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I have appointment on next thursday for "root canal treatment", at St Louis Hospital. I'm not a native english speaker, so I'm not 100% sure of the meaning, but I guess it means "dévitalisation" (for the french speakers here :D ), like remove nerve & pulp from the tooth's root, and put some kind of needles in it, to fill the hole.

I had a tootache last friday night, nothing too bad, but hurt enough to make me cannot sleep anymore after 4 hours, but a few hours later, I had breakfast, the pain lowered, and I was able to take a long nap.

I guess this toothache came from eating too much Mentos (lot of sugar) on that teeth, the couple of days before...

The dentist who cleaned my gum on yesterday (cf: my previous post) told me another specialist would take care of it, and it'd take something like 3 or 4 times (maybe even more ! :o ), but it wouldn't need a crown a last.

I did 1 crown, with a "root canal treatmeant" (I guess), 2 years & half ago.

I almost didn't hurt, and it took 2 or maybe 3 times.

I read some post here, with many guys speaking about their worst pain in all their life... That, humm, makes me a bit worry.

Should I suppose these guys were in advanced infected steps ?

Me, right now, I'm alright. I feel a bit strange when I eat (probably coz I worry), but it's not painful...

I'm quite stressed now, especially after the not so good experience of cleaning my teeth, so if someone has some good ideas about what to do, my ears are fully opened !




If you search,you will find a topic ( a few months ago) about this.

I went 3 times for the root canal ( no pain !! :o )

and another 2 times for the crown.

Total costs about 12000 baht

Don't worry and good luck


As one who has had painless and huge pain I can say the pain was always from a highly infected gum where the painkiller was just absorbed by the tissue rather than getting to the nerve. You should have no pain and if you feel just tell them and they will stop. That is one of the reasons for using multi visits. All (and there have been many) that I have had done in Thailand were no or very little pain. Your fear now is probably much worse than the procedure will be.


shouldn't be a big problem in Thailand!

If you get an old Doc in Austria it is really hard, but in Thailand not....

good luck


I have appointment on next thursday for "root canal treatment", at St Louis Hospital. I'm not a native english speaker, so I'm not 100% sure of the meaning, but I guess it means "dévitalisation" (for the french speakers here :D ), like remove nerve & pulp from the tooth's root, and put some kind of needles in it, to fill the hole.

I had a tootache last friday night, nothing too bad, but hurt enough to make me cannot sleep anymore after 4 hours, but a few hours later, I had breakfast, the pain lowered, and I was able to take a long nap.

I guess this toothache came from eating too much Mentos (lot of sugar) on that teeth, the couple of days before...

The dentist who cleaned my gum on yesterday (cf: my previous post) told me another specialist would take care of it, and it'd take something like 3 or 4 times (maybe even more !  :o ), but it wouldn't need a crown a last.

I did 1 crown, with a "root canal treatmeant" (I guess), 2 years & half ago.

I almost didn't hurt, and it took 2 or maybe 3 times.

I read some post here, with many guys speaking about their worst pain in all their life... That, humm, makes me a bit worry.

Should I suppose these guys were in advanced infected steps ?

Me, right now, I'm alright. I feel a bit strange when I eat (probably coz I worry), but it's not painful...

I'm quite stressed now, especially after the not so good experience of cleaning my teeth, so if someone has some good ideas about what to do, my ears are fully opened !




after reading your other post about the cleaning, I recommend that you maybe should look at a other hospital! I had very good experience with a clinic, if you want the name, PM me!


I have appointment on next thursday for "root canal treatment", at St Louis Hospital. I'm not a native english speaker, so I'm not 100% sure of the meaning, but I guess it means "dévitalisation" (for the french speakers here :D ), like remove nerve & pulp from the tooth's root, and put some kind of needles in it, to fill the hole.

I had a tootache last friday night, nothing too bad, but hurt enough to make me cannot sleep anymore after 4 hours, but a few hours later, I had breakfast, the pain lowered, and I was able to take a long nap.

I guess this toothache came from eating too much Mentos (lot of sugar) on that teeth, the couple of days before...

The dentist who cleaned my gum on yesterday (cf: my previous post) told me another specialist would take care of it, and it'd take something like 3 or 4 times (maybe even more !  :o ), but it wouldn't need a crown a last.

