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Scams In Thailand


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QUOTE(britmaveric @ 2005-08-11 17:59:27)

When pigs fly - if one can be taken advantage there will be those who will do so. (this applies world wide btw)

Yeah, I very much agree ...if there is a market for these people, they will no doubt exploit it for all it is worth. It is also not just confined to Thailand as pointed out

I agree with you that scams will always take place. I have seen much more sophisticated scams in Europe.

I lived in Denmark for a number of years and one of the scams invovled a group of people (Turks, Algerians, Albaniens or whatever they were) playing a game of hiding a pea under one of three matchboxes. The boxes were then moved around a speed and the "better" had to guess which box hid the pea. Of course the "better" always won and it looked easy. So innocent tourists tried. Yes they won too , athough only a small amount. They were encouraged to bet more. Won again. Increase the bet until it was a huge amount and "hey Presto" they lost.

The difference between Thailand and Denmark was that in Denmark the police made a genuine effort to stop this scam. Here the police are involved in it and benefit from it.

As for renting cars I always go for a complete insurance. That way they don't even bother to look for scratches.

Please don't come with stupid remarks such as "If you don't like it, go back to your own country". I am just trying to make a point and protect innocent tourists.

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Could you elaborate on that a bit The Moog? Did they just demand you pay the extra in cash at a consultation, or what?

I am not the payee in this case. It was a good friend of the family.

It was a C Section birth, performed by one of the top surgeons. He took the case but said he needed a further, large sum paid discreetly, and they paid without further ado.

Those are the facts....

....and now i'm allowed to editorialize !!!!

People shouldn't think that because professionals are in positions requiring ethics integrity, public service, that none will ask for extra remuneration for Service. Its just one of those things thats tolerated in SE Asia.

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I was reading a post about Sunbelt Asia....now it has vanished.  Why?   :D

Is it off-limits to discuss an advertiser in a negative why if you've had bad service?

Looks like some of Mr. Toxin's ways are being used by the team @ Thai Visa! :D

If your original post was a legit one I must agree.......sad. :D

If thailandwatcher had a business he built up over several years in LOS and someone posting anonomously popped up one day castigating him publicly and it was MY site, it would also be gone.

IF however, there was a legal record of some malfeasance, fair play. Casting anonymous stones is cowards play. :o

I'm not taking sides here....I don't know thailandwatcher just like I don't know you baht&sold. Maybe the post is legit maybe it's bullchit. But please explain to me how thailandwatcher can prove his post is legit? He can't.....it's impossible. Crap service is just that.....probably no written records to back up his claims. For that matter people slag restaurants, businesses, etc. all the time on TV with no repercussions and they offer no 'proof'; it's just their opinions......people are free to believe their statements or not. Of course a rinky-dink restaurant in Thailand that gets slagged is not an advertiser here.....

So depending on the nature of the post TV members must now offer 'proof' and documentation to back up their posts?????? :D

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I was reading a post about Sunbelt Asia....now it has vanished.  Why?   :D

Is it off-limits to discuss an advertiser in a negative why if you've had bad service?

Looks like some of Mr. Toxin's ways are being used by the team @ Thai Visa! :D

If your original post was a legit one I must agree.......sad. :D

100000% legit!!! I have heard a few stories about them (on the street) of their constant bad service. Just wanted to hear some other peoples veiws.

Plus if anyone knows of a GOOD lawyer in thailand that wont A S S - R A P E me for every cent, please let me know!

Sorry, I'm making every effort to avoid anything involving lawyers in Thailand. I've got a pension and investments working in the USA so once back with the Thai GF I plan on keeping a low profile and just enjoying life. No more work for me and I hope no legal entanglements. :D Good luck.

I hear you! Im just trying to find out the name of a good lawyer. Also, wanted to share my discomforts with this company so no-one else makes the mistake!

Who in their right mind would recommend a Lawyer to you? Should you find you're not happy with the reccomendation, obviously you'd go ahead and attack them anonomously as well.

I'd demand more proof from someone before I allowed them to anonomously and publicly denounce YOUR business. :o

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I was reading a post about Sunbelt Asia....now it has vanished.  Why?  :D

Is it off-limits to discuss an advertiser in a negative why if you've had bad service?

