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Whingeing Farangs


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Have you noticed in your travels around Thailand how we are constantly winging about Thailand. We complain about:

The Visa situation

Various bar girl cons

Duel pricing

Sick buffalo’s

Demanding families

The inability to own land



Etc etc…………….

Why do we stay or want to stay here?

I for one would rather put up with what I consider to be the small inconveniences of living in Thailand. There are usual ways around most of the problems.

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Theres something to whinge about everywhere.

Lets try and make this forum a whats good about Thailand forum.

There must be a lot of things given the amt of falangs committed to the place.

Have you noticed in your travels around Thailand how we are constantly winging about Thailand. We complain about:

The Visa situation

Various bar girl cons

Duel pricing

Sick buffalo’s

Demanding families

The inability to own land



Etc etc…………….

Why do we stay or want to stay here?

I for one would rather put up with what I consider to be the small inconveniences of living in Thailand. There are usual ways around most of the problems.

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thailand , like anywhere else , is far from perfect.

criticism, both positive and negative comes naturally to humans , if the place was perfect nobody would have anything to talk about.

if you start a topic saying... i think the weather/food/people/bargirls are great here.... and if all the replies said..... yes , i think so too..... there would be no traffic on the site at all , we would all be asleep.

negative comments elicit positive responses , and positive comments elicit negative comments.

its called exchanging ideas.

the fact that you call it whinging just goes to show how judgemental and narrow minded you are. you're the one carrying around all the luggage.

now what do you have to say about that ?


Edited by taxexile
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It has also occured to me that if we were to change Thailand into a western European country, what be the point in moving here.

That's simliar to what Europeans are saying in Spain right now and Americans are saying in Mexico and what Canadians are saying in their part of southern Florida :D:D


ps, not to "fly" in the face of the topic, or to sound like a whiner but isn't that sp whinging? :o

Edited by baht&sold
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Have you noticed in your travels around Thailand how we are constantly winging about Thailand. We complain about:

The Visa situation

Various bar girl cons

Duel pricing

Sick buffalo’s

Demanding families

The inability to own land



Etc etc…………….

Why do we stay or want to stay here?

I for one would rather put up with what I consider to be the small inconveniences of living in Thailand. There are usual ways around most of the problems.

I am now going to join my darling wife in the garden and whinge that my steak is undercooked and the chang isn't cold enough, also that it's raining, and it's all her fault. :D What a problematic life I live. :o

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How long did it take you to train her to cook a steak??

Have you noticed in your travels around Thailand how we are constantly winging about Thailand. We complain about:

The Visa situation

Various bar girl cons

Duel pricing

Sick buffalo’s

Demanding families

The inability to own land



Etc etc…………….

Why do we stay or want to stay here?

I for one would rather put up with what I consider to be the small inconveniences of living in Thailand. There are usual ways around most of the problems.

I am now going to join my darling wife in the garden and whinge that my steak is undercooked and the chang isn't cold enough, also that it's raining, and it's all her fault. :D What a problematic life I live. :o

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How long did it take you to train her to cook a steak??
Have you noticed in your travels around Thailand how we are constantly winging about Thailand. We complain about:

The Visa situation

Various bar girl cons

Duel pricing

Sick buffalo’s

Demanding families

The inability to own land



Etc etc…………….

Why do we stay or want to stay here?

I for one would rather put up with what I consider to be the small inconveniences of living in Thailand. There are usual ways around most of the problems.

I am now going to join my darling wife in the garden and whinge that my steak is undercooked and the chang isn't cold enough, also that it's raining, and it's all her fault. :D What a problematic life I live. :D

This topic about whinging is a bit of a whinge in it's self. It's amazing how many replies they attract. which proves, all the world loves a bit of a whinge.

Doctors say it's good for you, so some say.


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thailand , like anywhere else , is far from perfect.

criticism, both positive and negative comes naturally to humans , if the place was perfect nobody would have anything to talk about.

if you start a topic saying... i think the weather/food/people/bargirls are great here.... and if all the replies said..... yes , i think so too..... there would be no traffic on the site at all , we would all be asleep.

negative comments elicit positive responses , and positive comments elicit negative comments.

its called exchanging ideas.

the fact that you call it whinging just goes to show how judgemental and narrow minded you are. you're the one carrying around all the luggage.

now what do you have to say about that ?


