just wouldn't be enough seat for me and I wouldn't be comfortable, secondly I wouldn't be able to enjoy the fresh air or scenery or a drink or a pillion snack. And lastly it's a dangerous stunt! So if there was to be a chapter of stunts I wouldn't want to be held responsible for any injuries as president.

If I was forced to join in a stunt like this there would be a few conditions such as safety briefings, ample room for maneuvering, and I would have to ask one of my most trusted drivers who have taken me home or to Tesco Lotus for my weekly big shop on numerous occasions without any incidents.

That is my view on extreme pillioning. But if there is enough interest in an extreme pillioning chapter in our club then maybe we can discuss the possibilities.


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Guano i am all for this pillion club but my usual driver has been struck down with a bit of red eye and will not be able to ferry me around town for a few weeks,

it is only when they are gone you realize a pillion is nothing without a good driver, it took me 3 hours to get home last night, ended up in doi pui that how lost i was, was just walking around in a daze.

Basically is it okay for pillions to change drivers, or do the drivers get a bit upset. I don't want my usual driver at home not being able to lift his head from the drepression

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So what's happening with this now? It seems there are quite a few interested members. Is there going to be a pillion club in Chiang Mai?

I would very much like to get this club under way. I think a pillion club would be very beneficial to the people of chiang mai. So what about numbers? I have found a suitable location so all we need now to commence proceedings is numbers.


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Guano i am all for this pillion club but my usual driver has been struck down with a bit of red eye and will not be able to ferry me around town for a few weeks,

it is only when they are gone you realize a pillion is nothing without a good driver, it took me 3 hours to get home last night, ended up in doi pui that how lost i was, was just walking around in a daze.

Basically is it okay for pillions to change drivers, or do the drivers get a bit upset. I don't want my usual driver at home not being able to lift his head from the drepression

Hi Krung,

I feel for you, it is horrible when you lose a driver to illness or injury, it makes life so much more difficult and you're faced with dilemma after dilemma, how do you get to Tesco Lotus? How do you go to the gym or swimming pool? How do you get to see the sights of the city?

I've had a driver out of action for sometime due to an eye injury so since then I have always encouraged my drivers to wear eye protection, a helmet visor, sunglasses or what I find to be most affective due to cutting out wind and dirt etc is swimming goggles, people may laugh at me but try it, I'd like to see more riders and pillions with swimming goggles, they're fantastic and so much more affective than any other eye wear.

There is another example of why a pillion club would be so beneficial, no one would know this swimming goggle tip if it wasn't for me sharing it.


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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Pillion,

Congratulations to you, and your "newbie proxies," or co-conspirators :) for the outstanding jape of the year (so far) on TV CM !

Loved InspectorRex's story (which we completely believe) !

Steveolevi's little jacket problem, to which you, Khun Pillion, proposed a truly "zen" solution, could also be addressed by extracting the patch, backing it with "female" velcro, and then putting "male velcro" on both of the jackets, so the patch could be switched easily ? Or use kathoey velcro ?

Back in our wilder daze, we can remember the goose-bump raising pillion hired-moto-sai rides across Bangkok through the monstrous traffic-jams, short-cutting through underground garages, up on sidewalks, weaving through densely packed stalled traffic, trying frantically to get our big farang knees closer in to the bike. "Indiana Jones" rides, you might say.

But, quoth the Raven: "Nevermore."

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Pillion,

Congratulations to you, and your "newbie proxies," or co-conspirators :) for the outstanding jape of the year (so far) on TV CM !

Loved InspectorRex's story (which we completely believe) !

Steveolevi's little jacket problem, to which you, Khun Pillion, proposed a truly "zen" solution, could also be addressed by extracting the patch, backing it with "female" velcro, and then putting "male velcro" on both of the jackets, so the patch could be switched easily ? Or use kathoey velcro ?

Back in our wilder daze, we can remember the goose-bump raising pillion hired-moto-sai rides across Bangkok through the monstrous traffic-jams, short-cutting through underground garages, up on sidewalks, weaving through densely packed stalled traffic, trying frantically to get our big farang knees closer in to the bike. "Indiana Jones" rides, you might say.