Looks like some of Mr. Toxin's ways are being used by the team @ Thai Visa! :D

If your original post was a legit one I must agree.......sad. :D

If thailandwatcher had a business he built up over several years in LOS and someone posting anonomously popped up one day castigating him publicly and it was MY site, it would also be gone.

IF however, there was a legal record of some malfeasance, fair play. Casting anonymous stones is cowards play. :o

I'm not taking sides here....I don't know thailandwatcher just like I don't know you baht&sold. Maybe the post is legit maybe it's bullchit. But please explain to me how thailandwatcher can prove his post is legit? He can't.....it's impossible. Crap service is just that.....probably no written records to back up his claims. For that matter people slag restaurants, businesses, etc. all the time on TV with no repercussions and they offer no 'proof'; it's just their opinions......people are free to believe their statements or not. Of course a rinky-dink restaurant in Thailand that gets slagged is not an advertiser here.....

So depending on the nature of the post TV members must now offer 'proof' and documentation to back up their posts?????? :D

Well said mate!!

I can offer proff anyone needs it????

Just call into their office and see the mahem thats going on around!!!

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I was reading a post about Sunbelt Asia....now it has vanished.  Why?   :D

Is it off-limits to discuss an advertiser in a negative why if you've had bad service?

Looks like some of Mr. Toxin's ways are being used by the team @ Thai Visa! :D

If your original post was a legit one I must agree.......sad. :D

If thailandwatcher had a business he built up over several years in LOS and someone posting anonomously popped up one day castigating him publicly and it was MY site, it would also be gone.

IF however, there was a legal record of some malfeasance, fair play. Casting anonymous stones is cowards play. :o

I'm not taking sides here....I don't know thailandwatcher just like I don't know you baht&sold. Maybe the post is legit maybe it's bullchit. But please explain to me how thailandwatcher can prove his post is legit? He can't.....it's impossible. Crap service is just that.....probably no written records to back up his claims. For that matter people slag restaurants, businesses, etc. all the time on TV with no repercussions and they offer no 'proof'; it's just their opinions......people are free to believe their statements or not. Of course a rinky-dink restaurant in Thailand that gets slagged is not an advertiser here.....

So depending on the nature of the post TV members must now offer 'proof' and documentation to back up their posts?????? :D

Nah LDB, it just get's my hackles up when some unknown poster of a whopping 2 posts to his cred, pops up and starts slagging off any biz, particularily under anonymity. For all we know he could be a comp or??? The REAL Point is, if TW had a biz, I'd offer him the same sense of fairplay if the roleswere reversed.


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This just in:


As I am sure you are aware, Sunbelt Asia is a principal sponsor of thaivisa.com. As a consequence, and for the best interests of the forum as a whole, I have made invisible/deleted your posts/thread on this subject.



You think I know sod nothing, but I'm telling you I know sod all.

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I was reading a post about Sunbelt Asia....now it has vanished.  Why?  :D

Is it off-limits to discuss an advertiser in a negative why if you've had bad service?

Looks like some of Mr. Toxin's ways are being used by the team @ Thai Visa! :D

If your original post was a legit one I must agree.......sad. :D

If thailandwatcher had a business he built up over several years in LOS and someone posting anonomously popped up one day castigating him publicly and it was MY site, it would also be gone.

IF however, there was a legal record of some malfeasance, fair play. Casting anonymous stones is cowards play. :o

I'm not taking sides here....I don't know thailandwatcher just like I don't know you baht&sold. Maybe the post is legit maybe it's bullchit. But please explain to me how thailandwatcher can prove his post is legit? He can't.....it's impossible. Crap service is just that.....probably no written records to back up his claims. For that matter people slag restaurants, businesses, etc. all the time on TV with no repercussions and they offer no 'proof'; it's just their opinions......people are free to believe their statements or not. Of course a rinky-dink restaurant in Thailand that gets slagged is not an advertiser here.....

So depending on the nature of the post TV members must now offer 'proof' and documentation to back up their posts?????? :D

Nah LDB, it just get's my hackles up when some unknown poster of a whopping 2 posts to his cred, pops up and starts slagging off any biz, particularily under anonymity. For all we know he could be a comp or??? The REAL Point is, if TW had a biz, I'd offer him the same sense of fairplay if the roleswere reversed.


