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‘I Am Helping Thai Tourism’, Says US Porn Man


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is he the T girl gone wild and/or Cremepai guy?

he has a saggy belly and his body has moles all over his body... from what i seen... and most of his girls are skanks, probably from buriram...

they should throw him in the GP of Prison and then show the police ought to show all these movies in NE thailand to see if any mothers and fathers recognize their daughters...

then turn him lose with these parents with meat cleavers and let them show their parental authority on his arse.

it would be a real move of the Police to show they are not in bed with this sort of person and if they are truly cleaning up thailand.

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"You're right. ... I think most of it is jealousy."

I've had the pleasure of having dinner with the subject in question a few times and I can verify that he's a very interesting, fascinating, and articulate fun-type guy who does not fit the stereotype of the pornographer from a sleazy exploitation movie.

Far from it-- and I agree with the minority here that he's instrumental in promoting tourism in Siam, even if it is the variety that many of the critics in this Forum claim to despise. In other words, the engine or force that attracted many of us here in the first place ...:)

Imho, there's a lot of covert jealousy and envy behind the anonymous keyboards of many TVers posting in this thread.

And there's a certain degree of irony in the fact that what he's doing here is completely legal in many other countries - he's simply chosen one that purports to have forbidden fruit protected by antiquated laws that are begging to be breached-- and he's made a huge success of it. It's called Risk-Reward. Hat's off to a successful and creative entrepreneur, but don't look for him to be popping up at Cannes anytime soon . . .


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well any publicity is good publicity i expect he will have a lot of sign ups now

Just saw his bever bong site... hillarous!

Yes he must love it, that's why he's crying to the press and sites to leave his name out of it, probably scared about the bullshit he told his family in the USA about his great business in Thailand, his mum & family must be so proud. 555 wanke_r...

Edited by kmj
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I think the "story" isn't pornography, it's that a guy arrested for supposedly serious crimes (a foreigner with drugs and a firearm, working without permit, porn featuring unprotected sex) was not only able to bribe his way out of it, but the police then coerced the media into deleting the story.

There is a clinic just around the corner from Walking street. They do HIV testing for a lot of bars in Pattaya. I believe it is around 500 Baht. Some bars won't let the ladies work unless they are tested once a month others require testing before they go to work. Some test weekly for other STD's and monthly for HIV.

If the guy had himself and the ladies tested on the day of the shoot and kept them under watch till the results were in it may have helped. Not 100% but a lot better than nothing. I don't think he did this. Too bad 500 baht is a small part of the 10,000 they were getting paid.

Not too much better than nothing. The virus is most contagious before it's detectable... it replicates like crazy at the infection's onset, before the immune system responds at all (which is what the tests measure), and this period is responsible for more than its share of infections, since 1) it's more contagious at this point, and 2) people can't yet know they have it

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Vanity my favourite sin


" "I am not a foreigner with a beer gut. I am handsome, well educated, sophisticated and I dine with the best.""

The word Narcist isn't a word he has to look for in the dictionary I presume.


'I Am Helping Thai -SEX- Tourism'

would be better...


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I think the "story" isn't pornography, it's that a guy arrested for supposedly serious crimes (a foreigner with drugs and a firearm, working without permit, porn featuring unprotected sex) was not only able to bribe his way out of it, but the police then coerced the media into deleting the story.

Yes that's exactly the story, and it is an example of huge injustice in this country. The guy has allegedly turned police informant and his arrest never happened. His charges of having an unlicensed firearm, drugs (NOT for personal use), etc - surely he can't have "got off" with that. But he did.

I've got no problem with porn actors - but this one apparently didn't tell his co-stars the whole story, and that's wrong too. Some of the girls were clearly very upset at seeing their faces (and whatever else) on the cover of Pattaya Beach road porno DVDs. They're criminals (prostitutes) but they're also victims.

The guy is guilty as sin and I would classify him as "dirt". But each to their own, I suppose.

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is he the T girl gone wild and/or Cremepai guy?

he has a saggy belly and his body has moles all over his body... from what i seen... and most of his girls are skanks, probably from buriram...

they should throw him in the GP of Prison and then show the police ought to show all these movies in NE thailand to see if any mothers and fathers recognize their daughters...

then turn him lose with these parents with meat cleavers and let them show their parental authority on his arse.

it would be a real move of the Police to show they are not in bed with this sort of person and if they are truly cleaning up thailand.

they'd be the same parents and family happily sending their daughters away to sell themselves to send money back to them yeah....ok they may not be really happy but the money they recieve each month does take some sting out of it....

Edited by norrona
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" "I am not a foreigner with a beer gut. I am handsome, well educated, sophisticated and I dine with the best.""

The word Narcist isn't a word he has to look for in the dictionary I presume.


There is no point in him looking in the dictionary. That word does not exist. Maybe you meant narcissist.  :D

Mirror,mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of all? It seems that the lor man is in cahoots with the lawmen.

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To quote Meechai, Mr. Condom: "People who come to Thailand to have unprotected sex with prostitutes would be better off at home eating rat poison".

