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What Does This Sentence Mean? An Idiom Of Some Sort?


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the phrase:ตื๊อเท่านั้นที่ครองโลกห้า

I can literally translate it, but it makes no sense at all, leading me to believe it's an idiom . . . .

the context:

This random thai girl keeps trying to flirt with me on the net, but I can care less and just ignore her. She's a friend of a friend, and so apparently she's heard good things about me or something . . . anyway, she said that phrase, and I think it has something to do with she liking me but I have no interest in return . . .

So, what does that phrase above mean?

ps - if you want a Thai gf in Canada, I'll pass on her info to you lol (serious)

Edited by farangnahrak
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ตื๊อเท่านั้นที่ครองโลกห้า..... The last word does not makes sense, should be :

ตื๊อเท่านั้นที่ครองโลก = only persistence can conquers the world.

Does it makes sense to you?

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"I could care less"

It certainly is an odd idiom. Obviously the correct expression was "I couldn't care less".

A bit of searching reveals: "It is originally British. The first record of it in print I know of is in 1946, as the title of a book by Anthony Phelps, recording his experiences in Air Transport Auxiliary during World War II. By then it had clearly become sufficiently well known that he could rely on its being recognised. It seems to have reached the US some time in the 1950s and to have become popular in the latter part of that decade. The inverted form I could care less was coined in the US and is found only there. It may have begun to be used in the early 1960s, though it turns up in a written form only in 1966."

Oh hang on, you're talking about the Thai sentence.... sorry. :blink:

Have a Merry Xmas, and pray the grammar police don't turn up. [i'm only kidding around]


Edited by Gaccha
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When I saw โลกห้า I wondered if she was talking about the fifth dimension. It seems a bit far-fetched to me, but I wonder if it has some connotation in youth or pop culture,

Why would she put ห้า in the sentence if she didn't mean it?

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Yes, thats the literal translation . . . I was just wondering if it was an idiom with an entirely different meaning . . .

No, it's not an idiom and I think she means it. She's going to pursues you till the end, you are in deep trouble, you better comeback to Thailand or you might ended up surrender to her determination.:)

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The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Persist until you succeed.

That's what I get out of this from Yahoo answers.

Has to do with flirting.

But I may have got it wrong


ตื้อเท่านั้นที่จะครองโลก คุณคิดว่าคำๆนี้สามารถใช้ได้



ยิ่งตื้อเก่งตื้ออย่างไม่ยอมลดละ เขาไล่ก็ไม่ไป


ตื้อทุกวันตื้อทุกที่ที่มีโอกาส แล้วจะสำเร็จสมหวัง


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I agree that this could be idomatic and, immediately, I saw that it could possibly mean something as simple as "Persistence pays off." I really think that this is the gist. About the "fifth," well, could be that she wants a fifth of whiskey or perfume . . . being light here, of course.

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