What do I want to say about that.

Well firstly I have no problem with criticism in fact I think that is what I was doing? I was trying to invite comment and you commented.

As for be judgmental and narrow minded, I had no idea that you knew me that well.

As for carrying around too much luggage. I lost most of that due to a previous relationship, but still happy and surviving.

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This topic has been done to death here, but regardless, I think there is at least one point still worth making.

Every single time the why-are-we-here subject is raised on the board, it quickly turns into a slanging match between the whingers and the love-it-or-leave-it crowd. Why does it never seem to occur to anyone that there are those of us who live here, not because we really want to, but for a wide variety of other reasons.

Everybody has to live somewhere, and there aren't too many of us who feel like we're living in the one place on the planet we'd really like to live in. Most everyone I know feels that way, so we tend to bitch about the place we do live, sometimes reasonably and sometimes not so reasonably. On the whole, people are permitted to do that without being told that they ought to get the heck out of town or shut up.

'Cleveland! Love it or leave it!' Doesn't have much of a ring to it, does it?

And yet -- sigh -- Thailand (and those who love it) seem to martch a different, perhaps even a more demanding drummer. Every darn time somebody says something negative about the country or about Thais, somebody else starts demanding they up stakes and leave if they don't like it.

I'd like to, really I would, but I can't right now. Still, I'm looking on the bright side. By the time I can leave, maybe I'll have saved up enough to live in Monte Carlo.

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This topic has been done to death here, but regardless, I think there is at least one point still worth making.

Every single time the why-are-we-here subject is raised on the board, it quickly turns into a slanging match between the whingers and the love-it-or-leave-it crowd. Why does it never seem to occur to anyone that there are those of us who live here, not because we really want to, but for a wide variety of other reasons.

Everybody has to live somewhere, and there aren't too many of us who feel like we're living in the one place on the planet we'd really like to live in. Most everyone I know feels that way, so we tend to bitch about the place we do live, sometimes reasonably and sometimes not so reasonably. On the whole, people are permitted to do that without being told that they ought to get the heck out of town or shut up.

'Cleveland! Love it or leave it!' Doesn't have much of a ring to it, does it?

And yet -- sigh -- Thailand (and those who love it) seem to martch a different, perhaps even a more demanding drummer. Every darn time somebody says something negative about the country or about Thais, somebody else starts demanding they up stakes and leave if they don't like it.

I'd like to, really I would, but I can't right now. Still, I'm looking on the bright side. By the time I can leave, maybe I'll have saved up enough to live in Monte Carlo.

Good straight and to the point post, OAH :o

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This topic has been done to death here, but regardless, I think there is at least one point still worth making.

Every single time the why-are-we-here subject is raised on the board, it quickly turns into a slanging match between the whingers and the love-it-or-leave-it crowd. Why does it never seem to occur to anyone that there are those of us who live here, not because we really want to, but for a wide variety of other reasons.

Ahh, quit yer whinging :o

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Botswana  $ 9,200  2004 est.


Palau  $ 9,000  2001 est.


Saint Kitts and Nevis  $ 8,800  2002 est.


World  $ 8,800  2004 est.


French Guiana  $ 8,300  2003 est.


Bulgaria  $ 8,200  2004 est.


Brazil  $ 8,100  2004 est.


Thailand  $ 8,100  2004 est.


American Samoa  $ 8,000  2000 est.


Guadeloupe  $ 7,900  2003 est.


Kazakhstan  $ 7,800  2004 est.


Seychelles  $ 7,800  2002 est.


Iran  $ 7,700  2004 est.


Romania  $ 7,700  2004 est.


Anguilla  $ 7,500  2002 est.


Turkey  $ 7,400  2004 est.


Namibia  $ 7,300  2004 est.


Cyprus  $ 7,135  2004 est.


Macedonia  $ 7,100  2004 est.


Tunisia  $ 7,100  2004 est.