But, quoth the Raven: "Nevermore."

best, ~o:37;

Hi Orang,

Well I would say thank you for the congratulations for the 'jape' except it isn't a jape. I feel somewhat disappointed, and to a certain extent, hurt that this thread and my passion hasn't been taken seriously by some members. I understand that a 'full time' pillion is quite rare, especially in Thailand as every man and his dog has a bike but let me make one thing very clear, this is my passion, I take it seriously, it's something I love doing and it's something that only death will stop me doing. Some people have said how dangerous being a pillion is but if I'm going to die, that's the way I would want to go,,, down with my bike and hopefully my driver too.

So there it is, I wear my heart on my sleeve when talking about one of my passions, sorry if I have spoken too frank but that's the way I feel, maybe I'll be taken seriously by the likes of you now, maybe not, either way I'm not going to stop being a pillion EVER.


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Hi Pillion,

I would just like to tell you that I am a biker, but after reading your thread I have decided to sell my bike and become a pillion myself. I feel so inspired when I hear your stories about doing tricks such as not holding the hand rail.

I could never believe that that is possible, but of course you did state that it took some serious training.

I was wondering if with some proper guided training and a lot of practice maybe I too could actually ride pillion no handed!

Wow, even the thought make me feel wonderful and free. Is it possible for everyone to obtain this skill? or do you think it is just the lucky few?

I look forward to your coming club and would like to help you if you need it. I know a few shops that sell seats on which we could practice our skills, and criticize each others mistakes. I may even be able to talk them into donating the seats free because it is such a worthy cause.

I look forward to our first training session together with huge anticipation. I so eager to try, that I even feel that I would like to go out now! although I know that without the proper training and advice from experts it would really be stupid, so I will try to hold back and wait till the time is right.

Please organize the club quick as I am almost wetting myself with excitement !

Tough guy.

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Hi Pillion,

I would just like to tell you that I am a biker, but after reading your thread I have decided to sell my bike and become a pillion myself. I feel so inspired when I hear your stories about doing tricks such as not holding the hand rail.

I could never believe that that is possible, but of course you did state that it took some serious training.

I was wondering if with some proper guided training and a lot of practice maybe I too could actually ride pillion no handed!

Wow, even the thought make me feel wonderful and free. Is it possible for everyone to obtain this skill? or do you think it is just the lucky few?

I look forward to your coming club and would like to help you if you need it. I know a few shops that sell seats on which we could practice our skills, and criticize each others mistakes. I may even be able to talk them into donating the seats free because it is such a worthy cause.

I look forward to our first training session together with huge anticipation. I so eager to try, that I even feel that I would like to go out now! although I know that without the proper training and advice from experts it would really be stupid, so I will try to hold back and wait till the time is right.

Please organize the club quick as I am almost wetting myself with excitement !

Tough guy.

Hi Toughguy,

Thank you for your post. I'm an delighted that the pillion community here in Chiang Mai has made you think about your current situation regarding your transport around our lovely city. I'm also pleased to hear you're contemplating hanging up your 'riding gloves' as it were.

By all means become a pillion, it's a wonderful experience taking in the sights and the cool breeze as you travel around the city especially now in this exceptionally comfortable winter weather. Although, I regret to say there is a rather big 'but' approaching... As stated on a previous post, the prerequisite for joining the pillion club is that you've never driven or never plan to drive a motorcycle. I would have been extremely pleased to welcome you to the club but as you've already stated your failings to meet the prerequisite you have consequently hammered the proverbial nail in your proverbial coffin.

I'm very sorry to be the harbinger of bad news.

With regret


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Hi Pillion,

I would just like to tell you that I am a biker, but after reading your thread I have decided to sell my bike and become a pillion myself. I feel so inspired when I hear your stories about doing tricks such as not holding the hand rail.

I could never believe that that is possible, but of course you did state that it took some serious training.

I was wondering if with some proper guided training and a lot of practice maybe I too could actually ride pillion no handed!

Wow, even the thought make me feel wonderful and free. Is it possible for everyone to obtain this skill? or do you think it is just the lucky few?

I look forward to your coming club and would like to help you if you need it. I know a few shops that sell seats on which we could practice our skills, and criticize each others mistakes. I may even be able to talk them into donating the seats free because it is such a worthy cause.

