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Thai Black Magic, Spells Etc


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I'm not a true believer of anything but then again I never totally rule anything out either.

I was involved with a woman about 2 years ago. my wifes family believed I had had a spell or something cast on me.

wife doesn't usually go for this stuff, but the family where hysterical . I ended up going to a place not far away but hidden in the middle of nowhere to be cured. OK, I was just going along with it to keep the peace. The place was a Buddhist temple, had a couple of young monks who had also had spells cast on them. a wise woman of sorts. And this Guy in Raybans.

I couldnt help laughing during the ceromony , the raybans where just too out there.

broke an egg. splattered some water on us. Lots of water to be honest . I was soaked. And that was that.

Anyway, I suspect these places are everywhere if you look. Everything gets blamed on magic here.

I'm still regarded as some sort of Dracula with members of the family. It suits me, keeps the buggers away :D

There we're a couple of strange things though, that I certainly couldn't to this day rationalise.

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Show me one shred if evidence of the existence of god, the underworld or magic. Just one tiny little iota of evidence and I'll <deleted>. Is there ANYTHING at all, we have had over 2,000 years so there must surely be SOMETHING right?


Just show me one tiny little bit of evidence to show evolution works!

At the moment it is only a theory ........ no proof.

With all the scientists trying hard to prove the theory in the last 100 years, surely there must be something, right?


The religion in Thailand is not really Buddhism.

It's a cult variation, far from the original form, which is why most Thais know none of the teachings of Buddha

Once you actually get familiar with the Thai version, you will notice they actually worship an assortment of gods, which they appear to believe are different incarnations of Buddha .... many of the statues are gods from India.

My wife worships Kali, goddess of death and destruction, but still calls herself a Buddhist.

She casts spells (sometimes while under demonic possession), ritual dancing, predicts peoples future and all sorts of interesting stuff.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Show me one shred if evidence of the existence of god, the underworld or magic. Just one tiny little iota of evidence and I'll <deleted>. Is there ANYTHING at all, we have had over 2,000 years so there must surely be SOMETHING right?


Just show me one tiny little bit of evidence to show evolution works!

At the moment it is only a theory ........ no proof.

With all the scientists trying hard to prove the theory in the last 100 years, surely there must be something, right?

One word: FOSSILS!

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Show me one shred if evidence of the existence of god, the underworld or magic. Just one tiny little iota of evidence and I'll <deleted>. Is there ANYTHING at all, we have had over 2,000 years so there must surely be SOMETHING right?


Just show me one tiny little bit of evidence to show evolution works!

At the moment it is only a theory ........ no proof.

With all the scientists trying hard to prove the theory in the last 100 years, surely there must be something, right?

One word: FOSSILS!

Fossils neither prove nor disprove evolution, a load of old bones from extinct animals, just proves extinction happens.

In fact it tends to indicate evolution as a theory is wrong. If evolution really worked we should be seeing more and more specialized animals in existence. When in reality the number of different species is diminishing every year.

Almost all modern species on earth appeared suddenly around the Cambrian era, with little demonstration of any pre-existing creatures all those species could have 'evolved' from. Thats why it was called the Cambrian Explosion ..... almost as if someone or something created all the modern species in one go.

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It's pointless.

Such overwhelming evidence is presented yet still rejected because it conflicts with your own beliefs, whilst at the same time you avoid the question with straw man arguments.

Even the church accepts evolution, obviously they've had to have a think about it under so much pressure and realised that perhaps evolution exists because 'god' created it. Yet there are fundamentalists that disagree with their own church because they just cannot take of the blinkers!

Edited by Moonrakers
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If you're enough of a fool to come out with balls about evolution being 'only a theory', then this is clearly wasted effort but ...

Fossils neither prove nor disprove evolution,

Well, yes they could have been buried there by god to test your faith. But then they could have been buried there by Thor to test your faith. Or Zeus. Or the time-travelling fairy living at the end of the garden.

If evolution really worked we should be seeing more and more specialized animals in existence.

You don't understand evolution - though that's hardly the most shocking news imaginable. Species will evolve to exploit their environment. Sometimes that is done best by being a specialist, sometimes by being a generalist.

Thats why it was called the Cambrian Explosion

It's an explosion in geological time but it took place over millions of years. If for you that is proof of divine action, well, increase your lithium intake but don't think that that your nonsense has any traction with those of us of who don't share your infantile credulity.

almost as if someone or something created all the modern species in one go

Er, no. Look out of your window and tell me how many of the species which came into existence during the Cambrian era you can see.

Edited by SweeneyAgonistes
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This happens to be a true story.

I first came to work in Thailand around 24 years ago on a project in the South of Thailand (came from a project in the Middle East - a friendly ME country).

After six months on this project I met the woman who is now my wife.

Decision made to divorce my UK wife.

After a further six months the company that I worked for wanted me to go back to a project in the Middle East.

Being a sensible sort of guy I did not refuse as getting a job in Thailand was not so easy.

Before I left the South of Thailand, my then to be wife, took me to a Chinese Temple where she prayed that I would soon return to Thailand.

Before getting on the plane back to the ME I spent a few days in Bangkok knocking on the doors of all the big construction outfits i.e. Sino-Thai, Italthai, Christiani & Nielsen etc. Same old answer, leave us a copy of your CV along with a contact telephone number and if anything comes up we will get in touch.

Back in the ME for only two months when one of the big three got in touch and said they had an opening if I was interested.

This has been my home ever since although I do frequently work abroad accompanied by my wife.

Coincidence or not, who knows.

