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Ash Trays


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Having lived in Japan for some years as a non-smoker it was a delight to come here two years ago. What with the smoking law.

I recall two wags jumping out of the Irish bar in Soi 2 Pattaya to light up and smoke in the street. Everyone laughed because it was a wide open beer bar. We were outside anyway. But the spirit of the law was being followed.

Two years on and what has happened?

It did not affect me until this evening. I was in a bar in Charng Talay. Nice place. I saw the blokes on their table out front and thought it reasonable to puff away there. Then noticed a feller in the back of the bar smoking. And then ash trays on the tables. And several others smoking near a family with kids eating.

We got home and the memsahib said her hair stank of tobacco. So are we naive? Is the law no longer enacted? Is it the bar owner's discretion? What's the deal here folks?

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So are we naive? Is the law no longer enacted? Is it the bar owner's discretion? What's the deal here folks?

I take you don't live in Thailand. Laws are selectively enforced. There are "crackdowns" then there is no enforcement after that. It's illegal to ride on a motorbike without a helmet, prostitution is illegal, gambling is also illegal, as is drinking and driving. How many people a day do you see on motorbikes with out helmets?

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Bottom line is that smoking is illegal in restaurants, no matter whether it is indoor or outdoor.

Some restaurants have 'no smoking' signs on display, others don't. I think that those who don't are simply using that tactic as a way to avoid the issue.

My way of dealing with this is that if the restaurant doesn't have a sign, then I usually let them get on with it, unless the smoke is very bad. If there is a sign, and customers are blatantly ignoring it, then I do mention it to both staff and customer. I 'win' most of the time by doing this.

The funny thing is that when I mention it to the staff, they always tell the customer that it's ME who has complained! They don't seem to point out the 'no smoking' sign, and mention the Law!

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My understanding is that smoking is allowed in outdoor restaurants, but they are supposed to have a non smoking area. It would be nice if somebody could put a link to a government website with the law.

It is illegal to smoke indoors restaurants, pubs, nightclubs. Some pay Police to ignore it (usually the same businesses paying Police to ignore most of whats going on within their private property), some run aircon with open doors to be accepted as outdoors :rolleyes: .

Until convinced otherwise, I believe in LOS its still legal to smoke in outdoor establishments

Was in a nightclub in Phuket town saturday, what a relief to not have smoke, as opposed to most Patong clubs

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My understanding is that smoking is allowed in outdoor restaurants, but they are supposed to have a non smoking area. It would be nice if somebody could put a link to a government website with the law.

It is illegal to smoke indoors restaurants, pubs, nightclubs. Some pay Police to ignore it (usually the same businesses paying Police to ignore most of whats going on within their private property), some run aircon with open doors to be accepted as outdoors :rolleyes: .

Until convinced otherwise, I believe in LOS its still legal to smoke in outdoor establishments

Was in a nightclub in Phuket town saturday, what a relief to not have smoke, as opposed to most Patong clubs

How about the Non Smokers who care so much about this - OPEN A NON SMOKING RESTAURANT or NON SMOKING Bar?? Yes I know that it harms health (and yes I do smoke) but when I am told I cant smoke in a bar that is outside it does kind of make me mad.

I worked in bars that were smoking and non smokers would CHOOSE to come and apply for a job, then complain that it was smokey... REALLY??? What did you think the atmosphere would be like? If you choose to work/ go somewhere that allows smoking accept that you will smell of smoke it was your choice!.

If the LAW was fair and forced a SMOKING are to be provided (that was not shoe box - see Heathrow or most of the main airports) then I would happily smoke in them. How is it that many religions are provided with spacious rooms, in some case showers for their beliefs and yet smokers are crammed into very small, un furnished and ventilated rooms ?? We are not criminals!

Another thing is that if an enclosed establishment has good enough air filters/ extraction system then smoking indoors is not a problem - Airplanes are actually a good example of this! When you were allowed to smoke on a plane; the air was filtered/ scrubbed and refreshed every 30 minutes (I believe) yet now they are non smoking it the air isnt filtered, scrubbed and is in fact more unhygenic than previously!

Sorry if this is a bit abrubt and a bit of a rant but I am sick and tired of hearing people whinging on about my rights this and my rights that and ignoing other peoples rights. Worse case scenario either go home and wash your hair or dont go into an establishment where people are smoking - you have a choice/ brain - use it do not force your opinion on other people.

Oh and by the way, on average the tax on cigerettes a smoker pays covers the cost for the healthcare services for 3 non smokers and themselves, so we might actually be smoking to save your live (worth considering??)

