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Driver Of Sedan In Bangkok Horror Road Accident Was A 16-Year Old Girl

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http://www2.manager....D=9530000182495 . . . I think you are all wrong. According to Yellow hi-so PAD Manager.co.th, the van was modified to put in a heavy NGV tank at the back, casing it to be unstable and flip over. Also, there is evident, red paint mark on the Honda sedan, mean that possibly, another red car is the cause of the accident, collided with Honda, which then have to choice but to collided with the van. The van should NOT be on the road in the first place, since it was MODIFIED with a NGV tank. Please leave the poor girl alone. She is innocent, and have the physical & metal ability to txt message while over-taking, unlike some old drivers could could not single task; let along multi-task. Please remember that children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride ...

Simply a TROLL post & nothing more. Thanks Piengrudee for once again demonstrating the low level you operate from. This post of yours needs to be filed with your other FAILED attempts. :rolleyes:

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Bringing up seat belts in this story is simply a way to shift blame from the 16-year old girl and whoever owned the car she was driving that they apparently let her use. Regardless of the debate of seat belts in vans, these injuries were caused because of an illegal and inexperienced driver.


What exactly did this girl do? Why are you all so willing to vilify her? I have no idea what really happened as I wasn't there, only that I saw elsewhere that the reason the crash happened was due to road rage of the van driver swerving in front of the sedan and braking hard. So where's the blame for the van driver?

Just love how people love to play judge jury and executioner on her without the facts or with only a cursory view of them.

Where have you seen that report? The photos seem to indicate something else, also at this time the girl has been charged, but no other charges have been made. Read the thai websites and it seems to indicate that the girl was at fault.


her twitter account is suddenly not longer available for everyone...


Is that a Moustache? :unsure:

Could this explain what 'hisoboko' means (his a blokeo) ? :huh:


And you people thinking Piengrudee is anything but a troll need to get your posting-permissions revoked, you are filling up this thread with nonsense-posts and attacks on the girls based on non-existent evidence.


What exactly did this girl do? Why are you all so willing to vilify her? I have no idea what really happened as I wasn't there, only that I saw elsewhere that the reason the crash happened was due to road rage of the van driver swerving in front of the sedan and braking hard. So where's the blame for the van driver?

Just love how people love to play judge jury and executioner on her without the facts or with only a cursory view of them.

She rear-ended the van ... can't think of any circumstances where she would not be responsible for the accident.


Hopefully she will get done for something, if not I think there might be a bit of a public outcry. At University she might find herself being looked upon differently by her fellow students.

The law needs to change though, if she was driving then she should be punished for the deaths of the victims. Apparently she had a driving license too, so the Provincial Officer at that Issuing Office should be investigated and also charged,

So the jury is back already " if she was driving then she should be punished for the deaths of the victims" and "hopefully she will get done for something"

What sort of sicko can come up with such comments?

In many countries one can get a drivers licence at 15 and this has not resulted in a disproprtionate number of 15yo's being involved in RTA's fatal or otherwise.

Actually you are way off as younger drivers are responsible and involved in significantly more accidents. It is why insurance rates are so high for young drivers.


Please don't shoot the messenger. I am simply tel you what is reported by a respectable media, manager.co.th . Also, the finding about the NGV tank has caused the accident is not my findings, but the findings of THAI UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS. Please don't shoot the messenger. I have already post both links. Scroll up. Use Google translate if you cannot read Thai.


The whole culture is 'we don't care - we don't have responsibility' Mummy and Daddy will fix it - it's an utter disgrace

You talking about Thai culture or George W Bush culture? Same same but different? ;)


no matter if the driver of the van did brake suddenly or not, at least the girl didnt keep enough distance to the car in front of her, else she would not have been crashed into the van.

so for sure in europe she is guilty, maybe not the only one guilty, but she is. some people should think before posting...


And what did she "twitter" ?

heres the pic of the girl. from what she twittered after the accident she was more excited than concerned...


No proof that she did, she might have been scrolling her phone-book to call her parents, insurance company etc, as most people would...

if i am involved into an accident i would try to help help help and not call some stupid insurance or the parents or my best friend. they cant help at this time.

but good she saved her bag, hmm? better to take care the bag than the victims... OMG

her twitter account is suddenly not longer available for everyone... <a href='http://web90.server2.kingstaff-server.net/imagehostallsiam/view.php?filename=929pear_devahastin.jpg' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'><img src="http://web90.server2.kingstaff-server.net/imagehostallsiam/images/929pear_devahastin.jpg" />
She look very innocent to me. Not someone who would conduct 8 man slaughter.

