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Just like to pioint out that no-one, including all media, has noted that instead of again trying to disrupt Bkk, the reds would be having their demanded elections now if their leaders had been in any way concerned with democracy.

Unfortunately for the rank and file, this was never in their plans. What was wanted was an armed overthrow of an elected government to establish their own unnacountable dictatorship. Democracy is not my goal, said their corrupt leader, remember. "Power to the people", no chance.

Abhisit offered November elections but the red leaders thought the gov would buckle. Unfortunately for them they did not so we're having yet another rally, not an election. Well done to the red bosses.

Wouldn't it therefore be better today of those leaders apologised to their pawns for denying them the democracy they crave, rather than protest againat the deaths all of which would not have happened if they had pursued the interests of their supporters, not their own, and taken the election offer. The dead's blood is therefore on their hands, as is the continuation of the alliance government.

Media, why haven't you pointed this out, and why doesn't the gov remind the people? Would be good PR.


Anyone who thinks Thaksin and hi gang are interested in democracy and all the Red Shirt effort is for election must be a naive and or misinformed, I think most likely stupid and/or naïve :rolleyes:

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