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I Resigned Today

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Hello All,

I need some help with my situation: I have a Non-B Multiple Entry Visa Valid until May-3-2011. I also have a work permit that is valid until July-17-2011. Apparently my extension of stay stamp is valid until July-19-2011. I resigned effective today Nov-3-2010. My employer states:

When you moved out of the River house at Samkouk, you did not give us a forwarding address. We actually need this address to change your Work Permit over to a new address as per Thai Law for the Ministry of Labor.

Please if you are well enough, can you come to our offices at Sacred Heart Convent in Klong Toei tomorrow to sign paperwork releasing you from the school. Also please can you bring your Work Permit and AIA insurance card as both will be cancelled from today. Regarding your Visa, this will get cancelled tomorrow and you will need to go to Immigration and do this. You will have to leave the country by tomorrow night or if you want to stay legally in the Kingdom of Thailand, you can get a 7 day extension for around B1,900.

What should I do? I was thinking of going to the Cambodia border on Nov-4-2010 without visiting my work first to cancel the work permit of my own. Will my Non-B visa (12 month stay exp May-3-2011) be valid?

Please advise. Thank you in advance!

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If you are here on an extension of stay it ends as stated in your post (the day your work ends) and you take a letter to immigration and have it marked so. You have the option to immediately leave or extend for 7 days. As you say you have a valid multi entry B visa you could then enter another country and return for a new 90 day stay. Have not heard of any problem leaving the next day on forum.

If you try to leave without visiting Immigration you could be turned back at the border to do so as they will notice the extension of stay. If you do not have a matching re-entry permit it would be lost with the border crossing and they would may try to protect you from yourself. If they then find your work had ended they may require you return to immigration and do the normal paperwork.

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Very nice to see that your school has given you proper information. :)

If you are here on an extension of stay it ends as stated in your post (the day your work ends) and you take a letter to immigration and have it marked so.

With other words, your Visa is passé as it has changed already into an extension of the permission of stay.

Please note that a visa run to Cambodia by land will give you a 15 days permission of stay in the kingdom only.

Good luck.

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Anotheer day at the office, someone in a spot of bother and has been given the information required to solve his problems, well done to everyone, a clear example of why this site is so very good. I hope you will all join me raising youe glasses :)

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Anotheer day at the office, someone in a spot of bother and has been given the information required to solve his problems, well done to everyone, a clear example of why this site is so very good. I hope you will all join me raising youe glasses :)

The correct information was actually given by the employer.

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Please note that a visa run to Cambodia by land will give you a 15 days permission of stay in the kingdom only.

Good luck.

The OP has stated that he still has a valid muti-entry non imm so he would receive 90 days coming back in from Cambo.

OP stated that:

Apparently my extension of stay stamp is valid until July-19-2011.

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OP stated that:

Apparently my extension of stay stamp is valid until July-19-2011.

OP also stated that

I have a Non-B Multiple Entry Visa Valid until May-3-2011

This non immigrant visa will still be valid after the Temporary Extension of Permission to Stay is canceled and will thus entitle the OP to a 90 Day Permission Stamp every time Thailand is entered up to the 2nd May 2011.

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So it sounds as if i should go into work tomorrow plus immigration to do the proper paperwork and then leave to Cambodia ........

Take a baseball bat - having given the name and address of your employer you're going to have to fight your way past a mob of half-starved farangs trying to get the jump on your job

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Apparently my extension of stay stamp is valid until July-19-2011.

He is on an extension of stay from his OP above statement.

OP (colormebanana) are you sure that there an extension of stay stamp in your passport from the Local Thai Immigration Dept?

Above you write 'Apparently my extension of stay ...... '; I just recollected and then searched a previous post of yours from late September where you then wrote that you had a stamp in your passport from the Cambodian Border valid until Nov 5 http://www.thaivisa....work-situation/

If you are on an extension of stay then there will be a specific stamp in your passport from the Local Thai Immigration Dept reading something like 'Extension of Stay is Permitted Up To 19 Jul 2011'

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OP posting current status:

Thanks for all your help! I appreciate all the support!!

My situation is as follows:

I went into work today with the intention of signing papers and going to immigration office to file the correct paper work in the afternoon so i can leave for cambodia on Friday 5-Nov-2010.

1) My company did not have copies of 2 specific documents from my old school so I will not be able to go to immigration to cancel my extension of stay for lack of the correct paperwork.

2) The HR manager told me that I will have to leave the country tonight or tomorrow regardless because he is calling the ministry of labor and immigration to notify them of my new status (not working) even without the correct paperwork filed.

3) My VISA is a 12 month Non-B valid until May-3-2011 which should reactivate once the extension of stay is canceled......? I will not be getting a re-entry in order to cancel my status and have my original VISA kick in. This should mean that I will have 90 days according to what posted. -digitalchrmakey :blink:

If i can get the correct information by tonight so i know weather or not to hop on the 5:55am train tomorrow morning to Cambodia.

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If i can get the correct information by tonight so i know weather or not to hop on the 5:55am train tomorrow morning to Cambodia.

