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Mornington Crescent


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Oi... you cheecky bugger.... according to the 2005 rules (section 2 paragraph 9) you can't move to Mornington Crescent if i have made a move via Tottenham Court Road. Maybe you should update your rule book..

But seeing as you are older (and wiser ?) I'll concede... but thats the one and only time.

Ok.. from Kilburn I move to Embankment.. there I will force a compulsory move to the District Line

totster :o

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Oi... you cheecky bugger.... according to the 2005 rules (section 2 paragraph 9) you can't move to Mornington Crescent if i have made a move via Tottenham Court Road. Maybe you should update your rule book..

Please refer to the title - 1987 rules. In any case the 2005 amendment that you quoted was never officially verified - see W. Rushton biography.

But seeing as you are older (and wiser ?) I'll concede... but thats the one and only time.

totster :o


I'll hold my next move until I've had a few beers, however the Circle Line is also an option to be considered.

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Right then... have to have a little think about my next move..

After careful deliberation I am going to move to London Bridge via Blackfriars, taking the Normal Rail Service.

Reminder - After the Normal Rail Service has been taken, NO clockwise swtichback moves are allowed. This is in line with the 1975 "House of Commons" ammendment.

totster :o

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After careful deliberation I am going to move to London Bridge via Blackfriars, taking the Normal Rail Service.

Reminder - After the Normal Rail Service has been taken, NO clockwise swtichback moves are allowed. This is in line with the 1975 "House of Commons" ammendment.

totster :o

Just found this thread - some very tricky moves in there you guys. I really like that last one Totster because that allows me to go anti-clockwise straight to EUSTON

.... and guess where I can get to from there!

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I'm not normally the foregiving type but in an effort to keep up the flow of the game after that suicidal move, I'll nip over the road (passing no fewer than 3 rub-a-dubs) to Euston Square on my way to:

North Harrow

Da daaaah.

Round of applause please for the man in the green dress!

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Well saved Jay.. I don't think samuires is used to our style of play yet.. I'm sure he'll catch up.

So...After that move I'm gonna try a new trick. According to the 1982 Jimmy Saville edition rules I can use the bus link to travel to Rayners Lane, then onto Acton Town to complete my move. I think you'll agree it's an interesting move.

totster :o

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I'm not normally the foregiving type but in an effort to keep up the flow of the game after that suicidal move, I'll nip over the road (passing no fewer than 3 rub-a-dubs) to Euston Square on my way to:

North Harrow

Da daaaah.

Round of applause please for the man in the green dress!

That was a bit sneaky! I actually expected someone to send me to Campden Town or further on the Eastern branch line - but I suppose that was too easy.

Let's liven it up a bit. Finchley Road

Well saved Jay.. I don't think samuires is used to our style of play yet.. I'm sure he'll catch up.

So...After that move I'm gonna try a new trick. According to the 1982 Jimmy Saville edition rules I can use the bus link to travel to Rayners Lane, then onto Acton Town to complete my move. I think you'll agree it's an interesting move.

totster :o

Clearly coming in to the game at this late stage I am missing some subtleties. So your move to Acton Town preceeded my move which puts me in a quandry as to where I really am.

GREEN PARK works for me I think.

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Now I'm confused (and only on my second beer of the day). I'm not sure whether we are at Finchley Road or Green Park.

If we are at Finchley Road, I'll roll up my trouser legs and head off to:

Aldgate East

However, if we are at Green Park, I'll roll my trouser legs back down (so as not to look too stupid) and using the Hammersmith triple toe loop trick, move swiftly (avoiding Nottinghill Gate) to:

Shepherd's Bush

I knew you'd see it my way in the end.

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Now I'm confused (and only on my second beer of the day). I'm not sure whether we are at Finchley Road or Green Park.

If we are at Finchley Road, I'll roll up my trouser legs and head off to:

Aldgate East

However, if we are at Green Park, I'll roll my trouser legs back down (so as not to look too stupid) and using the Hammersmith triple toe loop trick, move swiftly (avoiding Nottinghill Gate) to:

Shepherd's Bush

I knew you'd see it my way in the end.

That was my problem which was why I went to Green Park and I thought opened up play a bit.

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Now I'm confused (and only on my second beer of the day). I'm not sure whether we are at Finchley Road or Green Park.

If we are at Finchley Road, I'll roll up my trouser legs and head off to:

Aldgate East

However, if we are at Green Park, I'll roll my trouser legs back down (so as not to look too stupid) and using the Hammersmith triple toe loop trick, move swiftly (avoiding Nottinghill Gate) to:

Shepherd's Bush

I knew you'd see it my way in the end.

That was my problem which was why I went to Green Park and I thought opened up play a bit.

Ok -so assumimg we are at Shepherds Bush - H&C not Central - that is so near to the BBC that we are in danger of entering a serious reverse cross over period. So we had better get out of there quickly.

Lets see where Paddington takes us!

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Ah ha! The old sneaky south of the river trick. I am not entirely thick you know. However, you have got me in a minor quandry.

N.N.E. looks positive but I can see away out through the Jubilee line which would not have been possible in 1987 and would obviously require a little circumventing. If I could get to Piccadilly Circus before nightfall, I would be safe from the move to Tower Hill and the subsequent fiasco that would cause. So, after extensive deliberation, I'll move to:

South Kensington

Doesn't look all that clever now I've done it.

