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My wisdom teeth are just starting to grow and they are giving me quite alot of pain. I've heard they finish growing when you are eighteen. Is that true? Or is it into your twenties. Can anyone recomend anything to cure it because it's giving me alot of problems. And It's been a while since I've had any teeth grow, last ones were my milkteeth! Thankyou :o

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I have had pain from my wisdom teeth every four months or so since I was 19. My dentist said it is optional if you have them taken out or not - many people do and many do not. If you don't have them removed, you can expect the discomfort for a few days every few months or so. Personally so far I have had no problem putting up with it, the only problem is that you can bite your inside cheek and that is annoying.

I always look on the bright side - I dont eat so much during that time as its more painful to chew, so I lose weight :o

Typically the first time they try and grow is the most painful. But some people say its too unbearable and rush to get them removed. Guess it depends on luck.


One of my girls front teeth began to twist in a little, on checking I found out she had her wisdom teeth coming through, (never once mentioned any discomfort).

Off down the dentist and was told her teeth would become more uneven as the wisdom teeth were forcing room to come through.

She decided to have them pulled there and then, the dentist thought there was no need for a brace as the front tooth was no longer under pressure. He thought it more normal to pull wisdom teeth than not.



My wisdom teeth came through at about 18-19. Initially one of them was growing through crooked and I thought it might have to be pulled. But it later straigtened up and I now have all 4. So far no problems (touch-wood). So yours might settle down.


wisdom teeth (the third molars ) are the last molars to erupt and often there is not enough room for them to come up fully , they can get impacted (stuck) before they are fully through. they may try to erupt with the crown pointing backwards and impact on the ascending ramus of the mandible , or they may point forward and impact on the second molar which is situated in front of it.

they erupt between ages 17 and 21 usually.

it is not uncommon to have a few painful episodes with or without infection during the eruption process

they can be painful as they are erupting as there is often a flap of gum tissue partially covering the half exposed tooth until the tooth is fully through and has cleared the gum and infections can develop under this flap.

infections cause the flap to swell and this can make chewing difficult when the enlarged gum prevents full occlusion of the teeth.

the infections can spread to the soft tissues of the cheek.

it is the lower wisdoms that give problems in 99% of cases.

infections can be controlled with regular rinses with hot salt water if they are minor. pay attention to oral hygeine.

if the gum is very swollen or there is a spreading swelling in the cheek area antibiotics may be necessary.

if you have an infection , stop smoking and drinking alcohol

x-rays will determine if the there is enough room for the tooth to fully erupt or not , and the degree if any of impaction.

if there isnt enough room , then the tooth will probably never fully erupt and extraction may be the only option .

if there is enough room , and the tooth can erupt into full function then just wait it out.

although you dont always need 3 molars , the first molar (which erupts at age 6) is often heavily filled by age 20 and should it ever need extracting then there is a good healthy wisdom tooth waiting in the back there to move forward and become the necessary second molar.

a partially erupted and impacted (but symptom free ) tooth will eventually decay in the areas that are not accessible to toothbrushing or flossing and these areas are usually very difficult or impossible to access for filling and will have to be extracted.

it can be difficult enough extracting an impacted wisdom tooth ,(little or no access for the dentist ) and one that is weakened and broken down by decay is even harder to remove.

if you have an infection , stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

removing very impacted wisdom teeth is best left to those who have a lot of experience in this procedure so go to the oral surgery department at a hospital.

partially erupted impacted wisdom teeth , of the forward pointing variety can be removed by a competent dentist providing it has erupted enough.

if the tooth is pointing back (the crown of the tooth points back , and the roots point towards the front) an oral surgeon is your best bet , as is the case if there is a partial covering of bone over the tooth.

sounds grim i know , but you will be given sedation and wont be aware of too much.

expect a sore and stiff jaw for a few days after the removal of impacted wisdom teeth.

in rare cases , the roots of a deeply impacted tooth may lie in close proximity to the inferior dental nerve , which runs in a canal in the jawbone , if this nerve is bruised during the extraction , then loss of feeling on that side of the jaw for a few weeks may result.

again x rays of a good standard of clarity are essential to check all these things out.

if your dentist wants to extract a wisdom tooth without taking x-rays , run a mile.

good luck. :o


I guess 50 % of all extractions are made to pay the dentists new mercedes.

my wisdom teeth start growing when I was 18 and finished when I was 25 or older.

not all at the same time and often they took a break for half a year.

The dentist told that they must be removed as they do not come in the right direction and because they are half behind in the meat and I will have always great problems with them.

I did not remove them, and there are absolut no problems and everything is just fine.

The dentist also told my mother to remove them when she was young and several (if not all dentists) continue to tell her that since she was 55 years old. than with 55 they mounted several other teets on the healthy and strong wisdom teeth (don't know the english word for it but direct translated it is called like "bridge"). And the dentist told her, that it is a big luck that she has these wisdom theet, because many people are so foolish to remove them :o

(like the other people would remove them for fun)

So I would consider it carefully if you remove healthy teeth or not

My wisdom teeth are just starting to grow and they are giving me quite alot of pain. I've heard they finish growing when you are eighteen. Is that true? Or is it into your twenties. Can anyone recomend anything to cure it because it's giving me alot of problems. And It's been a while since I've had any teeth grow, last ones were my milkteeth! Thankyou  :D

I've heard they finish growing when you are eighteen. Is that true? Or is it into your twenties.

Neither is true.

