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If you are in Thailand and rent a jetski there is a better than fifty percent chance that you will be scammed. I have lived on Koh Samui for five years and can't count all the jetski scams I have seen. I worked for the Tourist Police several years ago and we helped many tourists until we started getting death threats. Working for free is one thing, but dying for it? The only solution is to not rent jetskis. Take the banana boat, or waterski, or scuba, etc.

I believe that is what happened in Phuket also the foreign tourist police volunteers would not get involved because of safety issues to their lives .


So if I underatand this right, the person or persons shooting this video, stood there, watched the scam taking place, filmed the fact there was no damage to the jet skis during the use, then stood by and watched the scam reach its conclusion ???? that in itself if it is correct is as bad as the people doing the scam !!! , why the hel_l didnt they warn those Indian guys, show the Policeman the footage or even show the scam artists that they were caught red handed ??? noooooo that wouldnt make good video, just stand there and let innocent people be subjected to it........disgusting !

Charlie before you get stuck into people for not helping do some reading.

I think the guys that filmed should be respected for putting themselves in what could have easily have turned into a dangerous situation.

And people standing by only perpetuate it !!

You are out of touch with reality. One intervenes at one's own peril. These touts and thieves will attack anyone that intervenes. . Sorry, but that's how it works. I'm one of those people that hates jetskis and hates the tourists that rent them. However, extortion is extortion and I have tried to help in the past and its a recipe for a beating.. Others have tried as well. Unfortunately, when the police force is rotten to the core, when the local government is rotten to the core and the powerful local hiso families that ultimately control these businesses is rotten to the core, what can one do? Do you think the Thais care about a foreign intervention? The only thing that can stop these thieves is to not rent the jetskis. Sadly, there will always be stupid or naive tourists that will not pay attention to the warnings and that will not listen. The problem could easily be stopped if the local authorities wanted to stop it. However, they make money off of these ripoffs and it will not happen. Accept the fact that this is the way Thailand operates and that one has to deal with Thais with that understanding.


The back exit from the Marriot, the one that leads to the beach, has a sign that says beware when renting jet skis (or words to that effect)...hopefully all hotels have similar signs soon.


You are out of touch with reality. One intervenes at one's own peril. These touts and thieves will attack anyone that intervenes. . Sorry, but that's how it works. I'm one of those people that hates jetskis and hates the tourists that rent them. However, extortion is extortion and I have tried to help in the past and its a recipe for a beating.. Others have tried as well. Unfortunately, when the police force is rotten to the core, when the local government is rotten to the core and the powerful local hiso families that ultimately control these businesses is rotten to the core, what can one do? Do you think the Thais care about a foreign intervention? The only thing that can stop these thieves is to not rent the jetskis. Sadly, there will always be stupid or naive tourists that will not pay attention to the warnings and that will not listen. The problem could easily be stopped if the local authorities wanted to stop it. However, they make money off of these ripoffs and it will not happen. Accept the fact that this is the way Thailand operates and that one has to deal with Thais with that understanding.

Police, government and hiso families rotten? Guess that's why the owner of a local bar was executed this past week as he was unlocking the gate to his house? :(

For sure, nothing can be done about this until someone very high up decides the game is over....


This scam is rabid on Pattaya beach i have now noticed it is the length of the whole beach , it looks like the indians are targeted the most but I think that is because they are renting more jet skis than others. The Scammers have an indian man in a Turban helping them he is going the whole length on his motorbike when problems occur. I think the indian people are under the impression he is helping them.

There is also another guy doing the same for Russians.

Last week some Iranians were scammed and one was put in a head lock and his head pushed into the jet ski.

No one is getting let off from this scam the other day I noticed about 15 people in several groups being scammed in the last hour people were still arguing well into the night. this goes on every night some where along the beach , hot spots are in front of Mikes ,Royal Garden and the last rental spot close to walking st.

There are at least 60 to 100 people being scammed weekly along Pattaya beach and losing thousands.

I witnessed one young Indian guy who was so upset and kept saying I have no money I have no money , don't know what happened in the end/

I also saw a young european couple get scammed looked like they were on a honeymoon.

