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Half A Second From Death


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I don't know why I am writing this thread, maybe nobody is that interested, maybe living in Thailand has somewhat de-sensitised most people to human tradgedy. But to me it was a big thing being brought up and living most of my life in a relatively safe environment, being a small village in the Cotswolds UK. About two hours or so ago, me and my Thai girlfriend (in Korat), decided to go and eat in a regular steak buffet place, seeing as we had a pretty hectic day.

Because the steakhouse was quite full, parking is always a problem around it, so we decided to park on the opposite side of the road and make our way across the road. Now this is a major road through the city, and yes knowing how dangerous the roads are over here (15,000 + deaths a year is testament to that), I went along with it. My girlfriend is pretty adamant in such circumstances. So anyway, we parked up and got out of the pickup bang opposite the place. Now the Suranaree Road is a dual carriageway setup and at that time of the evening was in full flow of traffic. I did have a feeling of misgivings, as in the UK, it is not thought of to cross a road like this on foot. But my girlfriend was so non-chalant I felt we should be ok, after all, i see many pedestrians dart backwards and forwards over this road when I am normally driving.

The first carriageway was not a problem, as it was heading into town, and all the heavy traffic was heading out of town after their days work. We got into the grassy central reservation and then stood at the edge of the second carriageway. This was very busy and we were near no junctions or anything that could slow the traffic, so the vehicles were all driving at speed and there seemed to be no break in the traffic for a good few minutes. Obviously we were both getting very impatient and agitated by this.

After a while later there seemed to be a visible gap in the oncoming traffic, but no way was it a totally safe bet. My decision was to be patient, but my girlfriend just grabbed my arm and said "NOW" and pulled me into the road, My reflex was to scream at her "NO!!" and drag her back, but I could see she was set on crossing, then I had to go with her, then she changed her mind, and tried to drag me back but i felt we were now committed, and a large truck bearing down on us fast blasting its horn but making no attempt to slow or brake. So then i switched to go back and at that very moment, she switched to go on... By now the truck was right on top of us and we were right in its path. then i felt my girlfriend break away as she let go of my arm, i fell in the road, by now the truck was maybe only 50 yards away and blaring its horn constantly, like I was enjoying this. He didn't seen to acknowledge that we were obviously in trouble,.

I really don't know what happened next, but i am 45 years old and quite overweight, I am totally out of fitness and smoke heavily. A 20 year old athlete would have no chance in my position, but somehow i managed (from a prone position) to hurl myself like a pre-tensioned spring that had just been released towards the direction of the central verge. As I was in midair i felt the wind off the truck on my legs as it missed me by probably an inch, maybe less. I thought at the time that at best i would only get my legs hit by it, and there was a chance better than full-on impact. Then i hit the grass. and heard the siren blaring truck scream past me. My first thought as i impacted was for my girlfriend who had to get across 2 carriageways of traffic, the first thing i did was leap to my feet and there i saw her just reaching the safety of the pavement.

I am telling you, i was shaking for an hour afterward. I could hear all the people screaming outside the steakhouse as they must have all been convinced that i was a goner.

When i eventually got to the other side with my bloody knee and toe, and sat outside and smoked till i was calm, i can't help noticing that my girlfriend was totally unfazed by the whole experience. She was saying, that this was not new to her, and that in Thailand if you die, you die. but it was not our time so lets eat. I was probably more taken aback by her sheer indifference. We sat through our meal which i could not eat, and she laughed and joked as if nothing had happened.

I realise now, that the majority of Thais are so soaked up in superstition and their religeous beliefs, that this kind of thing is small fish to them. they don't seem to care about dying or watching their boyfriend almost being turned into strawberry jam. Life goes on, and even if we were both killed, then someone else can be born and we can move to our next life.

Is this why there are so many deaths on the roads? Is this why the truck driver never slowed or braked toi give us more time? Is this why road safety in Thailand is so bad? The government seems quite content with the road death statistics. The police constantly watch 3 or 4 school children on a scooter with no helmets weaving in and out of traffic. It is so dangerous, and who cares?? The parents don't. My parents would never have allowed it, and the police in the UK would not allow it.

The fact that driving licenses are given out like sweets. if you fail your driving test, which consists of pull away, and park, and that is it. then you can pay 500 baht and still be given your license. This is all symptomatic of a society where safety is not important, and that life is cheap.

Have any of you almost been killed in Thailand?? How close did you escape it?? For me, it can't have been more than half a second. Why do the Thai people seem to not care about safety and death?? Or their government and police?

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I did not start this thread for abusive comments against my girlfriend. I love her a lot. I will never ditch her. i am pointing out that this seems to be systematic attitude in Thailand. I see many foot pedestrians darting across this road on a daily basis. i had a conversation once with a few Thais about their perception of death and it seems to me that nobody (and i mean nobody) cares too much about dying. Death is among them constantly and they are numb to it, and the whole system seems numb to it.

