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Looking For An German Shepard Puppy

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I dont know what you mean with this stupid reaction! I did have german shepards all my life and never had any problems!

Do you really want a GS? It's so sad when the back end goes in later life and they drag their hind legs along until you get up the nerve to have them put down. sad.gif

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I dont know what you mean with this stupid reaction! I did have german shepards all my life and never had any problems!

Do you really want a GS? It's so sad when the back end goes in later life and they drag their hind legs along until you get up the nerve to have them put down. sad.gif

paheton is apparently referring to hip dysplasia which is prevalant among GSD and due to poor breeding plans... and phaethon, if u dont have a positive response to a specific question asked by the OP, than think before u hit the send button...

thongpoon, u can look up PONTI he is a breeder that posts here on thaivisa; also u can ask nienke possibly has? sorry i cant keep track of whom breeds what.... but search for german shepherd or alsation because this question is asked often, and we have listed breeders in the threads...

there are also the animal rescue places if u want to check, they may, surprisingly enough, have pure breds also....



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First of all my apologies to the OP for failing to include in my question sufficient detail to preclude knee-jerk reactions from the uninformed.

I had in mind Degenerative Myelopathy not hip dysplasia. My father's very expensive pure bred, pedigreed GS had it and my bother eventually had to have the dog put out of its misery while Dad was on holiday; something which Dad understood but never quite forgave him for. I have seen the distinctive miscoordinative dragging and crossing of the legs in many GS around the UK, of course you don't see them so much here.

Anyway, so long as the OP is aware of it, and can Google it now I have given its proper name, my work here is done.

BTW: I just noticed one of the knee-jerkers was the OP - apology, while not retracted, is diluted.

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I dont know what you mean with this stupid reaction! I did have german shepards all my life and never had any problems!

Do you really want a GS? It's so sad when the back end goes in later life and they drag their hind legs along until you get up the nerve to have them put down. sad.gif

paheton is apparently referring to hip dysplasia which is prevalant among GSD and due to poor breeding plans... and phaethon, if u dont have a positive response to a specific question asked by the OP, than think before u hit the send button...

thongpoon, u can look up PONTI he is a breeder that posts here on thaivisa; also u can ask nienke possibly has? sorry i cant keep track of whom breeds what.... but search for german shepherd or alsation because this question is asked often, and we have listed breeders in the threads...

there are also the animal rescue places if u want to check, they may, surprisingly enough, have pure breds also....



It is not easy to say if the dogs will have their hip problem when they are young or sometime even a older dog.

The best way would be buying a puppy from parents that have their health checked before mating.

It doesnt mean buying a pedigree dog or an expensive one.

First of all, You must ask breeder if they have hip x ray result.

Here, Thai GSD association requires every breeders to submit thier dog's hip x-ray film before giving them breeding permission.

Again, nothing can garantee but at least, German Shepherd is still the most popular breed in many countries.

For Thongpoon, you will have to drive up to Bangkok for a puppy. I don't know any GSD people in Huahin or Prachuab.

Wish you can find the right one for you soon.

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yes there is also that and also canine spondilosis; my beloved nero had CDM (since he also had tumours like many boxers, we thought maybe he had a brain tumour initially)and nala had three years of spondilitis. nero's CDM affected his neural nerves so that he started going in circles, even after his legs went, and he went incontinent, he was still able to eat and play (catch ball with mouth, talk to me, etc). once it hit his brain nerves, we put him down. nala we also put down although i think she may have died before we slipped the iv drip in her foreleg, as she also had cardiac myopathy and other wonderful boxer ailments all at once...

but still one of the main GSD genetic problems -and the one most known to the general public that arent involved in dog breeding- remains hip dysplasia as for other large and giant breed dogs. glad to know there is genetic testing for CDM since 2008 (havent seen that implemented here in israel in the regular family vets, and a little too late for nero, although his breeder is in finland, i suppose i should let her know that he developed it. he was a C (european/finnish hip rating although approved for stud in europe, not here in israel. go figure. needless to say, only recently has canine cardiology started to check boxers in israel also,as nala was an IDF puppy, so should have come from very healthy genetically speaking parents. amazing how vet science progresses.

so next time phaeton, it would help if u name the disease rrather then just throwing otu a statement but i understand your concern after watching a dog die of any disease is always distressing and your concern is well intended.



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Hi Bina,

I like to thank you for your serious interest in our question and the responses! Driving up tp Bangkok is not a problem for us and it takes only 2,5 hour. But even in Bangkok is it not easy to find an reliable adress. But we keep on searching and someday we will find something. I hope my english writing is not too bad (my dutch is a lot better):) .

Regards, Martin & Poon.

yes there is also that and also canine spondilosis; my beloved nero had CDM (since he also had tumours like many boxers, we thought maybe he had a brain tumour initially)and nala had three years of spondilitis. nero's CDM affected his neural nerves so that he started going in circles, even after his legs went, and he went incontinent, he was still able to eat and play (catch ball with mouth, talk to me, etc). once it hit his brain nerves, we put him down. nala we also put down although i think she may have died before we slipped the iv drip in her foreleg, as she also had cardiac myopathy and other wonderful boxer ailments all at once...

but still one of the main GSD genetic problems -and the one most known to the general public that arent involved in dog breeding- remains hip dysplasia as for other large and giant breed dogs. glad to know there is genetic testing for CDM since 2008 (havent seen that implemented here in israel in the regular family vets, and a little too late for nero, although his breeder is in finland, i suppose i should let her know that he developed it. he was a C (european/finnish hip rating although approved for stud in europe, not here in israel. go figure. needless to say, only recently has canine cardiology started to check boxers in israel also,as nala was an IDF puppy, so should have come from very healthy genetically speaking parents. amazing how vet science progresses.

so next time phaeton, it would help if u name the disease rrather then just throwing otu a statement but i understand your concern after watching a dog die of any disease is always distressing and your concern is well intended.



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Our "problem" is solved. We went to a few breeders but non of them was looking reliable so we decide to look for an another dog. Today we get an Thai ban kaew puppy from an reliable breeder and a good nest. Everybody happy here!! Thanks for the responses :clap2:

Regards, Martin & Poon.

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Our "problem" is solved. We went to a few breeders but non of them was looking reliable so we decide to look for an another dog. Today we get an Thai ban kaew puppy from an reliable breeder and a good nest. Everybody happy here!! Thanks for the responses :clap2:

Regards, Martin & Poon.

Wow, Good luck with Ban Kaew, They are not easy to train.They do what ever they want.

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  • 1 month later...

sorry for my late responce, we got our GSP just outside Korat by the Army Base, it was tricky though,,we were right by the base and saw a sign,, there was our future dog,,3 months old at the time, now he is about 10 months and growing fast, name is Achilles,,but then later found out on our way to Bangkok ,, we bought from someone by the base, they said they trained,, but anyway,, there are signs just outside Korat a ways on the way to Bkk,,

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I have had a GSD for nine years now (I don't know how long they live) I have never had a more loving,faithfull dog,no papers with it,never thought of breeding so that doesn't matter,doesn't like the sun ,but living in Thailand she just goes in to the shade,only time she barks is at smaller dogs.

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