If the governments wanted to stop smoking completely they would do so by making it illegal. They cant afford the loss in income/ taxes/ jobs or the support of the major tabbacco companies. So before you start having a go at the individual smokers speak to your government representitive and ask them what they are going to do about it - see how far that gets you!

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My understanding is that smoking is allowed in outdoor restaurants, but they are supposed to have a non smoking area. It would be nice if somebody could put a link to a government website with the law.

It is illegal to smoke indoors restaurants, pubs, nightclubs. Some pay Police to ignore it (usually the same businesses paying Police to ignore most of whats going on within their private property), some run aircon with open doors to be accepted as outdoors :rolleyes: .

Until convinced otherwise, I believe in LOS its still legal to smoke in outdoor establishments

Was in a nightclub in Phuket town saturday, what a relief to not have smoke, as opposed to most Patong clubs

How about the Non Smokers who care so much about this - OPEN A NON SMOKING RESTAURANT or NON SMOKING Bar?? Yes I know that it harms health (and yes I do smoke) but when I am told I cant smoke in a bar that is outside it does kind of make me mad.

I worked in bars that were smoking and non smokers would CHOOSE to come and apply for a job, then complain that it was smokey... REALLY??? What did you think the atmosphere would be like? If you choose to work/ go somewhere that allows smoking accept that you will smell of smoke it was your choice!.

If the LAW was fair and forced a SMOKING are to be provided (that was not shoe box - see Heathrow or most of the main airports) then I would happily smoke in them. How is it that many religions are provided with spacious rooms, in some case showers for their beliefs and yet smokers are crammed into very small, un furnished and ventilated rooms ?? We are not criminals!

Another thing is that if an enclosed establishment has good enough air filters/ extraction system then smoking indoors is not a problem - Airplanes are actually a good example of this! When you were allowed to smoke on a plane; the air was filtered/ scrubbed and refreshed every 30 minutes (I believe) yet now they are non smoking it the air isnt filtered, scrubbed and is in fact more unhygenic than previously!

Sorry if this is a bit abrubt and a bit of a rant but I am sick and tired of hearing people whinging on about my rights this and my rights that and ignoing other peoples rights. Worse case scenario either go home and wash your hair or dont go into an establishment where people are smoking - you have a choice/ brain - use it do not force your opinion on other people.

Oh and by the way, on average the tax on cigerettes a smoker pays covers the cost for the healthcare services for 3 non smokers and themselves, so we might actually be smoking to save your live (worth considering??)

If the governments wanted to stop smoking completely they would do so by making it illegal. They cant afford the loss in income/ taxes/ jobs or the support of the major tabbacco companies. So before you start having a go at the individual smokers speak to your government representitive and ask them what they are going to do about it - see how far that gets you!

bit of a rant he?

fact remains, it is ILLEGAL to smoke indoors in places like shoppingcenters (even Supercheap), restaurants, pubs, nightclubs, making many smokers criminal

In several countrys it is now also illegal to smoke outside in public places like bus stops, train stations etc

and the couple of baht taxes you pay per 20 pack in LOS does not even cover smokers own medical costs

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bit of a rant he?

fact remains, it is ILLEGAL to smoke indoors in places like shoppingcenters (even Supercheap), restaurants, pubs, nightclubs, making many smokers criminal

In several countrys it is now also illegal to smoke outside in public places like bus stops, train stations etc

and the couple of baht taxes you pay per 20 pack in LOS does not even cover smokers own medical costs

Yeah sorry about that - just bugs me sometimes.

I know its illegal to smoke indoors and shopping centres etc and I of course will not smoke in these places, but in open areas where smoking is allowed including the bars (where I know by LAW it is illegal) but if the owners dont mind then I will smoke. I even make sure I dont litter where possible with the finsihed cigerette butts, unfortunately there is often a distinct lack of refuse/ dustbins for rubbish nevermind disposing of finished cigerettes, so I have an old film container to put them in once they are out. Just dont understand why I cant smoke OUTDOORS, plenty of ventilation and I will stay away from kids and not smoke if people are eating etc - being a considerate smoker ;)

I try to be aware and considerate of non smokers and I just ask they do the same for smokers, we have rights too (however stupid our choices may seem to some) The bit about the taxes was more for our overseas guests than here in LOS

No comment on the airplanes though?? As bringing it back and allowing it would make the air fresher andhealthier on the planes bizzarely :rolleyes:

If people were as concerned about littering as smoking then it would be a lot cleaner place!

