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Elite Card

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When you add up the costs of having to leave the frigin country every 90 days BTW is a real pain, and returning and using some of the so called priviledges as mentioned, it comes no where to worth the million. Like George calculated, they are still about half million baht ahead. So who pockets this money, hehehehehehehehe.

It is going to take a dive head first into the garbage can sooner than you think.

The interest is going to fade fast.


PS Like I said before if they gave us the rights to own the home and property and grant us the one year visa without making runs, and exempting us from the Bank requirements yearly and monthly, then this card is worth looking into and investing in. Those are the real benefits for any expat to have and to behold like it is gold. But since they are not doing that, heck why bother to sniff it?????? :o:D

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”Just to try to put this program in a more appropiate perspective, I have to start off by saying that this card is clearly not intended for everybody. At best maybe 5 - 10% of the tourists who come to Thailand for a visit, is what the TAT has targeted. The Thai government did not conceive this as a tool to immigrate to Thailand, or is interested in giving away more value than it receives.”- Leslie Kierig

Rookie investors always want to target the ‘elite’ market because they assume that rich people have tons and money and spend it like water. However, when you come up with a new product you have to do a ‘realistic’ market analysis to determine how many potential customers will be interested in your service or product. And you can’t assume that EVERYONE in your target group will buy it. Let’s do some quick math:

Total Number tourists to Thailand per year : 12 Million

Number ‘elite’ tourists (assuming 5% are elite) : 600K

Now we’re not done. Just because someone comes to Thailand once doesn’t mean that they would be interested in this type of service. Only people with a deep commitment to Thailand – someone who really wants to do business, loves the people, beaches, etc- will want this thing. Why would you care about a 5 year Thai visa or any of these perks if you are super rich?? You could just as easily pay for these things as needed, then you aren’t stuck doing all your travel in Thailand. Also Thailand has lots of negatives that your ordinary traveler overlooks - but the elite traveler will complain about such as water sanitation, traffic, pollution, etc (remember this is a third world country right!!). So the percentage of ‘elite’ that would actually be interested this card is probably less than 1%.

Total number of prospective customers : 6000

Now how many of these prospective customers will actually buy the card?? Who knows, maybe 400 or 500 over 10 years giving a profit of B500M. I will make more money than this over 10 years selling t-shirts in Nigeria!!!

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I will make more money than this over 10 years selling t-shirts in Nigeria!!!

Speaking of Nigeria... hmm... elite card... email marketing... hmmm... no...

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African yes true to some extent marketing is important and being realistic at same time. But it is indeed the perks that we expats definitely want since we are investing our money and not the Thailand government, to employ their people and provide some means for them to live etc. Yes it is our hard earned money that we ourselves made over the course of time.

So when Thailand say hey ditto, come on down, we got a card for ya, you gonna jump into the lake and swim with them while they bleed you dry. Of course not that is if your intelligent to see their game plan.

That is why I said it will head first straight to the garbage can. Why, it sucks because American Express offers better perks than what Thailand is offering. Comprende

If they go under, do you have any assurances you will get your money back???? Try to ditto that to them. :oB)

Daveyoti :D

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This is the standard BS. The 'Elite Card' is just another Thai ripoff. First, there are no guarantees. Second, no clear concise list of benefits. Third, it is just too expensive for what it doesn't offer. It is simpler, cheaper and easier to do this or yourself.

I just waded through the five pages of this thread and the above quote was the only thing that made sense.

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This is the standard BS. The 'Elite Card' is just another Thai ripoff. First, there are no guarantees. Second, no clear concise list of benefits. Third, it is just too expensive for what it doesn't offer. It is simpler, cheaper and easier to do this or yourself.

I just waded through the five pages of this thread and the above quote was the only thing that made sense.

Back to you Khun Leslie!!!

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Let us be imaginative and say that one million cards are sold, therefore causing ten million rai of land to be tied up by foreigners.  That will go over well with the locals.  Never mind the half a million or so landless farmers and the much talked about future land reform!

Whenever I hear the words "Elite" or "Luxury", I reach for something to block my nasal passages.  More TRT BS.  One minute they dislike foreigners, the next they want one million foreigners to "buy" land and play golf.

Get real


And not all of us Japanese play golf.

So true, so true Tanaka!

This "Elite"and "Luxury"-thinking from Mr.Thaksin is what makes the whole world laugh about Thailand.

But don't worry about landless farmers, as he will eliminate poverty or the poor, however, in future there will be no poverty visible !


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... and you don't have to buy a lonely big cloud. You can buy as many clouds as you like.

When 100'000 of my clouds will be sold, I will double the price of the sunrays I'm selling too !

:o Adjan

Adjan, you've got some rose-coloureds?

Me and a couple of friends would like to put some money together for a new years gift for the big guy.

