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Driver Of Sedan In Bangkok Horror Road Accident Was A 16-Year Old Girl


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Can you please list EXACTLY what horrible crimes this girl is guilty of, in your opinion.- scooter.

Scooter, you're kidding me right? Any sane person can figure this one out.

I have no idea if this girl caused the accident and no rational person can be sure of this at this point especially given all the emotionally charged misinformation being spread out there regarding this tragedy. But assuming she did, through carelessness or mistake cause this accident and not through drugs or drinking, there would be no reason under the law to lock her up unless there was a likely hood she would re-offend or posed a danger to others.- nisa.

Nisa, statement was already issued through official channels by her parent, indicating fault. So you think what she did was OK? and she should not be locked up until she kills 8 more people?

I guess you both are entitled to your opinions.

Here's mine: The kid should be subjected to the full force of the Thai law, only time can tell what that is. I also beleive the owner of the car should be responsible for letting the kid drive.

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I think the owner of the car will pay dearly for this... the owner of the car gave permission for the 16 year old to drive... unless the owner decides to say it was stolen (opening up a whole new can of worms).

Interesting how her friend's name has been kept out of all this nor has the hang-em high crowd gone after her/him. I assume the friend is not a minor if they own a car.

Nisa, you keep losing me with your 'hang em high' stuff. What hang em high crowd, there isnt any here. Ive got a good idea, why don't you run along and find some of those hang em high people and voice your VERY RELEVANT arguement with them, instead of discussing it with people that have only suggested that a competent investigation be completed and the rule of the law applied. How does that sound?

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Gregb, your last paragraph sums it up better, nisa,theycallmescooter, the do gooders with all the fancy writing, and comments dont wash with what the majority thinks about this, a good idea do gooders, is to cut out the B/S and ask, who,s fault was it, why, looks like a spoilt lass without any responsibility. Old enough to know better, needs shaking up, and justice applied.


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I think the owner of the car will pay dearly for this... the owner of the car gave permission for the 16 year old to drive... unless the owner decides to say it was stolen (opening up a whole new can of worms).

Interesting how her friend's name has been kept out of all this nor has the hang-em high crowd gone after her/him. I assume the friend is not a minor if they own a car.

Nisa, you keep losing me with your 'hang em high' stuff. What hang em high crowd, there isnt any here. Ive got a good idea, why don't you run along and find some of those hang em high people and voice your VERY RELEVANT arguement with them, instead of discussing it with people that have only suggested that a competent investigation be completed and the rule of the law applied. How does that sound?

We should not jump to conclusion. Take 1 step back, and wait for the investigation report. Let the case handle by the police. If necessary, send the case to court, and have the case announce a miss-trial, because someone police officer forgot to dot the i, and cross the tee, in the case report.

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One with intelligence might look at the photos of the Honda being displayed on this page and see there are no unedited pictures of her next to the car and that the car on this FB page has different rims then the one she is standing near at the accident..

Agreed Nisa, also, I may be mistaken but the car on the FB pic appears to be a Honda City (perhaps Im wrong), yet isnt the one in the collision a Civic?

Of course, vehicle parts can always be changed, I'd like to know if thats all legitimate or soemthing else that some idiot has played with online.

I don't trust anything online & people should wait and see what the 'official' take is on this, assuming everything will be kept 'above board' with this of course :rolleyes:

edit to say, sorry I just saw Tywais post.

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I have a killer argument which will be my final attempt at getting blood-thirsty vigilantes to see reason. I can't believe I didn't think to frame the issue this way until now.

anyone who still believes that, should slap themselves. Really, really hard.

YAWN! Yes okay scooter, we've already heard this, one thousand times. Perhaps you could give yourself a slap, but please, make sure its a devastating one.

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Maybe you should add the question How many of you have been driving around on a highway below the legal age?Not sure you gonna get many responses.

Sigh. kk I give up.

I'll get the tinder and the stake. Yall have some rope to bind her to it? Let's light her up, it'll make us feel justice was served and as a bonus, serve to teach future underage and immature kids an important lesson that will surely make them think twice before they speed in their sports cars stressing about whatever it is children stress about.

