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The whole thing is becoming to be seen as a David versus Goliath battle. By default David gets the backing. The pressure exerted by governments has beckfired and it is noticeable that some are going back. Most obviouly the Australian government.

The so called cyber wars are the moment more like civil disobedience. Cyber war would be destructive to web based and other infrastructure.

The only real way ahead for authorites is to let Assange have bail. Any other decison just perpetuates the idea that they are persecuting him.

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The whole thing is becoming to be seen as a David versus Goliath battle. By default David gets the backing.

Backing from who? The same old radicals and misfits playing the same old tune. :guitar:

Nah the majority when you look around the world. Nothing about radicals or misfits just normal ordinary people. Great isnt it?

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Isn't it amazing that a guy that hasn't been charged with anything can't get bail.

Not when you consider what he is exposing or maybe who he is exposing.

Interesting revelations in Venezuela too today. It seems there is so much information that it will take an age for it all to be worked through although the Guardian is actually asking readers what subjects they should look for.

We are going to learn a lot about the machinations of government

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The whole thing is becoming to be seen as a David versus Goliath battle. By default David gets the backing.

Backing from who? The same old radicals and misfits playing the same old tune. :guitar:

Nah the majority when you look around the world.

Maybe in North Korea and Iran, but maybe not even there. ;)

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Off-topic and inflammatory post removed. Assange's bail and incarceration is the topic. Stick to it please. Another fight like what's closed the other topic will end with people losing their posting ability for some time.

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The whole thing is becoming to be seen as a David versus Goliath battle. By default David gets the backing.

Backing from who? The same old radicals and misfits playing the same old tune. :guitar:

Nah the majority when you look around the world. Nothing about radicals or misfits just normal ordinary people. Great isnt it?

Mostly it seems pretty 50/50.

The latest comments from Samak to Ambassador Eric John,

making accusations from beyond the grave is also beyond printable here in Thailand.

Incendiary to say the least, and stabbing at the heart of Thai culture.

And this being a local example of why this is not a good thing.

What was a private conversation is now world news,

and in Venezuela they are starting to hunt for people.

This is not a Wikileaks vs USA thing, but a major attack on ALL

diplomatic confidences because the harm is happening in other lands, not just USA,

and the danger is mounting daily. I have little doubts that people will die because of this,

how many may never be known, be we will hear of many,

and that is NOT a good thing.

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It will be most interesting to see the reaction when someone else's ox is getting gored. The US is relatively used to leaks. This one comes from a foreigner and is wide spread because it talks about information from and about other countries. Some of the foreign persons have been a lot less diplomatic than the US.

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<br />It will be most interesting to see the reaction when someone else's ox is getting gored.  The US is relatively used to leaks.  This one comes from a foreigner and is wide spread because it talks about information from and about other countries.  Some of the foreign persons have been a lot less diplomatic than the US.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

WHO????????? Has The U.S been diplomatic? Ummm Sara Palin and the likes. Ok

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<br />Sarah Palin is the former governor of a state.  She currently holds no official position.  She is certainly not a member of the diplomatic corp or the Department of State.  I am referring to the 'diplomats.'<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Well that is good news, the last I heard she was almost Vice President and was running for President in the next election.

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Well, 'Almost' doesn't count and what she will do in the future remains to be seen.

The point is, she is not a diplomat. However, the equivalent of the foreign ministry of Singapore were and they had some pretty unflattering things to say about their neighbors.

I think, however, we are straying away from the topic and that is that he is free on Bail.

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<br />Well, 'Almost' doesn't count and what she will do in the future remains to be seen.  <br /><br />The point is, she is not a diplomat.  However, the equivalent of the foreign ministry of Singapore were and they had some pretty unflattering things to say about their neighbors.  <br /><br />I think, however, we are straying away from the topic and that is that he is free on Bail.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Almost free and that is the best news for a week. The man has been through hell and treated very badly. He can accept his person of the year award from Time Magaizine with great pride and I hope he keeps up the excellent work the world needs more heros.

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You might want to look back a few posts. There is a link to who the Times Person of the Year is.

Also, one post has been deleted. Please don't post entire articles. Under the Fair Use terms, post only the first three sentences and then a link to the article itself.

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He has not been given the title of Time Man of the year. He got the most votes on an on-line poll that does not affect the actual title.

Even the real title has nothing to do with good or bad. It is for the most "newsworthy" figure of the year and in the past some pretty negative figures have "won" it.;)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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<br />Sarah Palin is the former governor of a state. She currently holds no official position. She is certainly not a member of the diplomatic corp or the Department of State. I am referring to the 'diplomats.'<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Well that is good news, the last I heard she was almost Vice President and was running for President in the next election.

Last I heard she sunk McCain's presidential candidacy like a lead tit on a starling.

Announcing you are running is not winning.

Commedian Pat Paulson announced a run,

All sorts of loonies announce runs... she is a social anomaly and annoyance.

Newsworthy Assange is,

man of the year is a much higher level to rise to.

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<br />Sarah Palin is the former governor of a state. She currently holds no official position. She is certainly not a member of the diplomatic corp or the Department of State. I am referring to the 'diplomats.'<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Well that is good news, the last I heard she was almost Vice President and was running for President in the next election.

Last I heard she sunk McCain's presidential candidacy like a lead tit on a starling.

Announcing you are running is not winning.

Commedian Pat Paulson announced a run,

All sorts of loonies announce runs... she is a social anomaly and annoyance.

Newsworthy Assange is,

man of the year is a much higher level to rise to.

Assange did not receive the award. It went to the founder of Facebook.

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Oh, the irony...


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange tried to hide his bail address from the public in an astonishing move for the man responsible for leaking thousands of diplomatic secrets.

Assange's lawyers argued that the location - a 10-bedroom stately home - should not be disclosed on grounds of privacy during yesterday's hearing at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court.

But the move was dismissed by District Judge Howard Riddle, who ruled not to reveal the address would conflict with Assange's commitment to open justice. The judge insisted the address - Captain Vaughan Smith's Ellingham Hall on the Norfolk/Suffolk border - was read out in open court as usual.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1338832/WikiLeaks-Julian-Assange-asked-judge-bail-address-secret.html#ixzz18D1nzpnb

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Oh, the irony...


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange tried to hide his bail address from the public in an astonishing move for the man responsible for leaking thousands of diplomatic secrets.

Assange's lawyers argued that the location - a 10-bedroom stately home - should not be disclosed on grounds of privacy during yesterday's hearing at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court.

But the move was dismissed by District Judge Howard Riddle, who ruled not to reveal the address would conflict with Assange's commitment to open justice. The judge insisted the address - Captain Vaughan Smith's Ellingham Hall on the Norfolk/Suffolk border - was read out in open court as usual.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1338832/WikiLeaks-Julian-Assange-asked-judge-bail-address-secret.html#ixzz18D1nzpnb

Which rather brings into question the Judges statement that he was in danger from unstable people at the first hearing.

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You would have to be delusional if you thought the corporate media with their governmental links were going to choose Assange as Time person of the year even if he won a people's poll.

Zuckerberg is a good choice once Assange is taken out of the equation though and congratulations to him on receiving this title.

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