The above shows GDP per capita (adjusted for purchasing power apparently). I thought it might make an interesting comparison. These countries supposedly have a similar standard to living to Thailand. I think Thailand comes out quite well in this context. A couple tempting alternates there tho..

Also shows OAH many places he can go without the need to save that much. Take your pick mate. :o

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Have you noticed in your travels around Thailand how we are constantly winging about Thailand. We complain about:

The Visa situation

Various bar girl cons

Duel pricing

Sick buffalo’s

Demanding families

The inability to own land



Etc etc…………….

Why do we stay or want to stay here?

I for one would rather put up with what I consider to be the small inconveniences of living in Thailand. There are usual ways around most of the problems.

Whilst I was living in England i would complain about:

Fear of Redundancy

High taxation

ridiculous fuel costs

crap cold weather

enourmous mortgage

grossly inflated property prices.

high cost of just about everything.

I think i have made my point :o:D

Gotta love Thailand

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It has also occured to me that if we were to change Thailand into a western European country, what be the point in moving here.

... not to "fly" in the face of the topic, or to sound like a whiner but isn't that sp whinging? :D

The other term that comes to mind is "croaking"

There sure are a lot of "croakers" in LOS! :o

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It has also occured to me that if we were to change Thailand into a western European country, what be the point in moving here.

... not to "fly" in the face of the topic, or to sound like a whiner but isn't that sp whinging? :D

The other term that comes to mind is "croaking"

There sure are a lot of "croakers" in LOS! :o

Lots of Croakers in France too :D

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As far as I can see most whinging is pretty light hearted and not to be taken too seriously.

Other whinging serves to warn newbies to Thailand that it might not be quite as rosy as it appears (esp bargirls,gf family etc). Mind you newbies never believe the old hands and go ahead and make the same mistakes.

I reckon there's plenty to whinge about in Thailand, but a lot more that is great about the place.

I bought a new bottle opener, first time I use it, it breaks.

" Typical, Made in Thailand. Thailand will never grow if it keeps on making shit like this!!!!"

Not my words, but the words of my Thai missus.

My point is, if you winge about Thailand, then you're integrating :o

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There is far too much slagging off by expats. The worst is the websites dedicated to pointing out all thats bad in Thailand and how the poor Thais cant do anything right. Bangkok Phil and Stickman are 2 examples and this message board has a fair few as well.

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In America the main bitches are about the high cost such as medicine/medical insurance, housing, etc.. In other words the 'basics' are going sky-high.

In Thailand the bitches are about 'the way things are done' or 'the lack of.....'.

I'll live in Thailand and hold onto my money and learn to cope with the minor problems.

Very few Americans would live in Thailand if the cost were the same as the US. That's a fact and some will disagree but I feel they are kidding themselves.

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I met a couple at a barbecue in the UK recently. The husband was keen to spend as much time in Thailand because he liked the weather, beach and relaxed lifestyle. The wife (who came from a poor Issan village) was very keen to stay in the UK because she wanted security and a better prospects for her and her children.

Thailand is great as long as you have money. It is not so great if you don't. Expats are a clique of well-off individuals who see Thailand through rose tinted glasses. Most Thai people would gladly swap their lifestyle in Thailand with that of a European, American or Australian lifestyle.

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I met a couple at a barbecue in the UK recently. The husband was keen to spend as much time in Thailand because he liked the weather, beach and relaxed lifestyle. The wife (who came from a poor Issan village) was very keen to stay in the UK because she wanted security and a better prospects for her and her children.

Thailand is great as long as you have money. It is not so great if you don't. Expats are a clique of well-off individuals who see Thailand through rose tinted glasses. Most Thai people would gladly swap their lifestyle in Thailand with that of a European, American or Australian lifestyle.

Perfect post. I agree 100%. And for the life of me I'll never understand why someone would leave their home country (say UK or USA) to work in Thailand. Make your money elsewhere......spend in Thailand and enjoy.

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I'm a what some of you call a whinger. But thats only once every month :o . Seriously though, I like this place and I'd rather be here than in England, not saying I don't miss England though. Everybody must whine sometime when for the 100th time your ripped off for being a farang.

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