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Chiang Mai To Mae Hon Song


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I found a thread about Chiang Mai to Pai. Sounds like the roads may be pretty rough. What about from Pai to Mae Hong Son?

I will be on a full size motorcycle. I do not plan on any speed records. I just want to know if the roads are passable on a large bike.

The next part of this trip would be south on 108 down through Mae Sanang and more of the same type of roads (as depicted on the map).

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I drove a car (Honda Accord) from CM to Pai to Maehongson and then returned in December while our daughter was visiting from the US. Smooth sailing all the way.....I don't think we encountered a pothole the entire distance. A very enjoyable ride in a car, I'd imagine a blast on a bike.

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Done it many times - car, bike, treader (to Pai) - and the road is now pretty good, save the odd pothole and slide higher up. If you're going as far as MHS, suggest looping back through Doi Inthanon - there's a turn-off on the road to Mae Sariang from MHS (heading south) which goes through nice country and hardly any traffic. Road also pretty good.

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