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Tan Network On True Visions


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I have stumbled upon TAN a few times now - it’s not such a bad channel and as it’s in the English language it keeps me up to date on LOS. What’s bugging me though.... Who is the strange ferang guy who presents on the show sometimes? He seems to feature mainly just for an hour a day or so, heading up some sort of strange 'Agony Aunt" role alongside three very westernized Thai chicks. He just talks utter rubbish for most of the feature and some of the stuff he says is just plain embarrassing. His 'shtick' seems to be that he is gay and quite often 'hams it up' by fluttering his eyes at the camera and delivering gay innuendo but he does it without irony - and zero class.

Is it just me? Has anyone else that has seen this show find him super annoying also?

He really is a massive odd ball. Very strange guy indeed.

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He is an Ozzie guy that always has shades balanced on his head and has a realy strange pony tail hair style. I wouldnt go as far as emailing them - just wondered if anyone else found him annoying I guess.

Yes, very annoying and staged in his presentation. I like the concept of TAN and have often thought that a few more farlang with interesting topics might expand its reach. But I think TAN is very Thai managed and may not like the idea of too much farlang influence. But the show with the 3 women seems to struggle to find things to talk about. Despite their free flowing conversation, I wonder if they expect the 'male' to take the lead, as on the rest of Thai television. If so, then he is not the right bloke. But what to suggest to them that will not be seen as criticism. But,they are actively seeking comments on their programs ?

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He is an Ozzie guy that always has shades balanced on his head and has a realy strange pony tail hair style. I wouldnt go as far as emailing them - just wondered if anyone else found him annoying I guess.

Yes, very annoying and staged in his presentation. I like the concept of TAN and have often thought that a few more farlang with interesting topics might expand its reach. But I think TAN is very Thai managed and may not like the idea of too much farlang influence. But the show with the 3 women seems to struggle to find things to talk about. Despite their free flowing conversation, I wonder if they expect the 'male' to take the lead, as on the rest of Thai television. If so, then he is not the right bloke. But what to suggest to them that will not be seen as criticism. But,they are actively seeking comments on their programs ?

Thats the show. Tales from the big city.

You can tell that one of the women - the one who sits on the far left couch - just cant stand the guy.

It did make me laugh though when he bulldozed a topic about women sleeping around. The woman on the left, in complete innocence and without realizing the slip up said "The thing is, when you have sex with a guy you are letting him come inside you - literaly" lol

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I may be on my own on this, but I quite like him.

I think he is actually the owner of the channel. And for whatever reason, no farang are eomployed by the channel. The Channel's name uses "ASEAN" in it so he might be required to be ASEAN citizens only. I don't know, mere conjecture.

I understand from the his self-narrative (that he has generated over several programmes )that he is a Thai citizen. I believe he got rich quick when he was young, possibly in magazine sales.

As for the particular show "Tales in the Big City", I sometimes see the younger lady in my gym. I like her thinking, she is not so trapped in the patriachal power structures of madonna/whore binaries etc. that the other two ladies so effortlessly fall into, as evidenced by their musings in the last show.

The show can be seen on YouTube in full.

And a free recommendation for you: The 'Kontroversy' show is sometimes very entertaining. I also think the morning show (6am-ish) is an excellent round-up of Thai news, although it was clearly better when the very experienced newsman was on it (he resigned about 4 months ago).

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