Having sex seems like it would be much more enjoyable.  :o

I do eat rat poison every day, well a refined form of it. It is standard treatment for Deep Vein Thrombosis. Not at all unpleasant but not as good as sex IMO. 

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Good on him.... I really don't see the big deal. He is a true entrepreneur.

He is making money doing something he loves and helping out the working by even paying them more than they would get otherwise.

Hats off to this guy.

You're right.

I think most of it is jealousy.

Who wouldn't want to have a job that involves bonking you're brains out all day with young desirable girls and making money out of it?

I know I would. I bet most of us would take up the offer if given the opportunity, only unfortunately the majority of men don`t have the looks, the stamina or the charisma to be a part of that industry. And sadly I also fall into that category.

Good luck to the guy, he is only doing what most of us can only dream of doing.

Noisy minority I suspect and a little bit schoolboyish. If you had any clue as to what happens during any film production let alone a porno film production, just to get the technicalities and quality sorted out, you would probably not volunteer to have a wide angle lens up your volcanic regions, stamina or otherwise. Charisma rarely comes into it. Have another beer. :-)

I am surprised to see that for someone in your possession, you seem incredibly naive or you consider that everyone else is an idiot with lack of basic detals regarding the porn industry. That is if you`re, The Andrew Drummond.

Working in porn is a job like any other job, and like many jobs certain qualifications and knowledge is required, technical know how and stamina included. Because as you say; there is a lot more to it than what we see on the completed production. No one has to be a genius to understand that.

And as for having a wide angle lens up your volcanic regions and worse, many of the players in the game are willing volunteers and willing participants. Not all are sex slaves, forced into the industry against they're will or have no other options as the good and the righteous would like as to believe.

Take a look on the Internet, there seems to be no shortage of girls in all shapes, races, ages and sizes taking on the task of nude posing, porn and committing all sorts of bazaar sexual acts for public viewing, including still shots and videos. Even some of the more well to do such as actresses with fading careers and so on. For many appearing in porn puts the final nail in the coffin for their reputations and careers, otherwise known as death by porno.

Type the name in Google: Naomi Morinaga, as a typical example.

We don`t need to have an in depth knowledge of the porn industry to see how wide spread this is worldwide and the shear numbers of women that are willing to work in this field.

And as I said previously, there are many that would work in the porn industry if given the chance. The reality of how many people are involved in porn and how much pornographic material is available portrays just how huge this industry is, the facts speak for themselves.

Now I'll take your advice and go and have that drink.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I think he fits in really well here in Thailand.

Just think about it. He has the cheek to blame some other people, claims its all a lie and the proceeds to tell us all that now everyone agrees it never happened, there was no story!!

Sounds like the standard report on a Thai MP!!

Oh and i loved "I am not a foreigner with a beer gut. I am handsome, well educated, sophisticated and I dine with the best".

This from a man who probably classes himself filming 3 women having sex for money in a Pattaya hotel as a "Highly respected and cultured International arthouse Film producer!" :jap:



Another totally 'surreal' series of events, disclaimers and mind-f**** "Er, what did he just say?" statements!!


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To all of you whom are crucifying him. He's doing porn in a city that is considered the sex capital of Asia, if not the world...In a city that is blatantly corrupt. My one worded question to you is: huh ?

Porn is not big in Thailand. Porn in Thailand is very vanilla for Asia. Porn is big in Japan. Porn in Japan is not vanilla. Porn in Japan makes anything done in Pattaya or Bangkok seem like a Walt Disney movie.

I don't know why they don't do Japanese style porn in Thailand as there is such a lucrative Japanese market close by. Maria Takagi makes ¥300 million yen a year. That is about $3.3 million US dollars a year! Yes I know poor Asian woman selling her body to feed her starving family of rice farmers.

Are Thai women too shy? Or too chaste? Castle, Devils den, He** club, Club Eden. Hardly shy or chaste. So I don't know why. Illegal? Ya sure.

I think Thai ladies are a lot better looking than Japanese women and they don't make those funny noises. I really don't know why Thailand is not the porn hub of Asia. And 3D porn is just around the corner.

It would make a good news story.

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Wonder if any of the Pattaya news barons would mind offering an insight as to why all references to him were deleted? If he has cut a deal which includes grassing off others, then we won't have to wait too long before the problem is solved and he disappears off the radar for good

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The guy f*cked people who wanted to be f*cked. It's not a big deal. It's not like he worked for Dow, or Monsanto, or Lockheed-Martin, or the Army or something really nasty like that.

... or writing articles for THE SUN.

Porn generates web traffic and some dudes wanna participate in that one way or another.

and for some odd reasons the writer seems to be quite obsessed with the 'Beaverbong'.

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is he the T girl gone wild and/or Cremepai guy?

he has a saggy belly and his body has moles all over his body... from what i seen... and most of his girls are skanks, probably from buriram...

they should throw him in the GP of Prison and then show the police ought to show all these movies in NE thailand to see if any mothers and fathers recognize their daughters...

then turn him lose with these parents with meat cleavers and let them show their parental authority on his arse.

it would be a real move of the Police to show they are not in bed with this sort of person and if they are truly cleaning up thailand.

