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Sorry I Killed Your Wife, Here's Some Money

sriracha john

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Jails are indeed quite full of vehicular manslaughterers... one wonders why Anita is not with them.  :o

The ones still inside are the ones who probably couldn't afford to pay any blood money. The jails could be alot fuller but as we know many people go free if they pay up

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At the end of the day, is it even our place to judge?

Our members have made a total of 433,737 posts

We have 21,019 registered members

One could quite easily justify saying that there's been almost half a million "judgements" as of this point in time. :D

We'll never be able to vote or influence the law and fustrating though it is at times, all we'll ever be able to do is comment amongst ourselves.

I'm not so easily discouraged... history is resplendent with changes made against even greater odds.

It's called hope. :o

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dont worry ,That Anita is punished By Thais already..she lost her  job ..


I guess that's pretty harsh....considering the victim's wife didn't lose her job, but her life..... :o

Without even reading all of the first page I can see that this singer is already being harshly condemmed by farang forum members purely because she is rich and famous and some of us are already jumping to conclusions about 'only in Thailand' and 'She lost her job, well, somebody lost a life' etc... etc.. blah blah blah, what - do you want this woman to be hanged by the neck until dead?

I'm sure this singer is (was) an irritating, hi so, over-westernised premadonna but she is still a person and people make mistakes and no matter what goes on in a court of law - BambinA has alrady proved that there is justice, harsh justice among the Thai's as people no matter what faults are in their law system or government which are certainly no more than in our own.

<deleted> Scampy , if there was justice , whatever this womans standing in society, she should do some hard time , not 36 hours of community service.

If it were my wife and child who were killed , and the perp was walking around a few weeks later , I would fear for her safety.

How would you feel? Maybe when you have a wife and sprog you will have a different viewpoint.

Hope China is cool btw... :D

Chon, didn't the family settle for the money? If not, she would have gone to prison. That's how i understand this type of situation to work. If i'm wrong could somebody clear it up as to what does happen.


Scamp. Thats how I read the situation. The family could of refused any "compensation" . I'll relate a story I was told here some time ago:-

A while back a girl was raped by two "youths" one of which father was quite well off. Apparently he paid the girls family 500,000 bhat and the matter was droped. I was appaled when I heard this . Basicaly what some of my Thai friends told me was. "whats done is done and you cant eat revenge". i'e What good would it of done the girl or the family to press the case and make to perpetrators go to jail. I'm not making any judgments here just relating the story.

In an ideal world both would of happened the family would of gotten compensation and the criminals sent to jail. Not much of a deterent when your family can buy you out of virtually anything!

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"whats done is done and you cant eat revenge". i'e What good would it of done the girl or the family to press the case and make to perpetrators go to jail. I'm not making any judgments here just relating the story.

In an ideal world both would of happened the family would of gotten compensation and the criminals sent to jail. Not much of a deterent when your family can buy you out of virtually anything!

This is a very true point, I agree totally and it's basically what some people refer to as sad but true... Getting angry and fustrated is really a romantic idea of justice but not a realistic one, I just hope that instead of getting stressed and full of hatred people can find solice in the old 'what goes around comes around' cliche.

It's called hope.

I'm hopeless. :o

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A while back a girl was raped by two "youths" one of which father was quite well off. Apparently he paid the girls Family 500,000 bhat and the matter was droped. I was appaled when I heard this . Basicaly what some of my Thai friends told me was. "whats done is done and you cant eat revenge". i'e What good would it of done the girl or the family to press the case and make to perpetrators go to jail. I'm not making any judgments here just relating the story.

In an ideal world both would of happened the family would of gotten compensation and the criminals sent to jail. Not much of a deterent when your family can buy you out of virtually anything!

Interesting, why was the girl's family compensated? The girl should have received compensation, not her family!

It is sad that in cases of this nature, a family's first concern may be "How Much", instead of concern for the victim.

I may be wrong, but re the Brazilian guy who ran from police in UK because he was an illegal and was shot. The 1st bit of news I heard about his family in Brazil was that they plan to sue the UK for compensation.

Edited by loong
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And you have the nerve to admit you're a Catholic while on a typical UK superiority rant - special.

Admit? Since when was membership of a faith something needing to be 'admitted'? Declare, affirm, witness, yeah, all these things maybe - but admit? I think not.

And what has it got to do with 'a typical UK superiority rant'?

Off topic, I know, but it couldn't go unchallenged.

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A while back a girl was raped by two "youths" one of which father was quite well off. Apparently he paid the girls Family 500,000 bhat and the matter was droped. I was appaled when I heard this . Basicaly what some of my Thai friends told me was. "whats done is done and you cant eat revenge". i'e What good would it of done the girl or the family to press the case and make to perpetrators go to jail. I'm not making any judgments here just relating the story.

In an ideal world both would of happened the family would of gotten compensation and the criminals sent to jail. Not much of a deterent when your family can buy you out of virtually anything!

Interesting, why was the girl's family compensated? The girl should have received compensation, not her family!

It is sad that in cases of this nature, a family's first concern may be "How Much", instead of concern for the victim.

I may be wrong, but re the Brazilian guy who ran from police in UK because he was an illegal and was shot. The 1st bit of news I heard about his family in Brazil was that they plan to sue the UK for compensation.

Just relating it as I was told it mate..I think she might of only been 17 and therfore may of been down to her parents desission

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Somehow there seems to be a lot of English that love to talk about racist America without considering their own racism.

Really? I haven't noticed any. UK is racist both ways due to many events in recent history (talking about them is off-topic).

