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Where To Bury My Beloved Dog?

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Some of you know my dog, Rocky - some may have seen him taking us for a walk. He was a 60Kg Dogue De Bordeaux - only one in Thailand as far as I know. Lovely dog. He was diagnosed with cancer scarcely 2 months ago - and though under a vet (and some 30 tablets a day) it ravaged him - he went from full health (I had noticed some lumps in his throat which prompted a vet visit - his last checkup was just 6 weeks prior and included full blood workup and boosters and was clean) to a skeleton with skin attached - he lost 15Kg in that time - the vet was amazed by the aggressiveness of the disease and the apparant affectiveness of the pills (they seemed to work very fast reducing swelling etc) - we knew he was doomed on the initial diagnosis as it was in his lungs, throat, leg muscles, testicles - everywhere - though the vet put 10 months on him. Anyway, yesterday he took a turn for the worse - and in the early hours he succome. Maybe a blessing in disguise as 10 months of such suffering would be hard for us to take, let alone him.

He was a much loved family pet - lived in the house with us and always had the best food and vet care we could get - we are very upset (my two little girls and me) - so anyone feeling a joke coming on, please keep it to yourself.

The reason for this post is that I am at a loss to do with his body (Chiang Mai). I have washed him and he is wrapped and sealed against insects etc for now. However it is not possible to bury him where I live and I do not trust paying someone to take him and bury him - as I suspect they will just dump him somewhere. I am also a bit dubious the vet will not do the same (bin him in the medical waste). I know in BKK there are temples where one can bury or cremate a loved pet, but have been unable to find anything (as yet) in Chiang Mai. So, does anyone know of a per cemetary, temple or crematorium that would take my Rocky and give him the dignity he deserves. We have been through a lot lately watching him fall apart and waste away so fast - we just want to send him on his way with respect and dignity (dignity that was denied him in his last few days).


As a pup: post-749-0-59153500-1289073283_thumb.jpg


I am very sad to hear this, being a dog lover myself. I know, it`s like losing a child.

BTW how old was Rocky.

My advice is, visit a Temple of your choice. If you cannot speak Thai, take a Thai person with you that can translate.

Explain to the monk what you want and why. Offer to give a donation to the temple, something like 3000 baht. If the monks agree, attend the burial at the temple so you have peace of mind that all has been done proper.

I am sure if you do this no temple will refuse your request.

Best regards


Very, very sorry to hear of your loss.

When our little dog suddenly passed away we had her cremated. I think they call the crematoriums here "susaan" or something like that. The place we took our dog to was on a soi past Tesco Khamtieng but not as far as Kaeonawarat Road (the soi is on the same side of the highway as Tesco). The place looks a little like a wat but not really. There is a huge smoke stack. All they do there is cremations. Cost 500 Baht.

I wish I could give better or more precise directions but I can't. If you PM me, I'll ask my g/f if she can offer better directions.



First up, all compassion to you and your family.

Dogs have always been part of our family and it is heartbreaking when their time comes to say Goodbye.

Currently Cassie, the Sheep Dog is with us, but as it is her 15th year - I decided to be proactive and ask as to where, when the time came, I might arrange a creamtion, as I do not have the heart to take into the woods and ''bury' and leave her there.

Nienke came to my assistance. I am sorry that I cannot provide more detail but the original message has now long gone.

But if you are driving along the Airport Road, away from the airport, just before Chiang Mai Land is an Animal Hospital. They will arrange a cremation and if you provide a bronze urn or one of your choice - they will later return the ashes.

Heart felt sympathy to you.



Oh my Gawd, what an absolute shocking news!

My deepest heartfelt sympathies to you and your family, wolf5370.

Rocky was a gorgeous dog and very attached to his family.

Loosing a beloved pet is hard, but loosing it so quickly and so young makes it even harder.

Yes, Dr. Chakkrit at Ban Mha ka Meaw said that they offer this service. So far I've understood, normally he comes into the hospital around 11 am, but they open at 9am. But maybe check out the place that electrified mentions as well.

I wish you and your family a lot of strength the coming time.


We have used Mha ka Meaw where one of their staff took us to the Wat where our lovely girl was cremated and then buried at the bottom of our garden with two of her friends who had passed before. It was a bit basic using just a small tree trunk as the funeral pyre but got the job done.

She went the same way,very virulent cancer at the age of 13 and we had to make the awful decision to let her go as her suffering was too much to bear. The staff at Mha ka Meaw assisted her passing.

