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Mornington Crescent


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Using the ancient 'Peruvian Gold Miners and Wheel Tappers Social Club's Virgin Sacrificing Christmas Handicap Rules' as found etched into a plinth located at the bottom of Lake Titicaca amid a shoal of ferocious man-eating piranhas, I do hereby incite part of the unfinished cryptic rule of;

"19 moves forward 1 move back,

Get off the Blue Vein and onto the Black.

Hold up high a virgin to the stars,

Then bend her over and................."

From Hounslow West that should place me just nicely at Leicester Square.


Edited by Gazza
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Ok Gazza, that is a rarely invoked rule and has probably been superceded by the Machu Picchu Convention which is far too lengthy to quote.

However in simplicitic terms it warns you to beware of Conquistadors in sheeps clothing! :o !

So lets all go to Baalham

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I call a foul on Baalham. I know a wolf in sheep's clothing when I see one!

I've just realise that you intended it to be Balham. Therefore it's likely to be a typo and as such definitely a foul (Samantha's ruling). For example, I could move to Arsenal and later claim a typo that it should have been Shoreditch.

Derek therefore misses a turn and we return to Leicester Square.

I move to Royal Oak. Which reminds me.... time I was in the pub!


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Derek therefore misses a turn and we return to Leicester Square.

I'm already at Leicester Square so in theory, I should be going back to Hounslow West. But I'm not. You wanna know why? OK I'll tell you why.

Because I'm going to use the 'Gazza's Winge Ploy'(GWP). A ploy which basically incorporates the spoken terms of 'I'm not moving', 'You can't make me.' and 'My dad is bigger than your dad.' :o

Bearing in mind that from personal childhood experiences, this is a one-time only ruling/excuse. Mis-use or multiple usage of the ploy can result in being sent to Coventry by other game participants (and we all know how far away that place is, don't we?) :D

The late great Albert Thistlethwaite was rumoured to have used this ploy to great effect as part of his Psyche Out Strategies back in the early 80's.

Sadly, it's been said that even on his deathbed he tried using the GWP on his Creator. That sure sounds like ol' obstinate Albert all right. Even with the last of his dying breath he was trying to counteract someone else's move.

RIP Albie. :D

Anyway, I'm staying put at Leicester Square while my Tactical Advisors study the latest moves. :D

Edited by Gazza
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In his abscence I ruled in favour... just wanted to keep the game flowing...

Forget about it.. move on, it wasn't a winning move anyway..

totster  :D

Thank you Mr Totster but I feel you take my manoeuvrings too lightly.

The attempted move on Balham his upset one (and only one) of my stratagem so I must, like Gazza (my Dad is bigger than yours), analyse the situation carefully before committing myself to what appears to be one of the key moments approaching the endgame.

The real world keeps intruding on my online activities. :o


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The net closes in!

I'll take the super-saver-return to Euston, which brings a certain sense of 'deja vue'.

This could be over by Hyde Park Corner, which would happily avoid the Sunday Service rules. (Never been one for singing during a game).

Interesting choice of rules from Gazza earlier - I think we shall bracket it under the 'closing hours privileges', which of course are soon set to be invalid due to New Labour.

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There is a 'Rot-Fay-Faa' edition, in His Majesty's Name, released to improve efforts on international integration and cultural cohesion. It's often a much smaller and simpler game, often ending with more than one appeal to a bangkok taxi to eventually reach 'National Stadium', especially if playing by rushhour rules in which every other train is full.

The secret 'Soi Laselle Society' would have you believe much of that. They do tend to throw a lot of this kind of misinformation around to help keep their close-knit gaming community away from inquisitive outsiders. Who would then typically ask the usual questions of "How do I play this game?" or "I don't understand what is going on so it must be British" etc., etc.

I once stood in for the late great Albert Thistlethwaite of Mornington Crescent fame, and partook in attempting to reach Soi Laselle. Even though I was later brainwashed so as not to reveal what goes on within the 'SLS', I still however get flashbacks from my brief time spent playing. Personally I think the brainwashing was either more of a light rinse or they just simply didn't force enough beer down my throat. It could also partly be due to the fact that I have superior memory retention skills like that of a what-cha-ma-call-it.

Anyway, from what I can recall, the objective was to reach Soi Laselle (Sukhumvit Soi 105) using any transport available; subway, skytrain, motorcy, taxi meter, on foot, back of pick-up etc., which makes the game sound easy doesn't it? But it isn't. Believe me.

Unlike Mornington Crescent were you only have obscure rules (which to me, sound as though they’re totally fabricated), with Soi Laselle you have to contend with some of the following; corruption, lawlessness, bar-girls, the Ministry of Silly Laws (government/politics), traffic jams, flooding etc.etc.

