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Cock Fights In Bangkok?

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After the Patpong jokes and animal rights rants are our of your system.......is there any place in BKK where they have cock flights and a farang wouldn't be in the way to watch?


Although cockfighting is not technically illegal in Thailand, the gambling that accompanies it is most certainly illegal That's why, crime supression officers from Bangkok raided a number of cock fighting events on Phuket earlier this year. A foreigner that wishes to go anywhere near a venue that has illegal gambling going on deserves the trouble he will get into.

I won't comment on the sick sort that gets his jollies on watching such cruel and inhumane conduct. My forensic psychiatry textbook does have a section on the link between violent criminals and their enjoyment of animal cruelty though.

I certainly hope that no one of any compassion, decency and with a heart will provide the information being sought. This is one of the most distasteful and sick requests I have seen in TVF.


I can't comment on Bangkok, perhaps ask one of your local friendlyTuk-tuk drivers, they usually know where the dodgy activities are happening!

I did however visit a cock fighting stadium in Cebu City in the Philippines, very interesting (Cultural!!) experience. This "sport" is huge over there if you ever get a chance to go. I can't deny that it is a very gruesome passtime, but I was surprized to watch veterinary personnel outside the stadium stitching up the injured birds apparently some of them are prize fighters and highly regarded. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are gambled between rich Businessmen at the bigger events in Manila. It is certainly not illegal there.

I don't consider myself a "sick sort" as geriatrikid put it, more of a case of when in Rome do what the Romans do! Would I go again? probably not.

I liked his point about how crimanls enjoy animal cruelty, I'm sure there were a lot of undesireable charachters at the event as the nice old lady on the ticket desk advised me to keep a close eye on my wallet!


It's perfectly legal and not underground like in other countries and definitely does not have to be some underground gambling den, am sure you can find some place. They have 'Gai Shon' magazines in book stores (look for the ones with the fighting cocks), pick one up and have a Thai person look through it for listings


Can't a mod. delete this post querying this barbaric 'sport'?

Sure you can find it on youtube or something. Hope this satisfies your macabre curiousity. Maybe after watching you will became an animal rights ranter yourself. I can only pray that your interest is a result of ignorance. Have you any idea what happens? The razor spurs etc? Google it.

Understandable for poor cultures not to be able to consider animal welfare, but our job with our more fortunate backgrounds should be to educate, not encourage.

Go and watch people box the sh#@t out of eachother. At least they had a choice and some rules designed to minimise injury.

I love eating meat. I am happiest to do so when the animal has had a fair stay on the planet. My cockerals, pigs and cattle have a good life. I then dispatch of them quickly and eat them. In my work I have humanely euthanased many animals. I don't enjoy it.

If this is a troll you got me.

Got your ranter.


Can't a mod. delete this post querying this barbaric 'sport'?

Sure you can find it on youtube or something. Hope this satisfies your macabre curiousity. Maybe after watching you will became an animal rights ranter yourself. I can only pray that your interest is a result of ignorance. Have you any idea what happens? The razor spurs etc? Google it.

Understandable for poor cultures not to be able to consider animal welfare, but our job with our more fortunate backgrounds should be to educate, not encourage.

Go and watch people box the sh#@t out of eachother. At least they had a choice and some rules designed to minimise injury.

I love eating meat. I am happiest to do so when the animal has had a fair stay on the planet. My cockerals, pigs and cattle have a good life. I then dispatch of them quickly and eat them. In my work I have humanely euthanased many animals. I don't enjoy it.

If this is a troll you got me.

Got your ranter.

I saw it going on a couple of weeks ago while shopping in the pet section of Chatuchak Market, way in the back. You really have to just keep going further and further back to the end. It is out in the open for all to watch.

Barbaric or not, it is not illegal, and I will answer the OP's question without expressing my opinion about the practice. On another note, I love watching the UFC, where humans pulverize each other for sport. Regardless of how anyone else felt about that, since it is also not illegal, I would want someone to answer my question about where I could view a live event if I were to ask such a question.


Can't a mod. delete this post querying this barbaric 'sport'?

Sure you can find it on youtube or something. Hope this satisfies your macabre curiousity. Maybe after watching you will became an animal rights ranter yourself. I can only pray that your interest is a result of ignorance. Have you any idea what happens? The razor spurs etc? Google it.

