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Single Thai Mother


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While there may be some legal basis for this woman (and I hope the child does get the support that is due), there tends to be a rather large difference between what the law says, and what actually happens.

As for any UN Charter/treaty – look around the world today. The only time the UN has any power is when they write a check. Any UN charter or resolution such as this is far from a mandate and I doubt that the UK being part of the particular convention will independently be of much benefit. What may be available is some kind of action/law or such that the UK has placed on the books to help facilitate action in regard to this charter. I.E. after this charter was agreed upon the UK passed law “X” to help facilitate international child support payments/issues.

Good luck to her, and I hope the child is the one who gets the support.

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While there may be some legal basis for this woman (and I hope the child does get the support that is due), there tends to be a rather large difference between what the law says, and what actually happens. 

As for any UN Charter/treaty – look around the world today.  The only time the UN has any power is when they write a check.  Any UN charter or resolution such as this is far from a mandate and I doubt that the UK being part of the particular convention will independently be of much benefit.  What may be available is some kind of action/law or such that the UK has placed on the books to help facilitate action in regard to this charter.  I.E. after this charter was agreed upon the UK passed law “X” to help facilitate international child support payments/issues.

Good luck to her, and I hope the child is the one who gets the support.

Correct TokyoT. There have been many child rights forums and charters with particular regard to Thailand and some have eventually been acted on. Unfortunately as we know TiT. The Uk and particularly the States, are progressing cross border location of "Deadbeat Dads". However the major factor behind this is financial. For instance CSA in UK are primarily concerned with locating fathers who's ex girlfriend is on State Benefit. This helps the Government coffers not the baby! Thailand has no State Benefits as such, so there is little incentive to act.

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on this subject as with other threads there are two sides to a story.

i know personally of a case where the girl got pregnant and wanted the baby then turned on my friend wanting to finish the relationship, he paid 1 million bhat as help for the baby and that should be the end of the situation.

but no, after six months she comes back for more money and to this day 3 years after the fact she is still writing and telephoning for money.

question has this man definately not helped in any way or not.

if not then i agree he should be made to pay his dues

1 million is alot, but is definitely not the end of his responsibility, he should take care of the baby financially until the child is 18.

he needs to fix a reasonable monthly amount and also make sure the baby is being cared for properly. sounds as if the woman sees the child as a meal ticket. sad that if true..both parents not really interested in the welfare of the child. :o

agree with what you say and as i know my friend, he's one of my close friends, i think he would not disagree either, the worry he has is where and how the money will be spent. the girl was an ex bar girl and the telephone calls he received sounded like they were coming from a bar enviroment, if she can blow 1 mill in six months what do you think the chances of him getting a reasonable settlement figure and there is no way to see that the welfare of the baby is coming first.

this is a shit situation and i for one cannot offer any guidance apart from tell him he was very unlucky in his choice.

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