This is another example of your tasteless trolls. Not even you could be that stupid. :rolleyes:


http://www2.manager....D=9530000182495 . . . I think you are all wrong. According to Yellow hi-so PAD Manager.co.th, the van was modified to put in a heavy NGV tank at the back, casing it to be unstable and flip over. Also, there is evident, red paint mark on the Honda sedan, mean that possibly, another red car is the cause of the accident, collided with Honda, which then have to choice but to collided with the van. The van should NOT be on the road in the first place, since it was MODIFIED with a NGV tank. Please leave the poor girl alone. She is innocent, and have the physical & metal ability to txt message while over-taking, unlike some old drivers could could not single task; let along multi-task. Please remember that children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride ...

:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: God I love this country!!! :wai::wai::wai:


I think we all agree Thai driving is horrendous - I hate it - so selfish

No worse than Paris, New York or Los Angeles. You wanna see some seriously F'd up driving- go take a spin in India! :lol:


Please don't shoot the messenger. I am simply tel you what is reported by a respectable media, manager.co.th . Also, the finding about the NGV tank has caused the accident is not my findings, but the findings of THAI UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS. Please don't shoot the messenger. I have already post both links. Scroll up. Use Google translate if you cannot read Thai.

Those professors should be rented out to the rest of the world where nobody else could be able to make such findings in such a short period. Then again I am not taking into account how incredible the modern resources available here in Thailand and at their universities are. ;-)


I have not gone through all the news accounts of this story but WHO OWNED THE CAR?

If she isn't charged with auto theft then the person who allowed her to drive this vehicle unlicensed and underage needs to be held partially accountable. Anything short of the owner pressing charges for theft would mean they condone(d) her driving the vehicle illegally and any rational person would know an accident is a reasonable result of this kind of action.


I think we all agree Thai driving is horrendous - I hate it - so selfish

No worse than Paris, New York or Los Angeles. You wanna see some seriously F'd up driving- go take a spin in India! :lol:

In some ways I find Thai driving much better than NY or LA. Can you imagine what would happen in either of those cities if they didn't have as many stop lights or stop signs or pedestrian crossings as is the case in BKK or if you had to make constant u-turns as a matter of standard driving practices to get where you are going? What about giving the people of LA or NY a day off from tickets as they did in BKK a few months ago?

I hear you in terms of driving habits here being insane but I am really amazed there are not more accidents and deaths as would be the case if there were so many tiny motorbikes on the road in those cities as here.


If this goes by the well worn method of doing something 'bad' here, some authorities and victims will get paid off, then these girls will likely just end up with 'going abroad for school' after this all blows over. They'll quietly move back 4-5 years down the road when 'Film' Ratapoom or 'Ken' Teeradech gets some random starlet pregnant and the media won't even pay them a paragraph of news time.


Excuse me for being so crass, but from a Thai perspective, how will this affect the sin sot value of little miss hi-so?

her twitter account is suddenly not longer available for everyone... <a href='http://web90.server2.kingstaff-server.net/imagehostallsiam/view.php?filename=929pear_devahastin.jpg' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'><img src="http://web90.server2.kingstaff-server.net/imagehostallsiam/images/929pear_devahastin.jpg" />
She look very innocent to me. Not someone who would conduct 8 man slaughter.

This is another example of your tasteless trolls. Not even you could be that stupid. :rolleyes:

I'm afraid she could...


PM on the van accident (re: the prominent last name). "no one has a privilege and no one is above the law." /via@jeerapong_nna /via@veen_NT

A fine sentiment but the reality is somewhat different.


Please don't shoot the messenger. I am simply tel you what is reported by a respectable media, manager.co.th . Also, the finding about the NGV tank has caused the accident is not my findings, but the findings of THAI UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS. Please don't shoot the messenger. I have already post both links. Scroll up. Use Google translate if you cannot read Thai.

Those professors should be rented out to the rest of the world where nobody else could be able to make such findings in such a short period. Then again I am not taking into account how incredible the modern resources available here in Thailand and at their universities are. ;-)

You've nailed this one right on the head Nisa.

The task of a proper & profession Collision Investigation and Reconstruction is a very technical one. There are many stages to this process and they always start with very comprehensive measurements & examination of the scene and there are very few people around that are qualified to do so. It would be virtually impossible to come up with such a theory in such a short space of time.

It may be the case that certain professors may be making comments about the weight inside the mini-van at the time of the impact & the fact that this MAY HAVE contributed to the way in which the van responded after being impacted by the other vehicle. Of course, its commonplace for some of these vans to have up to 19 people onboard at any given time.

