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Sounds like true love and you both have something in common.

My opinion of you remains I think your head needs surgicaly removing from your bottom


Perhaps an optirectomy?

The surgical disconnection of nerves incorrectly connecting the retina to the rectum. Done to improve someones Sh1tty Outlook on Life.

Only just returned to this thread, and must congratulate you on your gem of a comment! Perhaps optirectomy should be performed on many TV contributors - would improve the site no end, and make it a little happier?


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I see your point in getting a country girl. No harm no foul. As opinions are like (nice word) brains everybody has one and most think differently hence my choice of an educated Bankokian! :)


I see your point in getting a country girl. No harm no foul. As opinions are like (nice word) brains everybody has one and most think differently hence my choice of an educated Bankokian! :)

How many times has this happened on this thread now.

It's a little like book burning.

If you have read a book, understood it thoroughly, read it again just to make sure, disagree with it and don't think it qualifies as fit reading for anyone you know ..... fine, burn it.

If however, you disagree with it and don't think it qualifies as fit reading for anyone you know based solely on your opinion of the cover or other ill-informed revues, you shouldn't even have a match.


I see your point in getting a country girl. No harm no foul. As opinions are like (nice word) brains everybody has one and most think differently hence my choice of an educated Bankokian! :)

Unfortunately, your typing finger works faster than your brain.

Do you really think that I and others like me came looking for a "country girl". I didn't browes an online catalogue for months reading and fantasizing about all the crap about their qualifications (some faked?)

I came on Holiday to Thailand for a bit of fun, no plans other than to have a good time

Then everthing changed I met the woman I later married. I had no knowledge of Issan or Sisaket province. It wouldn't have made a difference

A 36 year old widow,although never being allowed to go School herself , unaided she put her 2 kids thro school.

How did she do this the only way she could selling pancakes!

To sum up , If you really want to be happy find someone from whatever background, that you truly love.

If you don't know what love is then I am truly sorry for you.

If you are in a business relationship I quoted this before CAVEAT EMPTOR


A s a "newbie" here I would just like to make the point that it is very unwise to make general assumptions about any group,cultural or otherwise.We are all individuals and as such some are bad representitives of the human race and some are good. (I would like to think I'm good,but I'm sure there are many people around that would disagree) LOL

I'm married to an Issan girl half my age,have been for 3 years and living with her for 2 years before that.I have never had any reason to believe that she is with for any other reason than that she loves me.

But having said that,I know of many farang men who have been treated badly by their spouses in this country as also happens in the country of our birth!

As I said at the beginning "good and bad in all cultures". I just consider myself very lucky to have met one of the good ones.



A s a "newbie" here I would just like to make the point that it is very unwise to make general assumptions about any group,cultural or otherwise.Cheers

I couldn't agree more.

It still amazes me that on TV we so often have to state the obvious to so many, however, it doesn’t surprise me that those that need the obvious pointing out to them often end up in poor relationships with Thai/Issan/or any other nationality ladies.

I wonder if there is a connection :rolleyes: ...........................................?


Seems to me there are a lot of members on this forum who are entirely too concerned with who other people are in a relationship with. Don't know what the reason for that could be...boredom maybe?

What do I care if someone is married to a girl from Bangkok or a girl from Isan? How does one or the other effect me in any way, shape, or form?

So long as the couple is polite and friendly, I'll associate with them wether they're poor, rich, or of any other social background. If they aren't polite and friendly, then I won't include them in my life...pretty simple.


Well you just never know where or what your Quan Tah might be.

We am the quintessential odd couple.

Me: 2 Masters Degrees, a millionaire several times, broke a bunch of times, 4 previous wives, and a world traveler/adventure.

Her: 3 years of school in a small Issan village left home at 15, worked as maid/nanny, then started sewing business.

We met in a restaurant in BKK when the waitress could not understand my Thai. She was 29 me 58. Now married 15 years, and I could not have a better pardner in life. She has accumulated a stack of Chanotes about an inch thick, from lending money, and is attending a college to learn more now that she is in her 40's. We live very comfortably in a very large home, and she take good care of me.

So I am here to testify that sometimes these things do work out.

Occasionally I will have some condescending remarks about her because of her English. I just say, "If you are having a herd time understanding her, maybe you should talk to her in one of the other 3 languages she speaks".

definitely not "in it for the money" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You think so?????

