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Baby Car Seats


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There are a lot of junk brands in Thailand that fall apart easily. Don't be a cheap charlie and buy a cheapie. After all, it's only your child's life. We bought an imported one (Combi brand from Japan) for around 8000 Baht used. There is a Combi top of the line on Thai Visa Classifieds now for 13,000 used. Robinson and Central have some good (but not great) brands.

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Most Thai families don't bother with them. I don't call local practice stupid and retarded easily, but in this case, when you DO spend money on useless options like mag wheels and all kinds of kit for your car, and then not spend anything on the safety of your child. That's retarded with a capital R. (Even worse, also seatbelts are rarely used, with kids jumping all over in the cabin of the car.)

Anyway, Central Kad Suan Kaew always used to have the best selection. I was in Robinson today this morning and they do have a Combi brand car seat, around 13K baht. That's about the same that I spend a couple years ago on a Maxi Cosi safety seat from Central. (Though it really pays on these amounts to find some of the XX% discount / sales.)

It's expensive, but given the incredible risks involved in traffic in Thailand, it's worth every penny, twice.

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I couldn't agree more with WTK. You might have a Thai friend/partner search on the Internet for a used one. That's how we found ours and we saved about 5K or more of what it would cost new. When ours arrived in the post it looked as though it was never used or used very, very little. Thais in Bangkok (that do buy car seats for their kids) tend to buy very good imported brands. When the kids outgrow them, they usually end up for sale on the Internet. Thais are always open to some bargaining on the price and post is dirt cheap within Thailand.

Edited by elektrified
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S K baby store behind carrfour have a selection from about 2000 to 12000

I bought one at 3500 which has lasted right through one kids growth and now on to the second. Not fallen apart or anything! Dealt with hard braking and bouncing around mountain roads, no trouble.

They have imports and qualty cloths tend to be cheaper than from the small shops as they are the importer and distributer, so cutting out the middle man. Furntures on the ground floor but baby on the top. Take the road opposite the rear entrance to Cfour and it's just up the top on the right.

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