So you watched all these movies and what is actually the crime he should put in jail for? because "his body has moles all over his body" or because he is doing it with "skanks, probably from buriram"

And you think porn is bad and morally wrong, but why you watching it and know all the different movies/websites? Pay a lot of attention to it and even has an eye for details like moles on the body of the male actor? Are you a dermatologists?

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"i don't understand why everyone is so angry at this guy - or is it jealousy?"

Yes, precisely! -- Pure and simple. The babbling drivel of envy and jealousy, run amok on ThaiVisa.


A lot of people don't like sex.

A lot of people don't like sex with young women with anyone but themselves.

A lot of people don't like paying for sex for anyone except themselves.

A lot of people don't like people having sex with Thai women for anyone except themselves.

A lot of people don't like watching other people having sex. Why? They even turn the lights off when they have sex.

And then of course the reasons you mentioned.

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If these women weren't starring in the porn films they would be selling they're bodies elsewhere.

None of what they do is legal in Thailand anyway, so what's the big deal whether they do their deeds on film or not?

This is what the girls do. What is the difference whether they are available to the public in bars or brothels or to actors making a movie?

Perhaps it`s all about this guy not operating via the system and cutting out the old boys network.

hmmmm.. me thinks you may have a point here... :)

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"i don't understand why everyone is so angry at this guy - or is it jealousy?"

Yes, precisely! -- Pure and simple. The babbling drivel of envy and jealousy, run amok on ThaiVisa.



Thai Visa's vocal majority are typically puritans who often don't even life in the country but whine and whinge more than enough to make up for it.

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If these women weren't starring in the porn films they would be selling they're bodies elsewhere.

None of what they do is legal in Thailand anyway, so what's the big deal whether they do their deeds on film or not?

This is what the girls do. What is the difference whether they are available to the public in bars or brothels or to actors making a movie?

Perhaps it`s all about this guy not operating via the system and cutting out the old boys network.

hmmmm.. me thinks you may have a point here... :)

I think you all know this but these women do a porn shoot and then go to work dancing with no clothes on for the purpose of remuneration for a short or long period of time. Another words it is not one or the other they do both.

I think we need to put the 10,000 baht that he pays them in perspective. It is only a few minutes of exercise with our brothers in sexpattery from the land of the rising sun and the rest of the time is pretty much like a normal date , eating, drinking and talking.

Edited by mark45y
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There is a clinic just around the corner from Walking street. They do HIV testing for a lot of bars in Pattaya. I believe it is around 500 Baht. Some bars won't let the ladies work unless they are tested once a month others require testing before they go to work. Some test weekly for other STD's and monthly for HIV.

If the guy had himself and the ladies tested on the day of the shoot and kept them under watch till the results were in it may have helped. Not 100% but a lot better than nothing. I don't think he did this. Too bad 500 baht is a small part of the 10,000 they were getting paid.

And a lot don't get tested at all. Even in the HIV outbreak in California it was spread by a person who had been subject to regular testing.


The testing of the girls is good but the only thing is it is only good until the first customer, after that she could have anything.

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If this guy is the Creampie thais guy then i don't see anything wrong with what he was doing, it's all very tame, run of the mill stuff. The girls are on the whole good looking, with some real beauties, they know what they are getting themselves in to and he treats them respectfully. It's not like many of the other similar types of movies were the girls look dirty as <deleted>, look like they want it to be over as quick as possible and are pretty much treated like shit ..

The films are made for sale outside of Thailand, i doubt very much if the guy intended for them to be sold in Thailand and i doubt if he is making any cash from those sales so he can't really be held responsible for the films being illegally pirated or watched in thailand...

As for the girls themselves it's laughable the idea that these girls are innocent little country girls being used and abused, the girls in these films are proper pro's, they know exactly what they are doing. It's all about the money and it's not because they need it, it's because they always want more. The girls he uses are not the poor ugly girls who sit in the bar night after night with no customer to help pay the bills and are desperate for cash, these are the girls that have more customers than they can handle and they do these films because money is more important to them than anything else.. they are long past caring about their reputations being tarnished due to their sexual activity...

With regards the families back home seeing the movies and being angry thats even more laughable, it's just as likely on finding out the girl had made 10,000 baht for the movie they would be on the phone looking for more money to be sent home....

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"i don't understand why everyone is so angry at this guy - or is it jealousy?"

Yes, precisely! -- Pure and simple. The babbling drivel of envy and jealousy, run amok on ThaiVisa.



Thai Visa's vocal majority are typically puritans who often don't even life in the country but whine and whinge more than enough to make up for it.

+ 10! pac-man.gif

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how is he the bottom of the food chain? he seems to have a stronghold as the leader of his perspective porn niche. by far the most sites/videos etc. most be some nice money in it if all he is paying them is 10k for a video (it's probably higher imo).

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