Understandable for poor cultures not to be able to consider animal welfare, but our job with our more fortunate backgrounds should be to educate, not encourage.

Go and watch people box the sh#@t out of eachother. At least they had a choice and some rules designed to minimise injury.

I love eating meat. I am happiest to do so when the animal has had a fair stay on the planet. My cockerals, pigs and cattle have a good life. I then dispatch of them quickly and eat them. In my work I have humanely euthanased many animals. I don't enjoy it.

If this is a troll you got me.

Got your ranter.

I saw it going on a couple of weeks ago while shopping in the pet section of Chatuchak Market, way in the back. You really have to just keep going further and further back to the end. It is out in the open for all to watch.

Barbaric or not, it is not illegal, and I will answer the OP's question without expressing my opinion about the practice. On another note, I love watching the UFC, where humans pulverize each other for sport. Regardless of how anyone else felt about that, since it is also not illegal, I would want someone to answer my question about where I could view a live event if I were to ask such a question.

Dear Floridaguy,

Barbaric or not? Really?

Admire your open mind but suggest your argument flawed. If buying under-age children for sex were legal would you facilitate this with directions to obtain same. If it were legal would you tell someone how to do something you thought wrong? I doubt it. Humans pulverize eachother by choice as I pointed out in my earlier reply. I don't know what UFC is, but your 'loving' watching people pulverize themselves is a little disturbing to me. Many bad things are not illegal. Hope after seeing a cock-fight your opinion would become more learned.


Anybody that gets their jollies off watching something like this, is SICK.

Any civilized person knows that. Just wish I could articulate this with your command of the English language.

PS I can quote now. Thanks for the lesson.


Anybody that gets their jollies off watching something like this, is SICK.

Any civilized person knows that. Just wish I could articulate this with your command of the English language.

PS I can quote now. Thanks for the lesson.

Of course, if only I could type what I was really thinking......it had a bit more colour to it ;)


I'm not positive, but, I don't think they use the steel killing spurs in Thailand. It's not to the death.

Therefore, you are just watching two male chickens do what comes natural to them.

What's wrong with that?

Lotta people jumping to conclusions.

As to the poster equating paedophilia with a cock-fight. Get real.


I'm not positive, but, I don't think they use the steel killing spurs in Thailand. It's not to the death.

Therefore, you are just watching two male chickens do what comes natural to them.

What's wrong with that?

Lotta people jumping to conclusions.

As to the poster equating paedophilia with a cock-fight. Get real.

Im completely against cock fighting (and dog fighting, andbull fighting-spanish-stlye, and anything else that could be catagorised as same), but I am totally with you on the paedophilia statement.


I don't think cock fighting is illegal; but like fish fighting I think you may have to go outside Bangkok to see the real thing. In Isaan I have seen ramshackle complexes with cockfighting rings and concrete fish fighting tanks. It seemed like they only had "matches" one day a week, maybe Sunday? These complexes would be deserted except for match day when there were ~ 500 cars/trucks parked nearby. I have never seen this in person so can't comment on the perceived cruelty, nor the psychological make-up of the tens of thousands of Thais who participate in these activities.


Can't a mod. delete this post querying this barbaric 'sport'?

Sure you can find it on youtube or something. Hope this satisfies your macabre curiousity. Maybe after watching you will became an animal rights ranter yourself. I can only pray that your interest is a result of ignorance. Have you any idea what happens? The razor spurs etc? Google it.

Understandable for poor cultures not to be able to consider animal welfare, but our job with our more fortunate backgrounds should be to educate, not encourage.

Go and watch people box the sh#@t out of eachother. At least they had a choice and some rules designed to minimise injury.

I love eating meat. I am happiest to do so when the animal has had a fair stay on the planet. My cockerals, pigs and cattle have a good life. I then dispatch of them quickly and eat them. In my work I have humanely euthanased many animals. I don't enjoy it.

If this is a troll you got me.

Got your ranter.

I saw it going on a couple of weeks ago while shopping in the pet section of Chatuchak Market, way in the back. You really have to just keep going further and further back to the end. It is out in the open for all to watch.

Barbaric or not, it is not illegal, and I will answer the OP's question without expressing my opinion about the practice. On another note, I love watching the UFC, where humans pulverize each other for sport. Regardless of how anyone else felt about that, since it is also not illegal, I would want someone to answer my question about where I could view a live event if I were to ask such a question.