I dont mean to get at you "baht n Sold" I love your web site, plus i know you have been working hard on Thailand Connect. I just hate it when you start to trust a company and they majorly <deleted> you (and people you recommended them to) about!!!

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I was reading a post about Sunbelt Asia....now it has vanished.  Why?   :D

Is it off-limits to discuss an advertiser in a negative why if you've had bad service?

Looks like some of Mr. Toxin's ways are being used by the team @ Thai Visa! :D

If your original post was a legit one I must agree.......sad. :D

If thailandwatcher had a business he built up over several years in LOS and someone posting anonomously popped up one day castigating him publicly and it was MY site, it would also be gone.

IF however, there was a legal record of some malfeasance, fair play. Casting anonymous stones is cowards play. :o

I'm not taking sides here....I don't know thailandwatcher just like I don't know you baht&sold. Maybe the post is legit maybe it's bullchit. But please explain to me how thailandwatcher can prove his post is legit? He can't.....it's impossible. Crap service is just that.....probably no written records to back up his claims. For that matter people slag restaurants, businesses, etc. all the time on TV with no repercussions and they offer no 'proof'; it's just their opinions......people are free to believe their statements or not. Of course a rinky-dink restaurant in Thailand that gets slagged is not an advertiser here.....

So depending on the nature of the post TV members must now offer 'proof' and documentation to back up their posts?????? :D

Well said mate!!

I can offer proff anyone needs it????

Just call into their office and see the mahem thats going on around!!!

To clarify.....my comments have nothing to do with Sunbelt Asia or their service/lack of service. These public forums always have a certain percentage of posts that have a hidden agenda (such as a competitor slagging his competition). But it's up to the members to determine what is a valid post and what is crap.....not the Mods.

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I was reading a post about Sunbelt Asia....now it has vanished.  Why?   :D

Is it off-limits to discuss an advertiser in a negative why if you've had bad service?

Looks like some of Mr. Toxin's ways are being used by the team @ Thai Visa! :D

If your original post was a legit one I must agree.......sad. :D

If thailandwatcher had a business he built up over several years in LOS and someone posting anonomously popped up one day castigating him publicly and it was MY site, it would also be gone.

IF however, there was a legal record of some malfeasance, fair play. Casting anonymous stones is cowards play. :D

I'm not taking sides here....I don't know thailandwatcher just like I don't know you baht&sold. Maybe the post is legit maybe it's bullchit. But please explain to me how thailandwatcher can prove his post is legit? He can't.....it's impossible. Crap service is just that.....probably no written records to back up his claims. For that matter people slag restaurants, businesses, etc. all the time on TV with no repercussions and they offer no 'proof'; it's just their opinions......people are free to believe their statements or not. Of course a rinky-dink restaurant in Thailand that gets slagged is not an advertiser here.....

So depending on the nature of the post TV members must now offer 'proof' and documentation to back up their posts?????? :D

Nah LDB, it just get's my hackles up when some unknown poster of a whopping 2 posts to his cred, pops up and starts slagging off any biz, particularily under anonymity. For all we know he could be a comp or??? The REAL Point is, if TW had a biz, I'd offer him the same sense of fairplay if the roleswere reversed.


I dont mean to get at you "baht n Sold" I love your web site, plus i know you have been working hard on Thailand Connect. I just hate it when you start to trust a company and they majorly <deleted> you (and people you recommended them to) about!!!

Thx TW, but take a step back, get out of my panties and think of it from an established biz point of view. It's 1:50 in the a.m. you've got very few posts and you've used them to slag a biz you're not happy with. Hey, you try that on my site and you're going straight into the bin :o

If someone trashed your biz on my site under similar circumstance, same result period. However, if they provided legal proof of some serious wrongdoing rather than an anonymous slag off opinion, I'd call it fair play and hit the accept button.

Yes, I'm trying hard to make a biz here (sounds like you too?) and thankfully I get alot of positive feedback etc. However, I encounter the odd misunderstanding as well in TIT or maybe I forgot to get back to someone etc, etc, etc. I try my best but I'm human, mistakes happen. However, I'd def be right pissed if that person publicly slagged my biz off.