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Ah ha! The old sneaky south of the river trick. I am not entirely thick you know. However, you have got me in a minor quandry.

N.N.E. looks positive but I can see away out through the Jubilee line which would not have been possible in 1987 and would obviously require a little circumventing. If I could get to Piccadilly Circus before nightfall, I would be safe from the move to Tower Hill and the subsequent fiasco that would cause. So, after extensive deliberation, I'll move to:

South Kensington

Doesn't look all that clever now I've done it.

You know - I may be new to this thread, but even I could see the error of your ways there! Having said that I will probably screw the next move up myself! :o

I believe there was a convention that BC and TBT used a couple of years ago that confused HL which allowed a double cross over at Chinese New Year which would allow me

Woodford via Grange Hill!

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Ah ha! The old sneaky south of the river trick. I am not entirely thick you know. However, you have got me in a minor quandry.

N.N.E. looks positive but I can see away out through the Jubilee line which would not have been possible in 1987 and would obviously require a little circumventing. If I could get to Piccadilly Circus before nightfall, I would be safe from the move to Tower Hill and the subsequent fiasco that would cause. So, after extensive deliberation, I'll move to:

South Kensington

Doesn't look all that clever now I've done it.

You know - I may be new to this thread, but even I could see the error of your ways there! Having said that I will probably screw the next move up myself! :o

I believe there was a convention that BC and TBT used a couple of years ago that confused HL which allowed a double cross over at Chinese New Year which would allow me

Woodford via Grange Hill!

Oh... nice move.. I'd heard of the Chinese new Year move, but never seen it in practice. !

Right... my next move is a little unconventional, but thats how I like to play. I'm going to nip down to Stratford and jump on the Docklands Light Railway to West India Quay

Remember : No bus links are allowed from the DLR except in cases where the line is closed ! (Universal Rules and ammendments 1956 edition)

totster :D

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Oh... nice move.. I'd heard of the Chinese new Year move, but never seen it in practice. !

Right... my next move is a little unconventional, but thats how I like to play. I'm going to nip down to Stratford and jump on the Docklands Light Railway to West India Quay

Remember : No bus links are allowed from the DLR except in cases where the line is closed ! (Universal Rules and ammendments 1956 edition)

totster :o

That is not funny for a Saturday morning! You have really boxed us in with that! My brain hurts! OK - lets see if this works - the only move I can see without invoking Hibbets Law is


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Cancel that - with Chinese New Year rules in play, it's only a marginal stretch to counter with the dumpling stuff - yes, you read correctly - the next player has to make his way via the nearest chinese take-away outlet (probably back to Euston?!) before continuing!


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Although the game is becoming a little difficult for a person of limited intelligence, I am not sufficiently thick to not spot that Euston suggestion as being not only a red herring but also a cunningly laid trap to allow Will to come up on the blind side whilst the rest of us are sleeping.

So, listen carefully as I will say this only once:


And chicken chow mein to you too. :o

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Although the game is becoming a little difficult for a person of limited intelligence, I am not sufficiently thick to not spot that Euston suggestion as being not only a red herring but also a cunningly laid trap to allow Will to come up on the blind side whilst the rest of us are sleeping.

So, listen carefully as I will say this only once:


And chicken chow mein to you too. :o

Too much monosodium glutamate this weekend what Jay?


Are we still on the same map, trying to confuse us or did you really mean somewhere else?

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Good morning Jay... Ok.. now we have the destination cleared up and I have had a chance to ponder, i've decided to move to Ruislip Manor via Green Park.

Interesting note - As Southwark is in Zone 1 of the Jubilee Line I could have invoked the pythagoras clause found in the 1981 Scientific edition, but, I'm only on my first coffee and couldn't be bothered to work out the maths.

totster :o

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Good morning Jay... Ok.. now we have the destination cleared up and I have had a chance to ponder, i've decided to move to Ruislip Manor via Green Park.

Interesting note - As Southwark is in Zone 1 of the Jubilee Line I could have invoked the pythagoras clause found in the 1981 Scientific edition, but, I'm only on my first coffee and couldn't be bothered to work out the maths.

totster :o

Good morning gentlemen - Jay - I fall on my own sword and will buy a new battery for my hearing aid for not picking up on the intonation.

Totster - another sneaky move - so invoking the Eric Morecambe interchange reverse double loop -


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I suppose in order to continue the connection, and given that i haven't put my thinking head on yet, I'll move to

West Ham

"Up the 'ammers"

Not comfortable with the way this is going. Could attract a lot of Soccer Hooligans if we are not careful. So, referring to the 1965 decision in the House of Lords, Lord Justice Chalfont in a joint decision with Lord Justice Latimer -

get your Straw Boaters on for Harrow-on-the-Hill.

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Well well well I see Jay is as sneaky as he was in game one.... :o

I invoke the rules of Morning Crescent Soccer Special - 1966 and move to the as yet unfinished.....

Wembley Park

I knew it! I just knew It!

This is going to take some sorting out.

Right - Twickenham via Hounslow East (Piccadilly Line) and taking the 281 bus from nearby Hounslow Bus Station to the stadium ready for the England Wales game on Saturday.

Edited by SamuiRes
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