I did 1 crown, with a "root canal treatmeant" (I guess), 2 years & half ago.

I almost didn't hurt, and it took 2 or maybe 3 times.

I read some post here, with many guys speaking about their worst pain in all their life... That, humm, makes me a bit worry.

Should I suppose these guys were in advanced infected steps ?

Me, right now, I'm alright. I feel a bit strange when I eat (probably coz I worry), but it's not painful...

I'm quite stressed now, especially after the not so good experience of cleaning my teeth, so if someone has some good ideas about what to do, my ears are fully opened !




in the hands of any competent dentist , with good anatomical and pharmacological knowledge to enable correct selection and placement of the local anaesthetic , root canal treatment should be a painless experience.

the only discomfort should be from having to keep your mouth open for the duration of the procedure.

this can lead to pain in the temporomandibular (jaw joint /ear area) region.

current thinking recommends root canal work be finished in one visit , and it should take between one and two hours on a multi rooted upper molar , and slightly less on teeth with easier morphology.

if there is some infection present inside the tooth or in the area around the root apex , then two or more visits may be necessary.

if the tooth is vital at the time of the treatment , but not yet infected , then there should be no reason other than high repayments on the dentists mercedes benz or operator or patient fatigue to take two or three visits.

after root canal work , it is usually advisable to have the tooth restored to function with a strong restoration such as a crown.

good luck. :o

if the tooth is vital at the time of the treatment , but not yet infected , then there should be no reason other than high repayments on the dentists mercedes benz or operator or patient fatigue to take two or three visits.

Every dentist I have used in Thailand set a fixed cost so don't believe that is the reason for more than one visit here. I suspect there usually is an infection factor as being the reason for the procedure and the reason to make sure before sealing it up.


the most common reason for failure of root canal treatment is re-infection via the natural crown (the part of the tooth in the mouth) of the tooth or poor cementation of a metal or ceramic crown . normal oral bacteria that cause no problems in the mouth can cause problems in the root canal.

studies have shown that teeth root treated in one visit fail less than those root treated over more than one visit.

repeatedly opening up the tooth for treatment , and the poor sealing qualities of the temporary cements used in sealing the tooth betwen visits can lead to the re - introduction of oral bacteria.

any infection in the tooth at the time of treatment , necessitating a two or three visit treatment , will usually manifest itself to the dentist by appearance , odour , visible discharge from the tooth , appearance on x-ray etc or to the patient by a specific kind of pain.

( and it would be naive to think that the financial situation of a dentist (or doctor) in this country has no bearing on his or her treatment methods.

although the quality and skills here are as good as anywhere in the world , they are not as professional or accountable here as they are in some other countries. ) :o


Just had one and it hurt for a few days

The procedure itself wasn't painful after he injected the anesthetic. Afterwards I took four Advil (800mg.) before leaving his office and then every 4 hours. Dentist gave me a script for penicillin and acetaminophen/codeine to fill and take if I had some swelling and pain. So on day 2 I was in the pharmacy getting it filled. Probably should have filled it from the beginning. I also rinse with 3% hydrogen peroxide to kill off any bacteria. Here in Austin Texas they charge $500 for the root canal and $400 to put in a post in to the root and cement back the old crown.


thanks for all your posts !

I'll talk with the dentist to know if put a crown would be really better or not necessary.

(still too nervous, but at least, I begin to impatient to go, to be over with that stuff! :o )


a crown is usually necessary to strengthen a root treated tooth.

they are seriousy weakened structurally by root canal work and without a crown can break easily , after going to all the trouble and expense of having root canal , you wouldnt want the tooth to break.

when teeth that have had root canal work done on them do break , the break is often unrepairable and the tooth will have to be extracted.

and then you will need a 100,000baht implant !!


If your bothered about the pain then why not ask the dentist to put you to sleep, or do they not do that over here?

I'd rather be asleep than put up with all the drilling and pain, I am scared of dentist...always have been.

I am scared of dentist...always have been.

cause you've never found the right dentist for you.

root canal work , as has been said , should not be painful.

unless he is phobic about dental treatment.

i dont think they use sedation here in thailand for dental procedures , that would be a better option for phobics or near phobics.

general anaesthesia would be overkill for root canal.


