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Israel files complaint with the UN over Gaza missile attacks


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Israel files complaint with the UN over Gaza missile attacks

2010-12-23 07:48:16 GMT+7 (ICT)

JERUSALEM (BNO NEWS) -- Israel on Wednesday announced that it filed a complaint with the United Nations Security Council over the continuing missile attacks from Hamas-ruled Gaza, the Jerusalem Post reported.

The complaint was sent to the UN by Israeli ambassador to the United Nations Meron Reuben over the series of Kassam rockets fired at Israeli territory by Hamas militants. Reuben added that Hamas' actions are in violation of international law.

"With the intention of preventing the continued escalation of conflict, the Security Council, the Secretary-General, and the international community must send a clear and resolute message that these attacks are unacceptable," Reuben said in his complaint, according to the Jerusalem Post.

The complaint was first sent to the Security Council on December 9. Another one was filed on Tuesday as the attacks continued. Rueben remarked that despite the UN actions, Israel will continue to exercise its right to self defense.

"The Security Council must give appropriate attention to the smuggling of arms into Gaza, which continues to fuel violence and instability in our region - in violation of numerous Security Council resolutions, including resolution 1860," the Ambassador added.

On Tuesday, a teenage girl was injured when a Kassam rocket exploded near a kindergarten in a kibbutz community in Ashkelon, central Israel. The 14-year-old teenager was in a shower in a nearby building when the attack happened. Four other individuals were treated for shock.

In response to the attack, the Israel Air Force (IAF) struck a series of terror targets such as a Hamas training camp, smuggling tunnels along Gaza's border with Egypt and other unpopulated areas. Terror tunnels in northern Gaza were also targeted.

On Monday, ten mortar shells were fired into the Eshkol regional council in southern Israel, but there were no reports of injuries. The attack came soon after an Israeli Air Force (IAF) air strike killed five Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip on Saturday.

Since the beginning of 2010, more than 200 Grad missiles, Kassam rockets and mortar shells fired from the Gaza Strip have landed in Israeli territory.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2010-12-23

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200 missiles that many of the "peace activists" don't seem to be troubled by or condemn.

My guess would be that the "peace activists" hate those 200 missiles just as much as they hate the phosphorus munitions that rain on Gaza or for that matter the use of cluster bombs....How about you?

All sucks equally bad IMO

Israel 'admits' using white phosphorus munitions


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200 missiles that many of the "peace activists" don't seem to be troubled by or condemn.

My guess would be that the "peace activists" hate those 200 missiles just as much as they hate the phosphorus munitions that rain on Gaza or for that matter the use of cluster bombs....How about you?

All sucks equally bad IMO

Israel 'admits' using white phosphorus munitions


Are you saying then that the peace activists who lobby on behalf of Hamas and the other militants that launch attacks from Gaza have neutral view on the use of white phosphorous, because they sure haven't uttered a word on the missiles?

White phosphorous munitions did not "rain" on Gaza. WP is an acceptable and common component of land force ordinance because of its effectiveness as a smoke producing product. WP munitions come in the form of grenades, artillery shells and tank shells. There is a possibility that when the Israeli forces were taking fire they lay down defensive smoke and some shells may have missed their mark. Displaced ordinance is a common occurrence in war, particularly when the tank firing is moving while under attack. It is regrettable that some non combatants were injured, but Hamas should not have been using civilians as cover and as shields.

In answer to your quesion as to my views on WP, I believe it is an effective product that can reduce battlefield casualties. However, the issue here isn't the use of WP. Rather it is the 200+ rockets that Hamas rains down on Israel to borrow your dramatic term. Feel free to start another thread on WP. We can then compare the difference in strategic use between the Russians in Chechnya and the Israelis defending their border towns. If you want to know what WP "raining down" in a battle situation, please refer to Saddam Hussein, the deceased hero of the Arab world, that used WP on the Kurds. When Iraq used WP there were thousands of dead Kurds. When Israel used its WP there were minimal casualties. That does indicate a measured use of the material.

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Are you saying then that the peace activists who lobby on behalf of Hamas

Oh I see.........You were being sarcastic when you said peace activist...Kor Tort

As for WP its all bad no matter who is using it IMO

I would post pics but I dont think they would stay up long

As I said in my first reply...."All sucks equally bad IMO"

To be clear my whole reply was geared towards your claim that peace activists are not troubled by some deaths & only troubled by others. My posts states ...They probably hate it as much as anything else that causes death

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Are you saying then that the peace activists who lobby on behalf of Hamas

Oh I see.........You were being sarcastic when you said peace activist...Kor Tort

As for WP its all bad no matter who is using it IMO

I would post pics but I dont think they would stay up long

As I said in my first reply...."All sucks equally bad IMO"

To be clear my whole reply was geared towards your claim that peace activists are not troubled by some deaths & only troubled by others. My posts states ...They probably hate it as much as anything else that causes death

How come we never see those so called peace activist protesting aginst Hamas or the Taliban?

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How come we never see those so called peace activist protesting aginst Hamas or the Taliban?

Perhaps you could ask them & report back here?

How come the "peace loving" Israel-bashers on the Internet never have anything negative to say about them either

Beats the he11 out of me but if I had to hazard a guess it would be...Probably the same reason the Israeli Apologist never have anything negative to say about the Israelis?

