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Yes ok Ulysses it is all one big conspiricy theory...

Who writes this stuff? :cheesy:

Pine Gap is Area51 Equivelant UFO and ALien Study

"The most disquieting fact about Pine Gap may be that the employees working on the base, and especially those earmarked for duty on electromagnetic propulsion projects, have undergone brainwashing and even implantation of intracranial devices. Those employees have turned into unconditional slaves of their master, whoever he is. Rather scary, isn't it?"


Um are you sitting down? You are writing the stuff. You alone are throwing around conspiricy theory. Yes it is you alone sorry my friend.

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PINE GAP ~ "The United States has three major bases in Australia. One is in South Australia (Nurranger, near Woomera, T.N.), another in New South Wales, and the third (and by far the largest) is located within about 230 km (143 miles) of the geographical center of the continent, not far to the west of Alice Springs (Northern Territory), at the foothills of the southern slopes of the MacDonnell Range. This base is completely underground, with barely visible entrances to the surface. "This 'Top Secret' base is entirely financed by the United States Government, and is officially known as the Joint Defense Space Research Facility.

Please provide links to these nutty conspiracy theory web-sites, so we can get a good laugh at your so-called "evidence". :cheesy:


Yes I know pine gap it is an actual American Military Base in Australia and no Ulysses it is not a conspiracy theory like you think. The place actually 100% exists staffed by mostly American personel with a sprinkling of Australian and British. America actually has 7 bases in Australia 3 of including Pine Gap are highly secure areas and there is noway you can get within 5 kms

The other are more routine military training bases and naval facilities. Definately not a conspiracy theory that they exist.


All kidding aside, I do know the US has had some small listening posts scattered around. They were mainly used in the NASA program and are probably used now to pick up secret messages emanating from the Wikileaks headquarters.

Well, that last part might be a little stretch but they were there a few years ago and there are likely some still in existence. They would hardly be classified as a military base but more an outpost.

It was fun to read that link about them, though.

If there are any Kiwis in the audience...NO, there are not any nukes stored there.


Is it also a fact that all the employees have been brainwashed and had "intracranial" devices implanted in their brains. :lol:

"The most disquieting fact about Pine Gap may be that the employees working on the base, and especially those earmarked for duty on electromagnetic propulsion projects, have undergone brainwashing and even implantation of intracranial devices. Those employees have turned into unconditional slaves of their master, whoever he is. Rather scary, isn't it?"



This sounds much more likely. No UFOs or conspiracies.


US seeks access to key Australian military bases


December 8, 2010 Conducting a ''global posture review'' ... the head of the US Pacific Command, Admiral Bob Willard, in Canberra yesterday. Photo: Andrew Meares

INCREASING the number of American military personnel in Australia through more naval visits and training exercises will be the subject of a meeting between defence bureaucrats from the United States and Australia in Canberra next week.


Is it also a fact that all the employees have been brainwashed and had "intracranial" devices implanted in their brains. :lol:

"The most disquieting fact about Pine Gap may be that the employees working on the base, and especially those earmarked for duty on electromagnetic propulsion projects, have undergone brainwashing and even implantation of intracranial devices. Those employees have turned into unconditional slaves of their master, whoever he is. Rather scary, isn't it?"


Are you serious? If you are then I see it as American bashing as the majority of staff are American. maybe why Americans are scared of Assange they have been brainwashed is that what you are saying?


Is it also a fact that all the employees have been brainwashed and had "intracranial" devices implanted in their brains. :lol:

"The most disquieting fact about Pine Gap may be that the employees working on the base, and especially those earmarked for duty on electromagnetic propulsion projects, have undergone brainwashing and even implantation of intracranial devices. Those employees have turned into unconditional slaves of their master, whoever he is. Rather scary, isn't it?"


Are you serious? If you are then I see it as American bashing as the majority of staff are American. maybe why Americans are scared of Assange they have been brainwashed is that what you are saying?

You didn't read the link? http://www.apfn.org/apfn/pinegap.htm

Quite funny B)


Is it also a fact that all the employees have been brainwashed and had "intracranial" devices implanted in their brains. :lol:

"The most disquieting fact about Pine Gap may be that the employees working on the base, and especially those earmarked for duty on electromagnetic propulsion projects, have undergone brainwashing and even implantation of intracranial devices. Those employees have turned into unconditional slaves of their master, whoever he is. Rather scary, isn't it?"


Are you serious? If you are then I see it as American bashing as the majority of staff are American. maybe why Americans are scared of Assange they have been brainwashed is that what you are saying?

That gave me a good laugh. I'm sure UG will be along shortly to correct you ;)


Is it also a fact that all the employees have been brainwashed and had "intracranial" devices implanted in their brains. :lol:

"The most disquieting fact about Pine Gap may be that the employees working on the base, and especially those earmarked for duty on electromagnetic propulsion projects, have undergone brainwashing and even implantation of intracranial devices. Those employees have turned into unconditional slaves of their master, whoever he is. Rather scary, isn't it?"


