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Mornington Crescent


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Is there some hidden meaning in this game?

Are you guys in some kinda cult?

No no, it's Mornington Crescent, the classic British game, which is of historical significance as it was the game that decided, to an extent, the outcome of the Napoleonic war.

In more modern times it has been popularised by a popular radio show called 'I'm sorry, I haven't a clue' who first brought the game to the masses. All you need in order to join in, is a copy of the relevant rule book (and relevant editions in summary, often no more than a few weeks reading material) and then a pocket A-Z map of the london underground and bus stations/routes. The main idea of the game is to reach Mornington Crescent station before anyone else, but of course you can set up dastardly moves to block one another from doing so.

If you are British, you don't need to read too many rules, as most of it will come naturally to you anyway. It is, however, a very serious game - and nothing to do with cocaine.

Now I finally know what many British people do with time on their hands..... :o

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I don't have a copy of the 1987 rules here, however, the Rushton 1982 rules (unabridged version) categorically state that if opponents have not moved in the alloted time (2 hours) then the previous mover may, if so desired, take the penultimate mover for ruffing. If this rule has not been revised in the 1987 edition then I take Will for ruffing and move to Sloane Square. If the rule has been revised/repealed then I take back the move and apologise for any indescretions.

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I'm quite happy for you to make that move... :o

Using the same set of rules, I can now perform a double loop back using the Bus Link to move to Kings Cross.

Now be advised.... this stops any moves to "yellow" stations... unless you can find a way around Section 4 para 1.2.

I'll let you lot chew that one over.

totster :D

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I'm quite happy for you to make that move...  :D

Using the same set of rules, I can now perform a double loop back using the Bus Link to move to Kings Cross.

Now be advised.... this stops any moves to "yellow" stations... unless you can find a way around Section 4 para 1.2.

I'll let you lot chew that one over.

totster  :D

A clever move totster.... :D

I too am happy for Jayenram to invoke the rarely used Rushton Rules.

I have always liked the subtleties contained therein..... :o

I too will take the bus, but I shall move yet closer to our final destination and alight at Chalk Farm.

Over to you esteemed gentlemen. :D

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i think you guys should all be GETTING OFF AT BAKER STREET and continuing your strange games there.

Why taxexile?:D ?

Have you seen a move that we have missed? :D

If memory serves me correctly the last time all players got off at Baker Street, they were visiting Sherlock Holmes the then Master of Mornington Crescent!

I think I shall wait for comments from the others before accepting your, I am sure, well intended advice. :o

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I shall perform a double-back to Bethnal Green (as we are adhering to the Greenham subtleties of '87) to flush out any would be professional players lurking on the forum..

Well, that puts me out of the game. :D

I didn't want to play anyway. :D

I'll just have to play Subbuteo all by myself then. :o

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Well that's fine, Gazza, you can join in, but just be sure to approach things from a vizzier-manning perspective or totster will have you right in his headlights.

Since I have been caught ruffing :D (well spotted rule, Jayenram) I have had to peruse the rushton editions, and have found a rather interesting ammendment by name of the 'Farmer's Union Rights' clause (p.5, Rushton's 'Strategies for a new Crescent; The Gentleman's Light Handbook') which as you shall no doubt be reading by now, essentially transports anyone at any agriculturally linked stations directly into Nidd. So it is, then, that Dereklev is both one step away from winning and one step away from losing!

So, Belsize by way of Farmer's Union Rights clause :o

Edited by OxfordWill
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Well that's fine, Gazza, you can join in, but just be sure to approach things from a vizzier-manning perspective or totster will have you right in his headlights.

Since I have been caught ruffing :D (well spotted rule, Jayenram) I have had to peruse the rushton editions, and have found a rather interesting ammendment by name of the 'Farmer's Union Rights' clause (p.5, Rushton's 'Strategies for a new Crescent; The Gentleman's Light Handbook') which as you shall no doubt be reading by now, essentially transports anyone at any agriculturally linked stations directly into Nidd. So it is, then, that Dereklev is both one step away from winning and one step away from losing!

So, Belsize by way of Farmer's Union Rights clause  :D

Oxford I am sorry but I am going to invoke...........

tobermory’s stratagem

Players can rush the opponent by calling the same destination immediately after them - the Cross Blocker - and then sending them to the nearest free base, usually Ongar, from where they cannot expect to make a winning strike in less than four moves. King’s Cross is wild.

So I call Belsize and banish you to Ongar......... :o

Verification of this and many other rules can be found below.


Sorry.... :D :D

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You cannot invoke stratagems from inside Nidd! Very nice try otherwise!

Tomorrow I will respond, my initial thought is to fall on my sword! :D

I completely missed the agricultural link to Nidd! :D

And I can't even blame the Chang....... :o

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Verification of this and many other rules can be found below.


