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Talk About Skyrocketing Prices ?


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I hope no one minds if point out that I have been listening to expats complain about the "skyrocketing prices" in Thailand for over 20 years, but it is still much cheaper than back home. oldman.gif

At least I don't mind. All over the world people complain about the same, and it has a name: one is measured inflation or CGI, its discussed counterpart is "real feel inflation". Interestingly, the RFI always comes up with some conspiracy charges against governments, ruling classes, the rich, even religious groups, preferably jews. :ermm: It's usually an individual indirectly claiming he'd be the average consumer with market insight, here I see owners of food businesses claiming to be able to give a better overview on real world prices than government statistics.

Not that I'd trust governments but still their stats are more reliable than the impression of an individual market participant.

I declare this thread ridiculous and if I were a mod, I would have closed it or moved it to the BS-chit-chat corner. See real world stats also for Thailand on consumer price index.


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No 1 I must say that I rue the day that you may become a mod. That on top of your god like ability to tell us what is and is not ridiculous and BS

Perhaps you meant to say " in your opinion "

Again just perhaps you have been in country for a short period of time and are still living with western mental standards. I am sure you know the type, "oh for heavens sake its only a few dollars or a few baht. Don't worry about it "

Well let me say , in my opinion, to those of us who live and work over here, drastic price increases are very important. Yes people will always talk about the rise in prices , much as they do about the weather. But 40 odd % increase in a two month period, is more indicative of something other than normal inflation.

And just one more thing, what does it say about a person that thinks a topic is ridiculous and BS, then takes the time to read, partiicipate in and make multiple posts ??

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Due to the higher cost of living, I think as a sign of goodwill, that restaurants should help us out and increase any discounts they give from 10-15% jap.gif

Figgers..... sorry I thought you were still sleeping :D

Lurking mate........lurking wink.gif

I heard that your Thanksgiving was really good value for money...........hey, forget about the discount smile.gif

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No 1 I must say that I rue the day that you may become a mod. That on top of your god like ability to tell us what is and is not ridiculous and BS

Perhaps you meant to say " in your opinion "

Again just perhaps you have been in country for a short period of time and are still living with western mental standards. I am sure you know the type, "oh for heavens sake its only a few dollars or a few baht. Don't worry about it "

Well let me say , in my opinion, to those of us who live and work over here, drastic price increases are very important. Yes people will always talk about the rise in prices , much as they do about the weather. But 40 odd % increase in a two month period, is more indicative of something other than normal inflation.

And just one more thing, what does it say about a person that thinks a topic is ridiculous and BS, then takes the time to read, partiicipate in and make multiple posts ??

Apart from the last paragraph ( which maybe should have been left out imo) I agree with you

And given the baht strength why are import prices not coming down.

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No 1 I must say that I rue the day that you may become a mod. That on top of your god like ability to tell us what is and is not ridiculous and BS

No worries. It won't happen.

Again just perhaps you have been in country for a short period of time and are still living with western mental standards. I am sure you know the type, "oh for heavens sake its only a few dollars or a few baht. Don't worry about it "

Yep, you got me on this one. Really, no matter how much I learn about this country I don't think I will ever get rid of "western mental standards". May I ask if you participate more actively in Thai forums because you have successfully overcome western mental standards such as languages and cultural background? IMHO, it looks you have perfectly adapted to local economic standards but you are still a westerner. Personally, as a westerner I will never be able to enjoy fully all advantages of a Thai life but that is badly needed to make up for the lower level of life associated with a lower Thai income.

Well let me say , in my opinion, to those of us who live and work over here, drastic price increases are very important. Yes people will always talk about the rise in prices , much as they do about the weather. But 40 odd % increase in a two month period, is more indicative of something other than normal inflation.

I understand what you are saying. Nevertheless, you are watching the rise of individual products, not the entire basket. What's this discussion about? Your perception of the reality or consumer price index? Goods of recreation and education have decreased by 4.3% in one year in Thailand.(source) Nothing to be happy about? You are confirming in multiple ways that this doesn't take a lot of space in your personal basket.

And just one more thing, what does it say about a person that thinks a topic is ridiculous and BS, then takes the time to read, partiicipate in and make multiple posts ??

