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Leaked DSI Reports Connect Thai Soldiers To Two Shootings

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[What you mean to say is that there is "increasing rumour", because there is no evidence of him being hunted down.

It's not 'increasing rumour'...it's a fact many red shirts are being murdered...

It's not proven who is killing them.

It is a fact though that the grenade attacks across the city seem to of ended thankfully; coincidently? I think not.

It always seems a 'fact' that red-shirts get murdered. Same in April 2009, nothing substantiated then, nothing expected now.

As for trying to link lack of grenade attacks to a 'fact' of murdered reds, <deleted>. More likely caused by the failed course 'homemade bombs 101' in Nonthaburi. Interesting though some people think the red-shirts or at least a militant faction of them were responsible for the bombs and grenades. I wonder why, we only had about ten or so admitting to it and dozens of posters here who still try to convince everyone 'it wasn't the red-shirts', 'it's a government conspiracy', 'it was Seh Daeng'. Oops, strike the last one ;)

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Judging from recent court filings, it appears it might be Jatupornleaks.:whistling:

I am saddened by the deaths, but people who put themselves in harms way, in an active conflict area, will always be at risk.

The military strategist at the big Austalian SE Studies institute mentioned that the general impression globally military experts, was that Thai army urban suppression as an operation, was carried out very well, and would be used as an example for their own training programs.

Not defending any actions that prove themselves to be malicious but the operation itself was as effective as it could have been.

What a load of rubbish- any Australian Government on who's watch this type of extra-judicial murder took place would be forced to resign, after which there would be REAL investigations, Royal Commissions and prosecutions with lengthy jail terms for the soldiers involved...and how effective is an operation where innocent civilians like the photographer and the zookeeper get it in the neck?

And now around Chiang Mai there is increasing evidence of red shirts being hunted down and killed by government assassination squads...but no investigation of these deaths either.

The Burmese government must wonder how Thailand gets away with it without any international sanction..

Ask the Hero of the Reds Nai Thaksin. He had over 1,500 Thais murdered during his war on drugs. He should be in the Hague in the International Criminal Court facing justice. The Royal Thai Police colluded with the Red Movement allowing them to build barricades, stock pile weapons, make fire bombs and then the Red Guards assassinated police officers, destroyed public property, caused the deaths of soldiers, and put innocent protesters in harms way in the name of democracy. In the past I had great expectations of Nai Thaksin and his leadership. He proved himself to be an elitist concerned only with power and money. He is a hi-sco megalomaniac. Just what Thailand needs and Pue Thai would have the Thai people elect as President of The Democratic Republic Of Thailand! The biggest con game in Thailand's history continues.


I think those that are dead in chiang mai were most likely part of the militant extremist reds. I heard that dj noi on the radio many times calling for violent inserection.

What I was getting at was, who ever did the deed it's not proven, but the result of no more bombs is a good one.

Not all the grenade attacks could of been from the one guy who blew himself up. More likely extremist cells in a few cities. They evidence obtained from the flat, plus info from interrogations is unveiling the terrorist element, who are now getting taken out.

Hopefully scared the other terrorist sympathisers in to not doing anything that might lead to their ending up in a ditch.

For too long these lunatics were allowed to run around doing what the hell they liked with out consequence; killing civilians; threatening anyone of a different point of view, acting as if they run place, thug law; about time they were put down.

If it is the army then I commend them on a job well done and offer thanks for returning peace and stability to the nation.

I can now go pick the kid up from school and stop at the ATM or shops without wondering if we might get blown to bits.

[What you mean to say is that there is "increasing rumour", because there is no evidence of him being hunted down.

It's not 'increasing rumour'...it's a fact many red shirts are being murdered...

It's not proven who is killing them.

It is a fact though that the grenade attacks across the city seem to of ended thankfully; coincidently? I think not.

It always seems a 'fact' that red-shirts get murdered. Same in April 2009, nothing substantiated then, nothing expected now.

As for trying to link lack of grenade attacks to a 'fact' of murdered reds, <deleted>. More likely caused by the failed course 'homemade bombs 101' in Nonthaburi. Interesting though some people think the red-shirts or at least a militant faction of them were responsible for the bombs and grenades. I wonder why, we only had about ten or so admitting to it and dozens of posters here who still try to convince everyone 'it wasn't the red-shirts', 'it's a government conspiracy', 'it was Seh Daeng'. Oops, strike the last one ;)


Back on topic;

It's a shame anyone had to die but it's inevitable when the stakes have been risen to such a level. The blame lays squarely on those reds who started the terrorism; bombings ; etc


Back on topic;

It's a shame anyone had to die but it's inevitable when the stakes have been risen to such a level. The blame lays squarely on those reds who started the terrorism; bombings ; etc



Back on topic;

It's a shame anyone had to die but it's inevitable when the stakes have been risen to such a level. The blame lays squarely on those reds who started the terrorism; bombings ; etc



And I think a point being made earlier was that us guys (whoever that is) should accept that the Army killed civilians. I seem to see here that most of the seemingly rational thinking posting people accept that.

IMHO if a similar terrorist act as that of the Reds and their henchmen is attempted again then I am optomistist that the Army will act with even better efficency and a better result. Sometimes you have to deal to the mad dog the only way it understands.


There should have been military escort arranged for the zoo employee as he went to and from work.

He was shot on the night of April 10 after things had gone haywire. No one knew what was going on at that point.

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