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Estate Security Seems Worthless.


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I've noticed that on all the housing estates I visit the entrance security seem to have no function at all. I've never been stopped and often the gate is open anyway. On the odd occasion I leave our estate late at night the guards are all sleeping. One estate I visit has two CCTV cameras both pointing a the same entrance spot but the gate is always open with the guard taking no notice at all. I've also noticed a tendency for the security to form collections of broken motorcycles at the entrance to the estates they guard. The security huts quickly decay and seem rarely to be maintained (like most things in Thailand). All estates have security huts but many of them no longer have guards. I'm sure there are good security services here it's just that I've not seen them. I guess it's just another example of the Thai way of doing things in a half arsed fashion.

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I think you have to take these things with a grain of salt.

Yes they are poorly paid and generally not given power to do very much, except perhaps ask for ID. So they aren't going to work too hard. There is a very definite prestige thing for having a guard!

On the other hand, I've found that if you look important, or are a farang, you generally have an implcit 'access all area' look to you, and none of these guys are going to stop you - creating the impression they do very little. Lordy knows I get annoyed on the rare occasion when I am stopped by one of these fellows.

Having said that, if you live in an area which they 'look after', you build a relationship with them, and given them their NY/Songran bonus/gift, they tend to look out for you, escort strangers to your door, collect your mail, help with the shopping and make sure your car spot is never taken.

Edited by samran
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I once had an argument with a security guy because he complained that I woke him up when came home late at night.

You selfish uncaring bastard :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was amazed.

He actually made the complaint to Mrs. Rakers that I woke him up when I opened and closed the gate and that I should do it quieter. I really wasn't doing it loudly, just it was right next to his booth.

I answered with the highly immature yet immensely satisfying response of slamming the gate as loudly as I could after that :)

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I once had an argument with a security guy because he complained that I woke him up when came home late at night.

You selfish uncaring bastard :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was amazed.

He actually made the complaint to Mrs. Rakers that I woke him up when I opened and closed the gate and that I should do it quieter. I really wasn't doing it loudly, just it was right next to his booth.

I answered with the highly immature yet immensely satisfying response of slamming the gate as loudly as I could after that :)

Now that does make sense an would be "the Thaiway" congratulations your'e almost Thai

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In our village, farang or not, you will get stopped and have to leave your ID with the guards. Most times they are awake at night...but not all the time!! :(

My Village has the same system, as do many others I know of - unless your vehicle has the "Village Sticker" on the windscreen you have to leave I.D. and collect it again on the way out.

However this is a total waste of time, for example rarely is the Vehicle Number recorded for future reference if there is a problem, once the vehicle has left the Village there is no record of its entry or exit. However the prime stupidity is that when you leave the Village you get your I.D. back without question or examination of the vehicle - there could be 3 bodies in the boot and no-one would know (OK, hyperbole there but you get the idea!).

That said you must remember that these "Security Guards" are among the lowest of the low in Thailand - barely above the status of the Burmese guys building the house next door to you; they are not paid enough to care, let alone take any personal risk on your behalf.


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Security guards everywhere are a problem. How many Brinks armored cars have been robbed by the guys driving them! :lol:

We have 2-3 guards on at night. They have to make a round of the entire estate every 15 minutes. This is verified by the "device" they take around with them and they use to "check in" at each station. This log is reviewed each morning by our manager. At least it keeps them awake.

As for IDs, they won't even let you in the village unless they call us or you know our name and address. Sure, somebody could sneak in, but it does cut out some of the riff raff. Plus, we have video cameras recording the entrance. If anything goes amiss, the tape can be reviewed.

We hire these guys from a private security company. A bit better than when we hired them directly...especially when one got caught stealing wiring out of the half finished houses! :(

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Once found myself in an odd position; having visited a friend and given ID on way into estate.

On the way out, security guard no have. Small problem in that I want ID back. Oh well I can see the rack where he's stacked them in. So there I am in the security box having a search through.

Meanwhile other people are coming out and needing their ID too. So there I am in the box handing out people's ID, trying to match faces to cards. At last all the rush dealt with and mine retrieved too. Passed a noodle shop about a km down the road; sure enough there's the guard taking a leisurely lunch break!

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Maybe the lazy night squad is more effective than you think ...

untill he's happy with his life and salary you have one less individual on the look for your valuables, the problems arise as soon as they start aiming at some extras, there is one of them in the news right now, he wasn't the first and surely wouldn't be the last..... http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/425544-farang-murdered-in-hh/page__pid__4089511#entry4089511

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Land and House and AP. Have condos and homes by both of those developers and (OMMV) as far as I can see, every non neighborhood stickered car gets stopped. For sold out neighborhoods, the level of security will sometimes depend on the involvement of the neighborhood association.


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I also think one's safety corresponds to what the intended law breaker thinks are the consequences if he or she is apprehended ... It is not all equal i.e. do not create any malfeasance or criminal act at an estate owned by the Governor's family.

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I also think one's safety corresponds to what the intended law breaker thinks are the consequences if he or she is apprehended ... It is not all equal i.e. do not create any malfeasance or criminal act at an estate owned by the Governor's family.

My wife and I read a report a few weeks ago about a robbery at a police captain's house. Robbers were caught within hours. I'm sure if it was a farang, or a nobody, it might have taken a bit longer. :whistling:

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I've been to some newer estates where the security is pretty hardcore (some of the new Q-House projects). 3 meter metal automated gate, massive security house, about 4 guards on duty, ton of cameras, required sign in and leaving ID card.

However you've probably got to spend at least 10MB on your house before you get that kind of real security.

Otherwise it's pretty much a token novelty.

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