Thanks for the link. I'd completely forgotten about the definitive lateral move (thanks Barry). However, I'm keeping that move in abeyance for later defence and whilst it may be taking a liberty at this stage I'm about to use the recently introduced DLR amendment :o

South Quay

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You cannot invoke stratagems from inside Nidd! Very nice try otherwise!

i dont know you , i have no idea abou this thread .. but i heard aout you




Don't worry, BambinA, you are not alone.

Obviously it's a British thing - we just wouldn't understand.... :o:D

( BTW Love the Angels! )

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You cannot invoke stratagems from inside Nidd! Very nice try otherwise!

i dont know you , i have no idea abou this thread .. but i heard aout you




Don't worry, BambinA, you are not alone.

Obviously it's a British thing - we just wouldn't understand.... :o:D

( BTW Love the Angels! )

Oh come on you two, I have posted the rules and variations thereof.

Whats hard to understand! :D !

Yes Bambi the Angels are lovely and I dedicate my next move to you...... :D


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I knew the DLR amendment would have you flumoxed (sorry Mandrake :o ). Anyway, you're not going to catch me out with the old Angel black market manouver; I'm too long in the tooth for that ruse!

So I'll cover your Angel and raise you Blackfriars. :D

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I want to invoke the Roxby clause, cover your WMC with the BHP Billiton :D

Aussie Rules are not allowed! :o !

Allow such nonsense as BHP Billiton and before you know it some well meaning Antipode will be calling Telstra!!!! :D

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I want to invoke the Roxby clause, cover your WMC with the BHP Billiton :D

Aussie Rules are not allowed! :D !

Allow such nonsense as BHP Billiton and before you know it some well meaning Antipode will be calling Telstra!!!! :D

And get a curry muncher on the line?

Not farking likely!


/Edit - whoops... I stumbled into a soapdodgers thread... :o

I'll exit stage left now... :D

Edited by Jai Dee
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i read this thread 3 times (not follow all links) still dont understand what you guys are talking about (plus your special  vocab)

is it soccer?


Bambi bigw.gif

:D :D

Not quite Bambi, not quite.......... :D:D:D

Have a look at a map of the London Underground.


And in answer to Jayenram's shrewd move, I invoke The Arnie Ammendment - 1992 which clearly states "I'll be back!"

Therefore I re-visit my opening gambit of Earls Court and Kings Cross.

I think Oxford's Nidd rights should be revoked immediately.......... :o

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Well that's fine, Gazza, you can join in, but just be sure to approach things from a vizzier-manning perspective or totster will have you right in his headlights.

Since I have been caught ruffing :D (well spotted rule, Jayenram) I have had to peruse the rushton editions, and have found a rather interesting ammendment by name of the 'Farmer's Union Rights' clause (p.5, Rushton's 'Strategies for a new Crescent; The Gentleman's Light Handbook') which as you shall no doubt be reading by now, essentially transports anyone at any agriculturally linked stations directly into Nidd. So it is, then, that Dereklev is both one step away from winning and one step away from losing!

So, Belsize by way of Farmer's Union Rights clause  :o

Hey what about the Cobblethorpes 1960 Beeching execution variant!

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ok I invoke the 2005 Surin FC Gnome law and you guys know what that means

Sorry Bronc, wrong game. This is 'Mornington Crescent'.

I think you're looking for the Thai version named 'Soi Laselle'.


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im sorry guys .. im now going to have to invoke the time and space continium rules of self induced celebreal enhancement 1999. A rule i believe , and of course correct me if I am wrong as I a bit "HAZY on this one, firstly introduced by the local THC street traders ...

It means I enter the game where the universe all begun ... I Play CAMDEN TOWN :o

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i dont know you ,  i have  no idea abou this thread .. but i  heard aout you




ps , what i say is no meaning , snobby mode :o

What did you hear about me? Should I be worried? :D

Right, alot to digest since I was travelling on the train today and didn't have time to log in, but I have had time to think about the moves previously made.

I was discussing one option with an elderly lady on the train sitting next to me, a Mrs. Trellis from North Wales. She was impressed to hear that amongst the rapid pornography and recipes for kangaroo steak, the internet also had a good old game of MC going. She wishes us all the best. She suggested I go for a Russian Black Hand and end things right here, but I reminded her that under the Camden Town ammendments (post war, not her specialisation) such a move was a breach of etiquette.

She did say, however, that removing stains from the carpet was a simple case of pureed fruit.

Moving on, I too should welcome the newcomers to the game, you're not too late to have a serious chance at it.

Dereklev, I realise you antics with Nidd might be a little dispiriting, but bear in mind that as per Gardner 87:

"..In cases where no suitable impire can be located, the last player to be placed in Nidd becomes an acting umpire for the following three rounds..'

So maybe I have done you a favour after all.

Totster, you missed one move away from Mornington - shame you missed that one.

The Jubilee line is now open for twisting (as is my perogative as the starter of this game) and also for the fuller twist gambit special, so you may now twist as much as you like on that line.

Mansion House

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