At age 22 she borrowed 100,000 baht from her Uncle at the local interest rate of 10%/month rented a factory and started a sewing company. Paid all the money back in 7 months.

When family ask me for a "loan" she is the one that steps in and negotiates the terms, and is a whole lot tougher than I would have been. She has taken 3 chanotes because of people failing to pay-up. Then has paid me the money I loaned. She has no patience for lazy, lying, or cheating people.

Just because somebody came from a dirt poor family, and was forced to take care of the younger siblings instead of attending school does not make them stupid. She had a good IQ and a thrust for knowledge. 2 years ago decided to enroll in a local college and for the past 2 years has been #1 in her class.

I would suggest some of you clear your minds of the alcoholic haze that permeates so many Farangs and look at the person not the ethnic background.

And also since so many of you critical of the "Issan WOman" that has worked in a bar and enjoyed a few men. How about your selves?? Have you remained the vestal virgin, awaiting your "Quan Tahh??"


And also since so many of you critical of the "Issan WOman" that has worked in a bar and enjoyed a few men. How about your selves?? Have you remained the vestal virgin, awaiting your "Quan Tahh??"

I once asked a young lady in BKK, who was doing menial work in a restaurant, why she didn't work bar in Pattaya, or the likes, as the money would be better. Her reply was " there are things in ones life one should never do. The first being never to sell ones body" . There's a difference between selling ones body and "enjoyed a few men".

Well you just never know where or what your Quan Tah might be.

We am the quintessential odd couple.

Me: 2 Masters Degrees, a millionaire several times, broke a bunch of times, 4 previous wives, and a world traveler/adventure.

Her: 3 years of school in a small Issan village left home at 15, worked as maid/nanny, then started sewing business.

We met in a restaurant in BKK when the waitress could not understand my Thai. She was 29 me 58. Now married 15 years, and I could not have a better pardner in life. She has accumulated a stack of Chanotes about an inch thick, from lending money, and is attending a college to learn more now that she is in her 40's. We live very comfortably in a very large home, and she take good care of me.

So I am here to testify that sometimes these things do work out.

Occasionally I will have some condescending remarks about her because of her English. I just say, "If you are having a herd time understanding her, maybe you should talk to her in one of the other 3 languages she speaks".

definitely not "in it for the money" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You think so?????

At age 22 she borrowed 100,000 baht from her Uncle at the local interest rate of 10%/month rented a factory and started a sewing company. Paid all the money back in 7 months.

When family ask me for a "loan" she is the one that steps in and negotiates the terms, and is a whole lot tougher than I would have been. She has taken 3 chanotes because of people failing to pay-up. Then has paid me the money I loaned. She has no patience for lazy, lying, or cheating people.

Just because somebody came from a dirt poor family, and was forced to take care of the younger siblings instead of attending school does not make them stupid. She had a good IQ and a thrust for knowledge. 2 years ago decided to enroll in a local college and for the past 2 years has been #1 in her class.

I would suggest some of you clear your minds of the alcoholic haze that permeates so many Farangs and look at the person not the ethnic background.

And also since so many of you critical of the "Issan WOman" that has worked in a bar and enjoyed a few men. How about your selves?? Have you remained the vestal virgin, awaiting your "Quan Tahh??"

I certainly have not remained the vestal virgin but there is the huge difference of not having to preform for money nor have to suffer the degradation - bottom line is no one would willingly recommend the position to their daughter. Not critical of Isaan women (I am blessed with the constant love of two of them), nor overly critical of Thai prostitues (except when they get in my face then they will be told), and have no criticism of prostitutes that have quit the game for good and married.

My stupid ridiculous wish is that western men (the ones who I will be critical of) would stop marrying thai prostitutes, and the reasons for that are many and obvious. And I accept that Thailand had prostitution to a 'T' long before westerners came along. Difference is the numbers required have been hugely inflated to meet the western demand. It is not overly difficult with a bit of effort to get out of the bar pits and meet the same girls as Isaan girls and not Isaan prostitutes. But I guess its far easier to park on a bar stall put the brain in neutral, and help keep the production line of Isaan's daughters into the whore houses of Bangkok and Pattaya at saturation point - marry a bargirl and sacrifice another Isaan girl into her vacancy and the BS "way to get a western husband". Glad some are able to have the luxury of finding a diamond but do any of you give a thought for all the Isaan girls that fall by the way side to all the associated down sides of prostitution?