My wisdom teeth came through when I was 47 years old.

Personally so far I have had no problem putting up with it, the only problem is that you can bite your inside cheek and that is annoying.

Typically the first time they try and grow is the most painful. But some people say its too unbearable and rush to get them removed. Guess it depends on luck.

I agree with that Will. Everyone has different experiences. For me they where no problem at all, except biting my cheek but i noticed that they where starting to push my 2 front teeth inwards, due to lack of space. In the end i had to have some space made by having some others removed. Never an easy option is there :o

Icey, go see a dentist, you might not need them removing


good luck!!!

I feel with you! Had always phobia in Europe, but in Thailand they were so lovely that it is a pleasure to go there :D

Good luck

My wisdom teeth came through when I was 47 years old.

Did they push your Dentures out :o:D


Ok I shall see a dentist. I just have a phobia of them :D I know I need a filling but I keep holding it off. After I had my brace when I was 15 they've freaked me out ever since.


Yes. I've been the once in Thailand for a checkup but my Dad had to basically drag me in by my hair! In England the only time I wasn't scared was when this very attractive male dentist gave me a filling :D

Thanks for the good luck! :o maybe I'll leave it til next week.


Had my wisdom pulled - took maybe 10minutes for all four of them. I didnt believe the Dentist when he said all he was going to do was take a plyer and pull em out. Naturally was numbed and I didnt feel a thing apart from pressure if someone pulling. All and all I didnt think it was a bad experience at all after hearing many a horror story.


Well my Dad just took a look at my tooth and it's half covered with gum. He told me I'd prob have the gum cut away, and told me how much it's going to hurt and about his horror story of it going septic :D .

Just so happens he's off to the dentist tomorrow....I've got to go with him so the dentist can have a look he said :o:D


Had the tooth taken out yesterday :D / :D didn't hurt that much, well prob 'cos I was injected four times prior. She wasn't the slightest bit gentle, just ripped it straight out and cut away the gum then added some beautiful black stitches. When I thought it was all over she injected me again and told me it would keep it numb for a while longer.

Walked out with blood pouring out my gob making me look like a vampire :D and it swelled like a biatch. Also felt drugged up something rotten, nearly fell over lots. As soon as I arrived home took the meds she gave me which put the icing on the cake and knocked me out, funny thing was I didn't know where I was for a while when I woke up. I was in my bloody bedroom :D

Took some more meds today when I was in the car with my Dad. A few moments later he looked at me and I had been knocked out yet again! :o

Had the tooth taken out yesterday  :D / :D  didn't hurt that much, well prob 'cos I was injected four times prior. She wasn't the slightest bit gentle, just ripped it straight out and cut away the gum then added some beautiful black stitches. When I thought it was all over she injected me again and told me it would keep it numb for a while longer.

Walked out with blood pouring out my gob making me look like a vampire  :D and it swelled like a biatch. Also felt drugged up something rotten, nearly fell over lots. As soon as I arrived home took the meds she gave me which put the icing on the cake and knocked me out, funny thing was I didn't know where I was for a while when I woke up. I was in my bloody bedroom  :D

Took some more meds today when I was in the car with my Dad. A few moments later he looked at me and I had been knocked out yet again!  :o

Ice... you had a wisdom tooth pulled at 17? Well now, that explains everything! :D

Have them pulled - don't need them and they crowd your other teeth in your mouth.

Good advice,

Had mine pulled in the military, (actually trying to remember if I had any say so in the matter),

Though they weren't giving me any problem at the time the Dentist said later in life it's not uncommon for abscesses to occur behind the wisdoms and if not tended to can cause major damage to surrounding tissue and bone,

(I won't lie, my whole face was swollen for a week) :o:D

Have them pulled - don't need them and they crowd your other teeth in your mouth.

Good advice,

Had mine pulled in the military, (actually trying to remember if I had any say so in the matter),

Though they weren't giving me any problem at the time the Dentist said later in life it's not uncommon for abscesses to occur behind the wisdoms and if not tended to can cause major damage to surrounding tissue and bone,

(I won't lie, my whole face was swollen for a week) :o:D

Oooh. Well had the one pulled. Don't know if I can manage to sit in the dentist chair again without making a swift exit :D My cheek is slowly getting less puffy. A week? :D . Hope the stitches don't hurt when she takes them out.

Have them pulled - don't need them and they crowd your other teeth in your mouth.

Good advice,

Had mine pulled in the military, (actually trying to remember if I had any say so in the matter),

Though they weren't giving me any problem at the time the Dentist said later in life it's not uncommon for abscesses to occur behind the wisdoms and if not tended to can cause major damage to surrounding tissue and bone,

(I won't lie, my whole face was swollen for a week) :D:D

Your dentist lied... still no problems but then again, I only have one! Does that mean I will never be wise? :o

Have them pulled - don't need them and they crowd your other teeth in your mouth.

Good advice,

Had mine pulled in the military, (actually trying to remember if I had any say so in the matter),

Though they weren't giving me any problem at the time the Dentist said later in life it's not uncommon for abscesses to occur behind the wisdoms and if not tended to can cause major damage to surrounding tissue and bone,

(I won't lie, my whole face was swollen for a week) :D:D

Your dentist lied... still no problems but then again, I only have one! Does that mean I will never be wise? :o

Course you'll be wise :D. I've been told the stitches can get infected though and It's making me really paranoid abou cleaning it all the time with this mouthwash she gave me. Dosen't half sting :D

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