To answer your question: first I thought a few reasonable arguments could take your fear that general consumer prices are skyrocketing and that you are observing an exception which is normal. Now that you have had the chance to read and understand arguments, statistics and reasons and failed to recognize them and don't even reply to them, I feel there is not much that can be done about your mental state, no matter if western or oriental.:D

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Makro is suppose to be a Wholesaler for Business people ( Restaurants, hotels, guest houese and so on) where you buy in bulk and pay less than anywhere else.... Bunk!! ...Many products are cheaper or the same price at RIMPING of all places !!! I shop 2-3 times a week minimum at Rimping, Makro , Peuwan Krua, Northern Farms etc.. etc.. and continuously compare prices and it just baffles me ....In fact Makro peeves me off so much with their price fluctuations week to week that I watch them like a hawk .... If their prices are higher or even the same as the others mentioned .... I Boycott and definitely buy elsewhere...

Hang Dong Road Makro has revamped the whole place to go a little more Up Market .... ..Malee Juice... for the past 6 months their prices have been mostly 66 Baht and more for a 1 liter pack and occasionally 55 Baht and by occasionally I mean for maybe a week ... Rinping has been consistently at 55 to 58 Baht ... The new Chaaba has been 41 Baht with their new packaging at Rimping for the past 6 months ... Makro had it at 66 Baht ...... For one week at 45 baht and now don't even have it anymore ... till today it is still 41 Baht at Rimping... Yes, it says Special promotion but it has been going on for a long time and well, when it changes will look for another alternative ... And by the way it is better than anyof the other ones whether it be Malee or the other popular Brands


There are some good deals on some items but nevertheless I watch them and it just annoys me sooo much to see them change prices drastically week to week on the same items .

As an example, The big can of tuna ( 2.5 Kgs ) was 180 Baht a year ago around this time.. then at Xmas 2009 it went up to 220 Baht ... Jan jumped up to 265 Baht ... Stopped buying it !! Whent they revamped the store they brought the price down to 220 Baht for 1 week and now it is back to 265 Baht ... Pffffffffff !!!

Yes creative marketing for sure ....

Montclair wine.... another joke... went from 880 Baht for 5 liters box a year ago to 900 Baht and then to 945 Baht and then within a week to 965 Baht ... when it hit 965 Baht I was lucky and found a place , in fact 2 places, selling it at 880 Baht and right up till now that too !! ... Makro stayed at 965 for the past 5 months !!! So I stopped buying alcohol there altogether as in any case couldn't keep up with their selling times !! The 2 places I now buy from sell to you at any time of the day and there are many of them all around Chiang Mai ... Last week Makro brought the price back down to 880 Baht ....!!! ???? = 85 Baht less !! What the he_l !!?? And this is what they do all the time ... And I know that by end December they will have it back up to 900 +++ Again ... that's how they work... reduce the price for a short time and when the product starts moving again ... up the price...

Anyway .... I'll get off this topic for a couple of days to allow the choppers on TA to come in and slash me apart ... and maybe I'll come back to respond but probably not ...

Have a good time :rolleyes:

Then there is the creative marketing.....

Again at Makro where I do shop several times monthly.


BBQ Potato Chips

Old pkg'ng ='s 6pak times 60 gr bags ='s 360 Grams selling for 102 Baht

New pkg'ng ='s 4 pak times 85 gr bags ='s 340 Grams selling for 114 Baht

Yes I know its only a 12 baht increase but it is for 20 grams less

But the bag physical size and appearance is exactly the same save for the printing on the exterior of 85 grams.

The 4 pkg oversize is almost identical to the 6 pak size

They are sold in the same position and bin as the old 6 pak location

But if you are not careful and read carefully when time comes for you to resell , retail to the customer you will sell the new one for the same as the old one.

The consumer, if seeing a new price, will balk at the new size as its not what they are used to and strangely enough the new 85 gr size is difficult for one person consuming at one time.

But the result for the wholesaler is they sell less product for more money and save the cost of production of 2 bags.

Now before this gets all hopped on, I know its a small and insignificant example, but multiply it times the many items you may buy at a store like this and it becomes significant in the harder times.

Now I still like and will continue to shop at Makro and the likes, but do point out to fellow customers, Please be careful and check out fully the packaging as well as the pricing at these places

I think Makro is a great place to shop, but do wish they would find some way to do the restocking at night rather than the forklifts running and blocking isles during the busy daytime. Its more like the storeis for the benefit of the stockers rather than the customers.


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No Offence Ulysses, but I am also tired of hearing you x-pats say how much cheaper things are here than back home !! .... I don't live back home... I live here and run a business here so I relate costs of living including food to here ,... not back home , cause I make a living on the revenue I get from my business here and not what I would getr back home ... Thanks and hope you understand that !