As I said stupid ridiculous wish but coming right back to the OP's opening question of Isaan vs Bangkok girl it's not hard to figure out why for some Isaan girl and Bargirl are no different. And Isaan's daughters deserve more than that.

I'll get down of my soap box.


I want to tell you a little story about a Issan lady. She comes from the same little village as my wife 50 Km from Surin. The call her "The Crazy Lady".

When I first went to my wife's village I met her. Her English was rusty, but pretty good with a strong English accent.

20+ years ago, she arrived back at her village in a taxi from Bangkok, to have her family prepare for a wedding in 3 days. Dave, her fiancee was to arrive via train in Suhkoraphum.

All the guest were invited, a pig was killed and started roasting, and 30 people went to the train station to meet "Dave". He was not on the train. At that time you had to go 2 villages away just to find a phone. (No cell phones back then). The wedding was delayed day after day. Finally a collection was taken just to pay the taxi. She went off the deep edge. The doctors sedated her, and 20 years later she still goes through weeks of sedation.

A few years ago, I was visiting the in-laws and she came for some some thom. She was working on a little craft project. When I asked her what it was for. "It's a present for Dave when he gets here". (He was then 17 years over due).

Does the old country song Delta Dawn sound like this story?

I never asked if she had been working in a bar. I don't know if Dave just put her on, and told her to go home, or if he got lost or maybe found another interest with a few free days in Bangkok. What I do know, somebody had a dream, and not a heart of stone, and when it got broken, it destroyed a life of what seems like a pretty nice person.


I certainly have not remained the vestal virgin but there is the huge difference of not having to preform for money nor have to suffer the degradation - bottom line is no one would willingly recommend the position to their daughter. Not critical of Isaan women (I am blessed with the constant love of two of them), nor overly critical of Thai prostitues (except when they get in my face then they will be told), and have no criticism of prostitutes that have quit the game for good and married.

My stupid ridiculous wish is that western men (the ones who I will be critical of) would stop marrying thai prostitutes, and the reasons for that are many and obvious. And I accept that Thailand had prostitution to a 'T' long before westerners came along. Difference is the numbers required have been hugely inflated to meet the western demand. It is not overly difficult with a bit of effort to get out of the bar pits and meet the same girls as Isaan girls and not Isaan prostitutes. But I guess its far easier to park on a bar stall put the brain in neutral, and help keep the production line of Isaan's daughters into the whore houses of Bangkok and Pattaya at saturation point - marry a bargirl and sacrifice another Isaan girl into her vacancy and the BS "way to get a western husband". Glad some are able to have the luxury of finding a diamond but do any of you give a thought for all the Isaan girls that fall by the way side to all the associated down sides of prostitution?

As I said stupid ridiculous wish but coming right back to the OP's opening question of Isaan vs Bangkok girl it's not hard to figure out why for some Isaan girl and Bargirl are no different. And Isaan's daughters deserve more than that.

I'll get down of my soap box.

Although I agree with most of what you're saying I'm aftraid it won't come through.

An old saying: grass is green but not everything green is grass.

To dedicate that to Isaan girls"

(A lot of) bargirls are Isan girls

But nearly no Isan girls are bargirls

Statistics: Isan has 23 million inhabitants, don't know how many women in age range 18-35 but one can calculate that it must be more than 1 million....

Now someone please tell me how many bargirls there are and how many of them are Isan? 10,000 Isan? That's 1% of all Isan women between 18 and 35.

What about the other 99%?

They live in Isan, a huge part of Thailand, 1/3 the surface (not sure), 1/3 of the total population (sure).

They live partly in large cities like Khon kaen, Udon thani, partly in rural villages as where I live.

Poor? Yes, but rich in the values of life, they are jewels.

I won't tell you where I live as I'm up until now the only "permanent" farang in the tambon and I would like to keep it that way.

I love it, I love them, the native Isan beauties!



And also since so many of you critical of the "Issan WOman" that has worked in a bar and enjoyed a few men. How about your selves?? Have you remained the vestal virgin, awaiting your "Quan Tahh??"
I once asked a young lady in BKK, who was doing menial work in a restaurant, why she didn't work bar in Pattaya, or the likes, as the money would be better. Her reply was " there are things in ones life one should never do. The first being never to sell ones body" . There's a difference between selling ones body and "enjoyed a few men".

I think you made that story up Sinbin as an excuse to dirty your hands in the Isaan forum. For one who sneers at all things Isaan you do seem to spend too much time here.

