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More Eye Patches Than A Pirate Ship?


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Has anyone else noticed this? Countless people walking around with a patch on one eye. This must just be more motorbike insanity. I've heard McCormick Hospital has an excellent Ophthalmology Department, but why not just wear a face shield. Maybe I "juz doan unerstan thai culcha," but if I were a physician, I sure as hel_l would get tired of treating unnecessary eye injuries, and injuries to kids that had no choice in the matter.

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Interesting you should you mention the increase in eye patches. I heard from a friend in the know that a Thai beverage company 'which shall remain nameless' recently had a minor chemical mix up. Aparently this wasn't dangerous but it did result in certain bottled beverages being fizzier than they ought to be.

On it's own this sounds harmless and almost comical. However on a recent visit to the hospital, I was shocked to see an alarming number of people in with eye injuries. I later found out that most of these were caused by bottle caps being shot from the faulty bottles and into the eyes of the would be drinkers.

Drink safe.


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strange for sure. I too have noticed quite a few people out and about with eye coverings. Not black pirate style but more medical looking.

Thai's do appear to overbandage a bit. It seems that a mosquito bite is often bandaged to look like a shrapnel wound. Not a bad idea because there is a lot of staph and other nasties in the air and water.

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Going by the amount of natives that ride around at speed with nothing over their eyes, together with the amount of dust on the roads and the size and abundance of bugs, I'm surprised there's not 10x the amount with them on.

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No I haven't noticed any one. Even if I did I can count pretty high. We go to many movies at the airport and shop there also. I live in the night market area also so it is not like I don't see a lot of people

I my self wore one for three months had nothing to do with a motor bike. More like a poke in the eye.

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This is a dose of the dreaded red eye, you wear a patch to stop the infection from moving to one eye to the other it was in pattaya last year and i caught it probably from a bottle cover wiping my eyes etc, i got it in both eyes after refusing to wear the patch the clinic gave me and boy was i sorry B)

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I wore a patch over one eye and a lense in the other for years as a child. Gained no benefit to the sight in my weak eye, but then maybe confusious was right and I am more focused. Frightens me to think what I would be like if I could see through both eyes.

When i first arrived in Thailand It took me weeks to work out why so many people were wearing bandages under their chins. I put it down to motorcycle accidents till I realised they were medical face masks, pulled down off their nose and mouth and put under their chin..........

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