Are you serious? If you are then I see it as American bashing as the majority of staff are American. maybe why Americans are scared of Assange they have been brainwashed is that what you are saying?

That gave me a good laugh. I'm sure UG will be along shortly to correct you ;)

That's ok he is probably a nice guy but I can't quite grasp what he is on about. Does he ever talk about being abducted by alliens as well?:blink:


Actually many many of these 'excesses' are the quotes of foreign contacts being relayed back to Washington, and the embarrassment is as much theirs, as much or more than the USAs. So far the most embarrassment for USA has been the fact the hiuge leak happened, and much less it's back door dealings. The most horrendous things have been said by others about their neighbors, and now exposed. The damage to international diplomacy will be massive and hurt us all in the end, much more than the transient joy of today's diplomats getting a slapping.

Can you elaborate the "hurt us" part? It would be quite interesting to know.

For me diplomacy in the current form is medieval and tricky designed to serve a few privileged at the end. A simple software (vendor machine) would do a better job than any diplomat could do in this time. Diplomats are more and more a burden for communities and societies worldwide. It is all just outdated.

I see a great chance for a change for good.

The agreements in Cancun are probably a result of fear from more leaks, which will certainly emerge. This has led to an empathic agreement, no matter if the climate change was man made or a natural phenomena. Suddenly it became clear that we all have to do something.

"When the people get informed diplomacy changes."

What was leaked?

The "Storm of the greedy helpers" - China and ...

The reaction of an embarrassed elite in the States and elsewhere, which is and cannot be subject for any support.

There will be many things coming up ... stay tuned ... get ready for the change for good.


just to add on ...

based on the diplomatic cables the multinational corporations delegate there investments in various region for self serving interest. Lobbying is rampant in the US and elsewhere, even the US is number one in this regard.

A small promising enterprise stands NO chance, no matter how good they are, they will be swallowed by the biggies in no time as it happens since quite a while.

What about micro economy and sufficiency policies. Are we neglecting that all?

Again, I regard the leaks as a chance for a better world and without the elite who dangerously seek to control any and all aspects of peoples' life and livelihoods.

Below a reply in another forum discussion points out that Holbrooke, who is now in critical condition, is member of secretive society, Just a hint ...


Holbrooke: Member Trilateral Commission, Member- Council on Foreign Relations, AIG board member up to bailouts, director of Credit Sussie bank(insider trading and stock manipulation), director of Lehman Bros, Ok'd the human rights abuses in Indonesia w/ Suharto, buddies and received multiple free lo... more Holbrooke: Member Trilateral Commission, Member- Council on Foreign Relations, AIG board member up to bailouts, director of Credit Sussie bank(insider trading and stock manipulation), director of Lehman Bros, Ok'd the human rights abuses in Indonesia w/ Suharto, buddies and received multiple free loans from Tony Mozilla and Countrywide - besides possibly being involved w/ the war criminal kradizac


Why can't ICT just block it. It can be easily done.

You just did that. Shall we congratulate you for that?


No matter what the attempts to block the site is. They are mirrored on over 2 000 sites now and increasing.


Did I say; "The absurdities seem to be mounting."

Yes I did, but now add 'mounting exponentially!

Do I see an Illuminati in your avatar or are you one of them?


Did I say; "The absurdities seem to be mounting."

Yes I did, but now add 'mounting exponentially!

Do I see an Illuminati in your avatar or are you one of them?


:intheclub: ... not


The WikiLeaks flag


Now you are being extreemly abusive and insulting to Australians by mocking the Eureka flag. Do you even have the slightest concept of what the flag and the meaning, means to Aussies? I think not or else you would not have chosen to blatantly insult Australia and it's people. The flag as another has already pointed out means.......................

"...stand truly by each other and fight to defend our rights and liberties." This is not what only Aussies but others around the world are doing in support of Julian Assage. ***removed*** I guess you never even considered the hurt you cause by your extreemly nasty post. I do not know from which country you hail from and do not really care but I do believe that such straight out blatant attacks on another country or it's people is against visa rules and your attack is well over the top. You have caused great pain with your disgusting insult not only to me but I am sure to many other aussies on here also. It does not take a great deal of intelligence to think before you act.


I don't see anyone mocking the Eureka flag here. The mocking is directed at Wikileaks, whom the Eureka flag has no connection. Now please move on.


I don't see anyone mocking the Eureka flag here. The mocking is directed at Wikileaks, whom the Eureka flag has no connection. Now please move on.

Well with all due respect I guess it is something only an aussie can see.


I too take that as an absolute insult and also ask for a warning and the flag to be removed. It is an absolute disgrace that by posting a supposed Wikileaks flag he is mocking something that is taken very seriously in this country.

Those that feel strongly would be useful to use the 'ignore' button for this poster as it seems to be only joy we will get.

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