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Crime Ridden Pattaya


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Beetlejuice, your idea is good, but it's only halfway there. Let's go all the way with RFID chip implants. In these terribly dangerous times, one can't be too safe, after all. Older folks like me will have to be retrofitted, but we can start implanting the chips in babies worldwide beginning in January 2011. Let's do it!

But then again, it might be a strategic weakness to rely solely on technology. In order to be truly safe, we should also brand everyone with an Earth citizen number. I was thinking the forehead would be a good, highly visible spot, but that won't work for people with lots of hair or women wearing burqas. Perhaps the best bet will be the back of the right hand. Let's do it!


You lot are so mean.

You just wait when I become the prime minister of Thailand, you`re be sorry.

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It seems that Thai cities such as Pattaya are becoming a haven as the favourite retreat destination of wanted fugitives, undesirables, sex offenders and habitual criminals

Why do not International law enforcement agencies collaborate and create some sort of international criminal record computer databases?

Anyone who has a criminal record, details and photos could be listed in an open on line database.

Subscribers would be able to access the files within seconds. For example checks could be made within minutes as each passenger arrives at any particular destination airport and undesirables if wanted fugitives could be instantly detained or those with past criminal records if for serious offences could be put on a next available flight and returned to whence they came.

Just think of the time, man power and tax payers money a system like that would save. The incentives for any company to create such a database would be enormous, including the fact that a database such as this could be available to subscribers with no requirement to buy or install special equipment for access, information could be accessed by anyone from a regular laptop or PC just with a user name and password, including the police and other law enforcement agencies.

It would be a simple process to operate, each police force would release they're files to any particular contracted company for listing into an International criminal file database.

Considering the ever increasing risks of worldwide terrorism, easy access into Thailand and other countries for wanted fugitives and habitual criminals, isn't it time to abolish the human rights acts and data protection laws specifically those that fall under the categories of criminal records? Which only help protect the anonymity of criminals.

A fully functioning international criminal database system with open access may also serve as a deterrent to any prospective criminals, perhaps having the affect of making them reconsider before committing they're dastardly deeds.

I can't fill in the blanks here (well. I can, but I am not allowed to according to confidentiality agreements), but you would be absolutely stunned if you knew how many different systems and databases there is around the world with the intention of registering ongoing investigations, crimes and suspects. It is absolutely mindboggling. The problem is that there are no interfaces between them and there's no communication between countries. You'd probably be shocked if I told you that one of the biggest international police organisations doesn't have the same system in place in every country, and a lot of communication is still by fax.

So anyway, I spent six months working with Interpol in a country in Europe investigating the legal aspects of implementing an international database doing more or less exactly what you describe. There are plenty of vendors with the ability and skills to deliver such system; it's not a technical problem.

Edited by Forethat
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Because and "open" database in itself could be breaking international laws, and you are suggesting "abolishing" human rights.

-A crime in one country (or penalties, associated with it) may not applicable in another country.


Is not a Child Molester or a Murderer Ex, Ex , In Any Country not a criminal , Boarders should not matter with Crimes of this stature. Right is right , and Wrong is wrong in any Country or Religion. Half the things that go on in Thailand (Pattaya) by Forieners (Falang), go on because they are out of sight and out of mind , because the people who perpetrate them would not dare to do them, or it ,in there own County. I say Abolish human rights , look at Britain , the first thing that comes out of the Scums , (sorry) Alleged criminals ,Bombers Murderers mouths .Are What about my human rights, I say if you kill, Bomb, or do any other serious crime against man, You do not behave like human so you do not have any Human rights, Just my opinion, Yours may differ.

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Is not a Child Molester or a Murderer Ex, Ex , In Any Country not a criminal , Boarders should not matter with Crimes of this stature. Right is right , and Wrong is wrong in any Country or Religion. Half the things that go on in Thailand (Pattaya) by Forieners (Falang), go on because they are out of sight and out of mind , because the people who perpetrate them would not dare to do them, or it ,in there own County. I say Abolish human rights , look at Britain , the first thing that comes out of the Scums , (sorry) Alleged criminals ,Bombers Murderers mouths .Are What about my human rights, I say if you kill, Bomb, or do any other serious crime against man, You do not behave like human so you do not have any Human rights, Just my opinion, Yours may differ.

I do not disagree and also agree with forethat.

I am not saying abolish the human rights acts and data protection acts completely, only those in part and other asserted laws proclaimed by the do gooders

that are protecting the anonymity of wanted fugitives from justice and criminals.