In my country, road safety is paramount. So maybe it is annoying having so many interruptions in town driving but at least our road deaths are only around 5% of Thailand's.

Edited by newsite12
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Is this why the truck driver never slowed or braked toi give us more time?


Do you have any idea what weight a 10 Wheeler (or bigger) Truck carries here - and ergo how much inertia is contained within that vehicle? The driver simply cannot stop (for Farang or Thai) if someone suddenly decides to make a break across a main Highway - a hundred yards or so ahead of his truck - to get to a Noodle stand or "Moo Kata" place!

Next time park on the same side of the Highway as the place you intend to eat - think about it ..... if you had problems getting to the place hungry and sober, how much chance would you have re-crossing the Highway full of food and beer??


Edited by p_brownstone
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glad u r ok. but cant blame just the driver, road in thailand is not like the countryside road in the UK where u came from and u know that! so u should be more careful next time. and when about to cross the road just trust urself not listen to anyone else.

i hope it wont happen to u again.

good luck :)

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Thanks Little_Muppet.

Yes i had a bad feeling, and i really was being patient and telling my gf to wait till it was safe. It is my fault, i should have dragged her back across the quiet carriageway and made her drive the truck to the u-turn, even if it meant parking 200 yards away. But it was the fact she grabbed my arm without warning and dragged me over to make a crazy dash... I did scream at her when i eventually made it across. I ranted and i raved, and also about next time we never park opposite the place where we want to be.

I am not blaming the driver of the truck, i may be a little prejudiced after reading a thaivisa thread not so long ago about a truck driver who killed a bunch of scooter drivers in Phuket (I think) the replies to that thread were 100% anti- thai truck drivers and how dangerous they are etc etc etc, basically tarring them all with the same brush, ..... So I am willing to hold my hands up. Maybe unfair to bring the truck driver's integrity into it. I am still a bit in shock.

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I bet you won't be parking on the opposite side of the road again. smile.gif

Lolz.... neither will she after the way I screamed at her in front of everyone. ;)

By the way, as I type this, i am putting the lottery on. I feel lucky.

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<BR>I bet you won't be parking on the opposite side of the road again. <IMG src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif"><BR>
<BR><BR>Lolz.... neither will she after the way I screamed at her in front of everyone. <IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt=;) src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif"><BR><BR>

I get the feeling the truth would be a little different.;)

But anyway, i'll go to the Grave that Thai's don't sense danger like i do ( i won't say we becaus everyone's different )..

There are umpteen scenarios i couldd tell you about that would beggar belief where safety is concerned, i regulary watch Thai's walk accross the Road when i'm driving, & not even look..

I see them pull out of turnings on Motorbikes & not even look..

I've seen Year Old Babies playing with Electrical wiring on a Building Site & it's Mum laugh..

The list goes on..

Edited by MSingh
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As I've said many times... Anything that doesn't kill or maim you is a lesson well learned... if you heed it. Thailand can be a dangerous place for the ill prepared. It's no fault of the drivers on the highway to have to stop for a silly pedestrian. This is Thailand and they do things the Thai way. Learn them or die... your choice. I've been very close to death many times over my 71 years on earth. Some of the near misses were my fault and could have been prevented. Others were things out of my control. Many of the risky things I do are balanced with the enjoyment I get out of taking risks. Just living life to the fullest is taking a risk. You can also kill yourself by being inert, and by smoking and eating too much. Just thank your lucky stars that it wasn't your time to go.

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I was probably more taken aback by her sheer indifference.

You should marry her and take out a large life insurance policy, she won't be indifferent next time

Maybe you have already taken a life insurance policy out AND built her a house on the family land?

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I used to have similar problems with my wife except maybe the other way round. Where i would see an opportunity to cross she would not, whether this is down to her being more risk averse or me being more of an idiot I am not sure. It also lead to one or two instances where we were pulling in different directions though nowhere near as close to danger as you got. The simple answer to this is we no longer hold hands crossing roads (obviously one of us takes our daughters hand but that is different). We are both quite capable of crossing a road just in our own way using our own judgement.

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Your lady is a plank and perhaps so are you for letting someone, whoever, take YOUR life in their hands. Wake up chum and don't let the lady rule the roost in everything. ;)

I did not start this thread for abusive comments against my girlfriend.

Well what do you expect? transam is absolutely spot on. The moral is your missus is 'a plank' and you could do with bunging a pair of trousers on and perhaps not go along so blindly with her. ;)

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Not all Thai are indifferent to the danger. I have been constantly warned to becareful, to use overpasses etc. I have to say though that almost all of the warnings have been from females. The missus in particular has a fit if she knows that I darted across the road instead of using an overpass.

As an aside maybe this is a sign to stop smoking as much and to lose some weight.

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Listen to Alvin because he won't be there when you cross the road. :rolleyes:

We laugh at these Adverts now, but imagine how many children are still alive because of them! Perhaps a certain OP needs a refresher course! :rolleyes:

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I can sympathize with the OP for two reasons, firstly because I have gone over many roads with girls that are differently synced to me and have been pulled forward or backwards because of it...even if I am stronger they jerking will still throw one off the course for 0.2sec...