Anyways, sincerely hope you do work it out but in the meantime, might be better to take a breath and think about how best to proceed. Maybe try to re-open dialogue with the biz in question and even take it to the top this time. Bet you'd get better satisfaction that way.

Good luck :D


Edited by baht&sold
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I was reading a post about Sunbelt Asia....now it has vanished.  Why?  :D

Is it off-limits to discuss an advertiser in a negative why if you've had bad service?

Looks like some of Mr. Toxin's ways are being used by the team @ Thai Visa! :D

If your original post was a legit one I must agree.......sad. :D

If thailandwatcher had a business he built up over several years in LOS and someone posting anonomously popped up one day castigating him publicly and it was MY site, it would also be gone.

IF however, there was a legal record of some malfeasance, fair play. Casting anonymous stones is cowards play. :D

I'm not taking sides here....I don't know thailandwatcher just like I don't know you baht&sold. Maybe the post is legit maybe it's bullchit. But please explain to me how thailandwatcher can prove his post is legit? He can't.....it's impossible. Crap service is just that.....probably no written records to back up his claims. For that matter people slag restaurants, businesses, etc. all the time on TV with no repercussions and they offer no 'proof'; it's just their opinions......people are free to believe their statements or not. Of course a rinky-dink restaurant in Thailand that gets slagged is not an advertiser here.....

So depending on the nature of the post TV members must now offer 'proof' and documentation to back up their posts?????? :D

Nah LDB, it just get's my hackles up when some unknown poster of a whopping 2 posts to his cred, pops up and starts slagging off any biz, particularily under anonymity. For all we know he could be a comp or??? The REAL Point is, if TW had a biz, I'd offer him the same sense of fairplay if the roleswere reversed.


I dont mean to get at you "baht n Sold" I love your web site, plus i know you have been working hard on Thailand Connect. I just hate it when you start to trust a company and they majorly <deleted> you (and people you recommended them to) about!!!

Thx TW, but take a step back, get out of my panties and think of it from an established biz point of view. It's 1:50 in the a.m. you've got very few posts and you've used them to slag a biz you're not happy with. Hey, you try that on my site and you're going straight into the bin :o

If someone trashed your biz on my site under similar circumstance, same result period. However, if they provided legal proof of some serious wrongdoing rather than an anonymous slag off opinion, I'd call it fair play and hit the accept button.

Yes, I'm trying hard to make a biz here (sounds like you too?) and thankfully I get alot of positive feedback etc. However, I encounter the odd misunderstanding as well in TIT or maybe I forgot to get back to someone etc, etc, etc. I try my best but I'm human, mistakes happen. However, I'd def be right pissed if that person publicly slagged my biz off.

Anyways, sincerely hope you do work it out but in the meantime, might be better to take a breath and think about how best to proceed. Maybe try to re-open dialogue with the biz in question and even take it to the top this time. Bet you'd get better satisfaction that way.

Good luck :D


Very nice post Dan! :D

Yes I do know you!...lol

I will take a seat and try to work things, feel you on the business note! But things have gone to far in this case... looking for an easy way out!!

Hope all works out for u too mate!!!

Chok Dee!

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Very nice post Dan! :o

Yes I do know you!...lol

I will take a seat and try to work things, feel you on the business note! But things have gone to far in this case... looking for an easy way out!!

Hope all works out for u too mate!!!

Chok Dee!

Nice one, Cheers TW and best wishes! :D

Shame it wont last til tomorrow!!

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Always good to have a Thai speaking Thai person that can intercede on your behalf when these scams and disagreements break out. With the language differences, people will try to take advantage of the situation, not only in LOS but everywhere. I see taxi drivers in NYC trying to take advantage of tourists here also.

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Have been watching a couple of Thai ladies one of which has admitted to my wife she is planning to pull this stunt soon on her husband I would love to say something how ever it would be bad for my health. ##### Black hearted bitch

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A fellow member asked me to look at the potential purchase of a business being brokered by a certain *premium sponsor* .

In response to my request for certain basic financial information, the reply received back from them was so daft, I told him to cease due diligence immediately.

ps In fairness, I ought to point out that it wasn't their fault there was no financial information, and they were representing the seller rather than the buyer. (People often forget that)

.....but it just goes to show that you need to take responsibility for your own key business matters when paying out capital here, 'Caveat Emptor'.

Edited by The_Moog
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