In fact these laws actually work against the victims of crime and are a hindrance to the police and justice system. All these laws are in need of a shake down where criminal bolts holes such as Pattaya can be blocked forever.

The only groups as I see it that would not be in favour of dismantling some of the laws that actually work in favour of criminals and undesirables are those that have dubious pasts, potential criminals, wanted felons and people involved with illegal activities.

So there you have it. This would be one method of sanitising cities like Pattaya.

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I stopped the video above after about one minute. I saw this scenario played out two or three times a week in Pattaya, I use to sit on the wall at the bottom of soy 8 on beach road, Always the police was involved , the boat was never examined by the police, also i saw the police return to the crime area ,to collect the evidence in the form of baht. After the Tourist had left the scene of the crime . Welcome to the Land of smiles. In the end i felt intimidated because i was sat on the wall when so many times the scam was played out , i had to find some where else sit because i was getting to many glares from the scamming crew , sorry jet ski men..

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Many years ago I rented a jet ski, well they were not Jet skis at that time they were prop driven, my prop sheared off near to the royal cliff hotel cove, funnily enough there was a Thai guy there that just happened to have the split pin that was needed to put the prop back on and working, he must have been doing this as a job, when I returned the craft to Pattaya bay, I was told I was 5 minutes late and I had to pay for another hour, the fact that most of my hours rental was taken up having the split pin securing the prop to the prop shaft meant nothing.

I was adamant that I wasn't gonna pay, I told them I was with the Thai girl and she was taking me out as I had no money and if you want money, get it from her and off I walked, nothing happened to me at all, then again this was nearly 20 years ago when Farangs didn't shit their pants when some little 48Kg Thai guy threatened them, I've seen it all, believe me, I've been threatened to be shot numerous times, nothing ever happens, Oh, the Thai men will get you, really, nothing ever happened.

Act like a pussy and they'll take advantage, just like people will take advantage of you anywhere in the world,

You see, he wasn't a victim cos he stood up for himself, if not, she would have hit him for sure, if more Farangs were like this and not a walkover, these scams wouldn't be so common.

You really think these guys want bloodshed on the beach with many potential customers around, of course not, but the Indians were intimidated by these sub 50Kg guys, if they had been Indian martial arts experts with confidence, they would have walked away and paid nothing.

And don't mention the Young Royal Marines in Phuket with JJ and his boys, The Military are on strict orders not in any way to cause any problem whatsoever when on shore leave,

Edited by Rimmer
Text advocating physical resistance and celebrating violance
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"It seems that Thai cities such as Pattaya are becoming a haven as the favourite retreat destination of wanted fugitives, undesirables, sex offenders and habitual criminals

Why do not International law enforcement agencies collaborate and create some sort of international criminal record computer databases?"

Maybe national law enforcement agencies could/should do a better job of catching criminals before they flee to Pattaya?

I'll even suggest a name for it 'INTERPOL', short for International Police.

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I know interpol used a fax to notify me of their interest in a matter about 10 years ago. Surely they have upgraded since then.

I don't know about other countries but I'm sure that whenever I go to another country, say Canada, I have to tell them of any previous convictions etc.

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It`s not at simple as that.

These guys work by fear and intimidation with the support of the police.

For example in the video posted by staintofsilence, there are 3 foreigners that soon become surrounded by 6 scammers. That's out numbered by two to one, including being up against the police who sides with the scammers.

Most foreigners fear that by using violent reaction they maybe slammed up in the can until they cough up with money, not forgetting that not all jetski users are going to have video evidence. To make what you suggest work, there should be at least 20 plus jetski user pals all supporting each other if these scum try it on. Otherwise the foreigners are going to find themselves outnumbered and caught up in a no win situation.

Edited by Rimmer
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Sounds like that "Russian" guy who died on Walking street earlier this year. He and his friend got into an argument with a few Thai guys. It evolved into a fight, lots of Thai guys showed up, and one "Russian" guy is now dead. Doesn't matter how big you are, you are still outnumbered....be safe, walk away...or if you read this forum, don't rent jet skis!!!!!!! :ph34r:

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one atomic bomb strategically dropped on the centre of pattaya on a Saturday night would be alot more productive than a database, though I fear, not politically correct.

That has to be one of the most ignorant post i have seen on Thaivisa for a long time, specially from a long standing member.

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I seem to recall reading that the Chonburi Immigration Office installed a computer connected to an international criminal database upstairs in the office on Soi 5. Supposedly when you went to renew your Visa a check would be done.

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