I've got a better idea, why don't you just put your little agenda to bed, take a deep breath and wait for the investigation to be completed & then we can see what processes are going to be put in place, ie: criminal justice system or nothing.

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We should not jump to conclusion. Take 1 step back, and wait for the investigation report. Let the case handle by the police. If necessary, send the case to court, and have the case announce a miss-trial, because someone police officer forgot to dot the i, and cross the tee, in the case report.

And the reason you are attaching this to my previous post is ??? :huh:

I have been saying the same thing all along. I'm just getting so tired of the brainless and endless chit chat about 'hang em high' by two particlar posters, when there really isnt any HANG EM HIGH stuff going on here.

Those two people should take their rants to places like FACEBOOK where their knowledge and determination to drive everyone around the twist is required.

Of course, those same to people have decided they would rather stay here and annoy people who are just logically discussing the issue and not calling for blood. Makes no sense, perhaps they just want to pedal their hidden agendas. :rolleyes:

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I do not concur that it should be assuaged with retribution directed at the child. If a two year old did this, would you be as angry? A ten year old? A 13-year-old? Do you see the point I'm attempting to make?

The girl's parents are partly to blame. The car owner is partly to blame. But the tragic deaths of nine people in this accident can really only be attributed fairly to society. A society who thinks a 16 year old girl can be expected to operate a miracle of 1200 horsepower in a combustion engine with power steering in a safe or competent manner on a high-speed motorway at night. They cannot. For the same reason an 11 year old cannot. That...is the issue.


I have no idea how you can come up with this sort of material.

Firstly, nobody here that I have seen has said that any retribution should be directed to this child, however, they have said that the rule of the law should be applied. Perhaps you don't understand what laws actually are. Perhaps you don't understand that in the eye of the law being a 16 year old doesnt excuse all your bad behaviour (especially where deaths are concerned). For your issue of a 2 yo, 10, 13 yo, understand that if this child was 2, this wouldnt be an issue, however, from 7 and up, here in Thailand, if the child can understand what they were doing is wrong, then according to the law they can answer to their actions. Its not that extreme, many countries have the age of Criminal Liability listed around 10 years old, give or take a couple of years.

Secondly, your comments about Society and what they expect are misguided. You've obviously done some reading but didnt comprehend that well. It is well documented and accepted around the world that Children of certain ages have difficulties judging speed and distance, its one of the reasons why many societies lower their speed limits around schools.

Society here in Thailand does NOT EXPECT a 16 year old to handle a 1200 horsepower car with powered steering on a high speed motorway at night, what nonesense. For your information, that is why at the age of 16, she can't get a drivers licence to do that. So clearly that isnt the issue. Also that high speed highway is actually an 80 km/h zone, its just some treat it as a high speed highway.

People like you always like to blame society as a whole however don't expect anyone to stand up and take individual responsibility for their actions.

Life doesnt work like that.

You are going on about the 16 yo bit without actually thinking it through. Nobody is suggesting that if a prima facie case exists against the 16 yo that she should be dealt with like an adult, nobody. However there are systems in place to deal with persons under the age of 18, so rest assured I am sure they will be applied. Let it be said, if the girl was old enough to get into the motorvehicle & drive it in the fashion indicated (even as her very own mother may suggest) then theres a good chance she new what she was doing was wrong (at more than one level) then she is old enough (especially at 16) to stand up and face the consequences of her actions, if in fact she is not challenged in some way.

Scooter, you stated the car was 1200 cc and being a Honda, neither the city, or the civic, to my knowledge has a 1200 cc engine, the city 1500/1600- and the civic 1800 cc. my toyota with the same power can easily eat 150 kph. These are missiles and driven at high speed, and carelessly, inflict carnage in crashes. old and young have to understand this. They have to take responsibility for their actions, YES even at 16. DO YOU GET THAT. please let your feeling sorry -thing drop once and for all. As I said before, comments are comments, some over the top both ways but your attitude makes most people annoyed to say the least. So please lets get off this thing about the girls welfare bit. and wait to see what happens. Just to add. was it a honda civic or a honda city == anyone know for sure....then we wont be getting mixed up story,s. WE KNOW THE engine cc. now dont we scooter.