The scammers will sweet talk people and drop the price just to get them on the jest ski's to be scammed.

They love renting to groups because they will get more scams in one hit .

They do not care how big and strong you are or how many.

Every night some where a long the beach there are arguments going on , No one is safe to rent Jet skis on pattaya beach.


This scam is rabid on Pattaya beach i have now noticed it is the length of the whole beach , it looks like the indians are targeted the most but I think that is because they are renting more jet skis than others. The Scammers have an indian man in a Turban helping them he is going the whole length on his motorbike when problems occur. I think the indian people are under the impression he is helping them.

There is also another guy doing the same for Russians.

Last week some Iranians were scammed and one was put in a head lock and his head pushed into the jet ski.

No one is getting let off from this scam the other day I noticed about 15 people in several groups being scammed in the last hour people were still arguing well into the night. this goes on every night some where along the beach , hot spots are in front of Mikes ,Royal Garden and the last rental spot close to walking st.

There are at least 60 to 100 people being scammed weekly along Pattaya beach and losing thousands.

I witnessed one young Indian guy who was so upset and kept saying I have no money I have no money , don't know what happened in the end/

I also saw a young european couple get scammed looked like they were on a honeymoon.

The scammers will sweet talk people and drop the price just to get them on the jest ski's to be scammed.

They love renting to groups because they will get more scams in one hit .

They do not care how big and strong you are or how many.

Every night some where a long the beach there are arguments going on , No one is safe to rent Jet skis on pattaya beach.

Thanks for the continuing reports. This thread would be better as a 'sticky'.


Accept the fact that this is the way Thailand operates and that one has to deal with Thais with that understanding.

For sure, nothing can be done about this until someone very high up decides the game is over....

Sorry but I beg to differ. No one "very high up" is going to do anything. People would be delusional to think some radical overnight change from a corrupt society to a civil society is anywhere near likely or even possible. GK's post is on the money.

There are two ways to make change anywhere in the world, evolution or revolution. We've seen that those who revolt are only going to find themselves on the receiving end of a tin of Thai-style whup-ass. So that leaves evolution, and in the hotel and liesure biz, like so many others, the way people make change evolve is to vote with their feet and wallets.

So if one likes Pattaya the way it is and the direction in which it's headed, then by all means have at it. If you don't, then take your money and your business elsewhere. Personally, I've been to Pattaya once and while we had a pleasant incident-free holiday, it's now at the bottom of a very long list of future desired stops.


Do the Pattaya jet skis not have insurance as the Patong jet skis have. Not to say that the scam still doesn't go on in Patong as it does, it just appears to not be as prevalent now that there is "insurance".


Do the Pattaya jet skis not have insurance as the Patong jet skis have. Not to say that the scam still doesn't go on in Patong as it does, it just appears to not be as prevalent now that there is "insurance".

I read in an article recently that they are trying to get this insurance...but nothing has been done yet. I would for sure reduce the scams dramatically...at least I would hope so!


Knife used in Pattaya Jetski Scam - Irish Tourist’s Life Threatened

PATTAYA: An Irish tourist, on his first visit to Pattaya with two friends, was threatened with a long-bladed knife by one of a group of Thai men who hire out jet skis opposite Mike Shopping Mall.

In what is becoming an increasingly common occurrence in Pattaya, certain jet ski operators have taken a leaf out of the scam book made infamous by their Phuket cousins, and are almost daily extorting money for alleged damage to their property from tourists who hire out the vessels.

A local resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, witnessed a violent confrontation recently between the scammers and tourists, where a large knife was pulled.

continued here :

  • 3 weeks later...

From Trip Advisor

12 December 2010, 16:45

This also happen to me and my friends. They asked us 55,000 baht, Lot of people(even people of my nationality) came to help us but we figured out that they all want commission in the money, even the police supports them.

We tried everything but after 6-7 hours of incident we settled at 33000 Baht.

In between they hurt us to the core of our heart, they even threat to kill us .