..... Oh and I forgot to ask about peoples opinions on providing better smoking facilities - in San Jose, Calafornia I went to a club that had a special Cigar room for smokers, fully furnished in style with the rest of the club (lounge style) air con and great extraction system so people who wanted to smoke could do and enjoy their night out. Other places I went there didnt and had to go down 20 floors from the roof top club I was in to go outside to smoke and even then got filthy looks - its not like I was exposing myself or anything horrendous like that! But to see the looks of horror........ jeez!

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No comment on the airplanes though?? As bringing it back and allowing it would make the air fresher andhealthier on the planes bizzarely :rolleyes:

Only a smoker can believe an airplanes air is cleaner when allowing smoke. I would never consider flying with an airline allowing smoking in any part of the aircraft. Main reason for airlines to not allow smoking, most of their customers required it after trying it. There where a few non smoking airlines 3 decades ago, now the majority are non smokers.

Smokers do have rights, to smoke where it is legal and not annoying others :)

Non smokers have rights, non smoking air :)

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So stand outside or go to a Non Smoking establishment there are plenty around.. its an age old argument and I am tired of being treated like a second class citizen.... I dont complain about people getting extremely drunk and being obnoxious in a bar, I just leave the bar and go somewhere else - I exercise my right to choose and my brain. If I dont like it I leave simple.

The same applies to non smokers if they feel like they are being effected, shut up and put up or choose to leave simple :D

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So stand outside or go to a Non Smoking establishment there are plenty around.. its an age old argument and I am tired of being treated like a second class citizen.... I dont complain about people getting extremely drunk and being obnoxious in a bar, I just leave the bar and go somewhere else - I exercise my right to choose and my brain. If I dont like it I leave simple.

The same applies to non smokers if they feel like they are being effected, shut up and put up or choose to leave simple :D

We do go to non smoking establishments.. then people like you light up with excuses like "but in open areas where smoking is allowed including the bars (where I know by LAW it is illegal) but if the owners dont mind then I will smoke"..

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No comment on the airplanes though?? As bringing it back and allowing it would make the air fresher andhealthier on the planes bizzarely :rolleyes:

Well, I don't profess to having any expertise in filtration of systems in aeroplanes, but I can clearly remember on many occasions where the smoke in cattle class of airliners in the pre non-smoking days could gather cloud-like strength, inevitably affecting the passengers in adjoining non-smoking areas. For this reason, many airlines would not allow passengers (at least in cattle class) to smoke cigars or pipes. Even as a smoker myself, I can recall occasions where the smoke was overbearing. I'm happy to forego a smoke in-flight for this reason, however I must agree with some of your other comments. I find it particularly annoying when (outdoors) people who are nowhere near you must make the imperious gesture of waving their hands in front of their faces and glaring at you - evidently, even the sight of someone else smoking affects their health. On one occasion, I was enjoying a cigarette at an al fresco restaurant when a couple sat down at a neighbouring table and immediately complained of my smoking. Without comment, I pointed to one of the several vacant tables further away. (Some people seem to be born arrogant/immature - others take great pleasure in working at it.)

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The smoking vz non smoking debate:

Designing public spaces, it is counterproductive to ignore the fact that part of the world population smokes.

In places like airports, gasstations and department stores there should be a well signposted outdoor smoking area, far enough away from everything not to bother non smokers. Would be better for both smokers and non smokers.

Oh and non smoker, have a bit of compassion for the smoker who gets around on a bicycle, whilst you are often driving a car or a motorcycle when not strictly necessary, thereby polluting the atmosphere.

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If the LAW was fair and forced a SMOKING are to be provided (that was not shoe box - see Heathrow or most of the main airports) then I would happily smoke in them. How is it that many religions are provided with spacious rooms, in some case showers for their beliefs and yet smokers are crammed into very small, un furnished and ventilated rooms ?? We are not criminals!

Another thing is that if an enclosed establishment has good enough air filters/ extraction system then smoking indoors is not a problem - Airplanes are actually a good example of this! When you were allowed to smoke on a plane; the air was filtered/ scrubbed and refreshed every 30 minutes (I believe) yet now they are non smoking it the air isnt filtered, scrubbed and is in fact more unhygenic than previously!

Having a smoking section in a restaurant or airplane is like having a peeing section in a swimming pool. :)

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The U.K. pub trade has suffered its worst cull in the past 3 years since no smoking was introduced with an average of over 30 pubs closing a week........people like the freedom in Thailand and if they are told they cant smoke will go elsewhere down the road where a bar/restaurant allows it.......with all the taxes and laws etc it hasnt discouraged people from smoking, it has just made them buy cheaper/black market cigarettes and not visit places you cant smoke......

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