I hope no one minds if point out that I have been listening to expats complain about the "skyrocketing prices" in Thailand for over 20 years, but it is still much cheaper than back home. oldman.gif

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And post charts that came from god only knows where ...???? Oh, right , silly me .. the very reliable "Consumer Price Index" :whistling:

No 1 I must say that I rue the day that you may become a mod. That on top of your god like ability to tell us what is and is not ridiculous and BS

Perhaps you meant to say " in your opinion "

Again just perhaps you have been in country for a short period of time and are still living with western mental standards. I am sure you know the type, "oh for heavens sake its only a few dollars or a few baht. Don't worry about it "

Well let me say , in my opinion, to those of us who live and work over here, drastic price increases are very important. Yes people will always talk about the rise in prices , much as they do about the weather. But 40 odd % increase in a two month period, is more indicative of something other than normal inflation.

And just one more thing, what does it say about a person that thinks a topic is ridiculous and BS, then takes the time to read, partiicipate in and make multiple posts ??

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I like old Annabel Lee when she gets off on a tear. She's right on too. Makro, like most of the price fluctuations or rises, here make no sense. That's the thing. Raise my prices if a flood wipes out a crop. If the gov't drops a subsidy for something, let me know so I can understand it. But I tell you, it just doesn't follow alot of things. Even back when Bush Jr had really messed up the oil thing a few yrs back and all the new high prices hit. Subsequently food prices went up. Then when oil dropped back down, as did petrol prices, food and other commodities didn't reflect that. Too bad. Or maybe a market adjustment that was overdue.

And then back to Makro. I like them for a couple of things only. They are pretty consistent in pricing and value for meats, onions, bamboo shoots, frozen sugar snap peas, and Spanish Olives - the big jar! That's about it. So every cpl weeks when my supply of one of these things runs low and I get the circular with specials I search for something else I can pick up on one of their odd-adjustment sales. Clearly others realize they make up for it with gouging on other goods. Annabelle's citing of the boxed juice is right on. I can't believe they charge so much when Tesco, Big C and even Rimping are consistently charging quite a few bahtz less. Makro is good for only targeted purchases. it ain't no Target or Costco, that's for sure.

And while the rest of you quibble... yeah it's just too bad things are shooting up. For perspective, I am set right again when I do visit the US of A every couple of years and see that food prices have really jumped over there, and the prices I'm comparing my Thai food prices with are of USA of yesteryear, not the current ones.

And yeah.... why don't they restock Makro at night ?! It's crazy to block off a whole aisle when I'm busy and wanting to shop, and you're gonna lock me out of the goods I want ? Ok, no sale. Nice job !

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"tired of hearing you x-pats say how much cheaper things are here than back home" <_<

Maybe at one time....wife mentioned at the weekend that she bought some eggs in our local S/M here in the "smoke"and they were cheaper than the ones she got in our local market in Mae-On a couple of weeks ago.

Beer,whisky,wine and noodles (Korean)and some other "staples" are also cheaper than LOS and now with Fish and Chips avec coffee etc in Weathers for less than 150bt.....its all down to the economy......init

...and I got my cold weather payment yesterday ...£150 quid...couple of pints me thinks...keeps out the cold.... :D

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"tired of hearing you x-pats say how much cheaper things are here than back home" <_<

Maybe at one time....wife mentioned at the weekend that she bought some eggs in our local S/M here in the "smoke"and they were cheaper than the ones she got in our local market in Mae-On a couple of weeks ago.

Beer,whisky,wine and noodles (Korean)and some other "staples" are also cheaper than LOS and now with Fish and Chips avec coffee etc in Weathers for less than 150bt.....its all down to the economy......init

...and I got my cold weather payment yesterday ...£150 quid...couple of pints me thinks...keeps out the cold.... :D

Correction...it was £250 quid......memory must be going... :huh:

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RTD, surely I must have misread.... you didn' really say 'Old Anabel' did you....That alone is enough to put you on the Most Wanted List, probably with a dead or alive bounty. :D

But I have to give her credit. Live here, work here, earn here, spend here,..... one needs to think here. Also for some of us who may have not been 'back home' for a while, the back home prices are but a historic memory. Those memories seriously need to be updated.

I agree with you RTD, Makro is good for certain items. The meat department is where I find the most positive prices. Makro , many times is as cheap or cheaper than the MM Mkt on the price of Beef, Pork, and Chicken, and I believe to be better quality.

Anabel, I too have been spending more time noticing prices, these days , rather then having a take it off the shelf because I am here now attitude.

Makro is better on a lot of things and I like shopping there, save for the flying forklifts and shelf stocking attitudes. But, maybe suprisingly, I have found that the YOK Store on the Super has consistingly offered better prices on CERTAIN items

The Allowrie 81 Slice (1k) Cheddar Cheese YOK ='s 350 baht,,,,,, Makro same.='s 480 B.