Our condolences for losing what I know what was a member of your family.



sorry to hear of your loss : (

this is baan mac na mear vets

the cost for cremating an adult soi cat was 1000 baht in march .... a bigger dog ?

with respect ... dave2 : (


Thanks everyone for your help and condolences. In answer to BeetleJuice he was just 3 years old almost to the day. So young for such a disease! Thanks Nienke for remembering him – Sugar (cat that also stayed with you) is a bit out of salts at the moment too.

We will do some trips/calls today and try to sort something out. Thanks again.


No suggestions wolf, just condolences. I know how it feels to lose a beloved part of a family household.


Hi everyone.

We phoned the animal hospital above and they suggested taking him to a local temple and burying him instead (maybe he is too big for their incinerator???) Anyway, sister-in-law's BF is going to take him to the local temple tonight and bury him - he said its OK for Thais to do this. Temple is close by so not difficult. My sister -in-law would not him him dumpo Rocky, so I am sure he will get laid to rest. We will have a little family goodbye about an hour after he picks him up.

Thanks again everyone.


Sorry to here of your loss. Our dog (see avator) died in March. He was 12 y/o and we had him since he was a puppy. We live in a housing estate on the outskirts of Bangkok and there is a klong and small park on the edge of the estate. I used to take him there every day. So we buried him there in a area that he loved near the klong.


Hi guys,

thanks again for all the well wishes - much appreciated (its amazing how simple messages of support like this makes one feel a little happier for while). I buried him tonight. A freind has a walled in large piece of land that used to be a garden - with ornamental trees etc. I buried him there myself. He has no plans for the land but to hold it, so his grave should remain undisturbed and surrounded by wild flowers (garden flowers gone wild) and ornamental trees and shrubs. Its walled in and has a form fitted gate - so no big animals (like other dogs) should be able to disturb his slumber. We said our goodbyes and buried him with a couple of pigs ears (that he loved). It was nice to be able to bury him myself in nice surrounding (even though the ground was very hard and I only had a hoe to dig with!).

Again - thanks for all the messages of condolence and suggestions. I will give it a couple of weeks then I'll be off to Care for Dogs for a puppy or two - it/they won't replace Rocky, but a family needs a dog (our does at least) and its also a nice diversion.


Hi guys,

thanks again for all the well wishes - much appreciated (its amazing how simple messages of support like this makes one feel a little happier for while). I buried him tonight. A freind has a walled in large piece of land that used to be a garden - with ornamental trees etc. I buried him there myself. He has no plans for the land but to hold it, so his grave should remain undisturbed and surrounded by wild flowers (garden flowers gone wild) and ornamental trees and shrubs. Its walled in and has a form fitted gate - so no big animals (like other dogs) should be able to disturb his slumber. We said our goodbyes and buried him with a couple of pigs ears (that he loved). It was nice to be able to bury him myself in nice surrounding (even though the ground was very hard and I only had a hoe to dig with!).

Again - thanks for all the messages of condolence and suggestions. I will give it a couple of weeks then I'll be off to Care for Dogs for a puppy or two - it/they won't replace Rocky, but a family needs a dog (our does at least) and its also a nice diversion.

I'm happy you found this spot for him. You can return to visit at will whenever you want.


Hi guys,

thanks again for all the well wishes - much appreciated (its amazing how simple messages of support like this makes one feel a little happier for while). I buried him tonight. A freind has a walled in large piece of land that used to be a garden - with ornamental trees etc. I buried him there myself. He has no plans for the land but to hold it, so his grave should remain undisturbed and surrounded by wild flowers (garden flowers gone wild) and ornamental trees and shrubs. Its walled in and has a form fitted gate - so no big animals (like other dogs) should be able to disturb his slumber. We said our goodbyes and buried him with a couple of pigs ears (that he loved). It was nice to be able to bury him myself in nice surrounding (even though the ground was very hard and I only had a hoe to dig with!).

Again - thanks for all the messages of condolence and suggestions. I will give it a couple of weeks then I'll be off to Care for Dogs for a puppy or two - it/they won't replace Rocky, but a family needs a dog (our does at least) and its also a nice diversion.

"Undisturbed and surrounded by wild flowers and trees".

It sounds like you have done the very best you could for your beloved friend. smile.gif


So sorry to hear of your loss.

My dog passed away in January, so I understand what you are going through. However, time is a great healer and I now look back not with sadness, but with smiles and fond memories.

Take comfort from the fact that he had a good life with a loving owner. More than many other dogs receive.

Best wishes mate.




re .... I understand what you are going through. However, time is a great healer and I now look back not with sadness, but with smiles and fond memories.

a good post and thanks from all animal lovers .

dave2 ... a cat and dog lover

ps ... anyone want a kitten ? ... if so ... pm me : )

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