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Thai Farmers Bank Atm Snatches Cash Back.


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On August 10th at 5.00p.m. a Mr. Jack Anthony aged 64 years from the UK made a report to Pattaya Police Station, that at 2.30p.m. of the same day, he attempted to make a withdrawal from the ATM machine located in the Thai Farmer Bank located on Central Pattaya Rd.

He tried to withdraw 8500 baht from the ATM, the machine suddenly retracted the cash, and issued him with a receipt indicating that the money had been withdrawn, when infact it had not. He explained that due to bad design, the visibility of the cash was obstructed by a protrusion on the dispenser making it hard to see that it had been dispensed.

He made a report to the Bank Officer, who advised him to contact his bank in the UK so as to alert them to the problem, but they in turn told him that it was an issue for the Thai Bank Branch. As no progress on the matter has been made, the Farang decided that he had no alternative but to contact the Pattaya Police.

At this point, Police have advised him to again contact the bank and notify them of his report to the Police, and if no action is taken to return the cash, the Police may have to investigate further.

The story reinforces the message to our welcome visitors, that care should be observed when conducting cash transactions at ATM`s, as many of them differ in design to those used overseas.

Pattaya People.

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It is a bit alarming when this happens, it has happened to me three times in three different countries. The money is recredited to the account from anything to 3-10 working days.

ATM's that dispense cash on overseas accounts do have standards, The machine has computer records that show the cash being 'taken back' and from whose account. This happens to hundreds of people worldwide every day, after initial panic, the customer concludes he is swindled and will lose his cash, that is not the case. Banks are businesses and don't want to lose customers over 8,500 baht.

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The strange thing here is that it seemed to Mr. Anthony that the machine produced the money, but he didn`t see it in the dispenser.

I wonder how long you have before it is automatically taken back into the machine ( if infact this happens at all). I always take mine pretty quickly just in case there are thieves about.

You would have thought that there should have been a message on the screen

"Please take your money" and it surely doesn`t take a genious to find the cash.

I know that the Thai Farmers Bank dispenser outside the bank in Central Road offers language in English or Thai as most other ATM`s do and I have never had a problem using it.

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If he used the machine again, and took out a small sum - say 1,000 baht - would the previously dispensed money still be in the tray? Or is it sucked back into the machine for re-dispensing? If the latter, what's the problem? If the former, the next customer will get your money - so better learn to be quick.

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I saw the report on a Pattaya TV channel and thought it was hilarious I actually went and used the exact same machine the very next day as I was staying very near it.

He claimed that if you were standing very close to the machine you couldn't see the money as it was obscured by a lip. Seemed pretty obvious to me.

He also claimed that it was a new 'silent' machine and you couldn't tell when the money came out. Erm no mate.

He also claimed that it was completely outrageous and there was no way that a machine in another country would suck the money back in after 20 or 30 seconds. I also believe this to be complete bxxxxcks.

I can only guess that he'd had one or two drinks before he made the withdrawal.

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I saw the report on a Pattaya TV channel and thought it was hilarious I actually went and used the exact same machine the very next day as I was staying very near it.

He claimed that if you were standing very close to the machine you couldn't see the money as it was obscured by a lip. Seemed pretty obvious to me.

He also claimed that it was a new 'silent' machine and you couldn't tell when the money came out. Erm no mate.

He also claimed that it was completely outrageous and there was no way that a machine in another country would suck the money back in after 20 or 30 seconds. I also believe this to be complete bxxxxcks.

I can only guess that he'd had one or two drinks before he made the withdrawal.

I have to agree, the TFB is one of the easier ATM's, and I have never had a problem. Some, I do have problems, but usually language difficulties. :o

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WITHNAIL: I think you are little harsh; it is quite shocking to see the ATM 'snatch back your cash'; Don't forget that this gentleman is an OAP from Britain with spectacles and a weekly 'allowance' of 8,500 baht. If I were in his position I would be worried about the financial loss.

There are ex-pats in Pattaya who over-react at possible financial loss; when in fact there is absolutely no need to worry, as I explained in an earlier post, his cash will be recredited to his account.

I am amazed at how much 'air time' he got on the news channel.

In Pattaya there are many tourists from every country with room temperature IQ's but we should not ridicule them, we should help them.

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I was laughing at this idiot yesterday, before going to draw cash out of a DBS machine in Singapore.

Put my SCB card in, pushed all the right buttons, out came my card and the machine started beeping. Looked down for the cash, couldn't see it. Looked again, got worried that I'd lost S$ 1,000 (25k in Thai Baht). Looked a third time, with the machine still beeping like crazy and saw the edge of the money sticking out of the machine, hidden under the lip of the delivery mechanism. And Singapore 50 dollar bills are larger than the smaller denominations, so they would be completely hidden.

Is it that the delivery mechanism can be adjusted as to how far out it pushes the moolah? Do the machines differentiate on delivering different sized notes? And the height of the delivery slot - if you're a rotund German you may never discover where the money comes out. ('Free Willy' was never popular in Germany - 'cos none of 'em have seen their willies for aeons)

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  • 2 weeks later...
That's why I always carry emergency cash when I travel overseas, in case the bloody ATMs don't work, eat your card or what ever.  I little common sense helps also.  those sneaky machines.

Thats all it is, a bit of common sense. One thng i always do is plan when i am taking money out and always try and make sure the bank is open. I Know it can be a bit of a pain in the arse bu not as much as losing you card :o

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I think the Golden Rule is never rely on an ATM card. Have back-up. Cash or some sort of emergency policy. Travellers cheques are pretty good, but are not always 24 hour loss cover; let's face it in Thailand an emergency £500 could go a long way if you are sensible.

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