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Strange Behavior By Thai Woman


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I passed a thai woman in the street.

I knew her by sight because she lives or lived at a guest house where I take my laundry

I asked if she wanted to have a drink. she said yes.

so I asked if I should come over to see her. Sure, anytime, she said.

she gave me her room number.

that evening I went over to her building and I found that her room was empty with keys in the door. I went it and the room was empty and made up as if the cleaner had already cleaned it and made the beds. It did not look as if anybody had just stayed there and just moved out.

Why would this women give me a room number if she did not want to see me?

Is giving a fake room number a common trick of thai women?

Is it just me?

Is this woman Ting Tong and to be avoided?

Or is it a come on?

Edited by jan1van1hooten
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Why would this women give me a room number if she did not want to see me?

Because she knew she wouldn't be there and so she said yes just to get rid of you?

Just a hunch!

Exactly, and not so strange.

In fact just a variant of the common giving of a wrong phone number.

Western women do it too, it's often the easiest way out. And Thais in particular find it hard to say no, and tend to give the answer the other person wants to hear, even if utterly untrue. In all sorts of situations.

one thing you can be quite sure of, it is not a come on. She is not interested.

Next time you see her, be polite and act as if this whole thing never happened (but do not, of course, make any further attempts to be more than a casual neighbor).

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You would lose face had she said no to you. so she did the face thingy on you and said yes, here is my number. you call round, she is not there anymore and you didnt lose face according to her!

strange but true!

sorry to tell ya buddy, you were not her type :lol:

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Why would this women give me a room number if she did not want to see me?

Because she knew she wouldn't be there and so she said yes just to get rid of you?

Just a hunch!

No doubt rakers ur speaking from experience.

Never had this happen to me before BUT I've been on the other end of the stick and done the runner a few times myself. Its amazing how much someones appearance can change after the SCHOONER CORRECTION FACTOR has worn off. :lol::whistling:

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Why would this women give me a room number if she did not want to see me?

Because she knew she wouldn't be there and so she said yes just to get rid of you?

Just a hunch!

No doubt rakers ur speaking from experience.

Never had this happen to me before BUT I've been on the other end of the stick and done the runner a few times myself. Its amazing how much someones appearance can change after the SCHOONER CORRECTION FACTOR has worn off. :lol::whistling:

I knew at the time you were giving me a false address!

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You didn`t offer her any money for personal room service?

Boom boom boom boom

I want you in my room

Let's spend the night together

From now until forever

Boom boom boom boom

I wanna double boom

Let's spend the night together

Together in my room

I don't know which is more sad: You writing it, or me singing it (and knowing the song)

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because thai women are fed up with dirty men in the street asking them out?

Women do not want to be acosted in their daily life, if they want to meet you, they'll go to a pub, bar, club, art exhibit or wherever people join in for discussion. A women walking down the street does not want you to talk to her unless you are a wealthy, educated and are 9/10 physique wise.

If you had any of those quality, you'd know this.

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Why would this women give me a room number if she did not want to see me?

Because she knew she wouldn't be there and so she said yes just to get rid of you?

that is not a problem with me.

but the way she talked to me before that (about where she worked etc) seemed like she liked talking to me.

then when we said goodbye, she offered her hand to me, not the other way around...

anyway I am glad to consider her yesterday's newspaper

if she acted like she was interested in me just so she could pull this stunt---that is exactly the reason I avoid american women.

So you've been rejected a lot in your life by women.. maybe you should learn how NOT TO HARASS them..

stalkers are not attractive

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next time you see her, casually ask if she still wants to have dinner on your new princess yacht? if she gives you a different contact info you know you are simply suffering from an acute case of myfundsalow. a not uncommon condition in these parts.

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because thai women are fed up with dirty men in the street asking them out?

Women do not want to be acosted in their daily life, if they want to meet you, they'll go to a pub, bar, club, art exhibit or wherever people join in for discussion. A women walking down the street does not want you to talk to her unless you are a wealthy, educated and are 9/10 physique wise.

If you had any of those quality, you'd know this.

Maybe not in the big cities but in little towns a smile always leads to conversation. Ladies are more than willing to take a minute out to talk. Strangers on a bus will relate their life story at the drop of a hat. Thais are friendly for the most part.

Try this experiment. Ask the clerk at the 7/11 what her name is. Call her by name when you see her. One thing will lead to another.

When you see a woman you like find something about her that is beautiful. Hair, little feet, hands, nails, bracelet, whatever, something, and compliment her on that. You have beautiful eyes. Thai women are really into being complimented. Old, young and in between.