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There's nothing from the mother saying the van went into the daughter's lane.

Not a reference to the translation obviously, but just in today's English-language daily:

"Ms Laddawan said the accident took place when her daughter tried to avoid the van, which kept changing lanes."


Can someone translate Thai English to English for me please, what does this mean:

"We are not fleeing", Ms Laddawan said, "but we will wait for the public to calm down. One may want to escape prosecution, but we cannot escape responsibility."

(was after an explanation for the 3 hospital changes and in respect of the fact she didn't report to police on Wednesday)

Am I correct in reading that to mean an offer for compensation, combined with a plea not to push for a prosecution?

At the end of the day, the bottom line is that the girl was not qualified to drive! And should not have been on the road Period!

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Quote from the OP: " They said persons of that age were not entitled to a driver's licence, nor could they be fully subject to criminal and civil liability for deaths and damage." By this logic anyone who is underage for a firearms licence can illegally get a gun and cause untold damage but not be fully responsible :blink:

This basically, is the law, to protect minors. Many Thai hate that rediculous law. One of the wife's customers came in last night just before we closed at 10:30pm, and on the wife's pc, showed this girls facebook page. She is indeed 18, going to a university, and family is concealing best as they can, her true age, just to protect her from prosecution. Also, she posted in her facebook, a picture of the accident, and a shot of herself with a macho stance and expression, as if proud of her power. This morning, her facebook acct has been closed so no one can access it. I suppose someone smarter than her, told her she better shut it down. This drama will continue I think.

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Quote from the OP: " They said persons of that age were not entitled to a driver's licence, nor could they be fully subject to criminal and civil liability for deaths and damage." By this logic anyone who is underage for a firearms licence can illegally get a gun and cause untold damage but not be fully responsible :blink:

This basically, is the law, to protect minors. Many Thai hate that rediculous law. One of the wife's customers came in last night just before we closed at 10:30pm, and on the wife's pc, showed this girls facebook page. She is indeed 18, going to a university, and family is concealing best as they can, her true age, just to protect her from prosecution. Also, she posted in her facebook, a picture of the accident, and a shot of herself with a macho stance and expression, as if proud of her power. This morning, her facebook acct has been closed so no one can access it. I suppose someone smarter than her, told her she better shut it down. This drama will continue I think.

I assume prosecutors,even here in Thaiand,use other sources for knowing ones real age then looking at facebook pages.An ID-card springs to mind.

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This morning, her facebook acct has been closed so no one can access it. I suppose someone smarter than her, told her she better shut it down. This drama will continue I think.

If only there existed some way or method or system of recording what was once visible on the screen in some kind of photo or frozen shot of some kind.

I guess we could take your word for it.

But it would have been really handy if you could have taken a photograph of the computer screen, and mailed it to the Internet.

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Just want to debate about the horsepower figure I pulled out of thin air with you all...

As opposed to the rest of your information you seem to pull out of your backside? :lol:

The pot calling the kettle black.

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Quote from the OP: " They said persons of that age were not entitled to a driver's licence, nor could they be fully subject to criminal and civil liability for deaths and damage." By this logic anyone who is underage for a firearms licence can illegally get a gun and cause untold damage but not be fully responsible :blink:

This basically, is the law, to protect minors. Many Thai hate that rediculous law. One of the wife's customers came in last night just before we closed at 10:30pm, and on the wife's pc, showed this girls facebook page. She is indeed 18, going to a university, and family is concealing best as they can, her true age, just to protect her from prosecution. Also, she posted in her facebook, a picture of the accident, and a shot of herself with a macho stance and expression, as if proud of her power. This morning, her facebook acct has been closed so no one can access it. I suppose someone smarter than her, told her she better shut it down. This drama will continue I think.

Please stop publishing BS.

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Just want to debate about the horsepower figure I pulled out of thin air with you all...

As opposed to the rest of your information you seem to pull out of your backside? :lol:

The pot calling the kettle black.

Can you supply an example to back up your claim?

