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Phuket Poll: Is Our Tap Water Safe To Drink?



46 members have voted

  1. 1. Is our tap water safe to drink?

    • Yes, it's safe do drink
    • No, it's not safe to drink
    • No opinion

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Just get them to deliver, you can get all kind of water direct to your door, just goggle water delivery

Good point. I get the big white ones delivered obviously, but I never thought about getting normal bottles delivered. Unless this stuff makes me sick or some evidence arises to make me believe it isn't safe, I will probably just stick with these.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tap water remains reputedly unsafe to drink, and many people won't even trust it after passing it through home filtration treatment systems (including myself). As to the bulk water bottles, there has always been those who won't trust it, but I've never had nor heard of anyone catching a bug from them.

Has anyone noticed that sometimes the water tastes like the plastic the bottle is made from? I have had a few bottles that are not drinkable. We had strong drives in the US and UK to ban certain plastics being used for water bottles as the plastic causes the water to become carcinogenic when left to long or left in heat or sunlight (we have a lot of those here). I know burnt toast in also cancer causing but the water worries me for some reason.

I have found it best to find the store that sells the most water and buy from them as they have a high turnover.

Bottoms Up.

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