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One of my close friend is considering breast augmentation to make her 34A boobs to a 36C. She has been thinking about it for a long time but has been scared into not doing it. However, she has now decided to do it.

She is sick of her small boobs and wants to make herself feel better. She thinks this procedure will do the trick. She wants to be able to wear unpadded bras and look good in them. Not to feel conscious when she is amongst women with larger breasts.

I am a bit afraid for her as I have heard horror stories and also quite excited as I have hear success stories too.

What do you guys and gals think? Any views or advice on this?

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Is your "close friend" khon Thai or Caucasion (or...)?

What size?

What weight?

Slim or overweight?

Reasons for all the questions... a 36C is a lot of breast for any woman, and they may look a little OTT on a woman with a small frame.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Jai Dee, no need to be sly. My close friend is really my close friend, we are both women and I am married. So is she!

She is Asian, I would say about 168cm, medium built and weighs about 58-60kgs (thereabouts). She isn't petite neither is she large.....somewhere in the middle.

It should be 34C as breast augmentation does not change the width, just the cup size.

She wants it to look natural and according to doc, that should be it.

She is Asian, I would say about 168cm, medium built and weighs about 58-60kgs (thereabouts). She isn't petite neither is she large.....somewhere in the middle.

OK... As a bloke I would say that a B cup would look sufficiently natural for her kind of figure... just my personal preference.


But seriously, I don't really like augmented breasts... and I hope your friend is doing it for the right reasons... :o

You say she is married... what does her husband think? :D

Natural is best IMHO, be they large or small.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


I'm with Jai Dee.....

1... I like small breasts

2... natural whatever size are better IMHO

But... her choice, and she has her reasons... :o

totster :D


well, obv she is not happy with her physical upper body self.

Her husband is worried about the consequences and risks. However, he says it is entirely up to her, it is her body and her decision. He will support her in whatever she chooses.

Money is not the issue. She thinks she will feel better about herself after.



if she thinks,after boobs job she will have more confident and look nice with dress ..and happy with her life so just do it

Breast Aug is not too scary as people thought ..and the result is great (if u do it with nice Surgeon)..look natural , and sensitive as it used to be ,no prob when she has baby one day too

I had B now im D :o ( 169 cm 53 kg)

I had B now im D  :D ( 169 cm  53 kg)


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

What do you guys and gals think? Any views or advice on this?

I'd say no.


Number one - there is NOTHING WRONG with small breasts!

Number two - this is NOT a one time operation. That's right, they do not last forever and the docs do not offer this information up, they just say that 'the new boobs last longer than ever before'. Eventually she'll have to get replacements. One of my friends sadly found out she has to go back every five years as they leak. How much is she willing to go through painwise as well as the expense?

Truthfully, I think she should look into herself and realise she is not her bra size.

Just watch tele and see what actresses have NO BOOBs at all and do not look any 'less' of a women beside ones with those that dangle.

And if it's her boyfriend wanting bigger boobs, I suggest she changes HIM out instead as it's cheaper and less painful in the long run :-)

If she is not happy in herself, I do feel for her though and if I could give her just half of mine I would. As soon as I can, I'll be getting mine lightened as:

Number one - I believe trimmer breasts are beautiful and look MUCH better in or out of clothes (especally as one gets older).

Number two - mine are forever getting in the way (I'm hoping my snooker scores will shoot up like crazy after a reduction ...)


It's interesting that the only poster to date suggesting she should do it, is a girl. Hehehe. All the guys are saying no.

I agree with the rest of the guys. Natural is best. Is there a sexier billboard in BKK right now than the one of that cute flat-chested girl with the cheeky smile in chat campaign for natural beauty in Thailand?

I can understand why women go for breast reduction, but certainly not enlargement.


Well here is a guy saying she should surely do it if it makes her feel better with herself. Several friends of mine have done it and the way they seem to grow their confidence (besides the breasts :o ) has been worth it for every one of them!



I'm firmly in the DON'T do it camp. My girlfriend hardly fills out an A cup and I don't care at all. I think implants are dangerous and I also HATE plastic boobs. What's the difference whether the pads are in the bra or under the skin? Why invite problems in the future for vanity sake.


if  she  thinks,after boobs job she will have  more  confident and  look nice  with  dress ..and happy with her life so just do it

Breast Aug is not too scary as people  thought ..and the  result is great (if u do it with nice Surgeon)..look natural , and  sensitive  as it used to be ,no prob when  she  has baby one day too

I had B now im D  :o ( 169 cm  53 kg)

Have to agree with my friend here.... completely up to your friend........if it boosts her self confidence then why not? My friend had the surgery and was most happy with the result. She does wish she had gone a little larger however but DD will have to do :D


One has to be happy with their body - if she has researched this and found a good plastic surgeon than why not? However there is inherent risks when ever you go under the knife but I'm sure she knows this.


My wife had them 3 years ago and they are great :D

It was HER choice not mine and he had them done in Yanhee hospital BKK, Saline gel implants, They do not look or feel plastic at all.

Brit care to give an opinion. :o


I recently saw a friend in Singapore. I hadn't seen her for three or four years. I thought her breasts looked big but I didn't for a moment think she had had surgery. She told me one day that she had and I was surprised.

They looked natural and she felt great about them. I am not very big in the breast department and I don't think augmentation is for me but I know that it can do wonders for some women.

She must be sure about her doctor and she should ask for before and after pics of other surgeries he has done to see what it may look like. There is nothing worse than fake looking boobies!