What you should do depends on whether you have a stamp in your passport from Thai Customs/Immigration at the Cambodian Border with 'Admitted until the 5th Nov 2010' or a stamp from the Thai Immigration Dept stating 'Extension of Stay is Permitted Up To 19 Jul 2011'

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It is getting late but a trip to immigration might get your "company" into action. They are at fault and are required to provide you the letter.

As that does not seem to be an option I would just leave and return on a visa entry as advised and fully explain what has happened if questioned.

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If i can get the correct information by tonight so i know weather or not to hop on the 5:55am train tomorrow morning to Cambodia.

What you should do depends on whether you have a stamp in your passport from Thai Customs/Immigration at the Cambodian Border with 'Admitted until the 5th Nov 2010' or a stamp from the Thai Immigration Dept stating 'Extension of Stay is Permitted Up To 19 Jul 2011'

Do I have a choice on which stamp i receive?

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Your extension of stay ends the day your employments ends. But as you still have a valid multiple non-B, that one is still valid and you can return to Thailand on it and receive another 90 days.

I would have thought the extension cancelled out the existing non B, it certainly did for me 3 yrs ago.

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Your extension of stay ends the day your employments ends. But as you still have a valid multiple non-B, that one is still valid and you can return to Thailand on it and receive another 90 days.

I would have thought the extension cancelled out the existing non B, it certainly did for me 3 yrs ago.

Upon entry you get a permission to stay, it is this permission to stay that is extended and becomes invalidwhen the reason for the extension no longer is there. If you have a valid non-B visa, that should stay valid as a visa is something different than a permisison to stay.

But of course some immirgation officer might have a different opinion. But unless the visa is stamped USED, invalidated or expired, it should remain valid.

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Please note that a visa run to Cambodia by land will give you a 15 days permission of stay in the kingdom only.

Good luck.

The OP has stated that he still has a valid muti-entry non imm so he would receive 90 days coming back in from Cambo.

If his visa was extended and tied to his work permit, he has no visa any longer.

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I would think the best way is an exit and re-entry on the Non Imm then sort it all out on return. Seems the company is lagging in paperwork but they are correct albeit not lenient in notifying the authorities. Once you resign, technically WP is cancelled and if the Non Imm was based on their sponsorship then that is also in jeopardy as well. I may be wrong on the Non Imm. Good luck.

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When I left my job a year ago my work permit was cancelled along with the accompanying non-immigrant B visa (which gives you permission to work). My company also paid for a 7 day extension. When my visa was cancelled this was clearly indicated with a stamp in my passport. Depending on how good your relationship is with your employer they may 'wait a while' whilst you sort out your stuff before going through the cancellation process, mine did but then I'd been working for them for 7 years. A friend of mine - whilst on a 7 day extension after leaving his job, was able to get a marriage visa without leaving the country. But other than this, as far as I'm aware though, once you lose your non-immigrant B you MUST leave the country and you will have the same immigration status of any other tourist of the same nationality. I definitely wouldn't recommend any course of action other than being compliant and co-operative with the wishes of your ex-employer as I imagine that if they regularly employ foreigners on work permits and do everything correctly, the last thing they need is an ex-employee jeopardising their relationship with the immigration department. Time to gracefully bow out with a smile and then re-enter the country on a new visa.

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You must have had a one year extension of stay from Immigration if it was canceled. A visa is not effected by loss of employment and no 7 day extension of stay would have been required (unless the extension of stay date of expiration was the same as your employment end).

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When I left my job a year ago my work permit was cancelled along with the accompanying non-immigrant B visa (which gives you permission to work). My company also paid for a 7 day extension. When my visa was cancelled this was clearly indicated with a stamp in my passport. Depending on how good your relationship is with your employer they may 'wait a while' whilst you sort out your stuff before going through the cancellation process, mine did but then I'd been working for them for 7 years. A friend of mine - whilst on a 7 day extension after leaving his job, was able to get a marriage visa without leaving the country. But other than this, as far as I'm aware though, once you lose your non-immigrant B you MUST leave the country and you will have the same immigration status of any other tourist of the same nationality. I definitely wouldn't recommend any course of action other than being compliant and co-operative with the wishes of your ex-employer as I imagine that if they regularly employ foreigners on work permits and do everything correctly, the last thing they need is an ex-employee jeopardising their relationship with the immigration department. Time to gracefully bow out with a smile and then re-enter the country on a new visa.

As you had been working for your company for 7 years, I suspect that your original non immigrant visa was long since expired, as you write that you were working in Thailand based on an Extension of Permission to Stay - this is not a Visa.

Instead, your last entry to Thailand on a Non-immigrant Type B Visa would have been 'preserved' by the extension/re-entry procedures you followed with your local Thai Immigration Dept.

A non immigrant Type B visa does not give you permission to work, it allows you entry to Thailand and with the option to obtain the Work Permit which then allows you to work legally.

The OP posted about a more ambiguous situation than you had; having only worked in Thailand for only a few months, whilst apparently still having a valid one year multiple entry non immigrant B visa, obtained outside of Thailand this year plus an extension of permission to stay in addition.

Edited by digitalchromakey
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