I thought this was a mispriceing at one or the other, but this has been consistant for a couple months now.... Makro flucuates between 450 & 480.

The Best Food Jam in the big plastic container , I think 2.5K's is another good savings.

Yes it does take a bit of effort and cost to drive around, butif you are going there anyhow for other items, it makes a bit of a savings.

Maybe its old age, or maybe its hard times, .....or.........a certain party who shall remain nameless, take notice,,,,,,,,, maybe I'm becoming a CHEAP CHARLIE :D

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RTD, surely I must have misread.... you didn' really say 'Old Anabel' did you....That alone is enough to put you on the Most Wanted List, probably with a dead or alive bounty. :D

But I have to give her credit. Live here, work here, earn here, spend here,..... one needs to think here. Also for some of us who may have not been 'back home' for a while, the back home prices are but a historic memory. Those memories seriously need to be updated.

I agree with you RTD, Makro is good for certain items. The meat department is where I find the most positive prices. Makro , many times is as cheap or cheaper than the MM Mkt on the price of Beef, Pork, and Chicken, and I believe to be better quality.

Anabel, I too have been spending more time noticing prices, these days , rather then having a take it off the shelf because I am here now attitude.

Makro is better on a lot of things and I like shopping there, save for the flying forklifts and shelf stocking attitudes. But, maybe suprisingly, I have found that the YOK Store on the Super has consistingly offered better prices on CERTAIN items

The Allowrie 81 Slice (1k) Cheddar Cheese YOK ='s 350 baht,,,,,, Makro same.='s 480 B.

I thought this was a mispriceing at one or the other, but this has been consistant for a couple months now.... Makro flucuates between 450 & 480.

The Best Food Jam in the big plastic container , I think 2.5K's is another good savings.

Yes it does take a bit of effort and cost to drive around, butif you are going there anyhow for other items, it makes a bit of a savings.

Maybe its old age, or maybe its hard times, .....or.........a certain party who shall remain nameless, take notice,,,,,,,,, maybe I'm becoming a CHEAP CHARLIE :D

good post, i agree

( not convinced thaivisa warrants a wanted list though, but i note u make the point in jest. posters need encouraging to post rather than lurk and tehy lurk for obvious reasons )

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Maybe its old age, or maybe its hard times, .....or.........a certain party who shall remain nameless, take notice,,,,,,,,, maybe I'm becoming a CHEAP CHARLIE :D

Well done - you know it makes sense........now all other Cheap Charlie's await your price reductions, to demonstrate your solidarity with them.jap.gif...............wink.gif

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re the Thai inflation figures posted earlier by no1 (is that supposed to mean you consider yourself number one - or no-one?)

and the notion that the' impression of an individual market participant' is less accurate. That may ber the case in the macro economic argument you are proposing, but in the Makro economic argument Gonzo is suggesting, I'd trust the views of a few guys who have been in Makro in the last week than some pen pusher in an office in Bangkok creating pretty graphs!

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Maybe its old age, or maybe its hard times, .....or.........a certain party who shall remain nameless, take notice,,,,,,,,, maybe I'm becoming a CHEAP CHARLIE :D

Well done - you know it makes sense........now all other Cheap Charlie's await your price reductions, to demonstrate your solidarity with them.jap.gif...............wink.gif

Brings to mind some pointed and painful words from me ole pappy......

" Do not as I do, ...... Do as I tell you to do " :D

Notsure how it fits, but it did pop into my mind after many decades.

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re the Thai inflation figures posted earlier by no1 (is that supposed to mean you consider yourself number one - or no-one?)

and the notion that the' impression of an individual market participant' is less accurate. That may ber the case in the macro economic argument you are proposing, but in the Makro economic argument Gonzo is suggesting, I'd trust the views of a few guys who have been in Makro in the last week than some pen pusher in an office in Bangkok creating pretty graphs!

So would I.

The rpi and cpi figures mentioned by a poster are anyway uk statistics and neither represents a "shopping basket" index. the index is used to calculater pensions and benefits etc.

No logic in it. For pension credit, for example, the government calculates a notional interest income of around 10% on investment income over 10000 pounds. If the penpushers in Bangkok have similar viewpoints, then i certainly agree with you

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No 1 I must say that I rue the day that you may become a mod. That on top of your god like ability to tell us what is and is not ridiculous and BS

Perhaps you meant to say " in your opinion "

Again just perhaps you have been in country for a short period of time and are still living with western mental standards. I am sure you know the type, "oh for heavens sake its only a few dollars or a few baht. Don't worry about it "

Well let me say , in my opinion, to those of us who live and work over here, drastic price increases are very important. Yes people will always talk about the rise in prices , much as they do about the weather. But 40 odd % increase in a two month period, is more indicative of something other than normal inflation.

