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Mornington Crescent


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I spend a few hours in the pub and a few hours sleeping and my whole gambit has been buggered. I feel like I'm back where I started.

Also I think Totster is chucking in red herrings here now. I've never heard of the Deptford Bridge move (methinks he is bending the rules a little).

Therefore, as he is playing very close to the edge, I'll move to Putney Bridge. :o

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Talk about rule bending Jayenram... with that move to Putney Bridge they're almost bent at 45 degrees... :o:D

But anyway... I can easily block that move by using the fast switchback maneuver (which you will all remember was pioneered by John Forsyth) to move to Notting Hill Gate

Now remember guys that once the FSBM (fast switchback maneuver) has been played, travel on the circle line can only be made anticlockwise.... that should throw the spanner in the works for some of you.. :D

totster :D

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Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Whatever are you up to now? As far as I know, that maneover hasn't been played since the mid eighties. You'll be trying the Spine Millington Gunner move next. :o:D

Anyway, it appears that the other opponents are either in bed or in the pub, so I'll enforce the Rushton ruffing move again and try:

Hanger Lane.

That should get you thinking!

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Anyone have a link for these rules I carn't find one. When I have them I'm game.

OK, I've found this on the net; maybe it will help to make it clearer.

"Mornington Crescent

As most people know the rules to this game, or can track down the International Mornington Crescent Society rulebook, I will not waste space repeating them here. (Beginners may like to see the transcript from a novice’s game.) However, the following are the simplified rules which should be enough to start you playing:

Rules for Mornington Crescent (simplified)

1. Get to Mornington Crescent.

2. Stop your opponents getting there first."

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Anyone have a link for these rules I carn't find one. When I have them I'm game.

OK, I've found this on the net; maybe it will help to make it clearer.

"Mornington Crescent

As most people know the rules to this game, or can track down the International Mornington Crescent Society rulebook, I will not waste space repeating them here. (Beginners may like to see the transcript from a novice’s game.) However, the following are the simplified rules which should be enough to start you playing:

Rules for Mornington Crescent (simplified)

1. Get to Mornington Crescent.

2. Stop your opponents getting there first."

Read that allready. I'll have to observe then.

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Well I was hoping to go to Canada Water but of course, it hasn't been built yet as we are using War Provisions rules.


Fortunately for me, it is a tuesday now which means I can claim Senior Citizens ammendments and travel across the Thames via London Bridge for half-fare.

If I don't make Mornington Crescent in the next three moves, I'll eat my hat.

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Well I was hoping to go to Canada Water but of course, it hasn't been built yet as we are using War Provisions rules.


Fortunately for me, it is a tuesday now which means I can claim Senior Citizens ammendments and travel across the Thames via London Bridge for half-fare.

If I don't make Mornington Crescent in the next three moves, I'll eat my hat.

Now, don't tell me that this wasn't the obvious next move :

North Acton

Might be obvious .. but sloppy....

This allows me to use the "baker street" ammendment of the lady diana royalty rules to move to Victoria via Westminster (without stopping of course)

totster :o

Even if you are at London Bridge my move still stands... works out better actuallly..

totster :D

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I'm confused. Are we now at London Bridge or Victoria?

If we are currently at London Bridge, I'll bring the DLR rules into play again and move to Canary Wharf.

If we are currently at Victoria, I'll put the cat amongst the pigeons and dead-end you at Ealing Broadway. I know there's a way out but can you find it?

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Blimey, I go away for a day and you all run riot! :D !

Has taken me an hour to take in all the skulldugerry....... :o

You know who I mean so I shall not name and shame you YET!

I think Oxford is close to the "Holy Grail".

So in an attempt to scupper his plans I will invoke the BAPA (British Airline Pilots Association) codicil that was ratified at the 1993 World Convention, that states....

"If a pilot has been active in a game (10% PLUS of the moves) and due to his work requirements has been away from the game for MORE than 24 hours he may nulify all moves since his last by taking you all to HEATHROW TERMINALS 1,2, 3

Gentlemen, put that in your pipes and smoke it!!!! :D

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if I refer to the infamous Toast Rack Treaty and make a starting move of

Tooting Bec

Jeeze, that was a dangerous move! Have you been drinking?

Anyway - "Power to the People!"

My drinking and working commitments allow me certain special rights - however dereklev seems to have timed his aviation manoeuvre spectacularly well in a brave attempt to oust this novice and confuse the situation.

Do not underestimate the power of Tooting - I hereby call upon the Socialist Workers Industrial Dispute modus operandi and avail myself of the complimentary Jetlink bus to escape Heathrow and therefore to . . .



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Well, I can't say I wasn't asking for it. :D


No you can't! :D

I must question JexP in his delusion that Tooting Bec has some sort of mystical powers..... :D:D

He then invokes some mysterious bunch of commies and escapes on a bus!!!

What sort of behaviour is that....... :D

I hand the matter over to Oxford who under the rules of NIDD is our proxy umpire.

Will, please rule........... :o

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Well, I can't say I wasn't asking for it. :D


No you can't! :D

I must question JexP in his delusion that Tooting Bec has some sort of mystical powers..... :D:D

He then invokes some mysterious bunch of commies and escapes on a bus!!!

What sort of behaviour is that....... :D

I hand the matter over to Oxford who under the rules of NIDD is our proxy umpire.

Will, please rule........... :o

There's an umpire? :D That's just not cricket . . . oh . . hang on . . . :D


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As far as I can see from a short amount of research this morning in the Christ Church library (Oxford), wherein lies the original Gardiner Rulebook bound in oxhide and smelted with tar, Tooting Bec was upgraded from Voxton to Holding status due to a complication with the 2000 edition updates; notably due to the since overwritten Millenium Bug Ammendments.

It's a tricky call, but if JxP can confirm which particular subsection of the SWID he is appealing to, I can pop into Magdalen college after lunch and ask to have a peek at the relevant books for confirmation.

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This game must be  MONOPOLY  :D
What did you hear about me? Should I be worried?  :D

emmm... dont worry , what i heard about you is REALLY GREAT, you'd be proud :D

Bambi (read this thread 8 times)

Keep trying Bambi you will master it sooner or later! :D !

Thanks Oxford I think your call is very fair.

So over to JxD to let us know more about his Commie Buddies..... :o:D

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Mornington Crescent

Next time has BTS game , tell me ok? :D

Mornington Crescent is a strategy game played on the London Underground map, the aim being to move to Mornington Crescent. So far, so much like any other game.

But then, not every game has a 125 volume rulebook; few games have (literally) warring standards bodies; and no other game has an oral tradition stretching back to pre-Pharaonic Egypt.

Having pointed out these truths about Mornington Crescent, you will I am sure understand me when I say that I cannot explain the Game - steeped in theory though it is, you must play MC to understand it.



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There is a 'Rot-Fay-Faa' edition, in His Majesty's Name, released to improve efforts on international integration and cultural cohesion. It's often a much smaller and simpler game, often ending with more than one appeal to a bangkok taxi to eventually reach 'National Stadium', especially if playing by rushhour rules in which every other train is full.

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Ok... i'll lead..

We're at Paddington

I'm going to move to Marble Arch... Now if you are wondering how I managed that move, I've done so using the War Provisions rules 1916 (revised) that Will introduced into play earlier in the game.

totster :o

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