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If you had been carried back to Thailand in the arms of a supersonic genie, in the process overtaking several jumbo jets full of people who saw this, that would have been something but you asked someone for a job...and after some time they gave you one. It doesn't seem very spectacular. And that's always what happens with this woudja-believe-it stories. Someone finds their keys or their backache is temporarily cured or they get a new boyfriend. Don't you think that if magic and/or divine intervention were real, it might occasionally be used for something a little more exciting - and a little harder to explain by completely boring, ordinary, day-to-day processes - than getting a job or getting your end away? Anyone here got a story of using a bit of pubic hair and some goat blood to become Lord of Space and Time? Or perhaps some convincing proof that the 2004 tsunami was divine retribution against the Sodom and Gomorrah of Sri Lankan fishing villages? Anything like that...? No? What a shame.

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well my x is from surin, parents kmher, we broke up 5 yrs ago , she was heartbroken ( so she said )rolleyes.gif i found out from her mates that she done some kind of spell, some kind of invisible tattoo she got with my name on her, was half drunk whilst listening to this but thats what i rem anyway, that was 5-6 yrs ago, didnt think i would ever see her again, as i was never ever in hau hin and had never any intention of going only the mini bus broke down from bangkok to chumpon as i was on my way to samui after falling out with the wife, so walking down street one day about 6 mths ago a girl approached me, said" ying is coming now " who,s ying ? " your girlfriend before" next thing ying the x comes up hugs , kisses etc, we were both near in tears , anyway had a great 2 nights of the best sex , ying told me she was now married to a guy from england with big money and good job ( aircraft engineer ) living in a 6 mill baht house so she was happy , but allways loved me whistling.gif bless her.!! she told me then herself that she done a spell so that she knew in her heart she would see me again !!

must be true because i ended up giving her 40k for a new motorbike <deleted> dry.gif i did love her too but circumstances changed back then.

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The mind works by remembering events rather than non-events. You'll remember the day you found 1,000 baht down the back of the sofa, but not the days that you don't.

Examples like when you are thinking of somebody, the phone rings, and it's them. People go "ooooh spooky" and put it down to some kind of mysticism or telepathy when the reality is that it is nothing more than coincidence.

What they don't remember is all the times they thought of friends and the phone didn't ring, or it did ring and it was somebody else. Or they don't think of the times it was that particular friend calling but they were not thinking about them at the time. It might seem a bit freaky at the time but when you add up all the phone calls such a coincidence is not strange in the slightest.

People might say magic works because a spell they did to find a rich person found them a rich person, but what about al the other spells that didn't work? The native American's used to believed (perhaps still do) that it rained because they danced. Again though what about all the days of dancing when it didn't rain? And of course if you dance long enough it is going to rain anyway. People pray to god to ask for whatever yet nothing happens, when something does eventually happen god is credited with the event but not dis-credited with the things that didn't transpire previously.

Such simple and obvious explanations, yet for many the step in logic is simply beyond them.

Edited by Moonrakers
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Show me one shred if evidence of the existence of god, the underworld or magic. Just one tiny little iota of evidence and I'll <deleted>. Is there ANYTHING at all, we have had over 2,000 years so there must surely be SOMETHING right?


Just show me one tiny little bit of evidence to show evolution works!

At the moment it is only a theory ........ no proof.

With all the scientists trying hard to prove the theory in the last 100 years, surely there must be something, right?


The religion in Thailand is not really Buddhism.

It's a cult variation, far from the original form, which is why most Thais know none of the teachings of Buddha

Once you actually get familiar with the Thai version, you will notice they actually worship an assortment of gods, which they appear to believe are different incarnations of Buddha .... many of the statues are gods from India.

My wife worships Kali, goddess of death and destruction, but still calls herself a Buddhist.

She casts spells (sometimes while under demonic possession), ritual dancing, predicts peoples future and all sorts of interesting stuff.

What are the odds "God and some mystical beliefs/ black magic defying all we know" or a rationa attempt at an l explanation even as a theory, which one is "more likely/plausible"

PS your wife is nuts (no offence)

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I am willing to submit to a Thaivisa first.

In the interests of objectivity I invite any curse or wishing of good fortune on myself and shall post here any unexpected good or bad luck that should befall me.

Assuming of course I'm still alive to tell the tale :D

For my wife or I to harm you .... we would need personal contact (and a good reason to wish you harm).

Daring a stranger to do it just wouldn't work in our belief system (and I never wish harm on others anyway).

For good luck ...... you need to send me 5,000bht first.

For me to harm him I would just need a meat cleaver and his permission, Im sure god will intervene if necessary.:lol:

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[What are the odds "God and some mystical beliefs/ black magic defying all we know" or a rationa attempt at an l explanation even as a theory, which one is "more likely/plausible"

PS your wife is nuts (no offence)

She is also very, very pretty.

In love, one must learn to take the good with the bad!

PS No offense taken, you may well be right.

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You are absolutely correct.

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful". ~Seneca the Younger

"I still say a church steeple with a lightning rod on top shows a lack of confidence". ~Doug McLeod

Some people will fall for anything, a lot more will kneel for nothing.

Religion is is an abuse of people's fears, an opiate for the masses.as Mark Twain once wisely said (or was that wrote).

Edited by aridion
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[What are the odds "God and some mystical beliefs/ black magic defying all we know" or a rationa attempt at an l explanation even as a theory, which one is "more likely/plausible"

PS your wife is nuts (no offence)

She is also very, very pretty.

In love, one must learn to take the good with the bad!

PS No offense taken, you may well be right.

Actually i sometimes try to imagine the roles being reversed and "me" telling "me" everything i was taught at school and by my parents and society was utter crap, it must be hard to try to change what you have always been told was real.

I dont doubt her prettiness, mine is a hairy monkey but I still love her

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