But above all, you need to have an ‘all seeing eye’ that can foresee predicaments or events during another player’s move.

i.e. Player X makes a move from Victory Monument to Pratunam using the #13 aircon bus. Although Player X has made a perfectly legal and tactical move, what he didn’t foresee during the move but another player did, was that either the bus driver fell asleep at the wheel and crashed, injuring Player X and placing him in the nearest hospital, from where he then has to make his next move. Or, the bus while on route to Pratunam was impounded by the traffic police for excessive exhaust emissions and Player X then, had to seek other forms of transport to complete his move.

Another way to have stopped Player X from arriving at Pratunam would’ve been for another player to use a countermove that involves something simple like employing a hitman from Phetchaburi to shoot out the bus tyres. Simpler still, a player could’ve paid a bribe to the bus driver to drive off his scheduled route, thereby forcing Player X to travel in an opposite direction. Use of dirty tactical moves was commonplace.

Being able to foresee some of the Thai government’s silly laws before the general public become aware of them can be very beneficial to a player. Knowing for instance that a countrywide purchasing ban on brown shoe-laces between the hours of 9am and 3pm can stop another player’s move if the knowledge is used wisely. With this kind of knowledge though, there also comes great responsibility. So be careful.

I would like to divulge more about the ‘SLS’ but they’re closely monitoring my every move. So I’ll just leave you with this vital piece of informati

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So here we are again wth Oxford saying it will soon be over........ :D

I will pick up his clue and move us all to Hyde Park Corner.

Thus proving that it isn't all over and we are where he said it would be over! :o !

Confused..... :D

I am! :D !

Great post Gazza, you could "waffle" for England....... :D

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Curses! Very well, I've run out of appeals to Nidd but if either of you other gents would care to do so, we can whip the sneaky dereklev straight back from whence he came..!

I am going to invoke the right to pause, to be found in the Starbucks editions '04. It takes me a full round to go and buy a mocho-latte-bloto-coffee for £29.30. Expensive, but now is the time for strategy!

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Curses! Very well, I've run out of appeals to Nidd but if either of you other gents would care to do so, we can whip the sneaky dereklev straight back from whence he came..!

I am going to invoke the right to pause, to be found in the Starbucks editions '04. It takes me a full round to go and buy a mocho-latte-bloto-coffee for £29.30. Expensive, but now is the time for strategy!

Must have you worried Will........ :D

Ganging up on me indeed! :o !

I claim the rights to Nidd as you have lost them......... :D

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I missed my chance to move from Olympia as it's now past midnight (BST). I suppose I could use the overland route but I'm not sure of the latest rules following the privatisation of BR.

On the assumption that the rules allow it, I'll move to

West Brompton

I realise that this is a pathetic move but under the circumstances and in an effort to keep the game moving.....

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Ah-oh! Two westerly stations in succession?? War Provisions rules???

Mornington Crescent!


Don't you just love it when you win your own games?

Totster can start us off again (if we can hack it..!)

Now, how did I know you were going to do that! :D !

Well down Oxford a worthy winner........ :o

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I appreciate that my move to West Brompton was pathetic but Derek's subsequent move to West Kensington was downright foolish! However, given the time of day that the move was taken, I'll give him the benefit of doubt and assume he was sh1tfaced. :o

Anyway, having nothing better to do whilst nursing my *chang*over I've analysed the moves and come up with the following statistics:

Will - 19 legitimate moves including the winning move :D

Tots - 17 legitimate moves

Madness - 5 legitimate moves

Derek - 15 legitimate moves plus 1 illegal move

Jay - 14 legitimate moves

Nara - 1 illegal move

Bull - 2 legitimate moves

Junior - 3 legitimate moves

Wings - 1 legitimate move

Gazza - 2 legitimate moves plus a load of bullsh1t :D

So, on relection, we can see that the results give an interesting insight into the progress of the game and this will be ideal study for any newcomers to future games.

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  • 5 months later...

Given the condition of my head this morning, my move may look grossly inadequate, however, in an attempt to keep the game rolling ......

Lancaster Gate

Please note that the subsequent move must be taken before July. :o

Edited by jayenram
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Are you on the sauce already Toast? Bloody game's over before we had lunch. It's a well known fact that had you gone via Oxford Circus, the final move could not have been accomplished. However, by going via Tottenham Court Road you've left the door wide open. Divvy!

Mornington Crescent

Restarting due to dumbness ..............

To re-commence within Paddy country, I'll start at


A move unknown before 1968

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