I recently saw a friend in Singapore.  I hadn't seen her for three or four years.  I thought her breasts looked big but I didn't for a moment think she had had surgery.  She told me one day that she had and I was surprised. 

They looked natural and she felt great about them.  I am not very big in the breast department and I don't think augmentation is for me but I know that it can do wonders for some women. 

She must be sure about her doctor and she should ask for before and after pics of other surgeries he has done to see what it may look like.  There is nothing worse than fake looking boobies!

Same with the wifes. :D 1 2 inch scar under each armpit, no shiny stretched skin and they wobble also. :o

My wife had them 3 years ago and they are great :D

It was HER choice not mine and he had them done in Yanhee hospital BKK, Saline gel implants, They do not look or feel plastic at all.

Brit care to give an opinion. :D

Dave - not that I ever noticed, but I think I did look once!! :D I can confirm they look super!!! :D:D:o However I'll take your word that they feel natural!!! :D

On a side note my experience with ladies with augmentation - they love lads to look and on a number of occassions they even offered up for me to feel them!! :D


I'm happy with my 34B sized breasts and I wouldn't change them for the world because, personally I'm happy with them. But if I wasn't happy with them, then I'd be rather insecure about my body which is not good.

Insecurities, I've heard do not go away after plastic surgery. They stay there. So maybe your friend will look good on the outside but will she be happy on the inside? I'd sort that problem out first if I was to have my breasts changed.

One of my close friend is considering breast augmentation to make her 34A boobs to a 36C. She has been thinking about it for a long time but has been scared into not doing it. However, she has now decided to do it.

She is sick of her small boobs and wants to make herself feel better. She thinks this procedure will do the trick. She wants to be able to wear unpadded bras and look good in them. Not to feel conscious when she is amongst women with larger breasts.

I am a bit afraid for her as I have heard horror stories and also quite excited as I have hear success stories too.

What do you guys and gals think? Any views or advice on this?

Personally I'm not a fan of breast enlargements, however if your friend see's it necessary to do so, who are we to influence or judge her decision? Best of luck to her.


I don't think I could get any further into the "no" camp.

Any surgery is DANGEROUS, un-necessary surgery is stupid.

Why risk your life and future health over vanity?

Cosmetic surgery should be reserved for fixing the results of accidents or natural disfigurement. Small boobs is not a disfigurement.

Your 'friend' needs to ask herself, how would her bf/husband feel if she were permanently disfigured or worse.

Just my 2 Satang worth, what other people choose to do with their body is really none of my business, smoke, ride moto without helmet or whatever.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

I don't think I could get any further into the "no" camp.

Any surgery is DANGEROUS, un-necessary surgery is stupid.

Why risk your life and future health over vanity?

Cosmetic surgery should be reserved for fixing the results of accidents or natural disfigurement. Small boobs is not a disfigurement.

Your 'friend' needs to ask herself, how would her bf/husband feel if she were permanently disfigured or worse.

Just my 2 Satang worth, what other people choose to do with their body is really none of my business, smoke, ride moto without helmet or whatever.

But surely her husband should love her with small breasts, big breasts or being permanently disfigured. If not then there is a problem.


A few of my friends have had boob jobs. One is Thai and hers look fantastic. She is so much more confident with them. She has only a small scar in each armpit.

Another friend in Australia had hers done years ago. She looks and feels great too.

I think that if this is what she wants, then go for it. If she doesn't feel confident in her current shape, then why not?

I wish your friend good luck.

I don't think I could get any further into the "no" camp.

Any surgery is DANGEROUS, un-necessary surgery is stupid.

Why risk your life and future health over vanity?

Cosmetic surgery should be reserved for fixing the results of accidents or natural disfigurement. Small boobs is not a disfigurement.

Your 'friend' needs to ask herself, how would her bf/husband feel if she were permanently disfigured or worse.

Just my 2 Satang worth, what other people choose to do with their body is really none of my business, smoke, ride moto without helmet or whatever.

But surely her husband should love her with small breasts, big breasts or being permanently disfigured. If not then there is a problem.

Exactly, so why the need for adjustment??

Applying engineering principles, 'if it aint f**ked, don't fix it'

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

I'm firmly in the DON'T do it camp. My girlfriend hardly fills out an A cup and I don't care at all. I think implants are dangerous and I also HATE plastic boobs. What's the difference whether the pads are in the bra or under the skin? Why invite problems in the future for vanity sake.

I have personal experience with the procedure as my wife, now ex-wife has had the surgery and I went thru it w/her. I think the things that your friend should be thinking about is besides the amount of cc's (size) of the implant is what type of implant she will have. There were horror stories about the silicone for many yrs. and everybody went to the saline type. Now it is back to the silicone as the preferred type. I live in Newport Beach, California where breast implants are very common and are very accepted. The other thing regarding the procedure is how they will place the implant. It can be done either under or over the muscle. If she has it under, it will give the breasts a higher profile. I think that is the way to go.Once she is done, she will not even need to wear a bra at times as they will stand right up. Keep in mind that a replacement procedure, maybe about 5 years down the road is how they do it here. Hope this helps and I say go for it. It will make her feel good about herself and her husband will like it as well....as long as he doesn't mind other guys looking all the time!!



Thanks for the responses and feedback folks! :D

She has decided to do it and went to consult a surgeon last evening. :D

Many thanks! :D

P/S Bambina , you never answered my PM..... :o

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