I cannot for a moment imagine someone like you deigning to talk to a 'menial' in Bangkok or anywhere else for that matter.The fact that this particular Bangkok menial appears to have been speech trained at Roedean, adds no credibility to your story at all.

(reason for edit: replace 'a prig like you' for 'someone like you' to avoid any accusations of flaming.)


As per post #78, I assist during the day lawyers, professors, PhD students, etc. from Thammasat, NIDA, Chula, et al and at the end of the day I am happy to spend my time with an un-educated Thai girl with nothing but personality and looks going for her.

I rather spend all my life with a uneducated ,poor country girl , together with all the uneducated family and surroundings then with 1 educated , rich city girl . I do not like city girls or city people in general . They may have style , brains and have worldly knowledge but have no values ( or not the ones i admire in people ) .

IMHO , country people look up to other people while city people look down at them , thinking they are better then others ( same like BKK people look down at Isaan ) .

In Isaan i learn every day , in the city i learn nothing ... who is smart ;)...


I once asked a young lady in BKK, who was doing menial work in a restaurant, why she didn't work bar in Pattaya, or the likes, as the money would be better. Her reply was " there are things in ones life one should never do. The first being never to sell ones body" . There's a difference between selling ones body and "enjoyed a few men".

What a gentleman you are Suinbin! and I'm sure you would do the same in a western country and ask a restaurant female employee why she didn't go into prostitution rather than continue her current position, so no preconceived ideas here then, oh dear, oh dear………………


For your information Royspurs when I referred to working in a bar in Pattaya I was referring to menial work. Not everyone who works in a bar is a prostitute. She assumed exactly the same as you. But that really is insignificant as her quote was my main point. So take your smarmy reply and shove it.

I once asked a young lady in BKK, who was doing menial work in a restaurant, why she didn't work bar in Pattaya, or the likes, as the money would be better. Her reply was " there are things in ones life one should never do. The first being never to sell ones body" . There's a difference between selling ones body and "enjoyed a few men".

What a gentleman you are Suinbin! and I'm sure you would do the same in a western country and ask a restaurant female employee why she didn't go into prostitution rather than continue her current position, so no preconceived ideas here then, oh dear, oh dear………………

You're spot on, no decent person would ask a non-bargirl why she doesn't work as a prostitute as it would be a severe insult of the woman involved.

The whole "quote" of Mr. Sinbin is a source of laughter and it probably never happened. He might have asked the waitress to come with him for 1000 baht which she furiously refused, hence his "quote".

Another thing is the language of the waitress: I'm not a native English speaker and I am sure that no "foreigner" (other than English speakers) would use the words that are quoted.

Remember this is a waitress, not an academic just returning from Oxford university. My friend from BKK who has two university degrees and a management job in a large firm, would never use the words "one' and "ones" referring to herself, neither would I. So we should believe this waitress is using such sophisticated language? Come on, fool yourself Sinbin.

Happy New Year to all!




I want to tell you a little story about a Issan lady. She comes from the same little village as my wife 50 Km from Surin. The call her "The Crazy Lady".

When I first went to my wife's village I met her. Her English was rusty, but pretty good with a strong English accent.

20+ years ago, she arrived back at her village in a taxi from Bangkok, to have her family prepare for a wedding in 3 days. Dave, her fiancee was to arrive via train in Suhkoraphum.

All the guest were invited, a pig was killed and started roasting, and 30 people went to the train station to meet "Dave". He was not on the train. At that time you had to go 2 villages away just to find a phone. (No cell phones back then). The wedding was delayed day after day. Finally a collection was taken just to pay the taxi. She went off the deep edge. The doctors sedated her, and 20 years later she still goes through weeks of sedation.

A few years ago, I was visiting the in-laws and she came for some some thom. She was working on a little craft project. When I asked her what it was for. "It's a present for Dave when he gets here". (He was then 17 years over due).

Does the old country song Delta Dawn sound like this story?

I never asked if she had been working in a bar. I don't know if Dave just put her on, and told her to go home, or if he got lost or maybe found another interest with a few free days in Bangkok. What I do know, somebody had a dream, and not a heart of stone, and when it got broken, it destroyed a life of what seems like a pretty nice person.



OK then. Tell us your story. Which agency did you use to choose your chaste, brainy wife? If you think I'm being a bit caustic then read back thro some of the crap you've written.

Perhaps you are still in fantasyland.