Secondly because I had a close hit back home once, where there is a law that cars must stop if anyone shows that they are about to cross a zebra crossing(!), when a car accelerated when I am friends walked across and he ended up hitting my coat. Mere luck it wasn't more...all too close when a car is speeding 50+km/h for an unprotected civilian.

I don't have a good tip really...perhaps tell your girl to let go of your hand when it comes to the more dangerous passes...

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If I had seen such a situation anywhere, my immediate thought would have been something like "That guy is obviously worth more dead than alive". And especially after hearing such a justification from the gf, be it in Thailand or anywhere else. Nobody wants to die.

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I did not start this thread for abusive comments against my girlfriend. I love her a lot. I will never ditch her. i am pointing out that this seems to be systematic attitude in Thailand. I see many foot pedestrians darting across this road on a daily basis. i had a conversation once with a few Thais about their perception of death and it seems to me that nobody (and i mean nobody) cares too much about dying. Death is among them constantly and they are numb to it, and the whole system seems numb to it.

In my country, road safety is paramount. So maybe it is annoying having so many interruptions in town driving but at least our road deaths are only around 5% of Thailand's.

Yes, I agree with that.

Thais are more fatalist.

But while *some* more safety measures would certainly benefit Thailand, you must also ask yourself if the western principle of protecting life at *all costs* is really the right thing. We have too much regulations which are choking our life into meaninglessness.

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I used to be a smoker, and I'm sure the OP will grow out of his habit like I did. We all have our bad habits, be it alcohol, cigarettes, narcotics or fat/sweet/salty food. Such habits do by no means justify having one's life put in danger on the street. Your posting leaves me with the impression that you have watched "Saw" too many times.

Edited by metisdead
Removed demeaning quote.
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Just imagine what destruction could have been caused if the truck driver had have applied his brakes and started to jack-knife on a highway full of cars and motorcycles. That is just one of the scenarios that could have played out . You are indeed lucky. All the best to you.

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Firstly, I am glad the OP is safe.

Secondly, I find the Thai attitude to life/death very refreshing - Buddhist/superstition aside, it is 'only' life and there are plenty of us (too many in my opinion) on the planet.

Thirdly, I chuckled when reading the OP's comments about the traffic safety in the UK and the Police's role over there etc. Back in the UK, HE would have been the one arrested for what he attempted to do, kinda funny really.

Be safe everyone and live everyday to the full - who knows when you're going to bow out.

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Your lady is a plank and perhaps so are you for letting someone, whoever, take YOUR life in their hands. Wake up chum and don't let the lady rule the roost in everything. ;)

Absolutely, you let someone put you in a dangerous situation where you clearly knew better. Since you are whipped your life is in her hands; time to take back some control of your life.

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Listen to Alvin because he won't be there when you cross the road. :rolleyes:

We laugh at these Adverts now, but imagine how many children are still alive because of them! Perhaps a certain OP needs a refresher course! :rolleyes:

Dave Prowse the green cross code man

a lovely man


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I have had two long term relationships in Thailand. The first dragged me across roads. When nearing a busy thoroughfare she put a death grip on my arm and would not let me cross until she made sure it was safe. She lived in Bangkok for 20 years. She did try and kill me a couple of times, once with a knife and once a cleaver but she said she was sorry afterwards. Her aggressive behavior reached out to all facets of her life. She was not happy unless she was in control.

Not surprisingly my next soul mate was a background woman. She led in nothing. She would wait for me to make a decision to cross a road or what kind of toilet tissue to purchase. What kind of food we ate, when we went to sleep and when we got up. When on a bus she insisted I tell the ticket taker our destination. I counted the change when buying food and I verified the amount of the check bin. Although she spoke Thai better than I when together she insisted I do the talking. I went with her to the female doctor to describe her illness (she would not go alone). She wasn't submissive at home in any way and had clear likes and dislikes which she insisted on. But in public she made sure I took the lead in everything. This was a good experience for me when crossing the street. With the first lady I had become complacent letting her do the thinking I never even looked at traffic. Except for Thai cement trucks and I have a reoccurring dream about dieing by being squashed by a cement truck. When I see a cement truck I always wait till it has gone past and never engage in a race with the vehicle.

Now I am alone and crossing streets by myself. I always remind myself I have time. I do. I quit my job and my lady left and there is no one pushing me to do anything. So I take my time crossing roads. Some people chant. I listen to the monks chant. Me, I sing old John Denver songs. Got no deeds to do, no promises to keep. Feeling groovy.

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I seem to recall I was a member of the Tufty Club.

Dave Prowse the green cross code man

I was always rather disappointed that they used James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vader in the " Star Wars " films.

It'd be great to see him with a West Country accent.

" Luke. Oim yur faaathur "


The Force uz strong in this 'un "

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