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Just to add. was it a honda civic or a honda city == anyone know for sure....then we wont be getting mixed up story,s. WE KNOW THE engine cc. now dont we scooter.

Please see my clarification on this here. The Civic comes in 1.8 and 2.0 liter engines. The 2.0 has 155 HP, ABS, Electronic Brake Distribution (EBD), and Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA - same as TSC in other brands). Suspect none of these advanced safety features would have helped in this scenario though.

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Maybe this is why I am so confused by some posts here ... I didn't realize TV set up this thread to make sure "justice in seen" through the eyes of a bunch of farangs.

No, the forum was set up so 'anyone' including farangs could join and discuss issues that relates to Thailand and stuff. Get over it.

Please don't turn this thread into one where you can launch attacks regarding your cuddly little belief that nobody should be in jail. Make another thread.

Please wake up and don't turn this thread into a launching platforum for your beliefs regarding the criminal justice system and what is and isnt right about incarceration.


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Just want to debate about the horsepower figure I pulled out of thin air with you all...

As opposed to the rest of your information you seem to pull out of your backside? :lol:

The pot calling the kettle black.

Can you supply an example to back up your claim?

Need more than the above? I only went back two pages for those.

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Need more than the above? I only went back two pages for those.

You've supplied nothing. You made an allegation about me, that I have stated something that isnt correct perhaps. Im simply asking you to provide an example of that, so far, you have nothing.

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You see Nisa, its blatently obvious that you and your offsider have either a very strange idea of how things work or no idea whatsoever, however you insist on littering this thread (& the other one) with constant quotes about the 'hang em high' brigade etc, when indeed nobody here has even really gone down that road.

From what Ive read here, people are discussing what has been made available and been making statements like they hope its investigated properly and the rule of the law applied. What part of that process don't you and scooter understand?

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Nobody here has really called for anything more than a thorough investigation and then the law applied appropriately.

Factually untrue.

How, show me the post here that states somebody saying this child should be strung up? (or similar words).

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Nobody here has really called for anything more than a thorough investigation and then the law applied appropriately.

Factually untrue.

How, show me the post here that states somebody saying this child should be strung up? (or similar words).

Already wasted enough time on this but suggest you read the previous posts although not sure you need to look for "strung up" or 'similar words" since that is nothing to do with the above quote by you ... should we add this to the other 'pulling out of the behind" quotes? ;-)

Time to get back on topic but feel free to take a last dig at me ... I won't respond and you can have the last words.

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Nobody here has really called for anything more than a thorough investigation and then the law applied appropriately.

Factually untrue.

How, show me the post here that states somebody saying this child should be strung up? (or similar words).

Let's please stop the bickering.

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You see Nisa, its blatently obvious that you and your offsider have either a very strange idea of how things work or no idea whatsoever, however you insist on littering this thread (& the other one) with constant quotes about the 'hang em high' brigade etc, when indeed nobody here has even really gone down that road.

From what Ive read here, people are discussing what has been made available and been making statements like they hope its investigated properly and the rule of the law applied.

You do realise there is a Facebook group of 250,000 blood-thirty Thais who are calling for things really quite vile and disturbing and horrific to be done.

The sheer lying and maliciously false claims being made over and over (with evidence disproving them repeatedly simply ignored in lieu of propagating hate) is simply vile and shames Thailand in ways that are really more tragically sad than anything else.

I'm quite sure I could participate in your redundant challenge and show you up with egg on your face regarding posters on TV forum (specifically), but I have a disinclination to redundancy, in general. So you please continue to care about the specific horsepower of her engine and demand proof that the discourse on TV forum hasn't been the calm and reasoned dialogue you ludicrously claim it has consisted of...I will go cry for Thailand somewhere else. Clearly references to lynching and stake-burning and vigilante mobs hungry for blood are referencing vigilante mobs hungry for blood who are posting demands that are pretty whoa...the sheer hatred of this child by these people (again, I'd like to know how many of them are quite comfortable receiving remittances of related teenage girls participating in the 1 million-strong tragedy of a form of brainwashed sex slavery)...the sheer hatred is just chilling.

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