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Did an Isaan road trip at the weekend with the Vigo 4x4 2.5,

refuelled at a regular PTT station on the way up with 800

baht worth and gauge popped up to full as soon as turned on


On return stopped off at same station and topped up

with 500 baht worth, set off down the road, but then noticed

gauge had hardly moved, returned to station and checked with

pump attendant that he had actually put fuel in, he insisted

he had of course, but then mentioned that a couple of other

vigos had been in that morning and made the same complaint

that their gauges had not moved after refuelling.

Told him to put in another 200 baht which still made little

impression on the gauge, set off again and over the next 15

minutes watched gauge slowly inch its way up to the full level.

What gives?


My Vigo shows full for the first 800 baht or so. The only way to really check is on the computer which shows the range but this takes a little while to compute. Mine is petrol though.


Had the same problem once as well, last year sometime. Been alright ever since.

Not sure what Isaan has to do with the problem ?

Maybe just an intermittent fault with them !!

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