Not to much hope that clouds will take him up and away. :D

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Seriously though, it is quite funny to think that 200 people have actually paid out for it already. I'd still love to know..............WHY?......... Makes you wonder about those Nigeria scams, and how many people have fallen for them also. Maybe........err..........200?.......... :o

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As we can transfert the card ownership....would it worth to buy it now for 1 million bahts and sell it to a resident or an expatriate at the attractive price of 1.5 million when it will have gone up to 2 million ?


Happy New Year to all

Bonne année à tous

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Perhaps I can buy 10 of them and resell them to expats ;but 1.4 mio only; :D so I could beat Bruno's proposal and become vely lich B):o

Hmmm,I think me stay too long Thailand.I begin to think same same thai "businessmen" B)

For sure a quick way to loose money B)

Happy new year to all the board members et bonne année aux francophones


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Expatriates will be charged Bt2 million next year for a Thailand Elite privilege card –

It's interesting. Perhaps they should read more in Thai Visa. An expatriate is usually living in LoS on a Non-imm B, O. O-A, many combined with a WP. Those will hardly give up their visa for this card. The group of business-travellers living in LoS but going in and out 2-3 times a month are not expatriates living here by their status although they might be interested in the scheme. So for them no price-increase.

One target group should be the walkers, who presently are mostly endangered although I am not sure on the financial aspect.

Solution: Effective B.E. 2548:

Only aliens having obtained Thailand Elite card shall enter into the Kingdom...

Now wouldn't this increase the sales? I know, I am cynical, don't tell T, he might take me as serious :o

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This new elite card pricing policy gives a new twist to DOUBLE PRICING. This whole business defies reason, and dare I say, credibility. These rather radical changes in policy (and price) at such an early stage in the card companies existance absolutely does not inspire confidence in the prospects for the future predictabily and stability of the card company and its capability of delivering promises. Doubling prices when sales are slow? It is quite laugh making.

I eluded to this issue in a previous post, but the new pricing change makes it even more relevant:

Whats to stop a non expat from buying the card for 1 mill and then moving to Thailand (instantly making a "plastic profit") of 1 mill baht?

I agree that most established expats would not want to give up legit visas for this card.

I also still think that the real numbers in potential buyers would have been affluent under 50 retirees, who have no other visa option to stay long term. The company is saying that is not the intended market, so what cards they do sell will be to a real elite of sorts. Elite as in a TINY NUMBER. Which is fine, I guess, but I thought they had huge sales goals over five years?

It will be interesting to watch and see what happens ...

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So are these cards resaleable?

So if someone gets a card and say after 5/10 years they no longer need it (on their deathbed or whatever) these cards will  be available for as little as BT100000?

Sort of interesting to think about the logistics of it all. If someone was truly on their death bed and wanted to unload the card off to anyone in an emergency, then one might see it sold for 100000 Baht plus transfer fee. However, if there are still people wanting to buy the card for 1m Baht then there's no reason why used cards wouldn't fetch 1m Baht minus transfer fee, providing that all rights are transferable to the new user.

Bottom line is that if the cards can be transferred for US$1k, if all rights are held for the new owner, and if new cards are being bought, then the used cards shouldn't depreciate below 1m Baht, right??? :o


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This new elite card pricing policy gives a new twist to DOUBLE PRICING. This whole business defies reason, and dare I say, credibility. These rather radical changes in policy (and price) at such an early stage in the card companies existance  absolutely does not inspire confidence in the prospects for the future predictabily and stability of the card company and its capability of delivering promises. Doubling prices when sales are slow? It is quite laugh making.

Not really when you think of it.

If you were expecting 500 cards and only got 200 so far, you only way to keep your target sales in Thai Bath would be to increase the price so that your fixed costs, sales target etc... are met.

Price sensitivity is not issue in their target market.

Still I agree, it makes the whole deals sounds more ridiculous and it looks like a scam even though it might not be. The Thais have a lot to learn in terms of International Marketing

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Seriously though, it is quite funny to think that 200 people have actually paid out for it already. I'd still love to know..............WHY?......... Makes you wonder about those Nigeria scams, and how many people have fallen for them also. Maybe........err..........200?.......... :D

Viewing this elite card as an updated version of the old gem store scam seems more appropos to me. :o

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Oh, well did it ever occur to any of you, the Elite card cannot be sold privately to someone else. Are you people that Naive??????

First when you get that card it is registered to your name to the Government. Comprende, and the Government is the one giving you the benefits. Now you sell that card to someone else, the card becomes null and voided. Comprende, because the next person cannot use that card under a different name and when you being an expat using that card you can bet that they will ask for your passport for verification and etc.

So all of you get off the high horse and be real because that card is under strict control of the company and the government of Thailand.


It is similar to your Visa Card or Bank Card. Would you sell your Visa card to someone else for a price or sell your bank card. Get my point???????

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