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Khanom Waan-- Jellies With Coconut Cream


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im having our birthday/visa/anniverseray day on new years and we are doing the food : all thai...

i need a good quick recipe for those jelly thingies from agar agar, or jelly (jello) and cocoanut cream : i dont have pandanu leaves or jasmine water here (we have orange flower or almond water but not the same flavours)... so need some ideas. we do have blueboy red juice concentrate (that thai red berry flavour)...

i also have regular jello type jellies, but in my experience they slither and slide and melt and loose their shape if not frozen before serving... and i need them to stay in their shapes (putting them in decorative ice cube containers until hardeded)... hubby is doing everything all thai style including the cooking but we dont have time for sun drying agar agar (no sun at moment)... any ideas or recipes.... KISS (keep it simple stupid)....

also,, doing segu (tapioca) and need some fancy serving idea (in a glass bowl , not individual portions)...

many thanx... (we have a zillion thai cookbooks, all in thai, but im doing the desserts, so need them geared for my kibbutz kitchen)



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  • 11 months later...

I thought you might be doing another party this coming New Year, here's the link to YT


2 tbsp Agar Agar

5 cups water

1 cup sugar

1tsp salt

2 tbsp coconut milk

Food colorings and Pandan extract (if frozen or fresh Pandan leaves not available) OR any flower extract (I personally like orange and rose waters, too)

Cookie or small cake molds or muffin pan

If the instruction in Thai is hard to understand, just let me know. I'll write the recipe in English for you.

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thank you so much. amazing that one year later someone can help me out. well, unfortunaetly here in israel new years is not celebrated very widely and it falls on a sunday which for me is a work day so we will do something small this year... BUT for our birthdays/visa day (all in december) we are doing a small party.. so thank you again... and i will ask u for th translation if needed...

ivbe actually succeeded to make some large pans full of jellies but cannot seem to do the layered many coloured ones. the jellies slither off eachother...

rose water is no problem here in israel neither is orange water...

we dont have those pandan leaves however... havent a clue what they are even in hebrew...

last year i made some with blue food colouring but it looked like alien desserts and people were afraid to eat it:))

an other time i made the cocanut cream but put too much agar agar and it was so stiff that it was like eating tire rubber..

will try again..


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last year i made some with blue food colouring but it looked like alien desserts and people were afraid to eat it:))

an other time i made the cocanut cream but put too much agar agar and it was so stiff that it was like eating tire rubber..

will try again..


Good luck to you!

As far as how food turns out, I still make mistakes even cooking and feeding me all my life.

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