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Cold Calls

Eric Davis

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I received one last week at about 9am in the morning from a guy in Switzerland saying he wanted to tell me about some new stocks that were gonna go through the roof.As I stay in Bangkok,the time here was approx 4am Swiss time so I just let him know and shut the phone down.He did not call back.

Any similar stories here?

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I get calls from fitness centres trying to flog me memberships, I think they get my number out the Bkk Post as I advertise there.

A while ago I got a call out the blue from a Nigerian guy in Bangkok just asking for money, guy had balls I'll give him that, expected me to tell him my address and give him a handout!!!!

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Thats funny I had the same Nigerian guy contact me! He wanted to split his dead fathers bank account with me if I would send his lawyer 5,000 pounds to complete the paperwork, I strung him along the whole way acting like an idiot and told him that I would be happy to help him :D His lawyer lol contacted me the next day and wanted me to Western Union him the money that same day! I laughed and told him he needed to send me $10,000.00 plus expenses up front and then I'll send the wire...never heard from him again!

Always amazed at how stupid people can really be! :o

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I was plagued for ages by a new York stockbroker (and I was in London) coldcalling and trying to get me to invest in stocks there. His opening gambit was "I know you don't know me, so just give me a small try out, say, 30,000 dollars and see how you get on." Yeah right, I say, I'm your man. Are you sure 30,000 is enough?

Unfortunately, this knobneck failed to understand the nuances of my conversation or the principle of sarcasm, so I had to tell him where to get off. He then rang all the time, and I'd hang up. Eventually, my business partner told him I was dead, and the calls stopped.

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I get regular coldcalls from farang trying to sell me "financial services" or "offshore investments." They get my name and number from various business directories. They seem to think all expats get multinational corporation level salaries.

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I think we covered the 3 different types here.

There is the cold caller from boiler room with a new hot stock.

Then there is the fraudster trying out some new scam.

And finally there is the, generally legit, sales people calling from financial advisor companies. Typically selling investment wrappers with funds.

I had calls from them all, but only ever met up with a few from the last catagory to see if any new interesting hedgefund products.


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