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Check Your Bathroom Ceiling...

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A few months ago I noticed a small amount of water collecting in the light fitting in my bathroom with its tiles false ceiling. No big deal but I mentioned it to 'De Management' in case something worse should develop. Up to me#y room came the building handyman and head maid - perhaps I should say chief maid to avoid misunderstandings.

A few minutes later the maid emerged with a handful of VCDs - "Belong you?". They were home-burned disks and the handwritten labels suggested adult content. "Nope, not mine, where did you find them?"

She indicated the ceiling, I clambered up to look for myself and, groping around on top of the ceiling tiles my fingers closed around an object that turned out to be a rather heavy gold, apparently, necklace. This quickly disappeared into the chief maid's pocket and I'm not so hard-up that I felt I needed to demand a share. I'm pretty sure it didn't make it to the lost and found biggrin.gif

I was reminded of my first ever trip to LOS when I too was seeking somewhere to secrete goodies rather than use the reception safe, On inspecting a bathroom air vent I found the princely sum of 20 baht...partytime2.gifburp.gif

So, hotel and rented accomodation dwellers: The moral is... Have you checked your bathroom recently for loot?


So you got the porn and she got the gold?

Actually, now you mention it, I didn't see what happened to the porn. I could ask if you're interested...

BTW: I forgot to mention, if anyone finds anything as a result of this post, I expect 10% (porn and old sandwiches excluded).


Thanks for the heads up mate. I checked my bathroom ceiling and found Mr T. having a wank to a vid of " Granny's Anal Adventure "

Guess he must have moved into my gaff after leaving yours.

Though his muttered comment of " I pity the fool who stole my gold chain and scud discs " had me thinking that you did the right thing by not hanging on to the " booty "


Yes, a mate of mine took some company to his hotel when he visited Pattaya and hid his wallet under the plastic lining in the rubbish bin to prevent it from going missng in the night. Come morning and he didn't remember a thing of the night before and the girl was gone. Assuming he had been robbed, he borrowed money from me to get home, but received a call from the hotel while on the bus back to Bangkok saying they had found his wallet. I reckon there must be numerous wallets, phones and jewelry hidden in all sorts of nooks and crannies in Thai hotels all over the country just waiting to be found.


That reminds me of when I was at school I worked part time at a hotel and every month a business man would stay there for the regional meeting. He always booked the same room and once became very upset when someone else had booked his room.

Anyway to cut a long story short he had a blow up doll stashed in the ceiling and the management decided to leave it there for him as he was a good customer.

Count yourself lucky you found a gold necklace and not a second hand blow up doll.


You’re so right OP, I hide money and things in hotel rooms all the time, (only when I stay in them……it’s not a fetish thing, honest) But I never take the time to have a nose around when I stay in one to see if something’s been left. Touch wood, I’ve only ever forgot to retrieve something once.

What would constitute 10% of a rubber girlfriend?


That reminds me of when I was at school I worked part time at a hotel and every month a business man would stay there for the regional meeting. He always booked the same room and once became very upset when someone else had booked his room.

Anyway to cut a long story short he had a blow up doll stashed in the ceiling and the management decided to leave it there for him as he was a good customer.

Count yourself lucky you found a gold necklace and not a second hand blow up doll.

......................................................................Or a second hand blow up doll with a pearl necklaces!!!!


A couple of weeks ago I was unfortunate and stupid enough to investigate a mysterious "place" in a public area and ended up holding a plastic bag full of Jaa-Baa... Needless to say I very quickly replaced the bag and have not returned since.


I'm a little surprised they didn't try to blackmail you about the porn.

I would of told her to keep the Gold chain and threw the porn away.


A decade + ago when I first came to Thailand and went to haadrin fullmoon party; the bungalows were still the bamboo kind where people leave written jabberings, thoughts n messages scrawled all over the Walls. So I arrived, threw off the back pack and flopped on to the bed, looking up at the cowling I noticed one message which say "enjoy the roof" which puzzeled me a bit. After lying there a few more minutes pondering this I noticed a small hole in the far corner of one of the woven roof tiles; so I stuck my hand up there and felt around. Found a bag of weed and king rizlas! Thanks very much. I made sure I left a bit for the next person and suggested to any hippy types that it would be a nice thing to do and smarter than traveling around with such things.

I forgot about stashing things; seems like another life time almost; cheers for the reminder.

  • 10 months later...

Stolen gold, illegal drugs and porn.

Some posters are really becoming desperate to drum up interest in some of these threads.

All I ever find in my bathroom, is what`s left in the bog if not flushed properly and a few soap left overs. Hardly anything of interest worth creating a thread for.

Perhaps someone will one day walk into their WC room and find Nat Chanapa in there taking a shower. Now that would be really interesting.



Staying in a cheap hotel in KL one time we noticed water pouring out of the ceiling during the night. I pushed up the tile, reached into the ceiling space, grabbed hold of a piece of loose pipe, pulled it down to take a look at and....

...there I was, 3am, naked, standing on a chair in a cheap bathroom, soaking wet, holding a 10" pink dildo. My wife laughed for far too long for my liking ;)


Once, I also found that water was leaking into my toilet from the ceiling, in the shower. However, I wasn't so lucky as to find any good Porn or gold. I opened the ceiling and found water leaking through the roof from the condo above me as the guys grout was all rotted through. I had to pay for the repairs to my ceiling with no gold or porn to help ! Let's see if we can keep this interesting subject going for a few months ...... any other water in the toilet stories ?


Thanks for the heads up mate. I checked my bathroom ceiling and found Mr T. having a wank to a vid of " Granny's Anal Adventure "

Guess he must have moved into my gaff after leaving yours.

Though his muttered comment of " I pity the fool who stole my gold chain and scud discs " had me thinking that you did the right thing by not hanging on to the " booty "

hmmmmm you seem to know all the terms :whistling:


Hopefully you are renting from the "building" and not from an individual condo owner...who might not be too happy to find the gold he stashed in his ceiling missing.


Hopefully you are renting from the "building" and not from an individual condo owner...who might not be too happy to find the gold he stashed in his ceiling missing.

Ah a valid point. :lol:


  • 2 weeks later...

That reminds me of when I was at school I worked part time at a hotel and every month a business man would stay there for the regional meeting. He always booked the same room and once became very upset when someone else had booked his room.anyway to cut a long story short he had a blow up doll stashed in the ceiling and the management decided to leave it there for him as he was a good customer.<br /><br />Count yourself lucky you found a gold necklace and not a second hand blow up doll.


Years ago i worked at a manganese mine called Woodie Woodie in WA, it was six weeks on and one off at the time.

Anyway, one of the machine operators bought up to site a blow up doll. Great for some, but the room cleaners started to get upset about it as they didn't know who's room it would end up in the morning. Most people don't know much about manganese, but it's black, dusty &lt;deleted&gt;. Think about how dolly looked after a couple of weeks! Twenty years on and still laughing about it.

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