Either you got game or you don't age has nothing to do with it. Having said that most people can learn.

I was getting a massage last Sunday when I noticed the lady masseuse wasn't wearing any knickers under her shorts. I complimented her on her jim and asked why she was not wearing underpants. She said Sunday was jim holiday.

Well one thing led to another, don't you know.

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because thai women are fed up with dirty men in the street asking them out?

Women do not want to be acosted in their daily life, if they want to meet you, they'll go to a pub, bar, club, art exhibit or wherever people join in for discussion. A women walking down the street does not want you to talk to her unless you are a wealthy, educated and are 9/10 physique wise.

If you had any of those quality, you'd know this.

Maybe not in the big cities but in little towns a smile always leads to conversation. Ladies are more than willing to take a minute out to talk. Strangers on a bus will relate their life story at the drop of a hat. Thais are friendly for the most part.

Try this experiment. Ask the clerk at the 7/11 what her name is. Call her by name when you see her. One thing will lead to another.

When you see a woman you like find something about her that is beautiful. Hair, little feet, hands, nails, bracelet, whatever, something, and compliment her on that. You have beautiful eyes. Thai women are really into being complimented. Old, young and in between.

Either you got game or you don't age has nothing to do with it. Having said that most people can learn.

I was getting a massage last Sunday when I noticed the lady masseuse wasn't wearing any knickers under her shorts. I complimented her on her jim and asked why she was not wearing underpants. She said Sunday was jim holiday.

Well one thing led to another, don't you know.

Yes i agree with you but this man definitely does not speak thai, and he lives in a guest house so he's definitely poor and a cheap sexpat in a big city.

Also from your history here you seem like a intelligent nice looking guy(even being old) so even if you accosted her in a cheap guesthouse in Bangkok, you would not give a dirty stalker vibe.

Edited by ilyelol
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because thai women are fed up with dirty men in the street asking them out?

Women do not want to be acosted in their daily life, if they want to meet you, they'll go to a pub, bar, club, art exhibit or wherever people join in for discussion. A women walking down the street does not want you to talk to her unless you are a wealthy, educated and are 9/10 physique wise.

If you had any of those quality, you'd know this.

Maybe not in the big cities but in little towns a smile always leads to conversation. Ladies are more than willing to take a minute out to talk. Strangers on a bus will relate their life story at the drop of a hat. Thais are friendly for the most part.

Try this experiment. Ask the clerk at the 7/11 what her name is. Call her by name when you see her. One thing will lead to another.

When you see a woman you like find something about her that is beautiful. Hair, little feet, hands, nails, bracelet, whatever, something, and compliment her on that. You have beautiful eyes. Thai women are really into being complimented. Old, young and in between.

Either you got game or you don't age has nothing to do with it. Having said that most people can learn.

I was getting a massage last Sunday when I noticed the lady masseuse wasn't wearing any knickers under her shorts. I complimented her on her jim and asked why she was not wearing underpants. She said Sunday was jim holiday.

Well one thing led to another, don't you know.

Yes i agree with you but this man definitely does not speak thai, and he lives in a guest house so he's definitely poor and a cheap sexpat in a big city.

Also from your history here you seem like a intelligent nice looking guy(even being old) so even if you accosted her in a cheap guesthouse in Bangkok, you would not give a dirty stalker vibe.

I keep name cards in my pocket and inexpensive but not trashy bracelets in the other pocket. Rarely do stalkers give presents. I never make the first move. Maybe that is the key. You have to let the lady make the first move. You also have to know how to recognize the move. If a uni girl on a song tau

does not have her knees welded together and covered by a purse when sitting opposite you, you are home free.

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Why would this women give me a room number if she did not want to see me?

Because she knew she wouldn't be there and so she said yes just to get rid of you?

Just a hunch!

The naivety of some people ( OP ) is incredible, it really is..:D

I sometimes wonder when i read certain things on this Forum if some people have any experience of the opposite s*x at all..

Then i think that there is a healthy % that if they had, probably wouldn't be here anyway..

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I was getting a massage last Sunday when I noticed the lady masseuse wasn't wearing any knickers under her shorts. I complimented her on her jim and asked why she was not wearing underpants. She said Sunday was jim holiday.

Well one thing led to another, don't you know.

Is Jim her farrang husband or boyfreind?.

Anyway the women did what any woman on earth would do if a stranger asked to visit her in her room, she lied.

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