Re: Warning!!!!Jet Ski Pattaya

16 November 2010, 19:02

I live in Pattaya. I see this scam all the time. The police, and the tourist police are in on it. They get a cut, for talking you into paying. There are many people that rent and do not get scammed, however, the scam rate is very high. Close to the end of the day when there is no one waiting to take out a jet ski is the worst time. Someone advised bring friends, the Thai's know that you can get 20,000 baht out of the ATM at a time, three friends means they can ask 80,000 baht. Please read this closely, DO NOT RENT A JET SKI IN THAILAND!!!! This happens all over th


from trip advisor

17 July 2009, 1:17

Hey Guys

Just a bit of advice in regards to renting Jet Skies in Pattaya. Im just back from my first time in Thailand, and over all i loved it! However while we spent some days in Pattaya we had a really bad experience.

Myself and my two friends ( all Male in our early 20's) were approuched by a man while walking down the beach asking if we wanted to rent jet Skies, he was friendly enough and we arranged a price of 400THB each for 30mins. We were asked to sign a piece of paper which asked for our Hotel name and room number (we didnt give these details of course, and sign fake names) they were very friendly and polite.


from trip advisor july 2009

When we arrived back after 30mins there wasnt just the two men and women there but about 10 of the roughest looking men you have ever seen, screaming at us, saying we broke two of the jet skies. They had Tattoos all over there necks arms and faces, one of them actually had a stab wound on his face that kept bleeding. They demanded 77000THB and said they would call the police, i said i was more than happy for the police to come and sort it out. When i said this they went crazy and tried to fight us, taking out knives etc!!!! Then a non Thai came over and "tried to help" cause he could speak Thai, he was completley in on the whole thing!! We tried to leave and were blocked off, so it was either pay or fight completley out numbered. We insisted we did not have the kind of money over and over and the price after one hour went from 77000 to 20000THB, which we regretfully paid!

When we walked away a police man was right beside the beach, i ran over to him, and before i opened my mouth he put up his hand and said not my problem!!!!!!

On our travels we heard so many stories of people saying the same thing over and over. This incident really put a downer on things for a few days, and one of my friends was so shuck up about it we did not leave the hotel complex for a week! This happened right in front of the main shopping centre along the beach.

And i know some of you's will say ah well you should not have arranged it with some guy on the street but anyone who has been to pattaya will know that everything is like this there, you could walk 100metres and be approuched about 10times from people trying to sell you snything from suits to Women, to jet Skies to Watches, its just the way things are over there.

Sorry for the big Novel but at the end of the day if this posting even prevents one person from going through the same situation we did i will be happy!

  • 2 weeks later...

Was just at police station near Central on beach rd because my idiot GF did not want to wear a helmet. Told her if we get caught she is paying the fine and she did although now i have an upset GF.

Anyway, while waiting I saw four asian guys discussing with a gang of thais some price thing and thought jetski scam. Then i recognised one of the thai guys as the short one from the hidden video with the poor indian blokes getting scammed which is floating around the forums.

I signalled one of the guys and found out these four guys crom singapore were indeed getting jetski scammed to the tune of 100k. They offered 40k and were refused! I was suprised they made it to the police station, but with the corruption i did not know what to do about the situation.

I informed them they were dealing with criminals, it is a scam/con and that 40k is a shitload of baht for thai people, and that the damage would only cost 2000 baht at most. Luckily they still had passports did not hand them over, but i did not want to start negotiating for them because i like walkig around pattaya without looking over my shoulder.

They are still there now probably arguing with thais who wont accept 40k.... Ridiculously sad situation for naive nice sinaporean dudes.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I urge all Aussies to contact, [email protected], and tell them to issue in their travel warnings , a warning about the dangers of hiring a jet ski in Thailand. I just did.

I have been trying to get the US Embassy to issue a travel warning as well, but it seems they are more interested in whatever concerts are happening around town than giving a heads up to its citizens. Though, considering the state of affairs the USA is in, I'm not surprised. The Embassy employees are all probably sleeping out on a sidewalk somewhere, waiting for the next iPhone.


It has to be said that this "scam" goes on all over the world with Jet Ski / motorbike / car rentals etc etc, although things here may be a bit more blatant and hardcore.....

Seasoned travelers should be aware of the risks with this kind of thing however that does not make it correct!!!

The people doing this here in Thailand are still SCUMBAGS & need poked in the eye with a blunt stick!!


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