@ taxexile:

yup, u're right, better to have a crown than an implant, I think I'll stick on that..!

And I'm a dentist phobic, but not enough to request a general anaesthesia for a root canal treatment.

But I asked for it to remove my 4 wisdom teeth (the dentist probably hammered my teeth to make them out, I really prefer to have not been there when he did that... :o )

My dentist is France is quite good, works fast : less than 2 min of tool for my last 3 decays, in the past 5 years, and without pain; and he did good & fast job on my crown, too.

So I was still stressed to go to meet him, but "normally" stressed. Here, in foreign country, with my limited english (I have decent skill, but I don't know the dentist terms :D ), and with the eventual limited english of the dentist, it's a bit frightening... :D

In 24 hours, I should know if I were right or wrong to worry ... :D

@ taxexile:

yup, u're right, better to have a crown than an implant, I think I'll stick on that..!

And I'm a dentist phobic, but not enough to request a general anaesthesia for a root canal treatment.

But I asked for it to remove my 4 wisdom teeth (the dentist probably hammered my teeth to make them out, I really prefer to have not been there when he did that...  :o )

My dentist is France is quite good, works fast : less than 2 min of tool for my last 3 decays, in the past 5 years, and without pain; and he did good & fast job on my crown, too.

So I was still stressed to go to meet him, but "normally" stressed. Here, in foreign country, with my limited english (I have decent skill, but I don't know the dentist terms :D ), and with the eventual limited english of the dentist, it's a bit frightening...  :D

In 24 hours, I should know if I were right or wrong to worry ...  :D

No need to worry.....you will need a crown and the pain from the tooth is usually before the root canal takes place. It is an infection that is trapped in the tooth. When the dentist opens up the tooth the relief will start immediately. My father was a root canal specialist(endodontist) and taught at a major university here in the states after he retired from private practice. Just make sure that you have xrays done on a regular basis (1 a yr.) on the tooth that had the root canal so they can see if there are any problems.

It is an infection that is trapped in the tooth.
not in every case , often the pain starts long before the nerve dies and subsequently gets infected , and not every aching tooth needs root canal work.

the type , severity , initiating factors and frequency and duration of the painful episodes will determine the correct treatment.

Just make sure that you have xrays done on a regular basis (1 a yr.) on the tooth that had the root canal so they can see if there are any problems.

good advice.

works fast

sorry, but good dentistry is an art best performed slowly and with infinite care.

there should never be any pain.



Hello all',

Just back from dentist.

1 hour and half on the chair, quite tired... :D

And I hurt on that chair, almost a lot, for about 30 seconds. When the rotating tool arrived near the nerve, but still with some part of tooth before it, it gave me really strong pain, enough to put me in kind of lil shock and quite change my breathing speed, and even the not so talkative dentist talked a bit to comfort me. Just after reached the nerve, he used the needle to put anesthetic in it, quite hurting again, but only a few seconds, after my nerve didn't send me anymore signal for long time. Just before its destruction, I hurt a bit again, and the dentist promplty added some anesthetic again.

At the beginning, I hurt a bit too much, I told the dentist, and he gave me a lil extra dose, and it went ok, till he reached the close part of nerve.

It was quite long to feel & place the things inside the root. I really don't remember that part from my 1st root canal treatment, which was quite shorter (probably less than 1 hour, including chit chat with my dentist :D ). Maybe it's coz the roots of this 1st tooth were more straight (it was the 1st molar, and this time, it's the 2nd molar).

The dentist didn't say clearly that I needed a crown, or that it'd be better to put one, but he removed a big part of my tooth, and I guess it's strongly better to put a crown now.

I asked price, and receptionist told me it was 6'000b for a ceramic crown, 12'000b for one in another material (which I didn't understand the name), and 3'000 or 4'000b per pin (do I need 1 or 2 pins ??? :o ).

I'm very surprise ceramic can be so cheap. In France, it's about 500~600€ (around 25~30,000b). And most medical insurances will only refund metallic crown, that costs around half of that.

Did the receptionnist make a mistake in the name of the material ?

Oh, and lucky me, I have an upper tooth sensible to fresh air, I might need another root canal treatment later... ######, life isn't easy ! :D

(a later xray shot will confirm or deny this)

If your bothered about the pain then why not ask the dentist to put you to sleep, or do they not do that over here?