Of course some people 'think' they are qualified to make statements about things just because that have a PHD that relates to one thing or another :rolleyes: .

It could be the case that someone is trying to make a point about the weight in the Van at the time of the impact. I have seen these vans loaded with 16 passengers in the rear (4 per row) with the use of little attach on seats which are positioned in the gaps between seats and 3 in the front (including driver). Now if the average passenger in this scenario weighed 55kg, thats 1045kg. The Toyota 'Commuter Vans' are rated, depending on model with a payload of about 1060kg. That payload is consumed by everything that is added to that vehicle, from People to Fuel right down to the cd's hanging from the rear vision mirror. It is HIGHLY likely that all these vans, once fully loaded with passengers exceed their GVM's. Perhaps that is one of the points being raised by certain academics.

Dispite all of that stuff that is determined about what occurred after the initial impact there is the issue of the 'Initial Impact' and what caused that to occurr. Something triggered all of this & generally that something normally relates to vehicle drivers.


If this goes by the well worn method of doing something 'bad' here, some authorities and victims will get paid off, then these girls will likely just end up with 'going abroad for school' after this all blows over. They'll quietly move back 4-5 years down the road when 'Film' Ratapoom or 'Ken' Teeradech gets some random starlet pregnant and the media won't even pay them a paragraph of news time.


Excuse me for being so crass, but from a Thai perspective, how will this affect the sin sot value of little miss hi-so?

It will shoot up if she is seen to be untouchable in the eyes of the law


I have seen these vans loaded with 16 passengers in the rear (4 per row)

using a van several times a week on different routes within bangkok for a year now i NEVER have seen a van loaded with 4 people/row in the back. NEVER! Not in one of the backrows!

also the vans in the province far away from bangkok were NEVER overloaded with people.


this is the message she posted on bb or twitter. got from dek-d



"I just hit the van a minute. don't know how many people die 555 (hahaha) so exciting will upload picture.

update.. it would seem that this is not the same person as the driver... or so other people are saying.... :whistling:


If this goes by the well worn method of doing something 'bad' here, some authorities and victims will get paid off, then these girls will likely just end up with 'going abroad for school' after this all blows over. They'll quietly move back 4-5 years down the road when 'Film' Ratapoom or 'Ken' Teeradech gets some random starlet pregnant and the media won't even pay them a paragraph of news time.


Excuse me for being so crass, but from a Thai perspective, how will this affect the sin sot value of little miss hi-so?

She's from a different world than the 'non-refundable' sin sot world most folks around here know. In her world it's almost invariably a just for show situation. It probably does mean fewer suitors as there are plenty of families who don't want this kind daughter in law in the house. Maybe instead of marrying into TFB or BBL she'll have to marry into Seacon or Ritta. This incident likely means she has to distance herself from her current society and go study abroad (and likely get a better education) for a few years. Potentially it means she has to live abroad permanently if she wants to truly put it behind her since it will always kind of be in her face in her 'world' even though it won't really be public news any more. Plenty of relatively well off Thais have walked the same road. Get pregnant at the wrong time, messy divorce, medical malpractice, etc.... same formula.



I have seen these vans loaded with 16 passengers in the rear (4 per row)

using a van several times a week on different routes within bangkok for a year now i NEVER have seen a van loaded with 4 people/row in the back. NEVER! Not in one of the backrows!

also the vans in the province far away from bangkok were NEVER overloaded with people.

Maybe so for the vans in provinces far away, but I was in the front seat of a van that I caught from Victory Monument to Chaengwattana just a few days ago, in the afternoon PM traffic & it was loaded in this exact way. All the vans during the peak times were being sent off packed this way. On the front two rows of the rear, there were little fold down seats & in the 3 row from the front there was a little seat that clipped between two other seats.

At the time I was greatful to be sitting in the front passengers seat because I just physically wouldnt fit into one of the makeshift seats.


this is the message she posted on bb or twitter. got from dek-d



"I just hit the van a minute. don't know how many people die 555 (hahaha) so exciting will upload picture.

thats shocking.


I have seen these vans loaded with 16 passengers in the rear (4 per row)

using a van several times a week on different routes within bangkok for a year now i NEVER have seen a van loaded with 4 people/row in the back. NEVER! Not in one of the backrows!

also the vans in the province far away from bangkok were NEVER overloaded with people.

I got into one of these vans a while ago and counted 19, yes 19! people in it. I got out at the first opportunity, never again.

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