So, fiction or fact let's hear your story ------as Aussie would say I'm a bag of Wheat ------All ears



OK then. Tell us your story. Which agency did you use to choose your chaste, brainy wife? If you think I'm being a bit caustic then read back thro some of the crap you've written.

Perhaps you are still in fantasyland.

So, fiction or fact let's hear your story ------as Aussie would say I'm a bag of Wheat ------All ears

This is the guy who lives in Phuket, but is scared of leaving the house.


But he does like to go to Pattaya because it's cheap, especially for a massage.


Well rounded, well informed and fantastic outlook on all Thailand has to offer.

Happy New Year :jap:


For your information Royspurs when I referred to working in a bar in Pattaya I was referring to menial work. Not everyone who works in a bar is a prostitute. She assumed exactly the same as you. But that really is insignificant as her quote was my main point. So take your smarmy reply and shove it.

“I once asked a young lady in BKK, who was doing menial work in a restaurant, why she didn't work bar in Pattaya, or the likes, as the money would be better”

cant believe that she made that mistake also, funny that, do you find you get misunderstood a lot Sinbin?..................


I want to tell you a little story about a Issan lady. She comes from the same little village as my wife 50 Km from Surin. The call her "The Crazy Lady".

When I first went to my wife's village I met her. Her English was rusty, but pretty good with a strong English accent.

20+ years ago, she arrived back at her village in a taxi from Bangkok, to have her family prepare for a wedding in 3 days. Dave, her fiancee was to arrive via train in Suhkoraphum.

All the guest were invited, a pig was killed and started roasting, and 30 people went to the train station to meet "Dave". He was not on the train. At that time you had to go 2 villages away just to find a phone. (No cell phones back then). The wedding was delayed day after day. Finally a collection was taken just to pay the taxi. She went off the deep edge. The doctors sedated her, and 20 years later she still goes through weeks of sedation.

A few years ago, I was visiting the in-laws and she came for some some thom. She was working on a little craft project. When I asked her what it was for. "It's a present for Dave when he gets here". (He was then 17 years over due).

Does the old country song Delta Dawn sound like this story?

I never asked if she had been working in a bar. I don't know if Dave just put her on, and told her to go home, or if he got lost or maybe found another interest with a few free days in Bangkok. What I do know, somebody had a dream, and not a heart of stone, and when it got broken, it destroyed a life of what seems like a pretty nice person.

I saw a similar story on Thai tv a while ago, maybe the same girl. Not a fiction, they were interviewing the poor girl who had obviously completely lost her mind. Very sad story indeed


the thread is coming dangerously close to becoming a 'bar girl' thread, which means it will be closed...

not sure what the topic was originally, apart from someone thinking out loud, but if u all want to keep singing in praise of the issaan country gal, then stop the slagging off eachother and eachother's wives/girlfriends, and issaan women in general.



the thread is coming dangerously close to becoming a 'bar girl' thread, which means it will be closed...

not sure what the topic was originally, apart from someone thinking out loud, but if u all want to keep singing in praise of the issaan country gal, then stop the slagging off eachother and eachother's wives/girlfriends, and issaan women in general.


Well said Bina, good that we have moderators who keep threads on track from time to time!

About five years ago there was a flaming, insulting and very personal attacking going on here on the subject of Sin sod. It was for me reason to cancel my membership as when a forum makes you upset or angry it's time to go.

Now I joined again, hoping things would be improved, and I find most pleasant threads in this Isan forum. This thread about farang and Isan is very interesting as it shows the symbiosis between a man of another race, country, language, culture and packed with a " life before", and an Isan woman in her original country, family, culture and language. As we have established this in different ways it is interesting to hear other experiences. This is the group of "lovers" of Isan women who mostly live with them somewhere in Isan, they are positive about Isan which can be seen by their posts.

Unfortunately there are always people who like to put in negative points, not based on knowledge or experience, they just don't like Isan and Isan people and assume that there are no girls left in Isan as they all went to Central and South Thailand. Those people don't live in Isan nor are they married to or living with an Isan girl.

What strikes me every time: what makes them post here, read here? They don't like Isan then why read and react?

It's like going to a jazz concert if you don't like jazz, joining a chess club but you hate chess!

Of course this is a free world, an open forum, I was just wondering.....




Give me a Thai girl in a benz then may be I do not have to work any more.

Mate why do the marry us they need to be looked after I do not think it is for the money :):)

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