And just one more thing, what does it say about a person that thinks a topic is ridiculous and BS, then takes the time to read, partiicipate in and make multiple posts ??

In your opinion ;)

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and the notion that the' impression of an individual market participant' is less accurate. That may ber the case in the macro economic argument you are proposing, but in the Makro economic argument Gonzo is suggesting, I'd trust the views of a few guys who have been in Makro in the last week than some pen pusher in an office in Bangkok creating pretty graphs!

True. The header "talk about skyrocketing prices" gives the impression as this was a general statement. Of course, I have no reason to believe their individual item prices stated were wrong. I just wouldn't go to that store anymore and wouldn't purchase that stuff they are buying. Who needs that much oil anyway?

Nevertheless, I trust a pen pusher's education and ability to evaluate prices more than a soup stirrer's.

Btw, I thought "name and shame" was forbidden here? Or is this rule being applied only on sponsor's businesses?

The rpi and cpi figures mentioned by a poster are anyway uk statistics and neither represents a "shopping basket" index. the index is used to calculater pensions and benefits etc.

I don't know whose post you are referring to, but why don't you visit the webpage of the Thai Ministry of Commerce and see for yourself? I can't see that all prices are skyrocketing or prices are generally skyrocketing. A few have fallen, for example for educational and recreation. Good times for people shopping books. :)

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and the notion that the' impression of an individual market participant' is less accurate. That may ber the case in the macro economic argument you are proposing, but in the Makro economic argument Gonzo is suggesting, I'd trust the views of a few guys who have been in Makro in the last week than some pen pusher in an office in Bangkok creating pretty graphs!

Nevertheless, I trust a pen pusher's education and ability to evaluate prices more than a soup stirrer's.

still involving yourself in ridiculous and BS threads huh ???......

well there are soup stirrers and there are $hit stirrers, and I am proud of the one all know I stir.

cuz it is MY OPINION that the soup stirrers did not cause the massive Wall St problems


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and the notion that the' impression of an individual market participant' is less accurate. That may ber the case in the macro economic argument you are proposing, but in the Makro economic argument Gonzo is suggesting, I'd trust the views of a few guys who have been in Makro in the last week than some pen pusher in an office in Bangkok creating pretty graphs!

Nevertheless, I trust a pen pusher's education and ability to evaluate prices more than a soup stirrer's.

still involving yourself in ridiculous and BS threads huh ???......

well there are soup stirrers and there are $hit stirrers, and I am proud of the one all know I stir.

cuz it is MY OPINION that the soup stirrers did not cause the massive Wall St problems


Talking of soup stirrers, does The Pun Pun do any nice thick country soups (or stews)?

Sorry if I'm off topic. wink.gif

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Sometimes you need to take into account that some pen pushers and government offices have alterior motives and agendas behind their "analysis"

what alterior motives and agendas?

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No1's inflation figures may in fact be irrelevant to this discussion, as we've concentrated on foods. His meaning for this discussion however may have been lost in his manner of expression - I do it all the time.

First, he must be aware that the ways of indexing "inflation" are many. I forget how many, but the U.S. publishes several. Also, the published one may impact different purchasers differently. That is, if inflation is high, but a simple farmer's specific supplies remain stable while electronics prices go sky high, in spite of "higher" inflation, he may feel no difficulty. (Fuel costs tend to impact across many lines, of course.)

No1 must know that the general list he presents is a compilation of everything. Thus, one sector of the economy (foods) may indeed be rising a great deal, even overall, and it not be reflected in the charts. Still, it is impossible for folks dealing with foods (homeowners too) to have a real cross section. Spears of inflation hurt, but only an average tells the truth.

Of course, governments in many countries throughout the years have "fixed" the figures (notoriously S. American States) to make the public statements. But food is where the people hit the bricks.

No1 also is not aware of the puckish aspect to any food discussion here in town.

Still, I side (bet you're impressed) with his argument that my life has been comprised often with costs going up. I complained. What family has not? And yet, it may be the case that in many other sectors of the economy, or in fact, within all foods sold and consumed, things were more stable than my personal experience of it.

Humbly submitted, an eater

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I hope no one minds if point out that I have been listening to expats complain about the "skyrocketing prices" in Thailand for over 20 years, but it is still much cheaper than back home. oldman.gif

The thing is - they're "skyrocketing" back home, too.

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