I look forward to our first training session together with huge anticipation. I so eager to try, that I even feel that I would like to go out now! although I know that without the proper training and advice from experts it would really be stupid, so I will try to hold back and wait till the time is right.

Please organize the club quick as I am almost wetting myself with excitement !

Tough guy.

Hi Toughguy,

Thank you for your post. I'm an delighted that the pillion community here in Chiang Mai has made you think about your current situation regarding your transport around our lovely city. I'm also pleased to hear you're contemplating hanging up your 'riding gloves' as it were.

By all means become a pillion, it's a wonderful experience taking in the sights and the cool breeze as you travel around the city especially now in this exceptionally comfortable winter weather. Although, I regret to say there is a rather big 'but' approaching... As stated on a previous post, the prerequisite for joining the pillion club is that you've never driven or never plan to drive a motorcycle. I would have been extremely pleased to welcome you to the club but as you've already stated your failings to meet the prerequisite you have consequently hammered the proverbial nail in your proverbial coffin.

I'm very sorry to be the harbinger of bad news.

With regret


Wow, I'm so suprised that it is easier to change one's name, nationality & religion than it is to join pillion club !!!!!!!!

Maybe it's best to nominate your children now before they are big enough to reach the handle bars

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Hi Pillion,

I would just like to tell you that I am a biker, but after reading your thread I have decided to sell my bike and become a pillion myself. I feel so inspired when I hear your stories about doing tricks such as not holding the hand rail.

I could never believe that that is possible, but of course you did state that it took some serious training.

I was wondering if with some proper guided training and a lot of practice maybe I too could actually ride pillion no handed!

Wow, even the thought make me feel wonderful and free. Is it possible for everyone to obtain this skill? or do you think it is just the lucky few?

I look forward to your coming club and would like to help you if you need it. I know a few shops that sell seats on which we could practice our skills, and criticize each others mistakes. I may even be able to talk them into donating the seats free because it is such a worthy cause.

I look forward to our first training session together with huge anticipation. I so eager to try, that I even feel that I would like to go out now! although I know that without the proper training and advice from experts it would really be stupid, so I will try to hold back and wait till the time is right.

Please organize the club quick as I am almost wetting myself with excitement !

Tough guy.

Hi Toughguy,

Thank you for your post. I'm an delighted that the pillion community here in Chiang Mai has made you think about your current situation regarding your transport around our lovely city. I'm also pleased to hear you're contemplating hanging up your 'riding gloves' as it were.

By all means become a pillion, it's a wonderful experience taking in the sights and the cool breeze as you travel around the city especially now in this exceptionally comfortable winter weather. Although, I regret to say there is a rather big 'but' approaching... As stated on a previous post, the prerequisite for joining the pillion club is that you've never driven or never plan to drive a motorcycle. I would have been extremely pleased to welcome you to the club but as you've already stated your failings to meet the prerequisite you have consequently hammered the proverbial nail in your proverbial coffin.

I'm very sorry to be the harbinger of bad news.

With regret


Wow, I'm so suprised that it is easier to change one's name, nationality & religion than it is to join pillion club !!!!!!!!

Maybe it's best to nominate your children now before they are big enough to reach the handle bars

Frankly I'm shocked to see such an elitist attitude coming from this club. This pickiness was the sort of thing I'd always associated with the real motorbike clubs. Should it really be that difficult to get in? I understand the OP is a highly committed individual but should this be the reason why he stops others from joining? What good is a club if your the only one in it?

There are been many interested replies to this topic, and rightly so. Give them a break. The people need your help not just your pillionistic criticisms!


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The pillion club certainly seems to have some merit.

Disclaimer: I have very little experience as a pillion having ridden and raced motorcycles for 37 years.

I would merely like to offer my services to the club as a rider ferrying the pillioneers to various club functions.

If there was any interest in forming an extreme pillion sub branch I may also be able to assist.I have carried? pillioned 5 people at one time.I prefer that the lightest person,usually a female rides atop my shoulders.

This pilion club concept has got me very excited,but I am aware I CAN NEVER BE A MEMBER.


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