I'd rather be asleep than put up with all the drilling and pain, I am scared of dentist...always have been.

Me, too, actually. And I had been dreading getting a root canal treatment, even though I knew it was necessary.

I reluctantly made an appt, and then ended up laughing in the dental chair because the pain was much less than expected. Sure it hurts (depending on the tooth, your threshhold, etc.) but I think the pain you may experience prior (say, eating rice or when it just plain hurts) is more than actually getting the treatment.

I found that the tool my dentist in Bangkok used to hold my mouth open made it more relaxing. He also covered up my eyes with a cloth so that I would be in a more relaxed state (and the light wouldn't get into my eyes).


which doc have you been?

About the prices, it sounds OK for me, I think in europe it is a ripp off (definitly it is in Austria, the dentists can not order the Mercedeses as fast as the money come in).

Hello all',

Just back from dentist.

1 hour and half on the chair, quite tired...  :D

And I hurt on that chair, almost a lot, for about 30 seconds. When the rotating tool arrived near the nerve, but still with some part of tooth before it, it gave me really strong pain, enough to put me in kind of lil shock and quite change my breathing speed, and even the not so talkative dentist talked a bit to comfort me. Just after reached the nerve, he used the needle to put anesthetic in it, quite hurting again, but only a few seconds, after my nerve didn't send me anymore signal for long time. Just before its destruction, I hurt a bit again, and the dentist promplty added some anesthetic again.

At the beginning, I hurt a bit too much, I told the dentist, and he gave me a lil extra dose, and it went ok, till he reached the close part of nerve.

It was quite long to feel & place the things inside the root. I really don't remember that part from my 1st root canal treatment, which was quite shorter (probably less than 1 hour, including chit chat with my dentist :D ). Maybe it's coz the roots of this 1st tooth were more straight (it was the 1st molar, and this time, it's the 2nd molar).

The dentist didn't say clearly that I needed a crown, or that it'd be better to put one, but he removed a big part of my tooth, and I guess it's strongly better to put a crown now.

I asked price, and receptionist told me it was 6'000b for a ceramic crown, 12'000b for one in another material (which I didn't understand the name), and 3'000 or 4'000b per pin (do I need 1 or 2 pins ??? :o ).

I'm very surprise ceramic can be so cheap. In France, it's about 500~600€ (around 25~30,000b). And most medical insurances will only refund metallic crown, that costs around half of that.

Did the receptionnist make a mistake in the name of the material ?

Oh, and lucky me, I have an upper tooth sensible to fresh air, I might need another root canal treatment later... ######, life isn't easy !  :D

(a later xray shot will confirm or deny this)


It's almost certainly false economy to go with a cheaper crown made of not-the-best material: it won't fit as tightly to the tooth and won't last as long before decay gets under it.

A crown of solid precious metal (gold) or porcelain fused to precious metal is best and runs between 11,000 to 14,000 baht in Bangkok, depending on the dentist. You'll have to add the cost of a pin or other build-up under the crown.

Make sure your dentist discusses the various options with you.

It's almost certainly false economy to go with a cheaper crown made of not-the-best material: it won't fit as tightly to the tooth and won't last as long before decay gets under it.

A crown of solid precious metal (gold) or porcelain fused to precious metal is best and runs between 11,000 to 14,000 baht in Bangkok, depending on the dentist.  You'll have to add the cost of a pin or other build-up under the crown.

Make sure your dentist discusses the various options with you.

Perhaps at high cost places but I have never paid more than 6-8,000 for porcelain over gold and don't believe the cost has gone up that much in the last year or two.

  • 2 weeks later...

just back from my 3rd & last appointment, for root canal treatment.

At total, I stayed about 3 hours & 30 min on the chair, in 3 appointments.

It cost me about 8500b, instead of the 6500b announced coz I have a "nonspecific root canal" ... :o

Now, 3 more appointment for the crown are waiting me... tiring & stressing... :D


my dentist in Oz told me there were only 3 good suppliers of quality materials in the world, most dentist buy from them.

any price diff could be just for lower labour cost and lower rent. he said, any crown under 12K baht is a fake. that was half the price in oz.

then, a dentist in bkk told me if i wanted the same for an another tooth, it would be 25K bah per crown

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