Please don't tell me what I should include or leave out, as I am an American and an ethnic minority, and I can make a point about excessive anti-American comments by paralleling it to race if I very well please.
If you cite an incredibly untruthful example in retailiation for a couple of members (who were quickly banned days ago) expect to be picked up on it. Being an American ethnic minority and comparing one basher's opinion on Harmonica "having a typical American attitude" to "UK yobs hunting down and killing non-whites" doesn't give you any special concessions. If comparing Tony's unnecessary comment to "British arrogancy" there might have even been a few Brits with you...we sometimes hate the attitudes of our fellow countrymen too and can/will shoot them down (not literally, cos that would be more than yobbish). Anyway, that would have been a decent comparison of attitudes, that's what I'm saying.
And by the way, if you think my comments are inaccurate, they are no more so than the bulk of anti-American bashers that comment here.

I guess I missed their wind-ups. Not retaliating is better, others did that already and more effectively. Better still, tell them to talk to the hand, that's always a winner.

I have no interest in getting into a racial discussion with you either because it would be a waste of time.
Good comment. No need for it in this thread anyway.

I'm sorry to all if this is a bit off topic, but I'm going to respond to CarlBKK here:

It seems that you don't notice much, including the anti-American comments on this thread that were directed at Americans, not just Harmonica. But then I'm not surprised, considering that you state I use "an incredibly untruthful example" just days after a black teenager was murdered in the UK by a gang of white youths that left an axe embedded in his skull. Without much effort, I can also cite the murder of black teenager Stephen Lawrence in 1993, and a 2000 UN report on the state of institutionalized racism in the UK. You must of missed those "wind ups" as well.

There was also the report by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance that stated in part: "The report is the second in a series of country by country assessments undertaken by the ECRI. The first report into the UK was dated March 6 1998 and published in January 1999. In the period between the two reports, the report of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry was published on February 24, 1999. The Inquiry found that “institutional racism” had played a part in the flawed investigation by the Metropolitan Police Service, notably in the treatment of the family of the victim, the failure of officers to recognise a racially motivated crime and the lack of urgency and commitment in some areas of the investigation." This is old news, before the London bombings last month, which has since seen a staggering 600 percent increase in retalitory violence.

And yet you have the gall to attempt the feeble condescending remark about 'talking to the hand'. You remind me of a story one of my Irish friends told about sitting in a Pub in London. He and a group of Irish had to listen to an English guy tell a string of "Paddy" jokes for the better part of 40 minutes before they told one English joke. The English guy got all red in the face and wanted to fight.

This is the blind spot that I'm talking about and you exemplify it well. It seems that your definition of arrogance is when someone else refutes your argument. By the way, I was making a comparison about my nationality as an American and ethnic minority based on personal experience, not because I need "special concessions". The original poster as a British person was blaming all Americans for the rantings of Harmonica, and I was pointing out the futility of that logic by holding him responsible for a scenario as equally ridiculous ....... get it?

I have many English and British friends who do get it, and they are an integral part of my experinces abroad and as an expat; I mean no disrespect.

I'm sorry to other posters who had to read this, but I just wanted to set it straight. I didn't start the rants, and I have no interest in continuing this discussion unless necessary.

And you have the nerve to admit you're a Catholic while on a typical UK superiority rant - special.

Admit? Since when was membership of a faith something needing to be 'admitted'? Declare, affirm, witness, yeah, all these things maybe - but admit? I think not.

And what has it got to do with 'a typical UK superiority rant'?

Off topic, I know, but it couldn't go unchallenged.

Everyone's faith is personal. I was merely pointing out the irony of his rant against the evils of an entire nationality whilst claiming to be a member of the Catholic Church.

Edited by kat
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A while back a girl was raped by two "youths" one of which father was quite well off. Apparently he paid the girls Family 500,000 bhat and the matter was droped. I was appaled when I heard this . Basicaly what some of my Thai friends told me was. "whats done is done and you cant eat revenge". i'e What good would it of done the girl or the family to press the case and make to perpetrators go to jail. I'm not making any judgments here just relating the story.

In an ideal world both would of happened the family would of gotten compensation and the criminals sent to jail. Not much of a deterent when your family can buy you out of virtually anything!

Interesting, why was the girl's family compensated? The girl should have received compensation, not her family!

In many cultures, the individual and the family are one and the same.


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I remember reading an article shortly after 9/11 which told the story of a Pepsi delivery worker bringing Pepsi products to a shop own by muslims on 9/11. The two owners where watching the news and dancing and laughing. Pepsi along with everyone else pulled their products and the store went under.

Well done to Pepsi and others if this is really true. I feel disgust towards any terrorism-sympathiser. However, I feel that this 'article' that thaibebop read might be one of the so many urban legends that kept flowing through the Internet after 9/11.

Now to the original topic...I would just say 'She is one of the many people who has managed to get away very lightly with quite a bad act of crime....sad !'.


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I don't wish to appear cynical, but in the words of the song, it's the same the whole world over. People with money/influence/power will always do better than the rest of humanity. Just look at Jeffrey Archer, Jamie Blandford and Charles Brocket in the UK - all went to prison but only because the courts couldn't NOT send them down, and even then only for comparatively light sentences. Or Ted Kennedy after killing Mary Jo Kopechne (sp?) at Chappaquiddick (sentenced for just failing to stop after an accident - right-ho). Or numerous corrupt Italian and French politicians.

As they say, a good criminal gets 6 months, a very good criminal gets 5 years, and an outstanding criminal gets a knighthood.

It doesn't make it right, it doesn't mean it shouldn't be challenged, but I fail to get too exercised over it.

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