Weird huh? Why ask Why?

Two wrongs dont make a right but two wrights can make an airplane....go figure

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200 missiles that many of the "peace activists" don't seem to be troubled by or condemn.

My guess would be that the "peace activists" hate those 200 missiles just as much as they hate the phosphorus munitions that rain on Gaza or for that matter the use of cluster bombs....How about you?

All sucks equally bad IMO

Israel 'admits' using white phosphorus munitions


Wait, that pic isn't necessarily of phosphorus grenades at all IIRC, to me it looks like a normal flare-deployment from a low-flying heli.

In either way, phosphorus grenades (shells if used by artillery) isn't a weapon as it would be very unrealiable and lack decent effect. It is used to cover troop-movement, used in defensive charges on tanks (to cover a tactical relocation of the unit) etc.

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Beats the he11 out of me but if I had to hazard a guess it would be...Probably the same reason the Israeli Apologist never have anything negative to say about the Israelis?

Weird huh? Why ask Why?

Two wrongs dont make a right but two wrights can make an airplane....go figure

Well, some of Israel's toughest critics are Israelis. It happens in the elected legislature. It happens before the courts. It happens in the streets when groups protest. There is a difference between constructive criticism, dissent in an open society and outright negativity. There are plenty of things wrong that Israel does, just as there are plenty of things wrong Norway or Japan do too. However, there is mechanism for change and dissent in these countries. The Israeli courts have been sharply critical of some government decisions and have ordered policy reversals. The point here is that dissent and disagreement occur, but because it is done in a relatively peaceful manner it doesn't make the news any more than when a labour run council in the UK gets its bum kicked by a high court.

I don't see the same vibrancy of expression in Israel's neighbours. When President Assad bulldozed the city of Hamm killing thousands of critics, no one said much. When Saudi Arabia carts off internal critics, again not a word. When the UAE sentences women for promiscuity, no one dare protest., but foreigners will line up to fly on the subsidized airlines that operate from the UAE. If you ever want to see criticism of Israel, put 3 Israelis in a room and the'll all start criticizing the country. If you want a loud boisterous argument, put 5 in a room. However, those same 5 people will quickly unite when faced with a hostile threat. It's the same process that united a diverse UK population when confronted with the dark cloud of war in the 1940's. It's what unites South Korea now as it faces SE Asia's version of Iran, the Great Leader in the north.

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I for one, think the rocket attacks are stupid and accomplish nothing. With that said, it is hard to put yourself in the Palestinian's shoes.

Many Germans felt that the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943 was self defense. I fully understand the argement that there is no comparison between the two from where we sit but, the individual Palestinian likely doesn't know much about the Warsaw Ghetto and in his world, life is just not good. You could argue that it is 3 times better than that which the Jews were faced with in the ghetto or pick any number you like. They feel threatened and are going to get a few kicks in if they can, regardless of the consequences.

An armed resistance may have seemed natural to any thinking person. The (Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa; ZOB had smuggled arms into the Ghetto and obviously were justified in what ever resistance action they chose.

There is no reason for the individual, poorly educated Palestinian to think beyond the worst and to resist is a natural response. They are extermely limited in their ability to respond. They have no idea what is in store for them and if they can be removed from their homes, they can be removed from life itself;

Expecting a group of abused stray dogs to participate in their caging and relocation is a hard nut to crack.

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The Palestinians are not "stray dogs". They are human beings who should be able to figure out that they have accomplished nothing by armed resistance - other than making their lives much worse than they would have been if they had compromised (but comparisons to Nazi death camps are absurd). If they had accepted the UN peace plan in 1948 - or other peace deals that they have been offered numerous times since - they would have their own thriving country by now.

As far as comparing them to the Holocaust Jews, that is frankly ridiculous. The Jews were pacifists who were almost wiped out simply because of their religion (hateful Nazi fantasies about them controlling the world are not even worth bringing up). They did not even fight back until they were on the edge of extinction.

The Arabs happily sold land to the Israelis and then tried to drive them off it and harassed then until declaring independence was the only choice. The Muslims then declared war on the tiny country which has never had peace in its existence. Why would Israel have any great love for their neighbors until they stop the pointless violence?

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I just wondering, why the Palesinans shot this firecracker?? What is the reason, happy with the occupation, good life, good fod, freedom, IDF killing mother, brother and sister?

You might want to read the fairy tale about "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".

After receiving 30 years of these "firecrackers". maybe the Israelis are simply tired of them.

Interesting first post. Reminds me of a couple of former members.

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My guess is that most Palestinian's are frightened to speak positively or openly of peace, for fear of retribution from their radical controllers. The people know Israel is a far better place, which would be more so if it didn't have to spend so much just to keep itself safe. It's like the North Korean's hating the South......they know it's a far better place, but dare not say so.

Hmm or maybe these people just want it, without having to do anything for it.

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Interesting first post. Reminds me of a couple of former members.

There seems to be a non-ending stream of newbies posting the exact same hate filled propaganda and in the same exact style as former posters who have been given suspensions or banned for such behavior. I am starting to wonder if it is all the same guy.

Anyway, making excuses for purposely targeting civilians is just plain sickening. :bah:

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