Dear Floridaguy,

Barbaric or not? Really?

Admire your open mind but suggest your argument flawed. If buying under-age children for sex were legal would you facilitate this with directions to obtain same. If it were legal would you tell someone how to do something you thought wrong? I doubt it. Humans pulverize eachother by choice as I pointed out in my earlier reply. I don't know what UFC is, but your 'loving' watching people pulverize themselves is a little disturbing to me. Many bad things are not illegal. Hope after seeing a cock-fight your opinion would become more learned.

Yes really. I stated that I would not state my opinion, which you so belligerently did. I am very open minded. I live in a free country, where we can do as we please as long as it is legal. I don't condemn others and flame them just because they have a differing opinion as me, as you did. Some people, in fact millions, maybe billions of people on this planet consider eating meat as barbaric. So go kill something and justify it in your mind however you want. I don't judge. I give information, which is what TV is about.

Now, your argument is flawed. As I stated, cock fighting is not illegal here, so I will give information about it. Buying underage sex is not legal, so I wouldn't divulge that information even if I knew it. As for giving information on what I think is wrong, again, you are using a poor example. I specifically stated that whether I agreed with the idea of cock fighting or not, I would give the info. I didn't say I agreed or didn't agree. Read my post again, get off you moral high horse, and stop projecting your morals and beliefs on others. As you state, "Hope after seeing a cock-fight your opinion would become more learned.", you are uniformed, since again, you didn't read my post. I DID see one at the Chatuchak Market, and I did NOT state my opinion one way or the other in my earlier post. So once again, you show your ignorance. Also, you are assuming that your opinion is learned, and anyone who doesn't share your opinion is not.

And UFC is similar to muay thai and boxing.

So anyway, back to the OP's question, yes, you can see them at various places I am told around Bangkok. Yes you can see it at Chatuchak Market. I don't know times or days.


I'm not positive, but, I don't think they use the steel killing spurs in Thailand. It's not to the death.

Therefore, you are just watching two male chickens do what comes natural to them.

What's wrong with that?

Lotta people jumping to conclusions.

As to the poster equating paedophilia with a cock-fight. Get real.

No they dont use steel killing spurs, what they use are called spike in Thai.

I had better not mention the buffalo fighting, the cultural imperialists might be on my back.

Thankfully Thailand hasnt as yet gone the way of the Euro Socialist nanny states where big brother knows better.

If this sport is illegal why is it shown on television, as for gambling, maybe they should ban football and muay thai as well.


I'm not positive, but, I don't think they use the steel killing spurs in Thailand. It's not to the death.

Therefore, you are just watching two male chickens do what comes natural to them.

What's wrong with that?

Lotta people jumping to conclusions.

As to the poster equating paedophilia with a cock-fight. Get real.

Excuse me, aren't you the one that professed his Christian faith in several threads? If so, I suggest you pick up your Bible and read it. There are multiple definitive statements on the prohibiton of cruelty to animals.

Now, if you have had an epiphany of sorts over the past few months and decided you were going to become a Buddhist, then I draw your attention to the injunctions on the taking of life and hurting other living beings.

The fact that the local culture has allowed for cockfighting does not mean it is an acceptable activity. We have children prostituting themselves, corruption and violence in every nook and cranny of Thailand but that does not mean it is an acceptable activity. With your logic, then the very successful dvd series "Bum Fights" where the mentally ill, drug addicts and alcoholics fought each other for the viewing pleasure of consumers was ok. The fighting is what comes naturally for people desperate for cash and that are incapable of reasoning. With your line of reasoning, such a commercial activity is acceptable.

I'm not a religious fellow, so I'll just stick to the basic concepts of right and wrong. It is wrong to inflict needless pain and torment on other living creatures.


I guess the people who think cock fighting is cruel are also the misguided people who managed to get fox hunting banned in UK.

These are true sporting traditions, and I am always surprised why people can become so agitated over two animals fighting as nature intended, but then give no thought to stopping at KFC to eat chicken which was from an animal raised just for proving food for us.

I work in Philippines from time to time and in Mindanao province, cockfighting is shown for three hours on Thursday nights on a local TV channel, and I always make a point of watching a few fights, and yes I enjoy watching bull fighting and veal from six week old calves.

Far more sick to me is grown men fighting in the desert for a bucket of oil.

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